

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Woke up early. Didn’t realize that it was only 4 and not 5. So I got to the gym to do the body pump DVD at 5. Usually I’m there around 6. Even the gal working said “what are you doing here so early”? Came home, walked to Food Lion. I didn’t realize that Doritos were so expensive. Guess we’ll continue to have the Aldi brand chips.

    Put down the weed killer, then in the pool then went to get my oil changed. Stopped at Big Lots, now home for dinner.

    Pip – just so you know….I’m available for adoption! I don’t take up much room, either. Beautiful new home

    Allie – when we play music bingo and they have the music from the 60’s and 70’s, my biggest problem is that I’m so busy singing along that I miss marking them on my card.

    Tracey – I am the furthest thing from a landscaper you can possibly imagine, yet I’m the one who takes care of the lawn. Oh, Vince will cut it (on the tractor) but it’s me who has to put down the seed, the weed killer, the weed and feed, etc. Have fun camping

    kate – great to see you again. So sorry about your dh and you. I have the tightest hamstrings this side of the Atlantic. Any different stretches you do?

    Annie – so happy for you and your dad

    Lisa – I’m over the camping thing, too. Trying to get rid of all the camping stuff we have. Jess MIGHT want it, I know Denise would never. Nice chair pads. I love light colors

    A small miracle has occurred. After dinner Vince said to me “I’m going to shock you and go for a walk too” Honestly, I really wasn’t going to go since I’d walked to Food Lion earlier. But I wasn’t about to give him an excuse not to walk. OK, we didn’t go as far as we used to, but that’s OK. He hasn’t gone in months (too hot). I’m finding that I’m getting used to the heat. Many times in the a/c I’m actually cold.

    Heather – I find painting the ceramics very relaxing, so I can understand completely how your painting relaxes you.

    Lanette – I usually get my corn from this one farmer. Usually it is so very sweet but it isn’t this year. Probably because I couldn’t cook it (to prevent the sugars from becoming starch) for a day. Anyway, I do freeze it on the cob. Vince likes it that way. I wish he’d let me freeze it off the cob, would save so much room in the freezer, but alas….. I don’t freeze it in the husk, but I can’t see why that wouldn’t work. Usually, tho, it takes longer than a day in the frige to thaw.

    Michele NC

    I’ll let kirby know 😍
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,549 Member
    Rebecca - for reassurance, you might tell your middle son that my niece, born at 1 lb. 13 oz., and at 24 weeks in the womb, is now 26 years old and engaged to be married... she's the one that I'm designing and making the quilt for! Glad the docs are keeping an eye on things for them--and honestly, 39 weeks to 42 weeks is considered full-term. I'm sure it's still unnerving though, for all concerned.

    Lanette - The apples are so pretty... I think Corey will be cutting back quite a bit next year as well. I could be wrong, though. He's always enthusiastic in the spring! We've learned that some things just don't do well from seed here, they need that jump that starting them from partially grown gives them. Tomatoes just don't make it here from seed. Some peppers do, some don't.

    Cynthia / Cindy in Pensacola - Glad you hung in there with us... because this thread moves so fast, sometimes you get no response, and sometimes you get dozens! Either way, it's a lovely bunch of some really wonderful people, always willing to help and support.

    Allie - Love the mani/pedi - hope it's a wonderful trip for you...

    The new med is still making me feel low-key dizzy and fatigued. If it doesn't stop within a few days, I'll let the gastro know, but chances are it will pass. It is already having some effect for what it's being taken for, so I'm hopeful that it will help finally stop the ulceration part of this current flare.

    I have to admit, I did give up on one of my projects. I have planned for more than a year to make chair pads for the four kitchen chairs, the three barstools and my office chair... and finally gave up on it this morning and ordered some from Walmart, which they just delivered. I actually created one at the end of last week, but a) it wasn't as easy as I had thought, b) I wasn't happy with my design or the outcome of my one template chair pad, and c) the thought of making eight of them wasn't making me happy, it was stressing me out. Some things are not worth doing yourself... so I got eight of these, and I'm calling it good:

    Trying to get floors done when I finish this, but don't know how far I'll get. Got Corey's roses weeded, but that was it for outside work. If I don't get started with the vacuuming, I never will. Not my favorite chore, but don't want to leave it all for Corey on Friday morning, either. So... time to get moving!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    That is encouraging!💖🙏🤗💖
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,039 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    5PM and still 90 degrees. Going to be hot and stuffy in class. Have two fans in my car to take with me(there are two fans in the building but not strong enough to make it to the back where I stay. Will take two water bottles with me, just to make sure I have enough.
    Class will be 10min shorter tonight. Teacher is doing three back to back classes, all in different places(her only breaks will be driving time)
    Will start the class at just over 10,000 steps.

