❤️⭐️2024 Weekly Weigh-in Challenge⭐️❤️



  • pammyNNP
    pammyNNP Posts: 72 Member
    edited February 7
    Yay! A year long challenge! I need this to stay engaged and accountable. I like the weekly check in and the year long plan to be able to set realistic goals.
    Goals for 2024: log food daily, weigh in daily as possible, get to the gym at least 2-3 times a week and drink more water instead of diet soda!
    Vacation last week was amazing. Of course I had gained weight when I got back, but a week on a cruise ship and awesome ports took its toll! Its ok, still I am overall down from the start of the year so I take it as a win.
    Starting weight for this challenge on 1/1/24: 248
    January 2024
    1/1: 248 –gym today
    1/2: ran out of the house morning to work and forgot to weigh in
    1/3: 247.4
    1/4: 246.5
    1/5: 245.6
    1/6: 246.5 Sometimes I don’t get to access MFP on my computer daily, but I am keeping track and catch it up!
    1/7: 246.5
    Weight +/- for week one: -1.5lb
    1/8: 244.2
    1/9: 242 –big water whoosh! (or the “this is what happens when I run like a crazy person at work and don’t stop to eat properly”)
    1/10: 242.7
    1/11: 243
    1/12: Did not weigh today
    1/13: 240
    Weight +/- for the week: -6lb
    Weight +/- for the week: 0.0
    Weight +/- for the week: -1.5
    Weight +/- for the month: -9.0
    Weight +/- for the year: -9.0
    February 2024
    1/29: DNW
    1/30: DNW
    1/31: DNW
    2/1: DNW
    2/2: DNW
    2/3: DNW
    2/4: DNW
    Weight +/- for the week: DNW (on vacation)
    2/5: 244.5 Yup…up. But..vacation was awesome and I regret nothing!
    2/6: DNW
    2/7: 242.5
    Weight +/- for the week:
  • Rh1aB1a
    Rh1aB1a Posts: 313 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm Rhiannon. I'm a stay at home mama to my 5 kiddos and trying to lose the baby weight before my wedding in October! Cheers!

    <3 January <3
    SW- 162.4
    GW- 158.4
    UGW- 148.0

    3.- 162.0 <3
    24.-160.8 <3
    31.-160.0 <3

    <3 FEBRUARY <3

    1. 159.4 <3
    2. 159.8 <3
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 811 Member

    Jan 1- Jan 31: 180.0 - 178.0 (-2.0)
    Feb 5: 174.0
    Feb 11: 174.6

    Weighing In on Super Bowl Day🏈 Hope your team plays well!
    Heaviest Weight: 210 BMI 36.0
    Heaviest Weight in 2023: 194.0 BMI 33.6
    Start Weight 2024: 180 BMI 30.9 Obese
    Goal Weight by Feb 29, 2024: 170 BMI 28.5 Over Weight
    Goal weight 2024: 160 BMI 27.0 Overweight
    Ultimate Goal: 147 BMI 24.9 Normal

    BMI Ranges
    Underweight = <18.5
    Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
    Overweight = 25.0–29.9
    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
  • Walela617
    Walela617 Posts: 506 Member
    edited February 11
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    No loss this week mostly due to overeating and under activity.

    Starting Weight: 152.6 on JAN 28
    FEB04: 148.4 (WK: -4.2/TL: -4.2
    FEB11: 148.4 (WK: -0.0/TL: -4.2

    We're expecting a snowstorm in Boston late Monday night and all though Tuesday. They're not sure how much yet but it's supposed to be the biggest one so far this winter.

    Best wishes for the week ahead!
  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    edited February 12
    Hello, I'm April 😊 I'm new and can use all the help and encouragement I can get. I’m 58, 5’10, and live in South-Central Indiana with my husband.

    Dr. told me at my last check up, that I have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and Crohn's. Started the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to try and bring the Crohn's into remission, and hopefully heal my liver as well. A nice side effect is that I'm losing weight! (Started at 342) I have several other health issues, but I don't want to make this post to long.

    Starting a little late in the month, but my goals for February are:
    📅 Weigh-in weekly on Sundays
    📝 Log daily on MFP
    👣 Walking 2x per week (I'm disabled and normally have to use a motorized scooter to get around. So this is a huge undertaking for me) 💪🏻 plus strengthen my arms with hand weights 3x per week
    ⬇️ Lose 5 pounds

    2/11: 322

  • judefit1
    judefit1 Posts: 954 Member
    @ATnowornever : welcome to this challenge and best of luck! You will find people are super nice and supportive in this group, so keep coming back! :-)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,823 Member

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Start Weight (from Jan 31st ): 181.6
    Goal Weight: 177.6 (4 pound loss)

    End of Month Weight: xxxxx
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight: 183.0)- weight.png

    My name is Donna. I am 63 years old and I live in the Midwest of the US. I am 5’ 5” tall. My highest weight was 253 in 2016. My MFP start weight was 235 in 2018.

    Start Weight (from Jan 31st ): 181.6
    Goal Weight: 177.6 (4 pound loss)

    End of Challenge Weight: xxxxx
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145-155 (I’ll know it when I get there!)

    Weight in blue makes me blue because it’s a gain. Weight in fuchsia pink makes me feel cheery because it’s a loss. Weight in black means no change.

