
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,519 Member
    Vicki ~ What a lovely family you have.

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Once again I am reminded that the way to save money is to not spend it and one way to declutter is to not buy anything. Easier said than done, but quite simple. Buying something is a way to feel better just like drugs, alcohol, or emotional eating.

    :) The dishwasher has been emptied so all the extra bowls and pots for turkey and soup cooking are put away for a few months. the box of holiday decorations is ready to go back on the shelf. Now it's time to gather whatever is needed to file income tax. That will be here soon.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    That sounds so much like dh- he LOVES to shop- in store or online. Also loves eating out(and not the healthiest options, especially for a over weight diabetic).
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Margaret- my heart Dr is also an electrophysiologist, and he shocked me 3 times..after that they finally just replaced the valve. Im so sorry your going through all this.. im sitting here trying to put a shoe cupboard together..trying is the key word.. i used to be real good at putting things together.. will take a picture of finished product.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Worked then made the donation to the salvation army and, of course, went in the store. Then went to WalMart to get the biscuits for Sunday and a few other things. Later today I need to walk to Food Lion to get chicken for us and pork chops for Sunday. I was very surprised at how much of the Christmas decorations WalMart still had, at least 4 aisles full.

    Tracey – some of my best Christmas gifts are “needs”. I really don’t like when someone buys me things that they think I’ll like. Too many times I really don’t. This year Jess gave me dividers for my drawer because SHE doesn’t like that I have everything in one drawer, she wants it more organized. Not sure why Colby got me the tea infuser, I never use loose tea leaves. Now some sort of holder for tea bags would have been useful (I don’t even know if they make something like that). Good shopping! Good luck on the boob squeeze

    kathryn – welcome! You and M will have a lot to compare notes on.

    Barbara – I’ve been on prolia for the osteoporosis and I’ve never been told that I shouldn’t have a dental procedure. You might want to check it out. It’s nice in that it’s just an injection once every 6 months. The mole is covered right now by a band aid. Just changed it last night. It’s just awkward for me to put a new one on and I take a shower almost every day, so I’ll probably leave this one on for a few days. I know that during the month of Feb. the vet gives a discount for teeth cleaning. Not sure if it’s just my vet or not. Has something to do with “national teeth month” or something like that. You can ask. What’s the worst they can say? “no”

    kylia – if something of Vince’s that I’ve gotten rid of is needed, when Vince asks where it is I just tell him “I don’t know” (not that that’s a lie….<snicker>)

    I prefer to buy my own clothes and give them to Vince to give to me. Or else be very specific on the size. At least if I buy it I know that it fits and that I like it

    Annie – I’m glad you decided on the restaurant option. I agree with you wholehartedly not posting the time of the funeral. Here isn’t so bad (not perfect) but on a more public forum (like fb) I definitely wouldn’t. Vince would absolutely kill me if I ever posted on fb something about us being in FL. Not until I get home. If your dad goes outdoors in his underwear, doesn’t he get cold? Maybe a housecoat, at least for now. He may forget by the time the weather gets warmer

    Lisa – I agree with you. To me, it’s stupid for a child to get a “participation award”. The sooner they learn that some people win and others lose, the better for them. Your boss doesn’t care if you “participated”. He expects the work done and if it isn’t, there’s the door.

    Sue – you have a possessed oven, I have a possessed CPAP. Sometimes it just turns on for no reason. I can be in the other room and hear this noise.

    Kylia – I like my doctor, I really do. But in this day and age of him only being able to give you a certain amount of time and having many patients that it’s hard for them to keep everything about you straight, it’s imperative that we investigate things they recommend.

    Rita – oh boy that heater! Hope it gets fixed soon

    Off to walk to Food Lion

    Michele NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    G texted our WhatsApp group to say that the dermatologist had rung her, and she has an appointment for next Thursday. The guess is that it is an autoimmune response, like Vicki. Two of our group were doctors and they think so too. She had a horrible knee joint flare up some months ago. She is very happy not to be having to wash the bed linen every day.
    She is still in Eastbourne, but hopes to call in on her way home tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure she is relieved to have an appointment.

