❤️⭐️2024 Weekly Weigh-in Challenge⭐️❤️



  • pammyNNP
    pammyNNP Posts: 72 Member
    edited January 1
    Yay! A year long challenge! I need this to stay engaged and accountable. I like the weekly check in and the year long plan to be able to set realistic goals. I am a 58 year old NP with a pretty crazy work schedule. I work 24 hour shifts, so you can imagine I can be up and trying to manage eating schedules at all weird hours of the day and night.
    Goals for 2024: log food daily, weigh in daily as possible, get to the gym at least 2-3 times a week and drink more water instead of diet soda!
    I am going on vacation at the end of Jan-early Feb so I want to at least get a head start and start walking more comfortably. I injured my knee last month and am still working that out.
    Looking forward to watching everyone's progress!

    January 2024
    1/1: 248

    Weight +/- for the week:

    Weight +/- for the week:


    Weight +/- for the week:


    Weight +/- for the week:

    Weight +/- for the month:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    edited January 1
    Hi, my name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in a very very rural area of Michigan USA. My highest weight was 253 lbs. I gained it all when I quit smoking in 2007. One day (in 2018) I looked up and realized it had been 11 years since I had quit and gained all the weight. 11 YEARS!!!! Why was I still so fat? I started on a quest to lose the weight. I did very well but was derailed by the Covid shut-ins in 2020 and 2021. However, I am back at it and determined to get to 155 minimum or 145 desired. I have lost 16 pounds in 2023, left the obese catagory and entered into the world of overweight (by a smidgen).

    I am a breast cancer survivor, very bad thyroid, Type 2 diabetes VERY uncontrolled, Insulin Resistance, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Recent past heart attack with heart stent and osteoperinia in my knees and L-4, L-5 and L-6 of my back. Nearly all of these problems stem from the excess weight. Obesity is it's own disease and is a silent killer. My goal is to turn it all around and get back to health and vitality. Exercise is much more carefully metered out these days due to the heart issue/breathing. However, I went to cardiac rehab last year for about 5 months and have learned my limits so I am able to get some safe movement in.

    Because of my T2D, I choose to eat low calorie while keeping the net carbs under 100 daily. I also have been experimenting with the zig-zag diet where you stagger your calories (and carbs in my case). You can google it and find out how it works if you wish. It seems to be helping me as it allows me a couple of somewhat higher calorie days (on days I travel or have a social event), followed by some lower calorie days to "make up for it" or balance it out. I try to get in 30 minutes or more of exercise on most days.

    I am single, widowed, mother of 4 adult children including one 27 yr old Autistic son who lives with me. I have 6 grandchildren. I am a retired former small business owner. I travel by car often as I live in a very small Amish type community so shopping is usually an all day venture to larger cities. The restaurants in those cities are my weakness as it's like being a kid in a candy store when your from a limited small town such as mine. I am working on mastering healthier ordering.

    I hope you will all share your ideas and plans in order to help the rest of us. I love reading your posts about your diet, your research, the books you are reading, the websites with good articles, etc. I also just enjoy hearing about your families, your pets and how your day is going overall. I hope you will find me informative and supportive. Let's do this, my friends. We all have a few hurdles to jump over bet we got this!
  • HappyHiker24
    HappyHiker24 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! I'm in my early 40s, and I live in the Northeastern USA. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the past few years, and I'd like to turn that trend around before it causes me any serious health problems. My primary goals for 2024 are to recover from a chronic injury and get back to a healthy (or at least healthier) weight by losing an average of 1-2 pounds per week.

    Jan 1: 216.7
    Jan 8:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 29:
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    So I've been putting some thought into this chocolate gift from my youngest daughter..... I think I know what may have happened. Sometime in December she & I were out of town together and I ran into an Aldi's to pick up my dark chocolate. They have a brand called Moser Roth which comes in various amount of cocoa and cocao. I will buy it as high as a 90% content although this last time it was 70%. She asked me about it because of my diabetes and I told her that I find having a square at night helps to stave off my chocolate cravings and that the extra benefit is that it is an antioxident.

    I have noticed that in all that chocolate she bought, most of it is dark chocolate. Of course, having a Lindt dark chocolate truffle is not the same as having a 70% or higher cocao piece, but I'm sure she does not understand that because I did not fully go into it or explain it to her. I'm sure she thought it would be something I would love and something I could really use.

    What she doesn't know is that I don't eat a square EVERY NIGHT for 365 days. I eat it on occasion when it fits into my macros and when I have a particular craving for something sweet. This is why I like that brand. When you open the bar up, it actually consists of about 5 smaller separately wrapped little mini candy bars that contain 2 squares. It is easy to break it apart, keep the other half in the wrap and put the wrap back into the main bar for safekeeping. It keeps it fresher than just buying a big hunk of a bar. (I'll post a pic for clarification). Anyway, I don't think her gift was an attempt at being brutal. I just think she has misunderstood and so my intention first and foremost is to explain this to her (or the candy may never end).

