
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did HIIT today since in ½ hour supposedly you burn twice the calories. And by the time I took a “wash off the sweat” shower, got dressed, drove to get my blood drawn...well, I wanted to be there on time. As it was, I got there about 15 minutes earlier so I just read on my tablet. Then went to Aldi, going to go for a walk in a few.

    M – see, I don’t have a problem telling people here that I’m going to FL. But I’d never do it on Facebook. I see your point, tho. I figure people from Ohio, California, Washington, and all over aren’t about to make a trip to NC just to rob me (and if they did, not like they’d get much). Now you never know who even lives near you is on Facebook. So glad there weren’t any problems.

    Debbie – that clock is fantastic. I’m sure Jessica’s bf would like it. But there’s no way I’d pay that amount of money!!!! Glad you found it in a thrift store. Is that ALL you paid?????

    Kylia – I understand your disappointment with your daughter not being at thanksgiving. Couldn’t she get a sedative from her doctor for that day? I know Jess gets panic attacks when she’s in an airplane (I think it’s that she likes to feel in control and she’s not in an airplane. That’s probably why she insists on having a standard) and she takes a certain medication (can’t remember what it is right now) before she gets on the plane and it really helps her.

    Allie – you’ll do fine. Can’t wait to see pics of the car!!!

    Off to my walk! Newcomer bowling tonight

    Michele NC
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,225 Member
    Allie do you know the song "Helen Wheels"? It's a great car name!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,138 Member

    Kylia - I'm sorry your daughters don't get along, but pleased that your youngest trusts you enough to tell you the truth, that she doesn't choose to be in a room with her sister. If it helps at all, I truly hated being around my sister until I was in my mid-30s. She kept trying to run over me with the religion truck, and had four kids, while I was irreligious and infertile. Eventually, she stopped trying to save me and I stopped trying to feel superior, and we found we had our mother in common, whom we both loved to distraction. Your daughters do have their love for you in common, and that may well override their own needs in their own time.

    Hope it is or was a good Wednesday for all,
    Love from Arkansas,

    I dealt with that with my older sister-not the religious part- both are church goers.
    She had her third(buy third guy) when I had a miscarriage, my only time pregnant, and couldnt understand why I wasn't so overjoyed to see her latest. She went on to have 2 more for a total of 5 by at least four dads, we think the last two are by the same dad-only married to the first one and I continued to go fertility treatments that didn't work- up to 36 shots in one week along with daily blood tests.
    She was either clueless or heartless- I think clueless.
    At least I finally got ds when we adopted him. He is the best thing in my life.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,783 Member
    Allie - What a cute little car! You'll really enjoy driving that. I've only ever named one machine and that was a freezer I named Mr. Beasley. I hope the morning has gone well for you and not too much waiting around.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I need a boot in the behind as I’ve been giving in to my sugar urges/addiction since that first fling with Tootsie Rolls the beginning of October. Not feeling well b/c of the MCC doesn’t help either. I know food won’t help. My mind knows better, but somehow, my hand doesn’t listen! I’ve gained 2 pounds Oct/Nov and am exactly where I was in January! My fight has kept me stable but not what I need/want. I need to lose at least 20 pounds (30 sky hope) for health reasons. At least I’ve not gained over the year. That is something.

    So I got a big bag of popcorn at Sam’s for would you believe, 50 cents? It’s a 16 OZ bag of Smartfood. Yesterday, I took sandwich bags and measured out the entire bag in one serving sandwich bags. I can regulate better that way. I do have a portable food scale and used that to get the bags about the same size. I need to stay away from Sonic Blasts, and Dunkin Donuts and the candy aisle! So keep me in check by reminding me! LOL. I will try to post how good I did each day.

    Yesterday was not good for sugar. I don’t want to admit b/c it is a little embarrassing: Sonic medium Blast, Sonic sugar free lemonade, Sam’s turnovers-2, and some popcorn while measuring out the servings. None of which is good for me, but sure tastes good!

