🌺🌸July Daily Weighing and Logging Challenge 🌺🌸



  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from June 30th): 198.2
    Goal: (Five lb Loss) 193.2
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/02-197.6-(Trend Weight 197.5)-

    07/03-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/05-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/06-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/07-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/08-195.8-(Trend Weight 196.7)-

    07/09-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.6)-

    07/10-194.4-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/11-197.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/12-196.4-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/13-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/14-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/15-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/16-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/17-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/18-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/19-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/20-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/21-194.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/22-195.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)- My foodie daughter has been here since Thur evening although working during the day. I’m been babysitting DGS Age 5. I watched my portion sizes yesterday but Pasta always shows up on the scale for me. Leftovers today. I’ll probably freeze the rest. I didn’t get any exercising in yesterday technically although I ran after him all day and went to the park for awhile with him which fulfilled lots of steps for me. I did get in some minimal strength training.

    07/23-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)- Slightly down on the scale and the trend weight is responding well. I need TMI though. I’ve been having some issues lately. It’s time to focus on more water and maybe take a magnesium pill today.

    07/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi! I’m a grandma of 8 from Canada. I live near my kids and help out babysitting a fair bit. I was never overweight when I was young, but have probably been obese off an on for the past 20 years. Something changed in my mental outlook about 5 months ago when my doctor told me I was now diabetic. She had previously warned me, but I just didn’t pay attention. I listened this time and am taking it seriously. I’m determined to get healthy.
    My goal is to be able to stop taking several prescribed drugs, and lower blood sugar levels. I believe it will take me over a year to do this, but I’m going to do it. I was always healthy before I got fat. I have over 100 lbs. to lose. I’ve already lost 35 in the last 5 months, decreased my bp medication, and my blood sugar level has decreased significantly.
    I’ve made lifestyle changes, and I’m counting calories most days. I’ve started swimming more. Recently, I even travelled for the first time in years.

    Starting weight: 230
    Goal weight: 130 (maybe less)
    Height: 5’2”

    July 3: 202 lbs.
    July 4: 201
    July 6: 199.8 thrilled to be in ‘onederland’
    July 9: 198
    July10: 197
    July 11: overate, not weighing
    July 12: 201 I knew this would happen
    July 13: NW
    July 14: cottage
    July 15: cottage
    July 16: cottage
    July 17: cottage
    July 18: cottage
    July 19: cottage
    July 20: 196.6 so thrilled, back below July 10 weight
    July 21: 195.8 did aerobics class, first time in years, difficult
    July 22: 195.6 morning swim for 50 min. Was sick to stomach afterwards.
    July 23: 195.6 morning swim for 50 min. Tried on my clothes yesterday, and was surprised to find that some are too big. I’ve been at this for 5 months and it’s taken that long for me to notice a real change in size. Probably because My clothes are stretchy! I’m actually excited to go shopping. I’ll wait for the cooler, fall weather though. Even though I still have a lot more weight to lose, lately, I feel like a different person. I feel more like someone who is living life. Tomorrow I’m going to try an aerobics class. It’s just a video, and mostly stretching from what I’ve been told, but I’m nervous. When I tried it last Friday, I felt really sick and had to take a break. I’m excited to try it again though.🙂 this is a huge step forward for me. A few months ago, I didn’t have the strength to get up off the couch. Now, I actually want to exercise.(sometimes lol).
    July 24:
    July 25:
    July 26:
    July 27:
    July 28:
    July 29:
    July 30:
    July 31:

    I don’t really have a specific goal for July, but I would love to be out of the 190’s into the 180’s, as far away from 200 as possible. I never want to see that dreaded number again.
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2023
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 and watch my grandkids 5 days a week. I watch 4 of them 5 days a weeks and 6 on Wednesdays so I keep busy with babies all week. They are all 3yrs and under. I weigh weekly. This daily group accountability is awesome! I absolutely love this group.

    Goals for July:
    Walk for 30 minutes a day 6 days a week
    Log all my food daily
    Hit at least 10,000 steps 6 days a week

    July SW:177
    July GW:167

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 14k+
    5. Walked, logged, 18k+
    6. Walked, logged, 21k+
    7. Walked, logged, 24k+
    8. Walked, logged, 13k+, weight 173 😊
    9. Logged, rest day
    10. Walked, logged, 23k+
    11. Walked, logged, 23k+
    12. Walked, logged, 24k+
    13. Walked, logged, 25k+ (first time I have hit 25k...and I am beat)
    14. Walked, logged, 17k+
    15. Logged and was over...I decided to treat myself today. 😊 , weight 171
    16. Walked, logged, 10k+
    17. Walked, logged, 23k+
    18. Walked, logged, 21k+
    19. Walked, logged, 24k+
    20. Walked, logged, 25k+
    21. Walked, logged, 21k+
    22. Logged, rest day, weight 168 😊
    23. Walked, logged, 16k+

    Having a great weekend...haven't gone over calories....I am surprised. But we decided on Saturday to eat in and spend time alone all evening so it worked out. 😉😁 We are going to a concert on Tuesday night instead...can't wait!

