

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,735 Member
    anmlmzdiet wrote: »
    I am curious to know what the numbers are about.

    Not a gosh darn thing lololol they just mark my spot
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,735 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    Morning all..
    Not much sleep last night..but thats to be expected..slept in till about an hr ago..
    The 2 kids have to learn to get along..they got into a scrap this morning and Alfie went back to the bedroom ,little steps I guess.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Can anyone get fresh rhubarb this time of year?

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,121 Member
    Rita that sounds like a great idea but I can't start at 27 squats! Maybe eight. Hmm.

    Annie in Delaware
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :) I just joined Rita in the squats challenge. Here is the link if anyone else wants to join.

  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hello, my chickens,

    No sunshine coming until next Sunday... you would think it was wintertime in Arkansas or something! :) The rain is starting again shortly.

    Tina - I'm pretty attached to the furry little troll. That much attitude in one small body is both fun and continually fascinating. I can't imagine ever living without a cat again, she brings so much to every day.

    Heather in Alberta - Welcome! You're one of several Albertans who participate in the thread. Drop into any conversation that appeals, there are always a few going on...

    I'm getting lots of steps in today, but mostly just between the living room and the bathroom, unfortunately. Some days are good, some just aren't... and this too will pass. (Bad pun, sorry.) >:) . I swear, I think my gut waits until Corey goes back to work before it decides to start working at high speed. Polite, but the outcomes are exhausting.

    Watching assorted streaming TV, crocheting, running back and forth. At least the weather, while awful, is warmer... I much appreciate it. I was able to get outside in a raincoat long enough to walk the garbage down and snag the mail. Better than nothing...

    Later y'all,
    Love ya,
    Lisa in AR
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :) About goals, James Clear says that goals won't bring success, that what is needed is systems. There is no finish line After losing a bunch of weight, the next step is to keep doing what you've been doing. The real goal is to build systems that will support a new lifestyle.

    :) Lanette, I listened to the video about walking 20,000 steps a day while I was walking this morning. She makes some good points about walking while doing other things (treadmill desk, and walking while watching TV) It's important to note that she didn't mention having a family.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    So we started talking about abuse in the car and my son was telling us about the time he took Edie to the hospital because she had leapt from one chair to another and landed on her nose. The staff were very suspicious and closely questioned her, and asked if he had a social worker. :o:D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    Barbie my sister walks 10,000 steps a day often as family time. She has taught herself to walk indoors while video chatting with her children and grandchildren and sometimes her husband. Interesting blend of priorities.

    Annie in Delaware

    🌞🌻👣What an awesome plan
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Tuesday

    It is rainy here too. Not sure about freezing (haven't been out yet). It did stay above freezing last night so am hoping! Ginny be careful! After a year of low precipitation, we are catching up fast! Stay safe ALL of you!

    Chiropractor and massage yesterday. Body feeling it this morning! Head hurts, but most likely need to up water and electrolytes. Could be the rain.....Slept like a LOG! Not rested though.

    Lisa I am with you on showers. It is just troublesome. Lol! I do get them at minimum every other day, but they seem like a hassle. I am thankful that DH and masseuse don't care about hairy legs! I am in jeans so much that I rarely do that chore unless wearing a dress. Masseuse just doesn't like the prickly stage-lol! DH however doesn't function without a daily shower.

    Rebecca I think you look lovely in your shawl. I love mine!

    Rita Congratulations on 6 months! That is awesome.

    Hope I think we all have those days when we just aren't hungry mixed in with the ones that make us feel like nothing is filling us up. Protein has helped me level out most days. Remember that each decision is a fresh chance to make change.

    Vicki I am guessing coworker is diabetic? DH's uncle was and didn't realize that he had crushed his foot with a piece of wood until he took his boots off a few hours later! Prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Went to whole foods last night as it was closest to another errand I had to run after massage last night. We were out of milk, romaine, and yogurt. I really like Trader Joe's yogurt, but too far in wrong direction at 8 pm. Hopefully the one I bought "Brown Cow" is okay. Picked up eggs and block cheese while there. We will see....I did remember the milk-lol!

    Barrett-Jackson starts on TV tonight. Still a yearly tradition for DH and I. May need to walk while watching.

    Better get myself in gear for work. Ugh....too many days not hitting mini goals. Today is the day to get back in the saddle.

    Healing thoughts for those ill or hurt.
    Hugs to all just because
    Cheering you all on!
    Stay as dry as possible this week.

    Much love,
    Kylia in Ohio joining most of you in wet weather

    Sometimes I fold mine in a large triangle for my shoulders, and sometimes I just fold over a corner and drape over my whole self.😁. I think everyone should own a shawl🤗.

    I have a sarong which I use as a blanket when I am sitting in my comfy chair. It's great! It's light so I don't get too hot but if I feel slightly chilly (we keep our home quite cool) it is just enough to make me comfortable.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    John went and got his photos done. He had to have 7 tries at it. The limit is 10!!! No collar, centre of the screen, etc etc. They give you four physical photos and a digital code you have to use within one month if you are applying online. I may go on Thursday. We both are doing an online renewal.
    I had thought I was OK for this year, but with Brexit the rules have changed, so I need it for the next cruise, even though the passport says May 25. Soooo annoying.

    I used my extra time at Waitrose by going to the pharmacy.

    Here we are at my son's house with John playing board games with Bea. I hope my son will take us home later as my legs only just made it back from the school. I must phone the hospital to see where I am on the waiting list.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx

    My husband and I stopped by one of our local post office outlets yesterday and got his done. The girl who did them was great ... took her time and got a good picture. He got his copies and one digital. $21.

    M in Oz