

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,374 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    We are in the heat wave too. Yesterday I spent it at a friends pool who lives on a lake. It was the way to spend the day. Another hot one today. I will spend it inside as much as possible. I will have watering done here by 10.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Kim I was stung by 12 wasps two summers ago. I took some Benadryl too. When I got stung I put bentonite clay on the stings, elevated what I could. Stung on legs and arms. I also put ice on the stings and tried to stay calm. I did go into emergency care but there was a young woman coughing who did not wear her mask over her mouth and we were in the middle of COVID so I left. Now I carry a homopathic remedy. I have not had to use it. I did think to take it to my friend's house. Because of the time of year there were wasps in her pool. I was careful and she and I keep filtering them out and I had no problems. She was going to let them drown in her pool. I said not a good idea they can still sting after they are dead if you are not careful. I did swell when it happened two years ago and for some reason after the swelling went down I swelled up again a week later. I carry a kit with benadryl or quercerin, the bentonite clay, and the remedy. It is a good reminder if we go to the State Fair to take my kit because the sweet drinks are ubiquitous wasps are very common there.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited August 2023

    Heather if they look like wasps but don't sting they could be mud dabbers. There is no reason to exterminate those. Unfortunately wasp are very aggressive and territorial so if they are in a spot where you might disturb them they have to go. On our son's deck if I see them starting a hive I spray it with peppermint oil and water to deter them. So far it has worked well. If they are established I wait until dark and spray it with wasp spray. When it happened two years ago the nest was in the neighbors yard. I was trying to give one of our trees some water and when I watered over their fence the wasps attacked me. I avoided that area the rest of the summer.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Cindy- this is coming from the rheumatologist office
    You mean topicals? You said tropicals that sounds good too lol.hoping to go to the last concert tonight.

    Topicals, autocorrect. Lol
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Welllll, we did it, our new purchase

    Very nice. Congratulations 🎊
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kim in CA If you open the spoilers, you’ll see my yearly goals, suggested exercise goals (which I haven’t been able to make) and the monthly list. I have this all on one document, and have made it a habit to update all of it every day. Keeps me focused. I do show it to my therapist every month as she asks about it. Sometimes I email it to her because she really likes what I’m doing here. I see a therapist mostly for verification that I am doing thing right to help my sanity, and to be more accountable. I like where I am right now emotionally and don’t want to change anything.

    My son was mad at me for expressing my concerns about his life right now. Yesterday, he did text me asking for help to fill out a form. He (39 years old) relies on me too much and others. He wants everything done for him. So, I found the forms he needed to fill out and texted the link to him. He didn’t reply so I assume he wanted me to actually fill it out for him. I don’t know all his details and can’t unless he is will to be more open with me and accept when people are trying to help him. I’m just going to wait and leave it all in his hands. Keeps me sane!

    Barbie I am so glad for you! Your estranged son contacting you and actually making contact with others! They always seem to come around when they are ready. You can’t force others to do what you want or what you think is right. They have to make their own decisions. I’ve had to do that with my son every so often, but he always comes back. Much faster than my girls. But then again, my girls aren’t doing anything I wouldn’t do myself (or approved of! Lol).


    Quote for today: “…that those are happy thou owest to God; that thou continues such, thou owest to thyself.” ——John Milton, Paradise Lost
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    cyntdooley wrote: »
    It's Cynthia. I so enjoy reading all the posts. I realize now DH is divorced husband, right? First I thought dead husband. Tell me if I am correct.
    My husband and I only have 1 grandchild. We get to keep him every other week for an overnight. Our son James and his wife Amy live an hour away not far but not like hey can I stop by. So 1wk we get him & the next wk Amy's parents have him overnight. If truth be known her parents probably have him more often. My husband spoils him too much, which is not a plus.
    Jackson is 6 now. He says some of the funniest things. He is like his dad in that respect. He is partly home schooled and belongs to a home school group that meets in a classroom environment 3 days per wk. One of the days they have outside class. It really involves all the senses. On the day we have him we have school work to do with him. It's not easy. The last thing was on the tides and the sea and how it is affected by the moon. 6 yr old home work. Pretty intimidating. Trying to help him understand when he wants play with Poppa. Lol. I will sign off. Cindy from Pensacola.

    I think DH is Dear Husband or Darling Husband. I don't use it because that's not how I refer to my husband. It doesn't roll off the fingers for me.

    M in Oz

    M ya know my hubs started acting cranky and I told him he needed to have a check up. He has never been cranky. Testosterone level down and Psa up. I get to give him a shot every 2wks woo hoo. Maybe ur guy needs check up.
  • cyntdooley
    cyntdooley Posts: 61 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    well, stayed home- didn't want to be around Mr.PissyPants ;)
    Made coffee for him to take to his mom like I do every few days- Nope, she doesn't like my coffee now. Cut up a melon for her to have with breakfast-Nope, didn't want to take that either, or the home grown cherry tomatoes- he MIGHT take it this afternoon.

    Got second load of laundry in the dryer. Two batches of fruit preserves cooked and cooling to use in product test this afternoon(testing food flavorings), Got half a bag of shrimp cooked and cooling so I can clean them. Started out planning for shrimp and fish tacos but remembered we used up the tortillas and didn't pick up more so now it will be pasta with shrimp, using up the last of the pappardelle . White sauce for son and his girlfriend if she comes over, pesto for me. Dh can have either white or red sauce.
    Steamed zucchini, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers with melon for dessert.
    Ice cream for those who wants it.
    NOW, if they don't want to eat when it is ready, they can warm it up when the do want it.Not going to wait for them.

    Now to enjoy the quiet and work in the garden a bit before it gets too warm

    Napa Valley,Ca

    How industrious you are. Running circles around everyone. Bravo 👏
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    cyntdooley wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Welllll, we did it, our new purchase

    Very nice. Congratulations 🎊

    Pip It’s amazing how much room a slide-out gives you! That’s the only thing I wish I had on my RV! Is it brand new? Looks it! I hope you love it and get a lot of use out of it!

    RVRita in NM