    So glad you all loved the pictures and especially the lion shot. It makes me laugh every time I see it. 😊
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »


    That is so awesome!!! I admire you and you inspire me.
  • gomifune
    gomifune Posts: 446 Member
    Start weight: 206
    Goal weight: 146
    July goal weight: 172

    January end weight: 200.7
    February end weight: 192.1
    March end weight: 185.6
    April end weight: 179.1
    May end weight: 177.7
    June end weight: 177.6

    1 176.3
    2 177.0
    3 176.2
    4 176.7
    5 174.8
    6 176.1
    7 176.1
    8 176.0
    9 176.1
    10 176.3
    11 176.7
    12 176.8
    13 177.6
    14 176.9
    15 177.4
    16 176.5
    17 177.7
    18 177.3
    19 177.3
    20 177.4
    21 177.2
    22 176.7
    23 177.2
    24 177.2
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,889 Member
    @jm216 We love this group too. Thanks for me our fearless leader!
    @Melwillbehealthy Your doing wonderful. Good luck on the class today.
    @deepwoodslady The color pink looks good on you!
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Thanks for the shout out! The feeling is mutual my friend!
    @imaginemary Welcome to this wonderful group.
    @tassieboy Quite the turnaround - you got this.
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @jm216 We love this group too. Thanks for me our fearless leader!
    @Melwillbehealthy Your doing wonderful. Good luck on the class today.
    @deepwoodslady The color pink looks good on you!
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Thanks for the shout out! The feeling is mutual my friend!
    @imaginemary Welcome to this wonderful group.
    @tassieboy Quite the turnaround - you got this.

    I love how you are such cheerleader for everyone! I want to be like you but I get tired and lazy. It is a great thing when someone cheers you on and acknowledges what you have done or are struggling with...you are really good at that!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,790 Member
    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan. My hubby and I have 2 kids.
    My son graduated from college on May 6th and my daughter is now officially a sophomore in college.

    My goals for July:

    🏡 Yardwork
    🤿 Swim
    📝 Log consistently
    🐶 Walk and train puppies
    🥗 Continue the high-protein, lower carb, lower fat plan

    Starting weight January 1st: 224.5
    January weight lost: 7.7 pounds
    February weight lost: 5 pounds
    March weight lost: 6 pounds
    April weight lost: 6.5 pounds
    May weight lost: 2.6 pounds
    June weight lost: 1.6

    1: 199.6
    2: 198.5
    3: 198.8
    4: 198.7
    5: 199.6
    6: 200.5 🎶Whoop.. there it is.. whoop there it is!🎶 My July 4th festivities have caught up with me and now the leftover chips and cupcakes have been consumed… mostly by me. I’m not mad at myself… it’s just time to get things moving back to healthier.

    I’m a cruncher by nature, so on the way to work I’ll pick up a veg tray as my chip substitution for the next few days.

    Plus, swimming makes me ravenous! I need these easy healthy snacks to conquer the munchies!

    July 7: 200
    July 8: 199.2
    July 9: 199.6
    July 10: 200.1
    July 11: 199.8 experiencing some yo-yo-ing🪀
    It’s all good though. Right now I’m very happy with my progress. I like being at and under 200 pounds since this has been my goal for a long time.
    July 12: 198.8
    July 13: 201.3 saw this one coming… time to get snacking back to better choices. Today is my Monday, so I’m back at the office.
    July 14: 201.3
    July 15: 202.1….too much pizza last night. I have to remember that I can have pizza…. Just not ALL of it! 🤣
    July 16: 201… happy with progress in the right direction.
    July17- 200.9
    July 18- 200.3…. So close!
    July 19- 200.6… I am 1 pound away from my July start weight…. This is my new July goal. I’d like to lose that 1 pound and be at maintenance this month.
    July 20- 200.4 👍 love the slow creep in the right direction.
    July 21- 199.8… happy 💃🏻 🕺🏻
    July 22- 200.2
    July 23- 198.8
    July 24- 200.2

  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    i, Everyone! I am a 5'4", 45 year-old married female with four kids. I am a two-time cancer survivor, which put me into Early Menopause, and also have Hypothyroidism. I am currently dealing with sciatica and muscle deconditioning, which means I need to focus on calories in and out while I am recovering by building flexibility and strength through physical therapy. I have had a rough couple of months with my current muscle issues, losing my grandmother, losing my job, and my husband trying to recover from cervical fusion surgery, but I am grateful to have a new month to start again and keep the hope alive!

    Goals for July:
    1. Find a great new job and enjoy this extra time with my kids.
    2. Create a meal plan for myself and my family.
    3. Daily PT and walking.
    4. Organize and minimize my house and belongings.

    Weight Tracking for July:
    7/01: 190.7
    7/02: 188.5 - Surprise there.
    7/03: DNW
    7/04: 185.7 - Weight loss due to sickness.
    7/05: 188.1 - Rehydrating and eating solid food again.
    7/06: DNW
    7/07: DNW
    7/08: DNW
    7/09: 189.6
    7/10: DNW - sick last night
    7/11: 187.8 - Dehydration I believe and not weight loss.
    7/12: 186.7 - Still thinking dehydration, but will keep my eyes on this.
    7/13: 186.5
    7/14: 186.5 - Holding steady. Very interesting if this is real progress.
    7/15: 186.3
    7/16: 185.4
    7/17: 187.0 - Ate late, not great, and over calories.
    7/18: 184.5 - Interesting.
    7/19: 186.5 - Late dinner.
    7/20: 184.3
    7/21: 183.9
    7/22: DNW
    7/23: 183.2
    7/24: 182.5 - Spent the past two days working on my daughters' bedroom with them, downsizing all the stuffed animals and toys, and giving it a well needed cleaning. I am feeling the stress of being out of work and feeling out of control. I usually eat my stress, but I now recognize that I have been dealing with the stress now by becoming hyper focused on cleaning and organizing. Why is so hard to find balance sometimes?

    @ddainiak - Congrats on your achievement!
    @imaginemary - Welcome!
    @Melwillbehealthy - Well done with trying new things! I hope you enjoyed your second exercise class!
  • iLive2Walk
    iLive2Walk Posts: 3,889 Member
    @BittersweetVita Thank you! - You have amazing results for July! 👍
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    edited July 2023
    jm216 wrote: »
    I love this group so much!


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 5’ 5” tall, 63 years old and from the Michigan USA. In 2016 I weighed 253 lbs. I am on a journey of health and to get back to the real me.
    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150’s

    Starting Weight (from June 30th): 198.2
    Goal: (Five lb Loss) 193.2
    Actual Ending Weight: xxxxx

    Mini challenge: My monthly goal is always about 5 pounds per month. HOWEVER, I never seem to make that. I will continue to keep that goal because it Should Be achievable (even though it is not for me) but never say never, right? So, Between Independence Day Holiday (July 4th) and Labor Day Holiday (Sept 4th) I will weigh somewhere, ANYWHERE in the 180’s. I don’t care if it’s on the brim. I’ve got to start getting further away from the 200’s again! Starting Weight on 7/4 is 195.4.

    **************************************ONE DAY, ONE STEP, ONE DECISION AT A TIME************************************

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    07/01-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/02-197.6-(Trend Weight 197.5)-

    07/03-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/04-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/05-195.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/06-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/07-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.8)-

    07/08-195.8-(Trend Weight 196.7)-

    07/09-195.6-(Trend Weight 196.6)-

    07/10-194.4-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/11-197.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/12-196.4-(Trend Weight 196.5)-

    07/13-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/14-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/15-196.8-(Trend Weight 196.4)-

    07/16-DNW-(Trend Weight DNW)-

    07/17-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.2)-

    07/18-198.4-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/19-197.8-(Trend Weight 197.4)-

    07/20-196.6-(Trend Weight 197.3)-

    07/21-194.4-(Trend Weight 197.0)-
    07/22-195.6-(Trend Weight 197.0)-

    07/23-195.2-(Trend Weight 196.8)- Slightly down on the scale and the trend weight is responding well. I need TMI though. I’ve been having some issues lately. It’s time to focus on more water and maybe take a magnesium pill today.

    07/24-193.8-(Trend Weight 196.5)- Breakthrough!

    07/25-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/26-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/27-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/28-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/30-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-
    07/31-xxxxx-(Trend Weight xxxxx)-

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    ddainiak wrote: »
    @jm216 We love this group too. Thanks for me our fearless leader!
    @Melwillbehealthy Your doing wonderful. Good luck on the class today.
    @deepwoodslady The color pink looks good on you!
    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Thanks for the shout out! The feeling is mutual my friend!
    @imaginemary Welcome to this wonderful group.
    @tassieboy Quite the turnaround - you got this.

    I love how you are such cheerleader for everyone! I want to be like you but I get tired and lazy. It is a great thing when someone cheers you on and acknowledges what you have done or are struggling with...you are really good at that!

    @Buckeyebabe717 I love typing in Pink! Thanks for the compliment lol. BTW, I repainted my nails last night. Thought you might enjoy the pic. Barbie anyone? :)

  • imaginemary
    imaginemary Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you kind people for welcoming me to the group . I'm learning how to use the comment box so please forgive me if I don't know how to use the proper format yet --

    Yesterday I met my goals for steps (8k+) , hydration, weighing in (171), and didn't eat any flour. Not perfect record - did eat some popcorn, accepted a chocolate and ate sushi with family despite white rice sometimes causing hypoglycemia.

    Staying with same goals, I'm a pound more this morning (172), still hydrating, got 6k steps so far and going out again for more.

    I am doing intermittent fasting (fast until lunch daily) on a pescatarian keto diet, but will make adjustments if this doesn't work for me.