

  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,
    Oh my 94 new posts…..
    Rita – I read the posts with your lists for each day and am impressed that you keep to this so faithfully. I am too scattered!
    Lanette – I love the chicken stories….
    Barbie – LOL “chickens or sports cars or cruises” LOL
    Tracey – DONOT do a call with HR everything in writing! Is the only way to go. I see that Karen and Lisa already voted for writing.
    Heather – Max looks great.
    Lisa – congrats on the Amazon air conditioning unit!
    Sue – glad the horses were ok.
    Ran out of time….
    Allie – the huge play pen for just sleeping is an interesting idea… I can see how it would work for some kids. They must have a nice sized room to make that work so well.
    Heather – lots of storage in DS’s kitchen.
    Pip – great job on fund raising, and riding
    Machka – Sorry about your bees!

    So a few bits and pieces about my month…. I am so ready for September or even for 2024!

    I did turn 65 at the beginning of the month (Thanks Betsy – I saw your wishes) figuring out Medicare was a bigger job than I expected and think it is solved now. Dealing with my mom was another challenge so I was in no real mood to celebrate.

    I did go out for a couple of nice dinners with friends. Always appreciated.

    For at least 10 years I have encouraged, suggested that my mom tell my brother he had to move out of her home. He is 57 and for all but 4 of those years he has lived at home. – of course, the first 18 years are expected. LOL! He has not worked, paid rent, not done chores, not been helpful. But has done drugs and been an acholic most of those years. He does weld and has made some very nice welded art. My mom is 94 and will not live forever. Pushing him out of the nest is overdue. When she dies as the person in charge of the estate, I will push him out.

    But sometime in July she did tell him to go. But did not share that with anyone. As a result, I had some of his artwork here I was trying to help sell and did not know needed to be returned. My brother and my mom are in the running for the world’s worst communicators so now he thinks I stole his art. Lots of awful words have been texted to me, and threats made. The police may end up involved. This has been stressful.

    ***update - he was out 2 nights and then came home – the story is he is leaving again in a couple of days- I am doubtful********

    I have been stung by hornets, as I ended up with a ground dwelling hornet nest in my front yard. I am allergic and ended up on too much Benadryl to be able to stay awake and function but enough to keep the swelling somewhat under control (all doses as recommended by the doctor) That went on for 5 days. After the 4th night of dressing in all the layers I could and spraying/pouring hornet poison on the site of the nest things were quiet enough to to move a pot, a paver and some dirt. Dump in some more insecticide - finally I believe they are all dead. What a hassle.

    Then over the top of all of this Levi got a foxtail in his paw – Vet visit $300+ An ear infection in the middle of the night with so much pain we couldn’t wait – Emergency Vet $600+ and a senior exam at his vet, as he has lost 60% ish of his hearing and a similar about of vision since January and I decided it was time to get a handle on all that is going on with him. $300+ -- Good news is it looks like it might be all old age; but they are doing full labs, so I’ll hear the final in a few days.

    September please come quickly!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kim in N. California

    Cindy from Pensacola. I was the executer for the will. I guess everyone must have a sibling difficult to deal with when it comes to what happens after your last parent passes. Your parent doesn't want to deal with ur sibling so now falls into your lap. Places you in an awkward role. The situation passed. My hubs was my buffer and so gracious to step into that role. I had a lot of medical issues going on at the time. I hope your situation with your brother works out.
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,377 Member
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    No sound in the wall today. So it might have left? Hoping that is the case.

    Had a night phone chat with middle son. He had started off texting me, " Owain has contacted you"? I texted back for him to phone me, because I didn't want to type, I had a lot to say.😁 We decided to concentrate on the fact that he reached out, and not be concerned about the whys or reasons of his quietness. I said we can chat face to face and bring some of those things up.

    He mentioned that the doctors want to induce DDIL the first week of Sept, because the baby is on the small size and DDIL hasn't gained much pregnancy weight. So doctors want him out at 39 weeks so he can get as much nutrients etc, because evidently the baby isn't getting all he should be getting in the womb. The baby is at 6 lbs but healthy, and they did an aminocentesis and the amniotic fluid is good. I know he's concerned but he is trying to be strong about it all. I told him that I was a small baby at 4 lbs and did just fine. My DDIL's mother is there, watching Athena because my son has started his fall business college semester. Taking a fairly full load of classes. He will have a stressful September but hopefully will acclimate to it all. DDIL has maternity leave until January so that will be good.💖

    Today up at 5 am, on treadmill for 40 min. My left foot is getting a huge blister on flat part of foot by big toe. So the pad there. Frustrating. I wonder if I should even walk tomorrow or take a day of rest? I will see how it looks tomorrow. Its the same foot I sprained in June, so its bothersome.
    Thank all the ladies for the good thoughts regarding my sweet youngest sailor.