    My plan for the candy is to share with everyone in the family. A little to each family will not be too hurtful. I will ask them not to let her know because she is still quite fragile with all she is going through. Also, I know that she made a big financial leap here that she couldn't afford just to try to provide me something she thought would help. The others will understand and keep it under their hats. I am also going to share the candy with her as she love chocolate, although she is a tiny little person who picks at it and has such wonderful control that I just don't have yet. I will talk to her about my diabetes and explain that I don't eat it everyday. I will ask her to choose some to take home (a lot if possible), whatever is left after this, I will follow Tish's advice ( @tiabirdie56 ) and freeze the rest in my deep freeze that is in the garage since I actually can use some of it. However, I need to keep only the darkest of chocolate since that is where I have the most control. I am not CRAZY about dark cacao so the control is built-in. I know that this plan will not be the most popular with many of you, but I think it can protect my daughter's feelings, be a blessing to some of the other kids/grandkids and still help me to, especially since all my cacao has to be bought out-of-town. I absolutely will not pawn off too much to just one person to create problems for someone else. I will be careful and thoughtful.

    Well that's my plan and I'll do my best to stick to it. I've worked too hard on my weight AND by glucose numbers so that will be my guiding force and light going forward. I've had many good ideas on a couple of different challenges and I thank you all for your input. By combining some of your ideas, I think it's a good plan. I will be having ANOTHER talk with my daughter, but this time I will explain things better to her and leave no room for questions. She is not a sabotaging kind of person, honestly. She is just a little thing that does not understand the challenges I face as an obese person (food control). Her heart was in the right place this time I do believe. As for the wine, I will have no problem controlling that. The Martini & Rossi Asti (sparkling wine) is one of my favorites. She bought little 4 packs of that which provides about 2 nice pour wineglasses each. That will last me a long time. She also bought one large bottle which I will not pop open until I have a social occasion or family gathering where it can be shared. Control with alcohol is not a problem for me.
  • scrf9bzrs7
    scrf9bzrs7 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all and Happy 2024! @Walela617, what scale app do you use that provides such information?
  • Kayfattofit13
    Kayfattofit13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I am Kay. Female 5’4, current 247.5. Heaviest I have been. Wanting to lose over 100 pounds in this long road ahead.

    I weigh in on Thursdays
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    brittgreenlikethecolor88 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I'm in! :smile: Brittany, 35yo, mom of 2 boys. Looking to lose about 40lbs overall. Hopefully by summer 🌞

    Jan 2: 195 lb
    Jan 9:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 30:
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,790 Member
    Happy New Year! 🎊

    Here we go! We are all in this together.

    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for January :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily/ weekly
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Exercise 3x per week- starting at 15-20 minutes of beginner dance workouts
    Get back down to under 200 pounds
    Hang out in the 190’s for a bit… then hit my ultimate goal of 185.

    Starting weight January 1st: 205.6
    Jan 1: 205.6
    Jan 3: 203.4 ⭐️
    Jan 10
    Jan 17
    Jan 31
    Total weight lost in January:

  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,321 Member
    Hello, I am Patti. I am 64 years old. I live in Fredericksburg, VA.

    I weigh in on Weds

    01/03: 136
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,790 Member
    This year is about seeing progress and feeling better about yourself. We’re in the for the long haul, so don’t let small missteps derail your progress.

  • Rh1aB1a
    Rh1aB1a Posts: 294 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm Rhiannon. I'm a stay at home mama to my 5 kiddos and trying to lose the baby weight before my wedding in December! Cheers!

    January 2024
    SW- 162.4
    GW- 158.4
    UGW- 148.0

    Jan 3- 162.0 <3
    Jan 10-
    Jan 17-
    Jan 24-
    Jan 31-
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member

    01/01-181.6-(Trend Weight: 180.3)- Good luck everyone in the challenge and in the new year! Remember, I am always in your corner and am one of your biggest cheerleaders. Lets take 2024 by storm!

    Ditto Donna! Obviously, I like your idea to take 2024 by "Storm"! Ha!


  • pammyNNP
    pammyNNP Posts: 72 Member

    Yay! A year long challenge! I need this to stay engaged and accountable. I like the weekly check in and the year long plan to be able to set realistic goals. I am a 58 year old NP with a pretty crazy work schedule. I work 24 hour shifts, so you can imagine I can be up and trying to manage eating schedules at all weird hours of the day and night.
    Goals for 2024: log food daily, weigh in daily as possible, get to the gym at least 2-3 times a week and drink more water instead of diet soda!
    I am going on vacation at the end of Jan-early Feb so I want to at least get a head start and start walking more comfortably. I injured my knee last month and am still working that out.
    Looking forward to watching everyone's progress!

    January 2024
    1/1: 248 –gym today
    1/2: ran out of the house morning to work and forgot to weigh in
    1/3: 247.4
    1/4: 246.5
    Weight +/- for the week:

    Weight +/- for the week:


    Weight +/- for the week:

    Weight +/- for the week:

    Weight +/- for the month: