

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    edited January 25
    exermom wrote: »
    M – I’ve been a member of the Y for over 30 years and in all that time, not once did a child (or adult) crap in the pool. There was one time we had to get out of the pool because a kid threw up, but that can happen to even adults. The lifeguards don’t tolerate making out or having water fights, they make the offending people leave the pool area. Guess things are different in Australia.

    Michele NC

    I wouldn't say that things are different in Australia. It's a big country! I've been in several different pools in other parts of Australia which have been fine, excellent even.

    I can't even say this is how things are in other parts of Tasmania.

    But the main pool here has a bad reputation and several of my work colleagues have stopped going there for the same reasons I
    have mentioned and because they got sick when they went for swims. Apparently if a person is lucky enough to be able to snag a lane in the 50 metre area it isn't too bad, but those lanes are almost always full. And I am not up to swimming 50 metres.

    Several other public pools including 2 YMCAs have closed ... often maintenance and cleanliness issues are cited when that happens. It's summer and 4 local pools are closed at the moment. It looks like 2 might be permanently closed. Most were built in the 1960s or 1970s --they are falling apart and have been let go because it costs too much to do anything ... and few seem to care.

    Other places focus on kids ... all kinds of kids programs to the exclusion of adults.

    The thing is, we're a small island so when anyone suggests that maybe this area needs more public pools or improved public pools, the response is always "just go swim in the ocean. "

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • Rosemarie2972
    Rosemarie2972 Posts: 450 Member
    Carol: I hope you get to sleep. Maybe you have a way to play calming, meditation music. This helps me.

    Rosemarie from Georgia
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,812 Member
    Heather - 10 years old! She sure is amazing.
    I don’t know if I would like private school, I think public schools give you a good mix of what society will be. Mind you, my only “experience” with private is what I’ve seen on TV so I’m really not that knowledgeable on the subject.
    It’s so hard making friends as an adult. It was why I started ceramics. I also have remained friends with a few that I worked with at the manor. We are meeting in February for a dinner.

    Annie - is there someone that would take your father swimming and out and about?

    My Mom rapidly declined when we took her license from her. As soon as she went into the nursing home she actually has had a very slow decline. I think it’s because of the social aspect, there are reports that loneliness increases dementia symptoms. She lived in the country her nearest neighbour in any direction besides my brother was 4 miles. Walking wasn’t an option.

    I’ve only been able to read one Dean Koontz book. I can’t even remember the name of it now. DH used to enjoy his books.

    Lisa - Good for going back to the elliptical. I love your night light.
    When Kaitlyn and Brodey were first together she decorated their bathroom with a sailor rubber duck theme. Brodey hated it. When the moved the first time after they had a little money he asked her to do something else, he told her he felt like he was being watched in the bathroom. Since then I buy him something with a rubber duck every year for Christmas. Last year he actually chose a rubber duck on the socks I bought him.

    Machka - when I took swim lessons there wasn’t any public swim at the same time. There was lane swimming, but those people are there to swim and then get on with their day.

    Rebecca - I’m so excited for you!

    Rosemarie - your excitement at cleaning and decluttering is bursting off the page.

    All of this decluttering and cleaning you’ve all been doing has given me the bug. I did get my craft/spare room done this weekend. There is a bit more that doesn’t belong there, but I need to wait for my wall and painting to be done first.
    I also got the top of the coat/broom closet done. I’m working on a plan in my head for the bottom, and I have the kitchen pretty well done. It stays pretty organized anyway because I just don’t have room to make it cluttered, but I ordered more Tupperware to complete one shelf of modular mates to help with getting more out of boxes and bags.

    I got all of my assignments done today. Unless there is homework assigned tomorrow I’ve got it all done for this session.
    Next weeks session is only one week, career strategies I think it is.

    I am going to take my Christmas village out of the china cabinet tomorrow. It will be empty and easier to move on Saturday doing this.

    I’ve been watching a series I had recorded called #textmewhenyougethome it’s terrible what humans do to one another. The difference with this show compared to a lot of the True Crime is that some are found.

    I should head to bed. It was another what seemed like sleepless night last night. I think I must have slept some though because I woke up before my alarm.
    The fund is at $9630 tonight. Almost 1/3 of the way to goal.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Machka - when I took swim lessons there wasn’t any public swim at the same time. There was lane swimming, but those people are there to swim and then get on with their day.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    When my husband and I were last there, I wasn't taking swim lessons, but I noticed that the swim lessons were being held in the 25 metre pool during a time when the 25 metre pool is open to everyone and all their kids.

    The 25 metre pool is mostly a general swimming area, but has 3 lanes on one side. While the swim lessons were going on in 1 or 2 lanes, several of us were trying to swim in the 3 lanes, or all being pushed into the 1 remaining lane because there was a class on, or being pushed into the the main part of the pool where everyone and all their kids were. We tried to create a virtual 4th lane by swimming beside the 3rd lane.