    I had trouble with closed toe shoes and treadmill. I used a good sandal instead. I have vionic flip flops.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,898 Member
    Pip - love the new RV. Looks like room for everyone. Will you be able to tow it with current vehicle or is a new one in your future?

    DD and I only plant container garden except for blueberries, apple and cherry tree. This year we have tomatoes, chives and potatoes. Slugs got all the greenbeans.

    We have light rain here. Washed the dust off and makes everything look greener.

    Vicki - hope things get better for you and you start feeling better.

    Kim- you have had a rough August. Hope September is much better.

    Welcome back Kate.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Cindy here from Pensacola.
    Got an early start with bike ride w/hubs today. Thankful and blessed for the blue skies, trees, sunshine and the breeze on our faces especially since it's hot. Yes August is the hottest month in the south. Ya know when I was a kid it never bothered me it being hot. We just got out the water hoses and went to town playing. Picking up our grandson Jackson for a stay-over. Oh what fun. We only have one and when he leaves I always say I don't think I could do this every day. So much energy to follow after.
    Toddler everyone,
    Happy and blessed by all of you
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    cyntdooley wrote: »
    Cindy- this is coming from the rheumatologist office
    You mean topicals? You said tropicals that sounds good too lol.hoping to go to the last concert tonight.

    Topicals, autocorrect. Lol

    Yeah, the airstream was the 1st one we called Bette. Actually, we were talking about that. Our first was a tent for 5 people). Next was a cabin that was a storage shed that we made into a”tiny home” for camping. Next was a Minnie Winnie class c, THEN it was the airstream, then the tiny trailer then the one we have now.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Pip - love the new RV. Looks like room for everyone. Will you be able to tow it with current vehicle or is a new one in your future?

    DD and I only plant container garden except for blueberries, apple and cherry tree. This year we have tomatoes, chives and potatoes. Slugs got all the greenbeans.

    We have light rain here. Washed the dust off and makes everything look greener.

    Vicki - hope things get better for you and you start feeling better.

    Kim- you have had a rough August. Hope September is much better.

    Welcome back Kate.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    That’s part of what I have to explain, no we can’t tow it with the car and no we are not going to buy something else.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    Betsey-I am glad cases do seem to be getting milder. An official with whom I work has a very major carry over -nerve damage from inflammation that has led to paralysis of his arm. He thought he just had a cold-lots of unknown stuff.

    Annie-good news about your dad.

    Lisa-Perhaps the Zeigarnik Effect https://www.verywellmind.com/zeigarnik-effect-memory-overview-4175150. For some reason I just have to google things

    Decent day today. All three meetings were ok (possibly even worth my time!). Going to walk in house to get 10,000 steps and active minutes in, then go to ladies group.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,745 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 15min 10sec, 201elev, 2.69ap, 83ahr, 101mhr, 6.12mi= 618c
    Strava app= 749c
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,125 Member
    Allie approved for what?

    I had an exhausting drive but a lovely lunch. We talked a lot about being caregivers to our parents. I had tuna steak bits in tacos with a spicy papaya sauce. Marvelous!

    Annie in Delaware
  • deejoan
    deejoan Posts: 52 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :) The older I get, the more important it is to me to seek habits, behaviours, and attitudes that will help me stay healthy and increase fitness and happiness. That's what I've found with this thread. I hope you will find that, too.

    :) The name of the thread is "Women Ages 50+" but all women are welcome. Our community includes women just approaching 50 all the way to approaching 80.

    :) We share on many topics but stay away from criticism of others and controversy. We focus on support and encouragement.

    :) Please sign your post with a name or nickname and a location, either specific or general, so it will be easier to identify each other.

    :) Remember to bookmark the page so you can find us again.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    "The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."---Lin Yutang

    How do you bookmark a particular section? I use the app on my laptop and cannot find any link on the page to bookmark with. Thank you!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,125 Member
    I need to face the fact that I tried on a dozen outfits for lunch today and almost all of them were too small. Time to pick up the discarded clothing and make some new resolutions. Time to get back on my bike! I need a reason to buy new clothes!

    Annie in Delaware
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,041 Member
    5PM and still 90 degrees. Going to be hot and stuffy in class. Have two fans in my car to take with me(there are two fans in the building but not strong enough to make it to the back where I stay. Will take two water bottles with me, just to make sure I have enough.
    Class will be 10min shorter tonight. Teacher is doing three back to back classes, all in different places(her only breaks will be driving time)
    Will start the class at just over 10,000 steps.