

  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member



    Many cactus plants roots do run shallow. Most, though, do not handle winter weather for long periods of time. I'm thinking that a good cactus for you might be a barrel cactus of some kind. Of course, you would want to wrap it for the winter months as it is a very high water content plant.

    As far as getting one for the blooms goes, blooms happen with water and warmth. Not too much of either. They are also very short-lived. New blooms can come out after old ones die. Blooms are certainly a bonus, but cacti can go years without blooming.

    If you are really worried about the roots, you might consider keeping them in a pot. This is good since you can bring them in the house during very cold weather.

    Later tonight I plan to go look for some of my cacti photos. I'll post if I find them.

    Michelle in NV
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member

    Nice looking kitty. My SIL has one very much like Siri.

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    Michele So sorry to hear about your friend. May she have peace during her treatment.

    Heather I love that your grands are so active. Their talents are so diverse as well. Such blessings!

    Machka That is awesome news for your DH. It will add to his feeling of purpose IMHO.

    Loving the pet pictures! One of these days we will explore them again I am sure. For now my Warmies will have to do.

    Tracey I am sure you will learn lots from the practicum. I know that guided my oldest in her career path. Our utilities were in father in laws name until about 10 yrs ago. He did that in 84 when DH bought house to avoid deposits. He passed in 1997. I finally changed them all into my name about 10 years ago so that I could make changes and inquiries as needed. DH still has no utility history.....then again, he had no credit history until about 15 years ago. He is a cash man. He couldn't figure out how my credit score was higher when I had so much debt. He got on board after much explaining. Still mainly cash, but at least has a history now.

    I need to get chili in crockpot.

    Make today the best you can!

    Kylia in foggy and rainy, but warm at 44°F Ohio

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Michele thanks for the compliment about getting back into exercise. I try! And so sorry about your friend in Switzerland. Hope her pain is minimal.

    Beth yes my father has some dementia. But where my mother was passive and spent hours sitting on the couch, my dad is still trying to be active. He wants to go swimming at the YMCA but he doesn't have enough memory to manage the lockers. Plus he can't hear the lifeguard.

    Tracey yes we will have to change the names on all the utilities. But there's no rush.

    We have light rain today so the snow will be a slushy mess. Not much on my calendar, just gas and prescriptions but that can wait until after the rain. And day 3 on my bike!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,205 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    I have been trying to read The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz for the past week.
    Kylia in foggy Ohio

    I see Dean Koontz books in stores (new and used) all the time. I keep picking them up thinking I'll give them a go ... I read the back cover to find out what the book is about ... and I put it down again. So far, the description on the back cover has never attracted me enough to purchase a book. Not sure why.

    M in Oz

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,545 Member
    Good morning from the socked-in foggy dawn of the Arkansas River Valley...

    Many fewer rumblies in my tumbly this morning. Hopefully a better day, gut-wise. Acupuncture at 1:30.

    Allie - Love the pics of Siri. She looks very calm and serene... Alfie will adjust, in the end, I'm sure, and she will probably be very good for him.

    I'm nearly done with the crocheted infinity scarf that I've been working on for a few days. Trying a new chenille yarn, which feels wonderful in my hands, and is a complete PITA to work with in terms of trying to get it to go where you put it. One of the reasons I don't work with slick fabrics for quilts... And I really need to get back to my niece's quilt. Stalled for a while, and not really sure why.

    Anyway--time to get some chores done, laundry, a shower, etc., before my appointment this afternoon.

    Later, y'all,
    Hope it's a reasonably serene day for all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,116 Member
    Another mocha latte day. I can see a sugar cleanse in my future!

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Betsy in Wasilla Ak.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Hidee ho from a wet sloppy Connecticut..gave Siri one of those Salmon little pouch treats and she inhaled it..yes they are settling in,but the 2 furbabies will eventually come to grips with each other
    Lisa- love your nightlight 😍
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,540 Member
    Lisa - I don’t like showers I take baths in the evening, so I really never have spent time drying my hair. I think this became a habit because I hate getting up. I want to get up, use the bathroom, brush my teeth, get dressed and leave. If I sit or think about being up I just want to go back to bed. By the time I get to the car and get to where I’m going I’m usually awake and ready to start the day. I’ve found it hard with my commute being in the next room.

