A one year commitment….



  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    @AnnPT77 Thank you - your words of encouragement are very much appreciated!
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,319 Member
    Hi @54shadesofBLue

    I booked marked your page a while ago and started reading. I just got caught up today and Kudos to you for keeping the commitment.

    I appreciate your honesty and candor. I like that you've given yourself and entire year to accomplish what might seem unsurmountable...but breaking it down into smaller goals will make it more manageable.

    I heard that two weeks into the new year a lot of people have already given up.....My words to you: DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!!!

    I am no expert by any means and fighting my own battles but someone asked me about thoughts for success and here is what I said.
    • Make sure you have a reasonable plan for nutrition and exercise.
    • Set smart goals (how and when) of the steps needed to follow your plan
    • DO IT - but don't beat yourself up if you don't get it 100%
    • Trust that the plan will work
    • Have patience
    • Celebrate the wins...all of them!

    And on a final note, I second what @henridw2095 said about the Ultimate Accountability Challenge. It's an awesome and very motivating group.

    Good Luck on your Journey.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    @itladyee - Thank you so much. Its a little uncomfortable to put it out here in public view sometimes but that is also the edge I need to push through at this point, and after the year is over it would be great if someone else could also benefit.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,319 Member
    @itladyee - Thank you so much. Its a little uncomfortable to put it out here in public view sometimes but that is also the edge I need to push through at this point, and after the year is over it would be great if someone else could also benefit.

    And benefit along the way! :)
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 980 Member
    edited January 17
    @itladyee is right! And she wrote an awesome opener for tomorrow about processed foods. It will be a good discussion. No pressure of course, but the UAC is a good place to be.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 18
    Jan 17, 2024 - Day 40

    Much, much better day today in every way.
    Too cold for the gym tonight (24F, and just got inside from re-salting mg driveway and path to the door) but I will be active in my shop… not going to try to figure out the calorie count for any activity down there as my food and general steps for the day have already brought me to my goal.
    I have decided to try some body weight training starting tomorrow instead of the barbell stuff, if it takes root I will sell my weights at home and also my sumo rack, as I’d rather have the space for shop projects and generally own less ‘stuff’… over the last few years I have gradually tried to pare way things to cut down clutter.

    Weighed in today at 204.4 lbs which isn’t great but still within the 1 pound per week goal. My gut says I’ll be hovering around 203-204 for another week and then a ‘whoosh’ drop.. two more days till the weekend !!!

  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/18/2024 - Day 41. Caloric intake was on goal. Usually Thursday night is my weakest night in terms of will power. My step-father in law usually comes over and that introduces a little stress as it’s a weekly thing which usually involves sweets and many times during the week I don’t want to be obliged to socialize- I know that sounds *kitten*, but it is what it is. He is a good person and now lives alone so it’s good for him. Anyhow, I got through meal time without getting sucked into the glass of wine, have a chat and eat a cookie (or several cycle)
    Shop time didn’t happen yesterday and probably not tonight either, as it’s been so damn cold outside even the basement is uncomfortable to do work in and I am not bringing an electric heater down in a dusty Woodshop. Also even when I had sand stuff I open a window and have a fan vent the dusty air outside..not something I want to do for a day or two… might just be an early night as I only got 4 hours of sleep last night , usually there is one or two days a week where I have a really had time getting to bed.
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 689 Member
    edited January 19
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    You're doing great. I like that you're sticking with your plans, but being realistic about modifications when needed to accommodate twists and turns in routine.

    Sticking with the process is the main factor in success, I think. An off day here or there is less of an issue, especially if - as you're doing - we think about why the off days were that way, accept it if it was worth it, and modify plans going forward if we think another solution would be better on another future day in similar circumstances. And then keep going.

    Keep thinking, keep experimenting, keep on keeping on: That's perfect. I'm predicting that you succeed. :flowerforyou:

    I added bold and particularly Like that, very helpful concept(s). Very different from the 'diet approach' in our family to 'start a fresh diet, not take a bite off it, lose the weight and keep it off forever!' Total crash and burn, every. single. time.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 20
    1/19/2024 - day 42.. six weeks from when I started. Calories were good today but food quality could have been better however next thing I need to work on is better sleep amounts and quality… then more fruits and veggies.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 21
    1/20/2024 - day 43.
    A mixed day. The cold kept me indoors. I definitely see the appeal of going somewhere warmer after I retire!
    Food choices were not great, including some sweets. (I blame this on cabin fever) but I did get in some exercise in the shop (saw restoration, filing and then hand ripping some lumber , plus cleanup ) before I sliced my finger open!! (yes even hand tools can cut you bad if not careful, in this case a wheel type cutting gauge of all things 🙄)
    Aside from bleeding on my work, the cut wasn’t too bad … between 1/16 and 1/32 of an inch deep.. I washed it, and put on some steri-strips. I’ll get a tetanus shot tomorrow… the down side is this cut short the things I can do as the injury is at my first finger joint so I must keep my pointer finger straight 😒. Decided it was time to stop for the day…I’ll talk to the doc tomorrow to see what I can realistically do.. fortunately it is on my right hand (I am lefty)…
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/21/2024 day 44
    Food quality was poor but net calories were to plan - went to urgent care get a tetanus shot and also have my finger checked- all good there only downside was my blood pressure was really pretty high. It also was high over the summer last time i went. I need go start to monitor, I’ll give it a few weeks checking daily, if I don’t see a decent trend, I’ll make an appointment with my primary care doc who I am sure will prescribe medication again. What i think I will do is make the appointment for several weeks in advance… I’m overdue for a checkup anyway.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    edited January 23
    Day 45
    Food quality was much better today. My lunch was so filling did not feel hungry for dinner. One small bit of good news - I am able to fit into a shirt that was too tight back in December, so I’ll call that the first non scale victory. I did buy a bunch of suits the first week of January to step up my appearance at work, I’m also one of those people that works better when they are dressed ‘professionally’, I’m hoping to be out of those suits by the spring time and today I’m feeling optimistic that will happen. My waist is down 3/4 of an inch since the beginning of the month now down to 42.75 as per the tape…
  • Adventurista
    Adventurista Posts: 689 Member
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 106 Member
    I agree , that’s too much, I know you don’t want advice, and I’m no sort of role model to offer it, but I have found saying nothing at all about my food choices, takinga small plate, and then stopping works for me. And if it don’t get a head ache and go home !
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 106 Member
    Wanted to tell you I’m finding your honesty really helpful.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    Wanted to tell you I’m finding your honesty really helpful.
    Thank you for both of your messages.
    When complete, the goal is this might benefit more people than just me.
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    1/24/2024 - day 47
    As expected, the calorie goal for the day was torpedoed, although I did make reasonable choices at dinner with my boss. He takes out his directors once a quarter to a very nice restaurant- usually an excellent steak house. He is a very good person, and I genuinely enjoy his company regardless of our professional relationship. Unfortunately I just got back home and am now more ready for the bed rather than the gym!

    Although the calorie part of the day went poorly, my attitude since last post has improved. Two more challenge days to go before my Monday weigh in.

  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,319 Member
    How's your finger?
  • 54ShadesOfBlue
    54ShadesOfBlue Posts: 262 Member
    itladyee wrote: »
    How's your finger?
    Healing up nice, I should be back at full use this weekend - thanks for asking !