Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 235



  • mbfink2018
    mbfink2018 Posts: 14 Member
    @AR10at50 as an avid knitter here - there can never be "too much quilting" or knitting!
  • mbfink2018
    mbfink2018 Posts: 14 Member
    @deepwoodslady - thanks for the link! I will check it out!
  • steffibabiie
    steffibabiie Posts: 149 Member
    Round 235

    Age: 37
    Height: 162.5cm | 5'4
    SW: 95.65kg | 210.8lbs
    SBF%: 41.3%
    RSW: 91.35kg | 201.4lbs
    RSBF%: 40.4%
    RGW: 88.5kg | 195.1lbs
    RGBF%: 40.2%

    Daily Weigh In:
    Sat.09.09: 91.35kg | 201.4lbs | 40.4%
    Sun.10.09: 91.2g | 201.1lbs | 40.3%
    Mon.11.09: 91.5kg | 201.7lbs | 40.4%
    Tues.12.09: 90.9kg | 200.4lbs | 40.3%

    Daily Details:
    I noticed yesterday that the cravings I’d been having throughout the past year or so are pretty much gone. The dietitian chalked it up to the insufficient calories and lack of protein, so since remedying both of those, I can really notice a difference. I do keep a big bar of dark chocolate in the fridge if I’m wanting something sweet, but I’ve used it more to quickly add on some calories rather than because I was craving it.
    Busy day today, I've decided I want to move some things around and reorganise the girls' living room and make a more permanent workout space in my office. I currently have everything stored in the girls' living room and have to take it out and put it away anytime I want to use it- which leads to me using it less.

    Busy day. Grocery shopping, food prepping, ect.

    Well, I expected this. Yesterday was an off day. My daughter and I went to the shops first thing in the morning to find we were about 45 minutes too early and nothing was open except a few cafes and a small asian grocer. She bought some Japanese candy, and I had two pieces, because they’re my favourite and actually aren’t too high in added sugar. Which would have been fine, except that’s what I started my day with and it was about 3 hours earlier than I normally open my eating window. Then my partner came home from his weekend trip and hadn’t eaten the sausages that he took, so those became lunch. Dinner took longer to cook than expected so I didn’t close my window until an hour later than usual. Overall, I was within my calorie target - just - at about 1580 calories. My macros were fairly close as well. But it was the quality of the food I ate yesterday (apart from dinner) that was lacking. The worst part is I didn’t even *enjoy* the poor choices. The sausages were an instant regret. I should have made myself something I would have enjoyed and would have been healthier anyway, but I was being lazy as I still had to go grocery shopping and get all my meal prep done, and get dinner started. Lesson learned. It’s a new day.

    TOM’s coming in a few days. Which explains a lot. I have my Australian Citizenship interview and test this afternoon, which I’m also a bit stressed about. It’s really not supposed to be that difficult but I’m bad enough with American government even though I grew up learning about it in school, so I’m hoping the test is mostly “common sense” answers. Hopefully I can avoid any hormonal or stress eating today.


    My Info :
    Working with a dietitian and my doctor to get healthy, feel great, and set a good example for my girls!
    Starting Weight as of 28.08.23: 95.56kg | 210.8lbs
    Progress at Start of Round: -4.3kg | -9.48lbs
    Daily Calorie Target: 1400-1600
    Diet: Mostly Mediterranean; focus on whole foods; no alcohol; limit added sugars
    I meal prep and make most things from scratch, avoiding packaged and highly processed foods wherever possible.
    Macro Breakdown: 40f/30c/30p
    Intermittent Fasting: 16/8 (for now – hopefully back to ADF in the future)
    Workouts: Cardio and/or circuit training 6x per week

    Previous Rounds:
    234 start 94.5kg; end 91.6kg; total -2.9kg | -6.4lbs