    Personally, I don't trust any generalised doctor. They know nothing. I only want to see the top person, who might, just possibly, have a clue. Maybe not. :#

    Today I did some trash clearing and decluttered and sorted out the top drawer of the kitchen freezer. Very happy. Also tidied up my paper napkin and place mat drawer. I'm working up to donating some shoes and boots, which are hardly worn, expensive, and lovely, but not my thing any more. :/

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,142 Member
    question of the day-
    Why do the delivery people put heavy boxes right up against the screen door that opens outwards?

    Again this morning I could barely get out the front door because they had put a box full of canned cat food right up against the screen door.
    In the past, I have had to go out through the kitchen, into the garage and go out that way just to move a box from against the front screen door.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    question of the day-
    Why do the delivery people put heavy boxes right up against the screen door that opens outwards?

    Again this morning I could barely get out the front door because they had put a box full of canned cat food right up against the screen door.
    In the past, I have had to go out through the kitchen, into the garage and go out that way just to move a box from against the front screen door.

    My answer is, because
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Im watching Miles tomorrow at least for the morning.wish me luck its been awhile.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Margaret - hope they can get your husband's Afib taken care of. And getting off the cancer med will improve his gut health and his weight will stabilize and give him a good quality of life. ((((HUGS))))

    I did a little more searching about the waist measurement and this article talks about the waist to hip ratio.

    Waist to hip ratio better than BMI: https://www.verywellhealth.com/could-waist-hip-ratio-replace-bmi-6745714

    More on BMI and older adults: https://www.verywellhealth.com/healthy-weight-and-bmi-range-for-older-adults-2223592

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    I was supposed to have a root canal later in the month but the MD called to say they had a cancellation for Jan 2 at – get this – 6:45 IN THE MORNING. I texted BK and they said it was OK.

    Making chicken thighs for us for this week and the freezer.

    Debbie – I guess we’re lucky not to have screen doors...lol

    Off to take a shower and then sleep with Shadow.

    Soup kitchen tomorrow. Oh, that means that I need to take some snacks with me since I get soooo hungry and don’t want to be tempted to have junk.

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,790 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Annie – I’m glad you decided on the restaurant option. I agree with you wholehartedly not posting the time of the funeral. Here isn’t so bad (not perfect) but on a more public forum (like fb) I definitely wouldn’t. Vince would absolutely kill me if I ever posted on fb something about us being in FL. Not until I get home.

    Depending on your FB settings, FB can be more private than this forum. This forum is wide open with no privacy settings at all. With FB, you have some control over who sees what you post.

    I definitely wouldn't post important dates, travel info etc. here ... but I'm not inclined to post them on FB either.

    exermom wrote: »
    Lisa – I agree with you. To me, it’s stupid for a child to get a “participation award”. The sooner they learn that some people win and others lose, the better for them. Your boss doesn’t care if you “participated”. He expects the work done and if it isn’t, there’s the door.
    Michele NC

    Where I work, it's about teamwork ... not about winners and losers. We all play an important part. We're all vital little pieces of the puzzle. :)

    In many places of employment, if you're someone who shows up regularly and participates, you're an ideal employee!

    One of the things that really appealed to me about randonneuring/audax (the type of cycling I've been involved in since 2001) is that everyone who finishes the event within the time limit is a winner ... not just the fastest. The challenge is within yourself and with things like your own equipment, the environment, the terrain, etc. ... not against other people. It means that other people can be supportive and encouraging. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Personally, I don't trust any generalised doctor. They know nothing. I only want to see the top person, who might, just possibly, have a clue. Maybe not. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Here, GPs are like triage units.

    You go to a GP with your list of symptoms.
    The GP sends you for bloodwork and other tests to try to narrow the scope of the problem.
    Then the GP sends you to the specialists ... to specialist surgeons, to physiotherapists, etc.

    It's rare that a GP will diagnose, unless it is something fairly straightforward. For example, when I went to one for my cat bite, she diagnosed that it was infected and put me on antibiotics.

    But for most things I go to the GP to get referrals to specialists.

    And I always have to remind them of my allergy to antibiotics and about my genetic pre-disposition to clotting.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    you would like this... Saw on Facebook today!

    It is like that!!