    I had an appointment with my therapist Monday. The office had moved across town! I was at the old office on time but when I found the place empty, I tried calling 3 times before I got someone. They gave me the new address, and I complained b/c no one informed me of the move. By the time I got to the new office, I was 15 minutes late. They made me re-schedule. Now I’m debating whether to cancel or go to the re-scheduled appointment at the end of the month. I may go and cancel in January. IDK, confused right now.

    RVRita struggling (minor stuff) in NM

    PS. We were awakened with another 5.2 earthquake last night, due to fracking in TX.

    RVRita struggling in NM

    :::::::strapping on the boot, steel toe boot I might add!!!!!:::::::::::
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    Still here waiting on the financing people .. but this the car.. need a good name for her. Taking suggestions

    Blue Sapphire!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    yet posted.
    Today: Joe built a fire in the woodstove before I woke up.
    Tuesday: Chetco Community Public Library, and its bathroom ;}.
    Monday: Hot shower. Indoor plumbing. Tums.
    Kylia look forward to hearing about your cookie baking extravaganza with the grands. Sweet memories! Beautiful sunrise view from your hot tub. :love:
    Lisa love the clay on glass candle jar. Will the light shine through the tree? Makes me think of the kintsukoroi you shared back in the day.. .
    Allie :love: the Alfie pic.
    Carol (gentle hugs) Hope the neck pain is gone gone gone.
    Pip :love: your brother and SIL cheering you on. Touched my heart.
    11/7: Move: 2 sets PT w/dx2, dogs to powerline, Zumba walking. Steps:6922
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=5 CI<CO net=400 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, H, groom Tumble, half load laundry, play with plants. Wt: 130.1
    11/6: Move: 2 sets PT w/x&a, line dance class, dogs to powerline, Jeopardy walking. Steps:8535
    Fuel: sugar in vs mfp=28 CI<CO net=1041 vits=1
    Live: Joe, readings, BP, AF, ptT, ptS, H, half load laundry, lunch with T. Wt:132.5

    Only through pg 16 but time for line dance class.
    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD x8zcp1ya37k1.gif
    November: Move more: chair yoga, line dance, dailyish PT, play with dogs.
    Fuel better: less sugar, CI<CO, dailyish vitamins.
    Live NOW: dailyish time with Joe, readings, start meditating. Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2023: Be of good cheer.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,866 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,189 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    kevrit wrote: »
    I need a boot in the behind as I’ve been giving in to my sugar urges/addiction since that first fling with Tootsie Rolls the beginning of October. Not feeling well b/c of the MCC doesn’t help either. I know food won’t help. My mind knows better, but somehow, my hand doesn’t listen! I’ve gained 2 pounds Oct/Nov and am exactly where I was in January! My fight has kept me stable but not what I need/want. I need to lose at least 20 pounds (30 sky hope) for health reasons. At least I’ve not gained over the year. That is something.

    So I got a big bag of popcorn at Sam’s for would you believe, 50 cents? It’s a 16 OZ bag of Smartfood. Yesterday, I took sandwich bags and measured out the entire bag in one serving sandwich bags. I can regulate better that way. I do have a portable food scale and used that to get the bags about the same size. I need to stay away from Sonic Blasts, and Dunkin Donuts and the candy aisle! So keep me in check by reminding me! LOL. I will try to post how good I did each day.

    Yesterday was not good for sugar. I don’t want to admit b/c it is a little embarrassing: Sonic medium Blast, Sonic sugar free lemonade, Sam’s turnovers-2, and some popcorn while measuring out the servings. None of which is good for me, but sure tastes good!

    I had an appointment with my therapist Monday. The office had moved across town! I was at the old office on time but when I found the place empty, I tried calling 3 times before I got someone. They gave me the new address, and I complained b/c no one informed me of the move. By the time I got to the new office, I was 15 minutes late. They made me re-schedule. Now I’m debating whether to cancel or go to the re-scheduled appointment at the end of the month. I may go and cancel in January. IDK, confused right now.

    RVRita struggling (minor stuff) in NM

    PS. We were awakened with another 5.2 earthquake last night, due to fracking in TX.

    RVRita struggling in NM

    :::::::strapping on the boot, steel toe boot I might add!!!!!:::::::::::

    Thank you Pip! I really need your steel toes right now. So far today, been good! 😊