    02/01-183.4-(Trend Weight: 183.0)-

    02/05-184.6-(Trend Weight: 183.2)- This has been a horrible last few days with me really going out on a rail. I made homemade chicken noodle soup to last a few days. I really didn’t need that pasta that was in it. I was totally triggered for carbs and more carbs which is pretty dangerous for my diabetes and doesn’t help my weight since diabetics tend to store it as belly fat. I know what I have to do but doing it is the hard part. But there is one thing harder, and that’s doing it consistently. Win some, lose some. Right now I’m losing lots of some.

    02/12-179.6-(Trend Weight: 181.4)- Stuck to my plan most of the week with good results. Travel today for a dr. appointment.

    02/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's

    02/05-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/12-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/17-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/24-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-
    02/29-xxxxx-(Trend Weight: xxxxx)-

    Every healthy habit brings me closer to scratching each of these off to NEVER see them again!
    250’s; 240’s; 230’s; 220's; 210's; 200's; 190's; 180’s; 170's; 160's; 150's
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 919 Member
    @deepwoodslady nice drop! 👏
  • pammyNNP
    pammyNNP Posts: 72 Member
    Starting weight for this challenge on 1/1/24: 248
    Goals for 2024: log food daily, weigh in daily as possible, get to the gym at least 2-3 times a week and drink more water instead of diet soda!
    Vacation last week was amazing. Of course I had gained weight when I got back, but a week on a cruise ship and awesome ports took its toll! Its ok, still I am overall down from the start of the year so I take it as a win.
    January 2024
    1/1: 248 –gym today
    1/2: ran out of the house morning to work and forgot to weigh in
    1/3: 247.4
    1/4: 246.5
    1/5: 245.6
    1/6: 246.5 Sometimes I don’t get to access MFP on my computer daily, but I am keeping track and catch it up!
    1/7: 246.5
    Weight +/- for week one: -1.5lb
    1/8: 244.2
    1/9: 242 –big water whoosh! (or the “this is what happens when I run like a crazy person at work and don’t stop to eat properly”)
    1/10: 242.7
    1/11: 243
    1/12: Did not weigh today
    1/13: 240
    Weight +/- for the week: -6lb
    Weight +/- for the week: 0.0
    Weight +/- for the month: -9.0
    Weight +/- for the year: -9.0
    February 2024
    1/29: DNW
    1/30: DNW
    1/31: DNW
    2/1: DNW
    2/2: DNW
    2/3: DNW
    2/4: DNW
    Weight +/- for the week: DNW (on vacation)
    2/5: 244.5 Yup…up. But..vacation was awesome and I regret nothing!
    2/6: DNW
    2/7: 242.5
    2/8: DNW
    2/9: 241.0
    2/10: 240
    2/11: 240.2
    Weight +/- for the week: +1.2 lb

    Random stuff about me:
    I am 59 years old this month (ouch). I currently live in Texas with my hubby and crew of kitty babies. I am a neonatal nurse practitioner and work 24hour shifts in a busy NICU. If it looks like I disappear on random days…that’s why! About 10 years ago I lost 135 pounds. Never made it to goal but just sort of leveled off at ~200 pounds. Over time I gained back nearly 50. Working on getting back at least to my low weight of 200. I would like to eventually make it to 150 where I think I would be comfortable.
  • ATnowornever
    ATnowornever Posts: 389 Member
    judefit1 wrote: »
    @ATnowornever : welcome to this challenge and best of luck! You will find people are super nice and supportive in this group, so keep coming back! :-)

    Thank you @judefit1 😊
  • Patti241
    Patti241 Posts: 4,826 Member

    Feb 7: 133
    Feb 14: 136
  • OllyBooBoo
    OllyBooBoo Posts: 44 Member
    Needing some accountability so here I am! 42F/5.5"/149 lbs.

    My lowest weight was 136.6 in July and my first goal is to get back to that weight.
    Ultimate goal is 130 lbs.

    I don't have the healthiest relationship with food and get obsessed over what I eat and tracking makes it worse so I've decided to be kinder to myself by just eating more mindfully and getting in some form of daily exersise. I've also been doing IF (18:6) and it's really helping with some of the "food noise".
    I would like to weigh in weekly (Fridays) with everyone to keep track of results.

    Jan 5 - 149.2 Weight hasn't budged but definetly feel better, sleeping better and less bloating from IF
    Jan 12 - Too afraid to step on the scale. Signed up with a local weight loss center for help.
    Jan 19 - 147 Still IF, AF and sticking to my eating plan. Feeling good
    Jan 26 - 145.5
    Feb 2 - 145.5
    Feb 9 - 145

    This past week has been a rollercoaster with events and travel. I'm afraid to get on the scale right now. I'm going to weigh in on Saturday and give the water weight some time to go away. Also using Lent as a reason to buckle down for the next month and decline junk food and alcohol.
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,823 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,909 Member
    edited February 15
    ❤️Happy February!❤️

    Hello, I’m Jill. 🥰I’m 53, 5’7” and I live in Michigan.

    My goals for February :
    ⚖️Weigh- in daily/ weekly
    📝Log daily
    🙆‍♀️Stretch daily/ Exercise 3x per week- starting at 15-20 minutes of beginner dance workouts
    💊Take my vitamins and supplements daily
    ❤️Get back down to under 200 pounds
    Hang out in the 190’s for a bit… then hit my ultimate goal of 185.

    Total weight lost in January: 2.9 pounds.🥰
    February 1: 201.3 👍
    February 7: 203.3 Not a great first week for February, but a reality check that I need to get back to logging daily and eating more veggies and less salty snacks (my kryptonite) Onward and downward on the scale!
    February 15: 201.0 better!
    February 21:
    February 28:
    February 29:

    Total weight lost in February:

    Jill 🥰