

  • 3rdtimelosesit
    3rdtimelosesit Posts: 291 Member
    edited September 2023
    I"ve created October's monthly challenge here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10900363/october-2023-weight-loss-challenge/p1?new=1Hope to see you over there!

    Thank you for another month. The time is flying by!!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Thank you, @enlightenme3 !
    I'm Chris - 73 year old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion...
    ...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.
    Heaviest: 192.2
    Round GW: 148.0
    UGW: 145.0
    September Start Weight:
    September Goal Weight: 148.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140.0
    09/01 - 151.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/04 - 149.6 at 7:45 a.m. ...60 min workout w/trainer
    09/11 - 150.7 at 6:00 a.m. ...3.52 miles in 64 mins then Grandson Duty
    09/18 - 150.1 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/25 - 149.5 at 5:30 a.m. ...Grandson Duty then 60 min workout w/trainer
    09/30 -
    Good luck everyone!
  • agedgraycat
    agedgraycat Posts: 22 Member

    Heaviest weight 182
    September 30 goal 155.4
    Oct 31 goal 150.4
    Nov 31 goal 145.4

    September Start Weight:159.4
    September Goal Weight: 155.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 138

    September 13: 159.4
    September 15:158
    September 22: 159.6 vacation 😬
    September 29: 158.4
    September 30:
  • UpNorthPat12
    UpNorthPat12 Posts: 976 Member
    September Start Weight: 164.0
    September Goal Weight: 161.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-150 range

    September 1: 164.0
    September 8: 161.5
    September 15: 161.5
    September 22: 159.8
    September 29: 160.2
    September 30:

    Very happy... have been doing Intermittent Fasting with "Fast Feast Repeat" by Gin Stephens. Yay
  • hillaryrudy
    hillaryrudy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm super happy with my consistent tracking this month, and the scale moved in the right direction. Next month I plan to cut alcohol during the week and continue to track food consistently. Need more high protein snack ideas that aren't all dairy. Cottage cheese, string cheese and greek yogurt are my go-to's right now.

    September Start Weight: 197
    September Goal Weight: 194
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 177

    September 1:
    September 8:197
    September 15: 189.8
    September 22: 191.6
    September 29:191.4
  • haslam5
    haslam5 Posts: 38 Member
    Had to change my scale. It seems like it is a few pounds off as I weighed on one when I left @198, and with the new one weight was 200

    September Start Weight: 203 lbs
    September Goal Weight: 190 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170-175

    September 1: 203 lbs
    September 8: 202 lbs
    September 15: 200.8 lbs
    September 22: 198
    September 29: 200

    Three pounds is a great loss ! Looking forward to October. Best of all I lost inches and a dress size!!!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 636 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good morning,
    I'm Veta.(49) In 2014, I weighed 180 lbs., my highest weight ever. I started a weight loss plan with my sister and lost 45 lbs. Over the past years, I put on a few pounds here and there. Then, January of 2022, I quit smoking cigarettes, and gained 20 more pounds and was back to my highest weight. I needed to make some changes with my lifestyle. Not only was I feeling insecure with my body, but I've been dealing with aching limbs.(Inflammation?) It was time to make some changes. I am on a mission to lose 40-50 lbs. by the end of the year.

    Nutrition Goal: Drink plenty of water! Eat something every 3 hours. Avoid sugar!
    Fitness Goal: None

    September Start Weight:179 lbs.
    September Goal Weight: 165 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 lbs.

    September 1: 179 lbs. – This is my official start day. I started logging my foods all week, but wasn't watching what I ate. When I went back and looked at the week, I noticed that I was not eating enough. I was eating less than the recommended 1000-1200 calories. Also, my diet consisted of many highly-processed foods. My habit was going the whole day without eating, then, having a large dinner and binge eat the rest of the night.

    September 8: 174 lbs. – Wow! Not what I was expecting, a 5 lbs. loss. I was logging all my foods and drinks daily. I also was drinking lots of water. I did a daily check-in, recording my progress and thoughts.(what's working and what's not) I started reading blogs and articles about weight loss strategies and tips.

