

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kylia- I am sorry you are having a rough time. I totally understand- I SOOO wish dh would go on a guys trip for a week or so like he used to. It is hard. When they are irritated and in a pissy mood, it does wear off on us. I am trying not to vent so much-seems that is all I do anymore. I don't like the person I have become because of being around his attitude>I am working on it.

    Machka-the pictures are amazing. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you had a wonderful time

    Rosemarie- The ribs are pretty simple to make- I pressure cooked them for 1hr20min then air fried them with Korean BBQ sauce on them for 10 min. I like them this way because the meat is super tender. I hate tough meat.

    Got the dishes done and sink completely cleaned out along with the counters on both sides. Ready to give the momma cat another bath. Her skin is really bad again. Good thing she doesn't really mind too much about getting a bath.She does try and get out. Couldn't do it on my own(hold her and bathe her at the same time) but with two of us, we can get it done. Thinking about trying to do my kitten too. Flea meds didn't seem to work this time.

    Should have gotten up early to walk but didn't- I do have class tonight. Tomorrow was going to walk MIL's dog but dh wants to go over early so we can be up at Falling Prices when they open tomorrow. He wants to check it out on the first day of the week for them- everything will be $6. Wed is $4 then $2 then $1 then Saturdays. .25.We happened to find the place on Saturday when I was doing a merchandising job. He went and got in line while I did the shop. We got in right after I got in line with him.

    Dinner for tonight will be cashew chicken with extra veggies- celery, onions, carrots, zucchini, snow peas, broccoli, baby corn, water chestnuts and bamboo shoots.
    Chicken is ready- I make big batches of the raw chicken in the marinate and freeze in smaller batches. Now I just need to do the veggies and stir fry. Have left over rice from last night(only dh ate rice last night-he took a plate full of food to his mom with Korean bbq ribs, zucchini and tomatoes and rice. She refused to eat it- said she would eat noodles that she made instead. She missed out because the ribs were really good- nice and tender.

    Napa Valley CA
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Hello ladies!

    This group is a marvelous place to let out frustration. I apologize if I am whiny these days.

    We got a new driver's license for my dad, and then he insisted on going alone to get his foot X-ray. He did walk two miles to church in his dress shoes, and he walked three miles in his sneakers today. So either his foot isn't too bad, or he is incredibly stubborn. Or both.

    Meanwhile I am trying to begin again with my diet and exercise. In this phase, I make resolutions every morning and break them every night. Disheartening. I eat badly when I worry about my parents, which is near daily. Today I will do better! No cookies! Bike and yoga and aerobic walking videos! No excuses!

    Annie in Delaware
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Wow, Rita, great job. How smart of you to enrol the 15 year old. :p

    I decanted my huge Amazon bag of peppercorns and tried to write a label for the container. After several goes with different pens, I realised I had been trying to write on the plastic left by the removed label. :o

    Still waiting to put curated boxes back in the cupboards. I've got a big bag for the charity shop of toddler stuff! It's like 'All our yesterdays'. I found a couple of things I had saved for when the kids were older. Max and Bea might like them. Loads went in the recycling. So many paintings from when the grandchildren were young. :'( The placemats they had with 'how to tell the time', a map of the world, and 'flags of the world' are off to the charity shop. <3:'(

    Nice to be more organised. The art stuff is taking over three small cupboards under the sills in the dining room. :o

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member

    Those of you who are feeling a bit off, look out for worms in your brain!!! :o:o:o

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
    edited August 2023
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 1hr 58min 3sec, 75elev, 3.13ap, 83ahr, 98mhr, 6.23mi= 555c
    Strava app = 763c
    zwift home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 56min 40sec, 1667elev, 96aw, 13.2amph, 103ahr, 136mhr, 25.57mi= 678c
    Strava app = 644c
    Zwift stats- 1hr 56min 46sec, 1668elev, 96aw, 50arpm, 13.15amph, 25.6mi= 644c

    Total cal 1233
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Barbie – everything you’ve described about the problems with your new pup seem to be things that can be ironed out in time. You’ll find the right “mix” of how to do things and he’ll get the idea of “outdoors to relieve yourself”

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,623 Member
    Done! I kept Guidepost and reader's digests long with the last 2 woman's day that I hadn't looked at yet. The rest are ready for trash tomorrow. If I haven't read by now I probably won't until they "yell" at me enough. Just a little less stress. Undergarment drawer may be next.....

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,623 Member
    Pip. Love the trailer!
    Annie- Conratulations!
    Lannette- I want a doctor like that!

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member