    Only had 7 in class. I think they misunderstood the teacher Monday- they thought she was canceling our class to do the other class, not just leaving 15 min early. Plus, my two friends were not feeling good and one other usually comes with the teacher but I am sure she didn't want to do three classes(she barely finishes one)
    Got in my car at 7:30 and temp in it said still 90. Cooled down when I started driving- wasn't from the sun as it was about down when I left.

    Going to eat a little dinner and take a cold shower.

    Think I will get up early and walk instead of my full hour at the wetlands- It will be at 1PM if I do walk there(an hour before picking up Ezie)- will see how things go tomorrow.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    deejoan wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »

    :) The older I get, the more important it is to me to seek habits, behaviours, and attitudes that will help me stay healthy and increase fitness and happiness. That's what I've found with this thread. I hope you will find that, too.

    :) The name of the thread is "Women Ages 50+" but all women are welcome. Our community includes women just approaching 50 all the way to approaching 80.

    :) We share on many topics but stay away from criticism of others and controversy. We focus on support and encouragement.

    :) Please sign your post with a name or nickname and a location, either specific or general, so it will be easier to identify each other.

    :) Remember to bookmark the page so you can find us again.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    "The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."---Lin Yutang

    How do you bookmark a particular section? I use the app on my laptop and cannot find any link on the page to bookmark with. Thank you!

    The bookmark link looks like a little bookmark. Upper right of thread.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,221 Member
    Katiebug: Regarding your fear of losing your mental faculties as you age, you are not alone. This is an interesting take on aging as a whole, and age-related mental issues: https://medium.com/crows-feet/confronting-my-fears-of-aging-f39f3ef8ce35 Hopefully it can be reached by non-members. I've put the text in the spoiler, but she links much of the information in the article, and many of the links are interesting, as well.
    AI image, with prompt generated by the author
    It was just another birthday. At my age, no big deal.

    But this one felt different. As the day approached, I noticed my thoughts growing increasingly dark — ranging somewhere between free-floating anxiety and stomach-churning dread.

    Exactly why, I couldn’t say. So I turned to the one trick that always worked for me: Making a list.

    Laugh if you want to. But taking pen in hand has never failed to quiet my anxious mind.

    So I grabbed a pen and paper and sat down to write. Here’s the result:

    Losing my health
    As I pondered each fear I’d listed, I was surprised to feel a bit of relief. The simple act of getting my phobias down on paper seemed to soften their sting and make them feel less threatening.

    For example, when considering what will happen to my health as I age, I recalled an important fact: The vast majority of older Americans can go about their daily activities without personal assistance.

    Granted, we’re probably no longer crushing it at CrossFit or doing our own roof repairs. But we’re cooking, showering, and dressing ourselves (although, in my case, not always stylishly).

    Losing my independence
    Another calming fact I recalled is that fewer of us are living in nursing homes. For Americans over 65, it’s less than 3 percent. For those 85 and older, the number is still less than 10 percent.

    I also remembered that today’s senior housing arrangements are better. A variety of independent living options are available, ranging from 55+ retirement communities and continuing-care communities to senior co-housing and senior home-sharing.

    My spry, 87-year-old mom lives in her own apartment in a “Life Plan Community,” which offers services as needed for every stage of life — including skilled nursing, rehab, and memory care.

    Fortunately, Mom is still able to care for herself and enjoys many amenities located right in her building, including restaurants, a fitness center, a church, and a movie theater. Seeing all this makes me glad to know she’s well cared for. I’m hopeful that when I need more support, I can find a similar arrangement.

    Losing my memory
    When it comes to the terrifying prospect of memory loss, there’s more good news. Around the world, thousands of talented researchers are working to eradicate the illness. Even as the population ages, rates of dementia are falling.

    The fact is, most older Americans can think just fine. We might be moving a bit slower, but we’re still fully capable of outscoring our grandchildren at Wordle…or any number of other focused activities that require setting aside a cell phone for more than 10 minutes.