    Allie - do your neighbour’s ever complain about Alfie’s barking? I’m just curious. We have a neighbour whose dog barks every time we step on our deck if he’s out. Thankfully, his owners bring him in if he goes too long.
    I wish you luck getting sleep. Maybe Siri will be a good thing after a bit to help him.

    Barbara - my practicum is 240 hours, 120 with daycare/elementary kids and 120 with junior/high school. It starts in April and ends in June. A lot of times a practicum turns into a job opportunity so I’m hoping that’s the case. I don’t know much more than that right now. I’m excited because I am a very hands on learner and I expect that everything I’ve learned will come together more on my head then.

    Good job on the cleaning. Good luck with the surgery.

    Pip - I was sorting scrapbook paper today and found paper I had bought to make a card for Kirby a couple years ago! I’m going to try to get it made this weekend.

    The drywall guy is booked for Saturday! I am so excited. I also think Kaitlyn is going to come spend the day with me on Saturday and go through pictures with me. I have 4 albums that will hold 300 pictures each. I’ll see how far I get with this. There was one more I was debating on and I think I’ll go get that one tomorrow.

    Lanette - hope the skin flaking is nothing.
    I truly believe that walking helps so much. I never felt better than when I was walking regularly.

    Machka - it always catches me off guard when you are talking summer when we’re in the opposite.

    Annie - I don’t know about your state, but here it is important to make sure names on utilities are proper.
    My grandmother never changed the hydro out of my grandfather’s name. She just kept paying the bill for a decade after he passed. She moved out in 2007 and was able to have it disconnected, but 3 years later when my brother went to tear the house down the power company refused to come unhook the main lines from the house. My brother told them that one way or the other the house was coming down and they finally agreed to come do it. He had to fight for a few months to get it done because his name wasn’t on the account that no longer really existed.

    Heather - I would take that as an apology.
    There are only some registered places here that can take passport photos I believe.
    I hope you get an appointment soon.
    How old is Edie again? She sure is a wonderful girl. With a heart of gold and spine of steel.

    Rebecca - I had never owned a shawl until a couple of years ago. Now I have three! I used them regularly at the office, now I use them when my shoulders get cold during class.

    Lisa - I really hope tomorrow is a better day.

    When I was walking I walked a lot in the house while watching tv. I want my foot to heal so I can get back to my walking.
    I went to see a reflexologist today, I’m trying anything and she was recommended by the massage therapist last week. I mentioned to her that I feel I have been in pain for years. It started in my neck and shoulders, then moved to my back and hop, the I jokingly said maybe my feet will be the last of it. She agreed with me and said that it is common to either start at the bottom and go up or at the top and go down.

    Pip - Yay on the license!

    Betsy - what a sweet couple of babies.

    We are keeping my friend’s dog again this week. She said he was very nervous and whiny about going in the truck with her especially when she put his bed in too, but as soon as he saw our house he calmed right down and was anxious to come see us.
    The sitter he had after he was here last time seemed to have allowed the other dogs to eat his food. Here he is the king of the castle.

    This will probably be close to the last time he’s here since she is just finishing purchasing her camper to live in full time. She has never towed before so Rodger is going to pick it up for her. Then she has a lesson booked to teach her how to tow. She is braver than I. I would not want to live in a camper by myself. Jeb (the dog) is three legged, I think he would try to protect her, but I don’t know how much he could do.

    I finished one assignment today, have to finish another one tomorrow.

    Last night was another night with little sleep. It’s so frustrating.

    Raquel got everything sorted with the GoFundMe. The total as of tonight is $9213.

    Well I guess I should let my phone charge so I can go to bed shortly. I don’t like it not being charged when I’m here alone. I even take it to the bathroom with me, just in case I fall or something.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    There's something calming about a shawl on your shoulders. My wool one used to smell of incense and wood smoke, so it was like the weight of it and the aromatherapy all in one would help me relax😁🙏💖