    September 15: 170 lbs. Awesome! I lost 4 lbs. I continued to log all foods and drinks, drink plenty of water, and post my daily check-in. I also started exercising 3 days per week. Food was starting to taste bland and oddly familiar. I felt like I was eating the same foods everyday. So, I started to make new interesting recipes. I had some challenges making healthy food choices, when I was away from home. My husband was very supportive, he drove me from place to place till I found somewhere I was willing to eat. I learned that most fast food, NO longer offer healthy grilled chicken or salad options. It's better to have a sit down restaurant meal.

    September 22: 169 lbs. Yea! I lost another pound. I followed through with logging all foods and drinks, drinking water, and my daily check-in. I even added a day to my exercising schedule, making it 4 days this week. However, I was posting my daily check-in to an inactive group. I joined another group and found my self in the same situation, but now my daily posts were not in one place, which made it harder to assess my past posts. I found myself talking about how I was watching what I'm eating, to everyone, everywhere I went. I even asked people what they eat. It's like I became a little obsessed. It's all I think about. I'm not obsessed with the scale. I'm focused on planning what to eat, looking up recipes and preparing snacks and meals, learning new strategies. I was looking for support from people with similar goals.

    September 29: 168 lbs. 0k…I lost another pound. I'm logging, drink water, posting my daily check-in, and exercising five days a week. I feel like I'm making great progress. My clothes are feeling looser. I found this wonderful group. The people are so supportive. It's exactly what I needed.
    September 30:

    πŸ’ͺ"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." - Michael Jordan πŸ’ͺ

    *Sorry for such a long post.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,006 Member
    I'm super happy with my consistent tracking this month, and the scale moved in the right direction. Next month I plan to cut alcohol during the week and continue to track food consistently. Need more high protein snack ideas that aren't all dairy. Cottage cheese, string cheese and greek yogurt are my go-to's right now.

    September Start Weight: 197
    September Goal Weight: 194
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 177

    September 1:
    September 8:197
    September 15: 189.8
    September 22: 191.6
    September 29:191.4

    Excellent Job. Cutting alcohol accelerated my weight loss big time. No alcohol = no empty calories and when you have a buzz you tend to over-eat... :)
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,363 Member
    edited September 2023
    September Start Weight: 217.1
    September Goal Weight: 208.1
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 160 (until I get there)

    September 1: 217.1
    September 8: 214.7
    September 15: 216
    September 22: 216
    September 29: 216
    September 30:
  • Pinappleupsidedowncake
    Original start weight: 15st 9lbs

    June loss: 5.5lbs
    July loss: 8.5lbs
    Aug loss: 5lbs
    Sept loss: 6lbs

    September Start Weight: 14st 3lbs
    September Goal Weight: 13st 12lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 10 stone

    Yay beat my target by 1lb this month. Bring on October πŸ’ͺ well done everyone πŸ‘

    September 1: 14st 3lbs
    September 8: 14st 2.5lbs
    September 15: 13st 13.5lbs
    September 22: 13st 13lbs
    September 29: 13st 12lbs
    September 30: 13st 11lbs
  • UpNorthPat12
    UpNorthPat12 Posts: 976 Member
    September Start Weight: 164.0
    September Goal Weight: 161.0
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-150 range

    September 1: 164.0
    September 8: 161.5
    September 15: 161.5
    September 22: 159.8
    September 29: 160.2
    September 30: 160.2

    I'm happy with my progress this month, and I will keep on track in October, too! See you there!
  • ronicaw57
    ronicaw57 Posts: 115 Member
    Female, 6 ft.
    [MFP Highest Weight: (8/20/18): 264.4]

    September Start Weight: 172
    September Goal Weight: Maintenance
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 172

    9/9: 172 (-0)
    9/15: 172 (-0)
    9/22: 172 (-0)
    9/30: 172 (-0)

    I am in maintenance. My goal is to maintain my weight.