    Losing my happiness
    The last fear on my list was losing my happiness. Frankly, I have a lot to lose here. For the first time since childhood, I have the freedom (for the most part) to do what I want, when I want.

    My experience is not uncommon. As research tells us, older people are more content and even have better mental health than people in early- or mid-life.

    Knowing this is gratifying. And it’s truly remarkable — especially when considering all the things that fade as we age — including physical attractiveness, strength, identity, and earning power.

    The takeaway
    Through the exercise of making my list, I was happy to discover a yawning disconnect between what I had feared aging would mean for me, and what I knew to be true.

    Making my list was a freeing exercise. In my head, I no longer gave voice to the thieves who were robbing me of my peace of mind. By naming, shaming, and reframing my anxieties, they no longer held their power.

    Of course, no one can control whether or not they become sick or frail or depressed or alone. But we all can take steps to make the most of our happiness or health…or at least control how we think about whatever life throws our way.

    As David Bowie said, “Aging is an extraordinary process whereby you become the person you always should have been.” Having made my list, I couldn’t agree more.

    I've found that studying dementia, as I have been for a while now, and more recently working in the aged care field (at the policy end, not the "hands on" end) ... and especially working with someone whose brain injury shows similarities to dementia to be enlightening.

    Many of the things I do with my husband to reduce his chances of dementia are things I will continue to do when he develops dementia (because his chances of developing dementia are high) and are things I am doing to help prevent my own dementia.

    Like exercising, outdoors especially. :)

    M in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MICHELLE just getting started on the exercises physio gave me. Checked online as well seem to be fairly standard. One thing I found was interesting, relaxing the sciatic nerve before you do the stretches. Seems to help with flexibility.
    Kate UK ❤️
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    edited August 2023
    Welcome @deejoan. After you bookmark the thread:8tu6r02vp9hj.jpg , click your profile pic and "Bookmarks" will list those you’ve saved.
    Kate so good to see you posting again, despite the rough year. Hope your PT gave you some warm ups to do before the stretching to make it less painful. :cry:
    Ginny “when [the legs] feel better I slide on exercises” and “My slide times are shorter now because I know it works.” Ditto. Daily-ish PT exercises keep me walking and dancing.
    Annie your father’s negative C-19 test, what a relief!
    Machka your eucalyptus flavored honey sounds like just the ticket for sweetening winter teas.
    Lisa have a care. I was immune to poison oak until I was 13, then boy oh boy did I get a horrible reaction, internal swelling, the whole shebang. Poison oak, mosquitoes and wasps, whatever was the Creator thinking? Thanks for the Aging Fears article. Good way to evict those peace of mind thieves.
    Heather :love: Johnny’s latest.
    Debbie brava for not standing and listening to the rants. Self care and good example.
    Lanette that Direct Care clinic sounds wonderful.
    Michele hooray for Vince’s “surprise” ;)
    Today’s (8/23) gratitude: Lone Ranch Beach only ten minutes’ drive away.
    08/23: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, line dance class, dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. Steps:8610
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=8, CI<CO net=592
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, AD. reconcile checking, savings, visa, visit DS, return K’s call. Wt: 131.8 08/22: Move:ZERO sets PT stroll with T. Steps:8691
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-4 CI<CO net=407
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, AD . casserole-a-thon. Wt: 131.2
    08/21 corrected: Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=-6 CI<CO net=580
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    2023: Be of good cheer. August: Move more, fuel better (less sugar), live NOW.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,557 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,557 Member
    Ginny - tried to answer your question, but their algorithm told me my comment had to be "approved," I assume because I mentioned someplace on the 'net that isn't MFP. Sorry.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    I looked up how to help to learn how to breathe using your diaphragm. There were many good tips. It did say it can help with abdominal bloat, so my instincts were right about my friend. There are some underlying health conditions if you are unable to breathe from your diaphragm... gall bladder is one and a hernia is another. It is a muscle so like any muscle there are ways to do exercises to strengthen it. If you are interested you look up how to breathe from your diaphragm. If you have COPD or severe anxiety it did say you should have your doctor help you with learning how to do it so if you struggle to learn it your anxiety will not increase. Again it is one health habit to add to other habits that can improve your health.
  • myvt9v4crh
    myvt9v4crh Posts: 391 Member
    Allie—Enjoy your trip! I hope you’ll enjoy every minute. ❤️

    Katla in Illinois