    At the same time, everyone and their kids were playing and doing who knows what everywhere including in all 3 lanes, making it difficult for those of us who were there for a lane swim and making it difficult for those who were there for the class. No one seemed to exercise any control over anything.

    The day I came face to face with a "floater" was the last day I darkened the door of the place. Later I discovered that I was not alone in that experience.

    BTW - I can propel myself 25 metres from one side of the pool to the other. It's not pretty and I highly doubt it is efficient, so when I say I was trying to do lane swimming, it was me doing "the flounder". :lol:

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,359 Member
    Vicki-I hope something can be arranged for your staff closer to home. Being able to work part-time would no doubt be beneficial.

    Rebecca-enjoy your preparations for your sons!

    Kylia-luckily no road issues. I know we need the rain but as a friend said yesterday-could we get it every other day with some sunshine in between!

    Michelle-properly fitted orthotics/inserts made to your feet can make a tremendous difference.

    Annie-so good to hear you moving forward.

    Machka-I think it is very good your husband is picking up a new interest.

    Lisa-I am not surprised you have a Duckie nightlight.

    Just a quick read through this morning before stretches and work. Expecting another rainy day here but much warmer. Fog this morning but luckily I am not far from town proper so it shouldn't be too bad (and very familiar road).

    Working through things at work-seeing what duties were left undone. Prepping pay raised today so that will be good to finish. Mainly double checking the three that have other changes the same period and setting up my letters for their files. Really is easier to do myself-set letters up as a merge and print to their electronic file and email at same time. Technology can be handy!

    Have to remember to add some sort of squats to workout this morning for Rita's challenge. I doubt I follow the schedule but I will work to the total amount!

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    Work: The last couple days I have been attempting to take an Excel formula, a complicated nested IF statement with a bunch of additional clauses ... and translate it into SQL.

    It does not translate nicely.

    And it didn't help that there was actually an error in the Excel formula! It wasn't my formula, it's just one that came with the spreadsheet when it was passed to be about a year ago.

    My brain felt like it was going to climb out my ears!

    I was even mulling the formula over when I went to sleep last night.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Morning ladies woke up around 7:25 after sleeping 10 hrs,but Im still super tired its a gloomy rainy day,did get up to use the rest room and feed Siri her wet food..,and she is happily parked on the hassock in the living room Alfie under the covers.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    anmlmzdiet wrote: »
    I'm glad you like my photo. Feel free to use it. It's mine, not pulled off the internet. I love taking photos. I used to help manage a photo contest room on CafeMom. It was really fun. We all would enter pictures for weekly contests and the winners would get a decorated picture, like a scrapbook page, using their photo. It was a lot of work, but it was fun.

    I also used to make siggies. That's where you take someone's name an make it fancy so they can use it as a signature. I'll put some below.

    OMGosh, a huge crash just happened in my kitchen. I went running in there, and my son was moving around in the dark. I told him to turn the light on and asked him what had crashed. Nothing broke, so no foul. He said he was trying to get a bowl of cereal. Then I soft-yelled at him to turn the light on if he is going to be up in the night. Kids can be stupid. Uhggh.

    On that note, my insomnia is really getting the better of me tonight. I lie in bed and close my eyes before starting to drift off, then Wham!, I hear some cacophony of sound and startle awake just to find out my mind manufactured the noise. Once it was like a split second scene of the opening in Jim Carey's, the Grinch; another time I heard my dogs barking in the back yard, other than nighttime, they bark practically non-stope, so the sound is ingrained in my brain; then, someone might actually be up and using the restroom, there are seven people living in the house right now; and I might even hear scratching noises from behind my bed, this one actually scares me because about a year ago some rats did get into the house and freaked me out so bad I was hearing rats for a month and would wake up screaming when I did fall asleep.

    I stopped drinking soda today, so I am a little stressed. This is probably what set it off. I don't really sleep much at night anyway, but I can usually catch about 2-3 hours before I can't go back to sleep. Not tonight, though, tonight I just can't find peace. As I sit here typing. I can hear noise coming from one of my daughter's rooms. Her bedroom is next to the office, and I think she's watching a movie. I should tell her to go to sleep, but she's my 18-year-old, and exploring freedom. I wish I had had it so good, lol.

    I don't write in order. I don't know anyone who writes well that does, and the crash actually just happened. So, I'm going to step away for awhile and get my nerves settled down. I'll write again later if I can.


    The bang sound your head as you are falling is called Exploding Head Syndrome. No, I am not kidding ... Google it.


    I also experience it when I am stressed. In fact, while I was in uni recently, I started experiencing it every night. I would go to bed, wait for the bang, and then fall asleep.

    I get the flashes of light too.

    But to sleep better and not be disturbed by real noises, I wear and eye mask and use earplugs. I even wear a headband over the eye mask to help hold it in place and over my ears for additional noise blocking.

    I had to try several different earplugs before I found some that worked for me. It does involve trial and error.

    Machka in Oz

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy in Wasilla AK