
  • anmlmzdiet
    anmlmzdiet Posts: 179 Member
    This made me laugh so hard!!!

    Not a gosh darn thing lololol they just mark my spot - pipcd34
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
    Got to water exercise again today after 2 weeks of not going for various reasons like dryer deliveries, septic problems and weather. It was lovely to be back in the water. After that I went to the podiatrist as my ankle has been painful. Found out I have tendonitis. He prescribed anti-inflammatories, ice, rest and new inserts for shoes. I go back in 1 month.

    We actually had a very nice day today. Sorry for all of you battling bad weather. Please be safe.

    Rita - no fresh rhubarb here but my bluebells have started coming up.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    Today is supposed to reach 29c and I can almost believe it. But it will likely only be for a few minutes at about 2:30 pm.

    We've had several cold summer days in a row till today.

    Still working from home. Still wrestling with my database and code.

    Regarding walking and exercise in general ... I miss it!!! I haven't had the breathing ability to do anything for a month now. But I will pick up my new inhaler today and hopefully that will help.

    Regarding weight ... I am the Queen of Maintenance. I get to a certain weight and stay there for months at a time. I just wish it were 4 kg lower (first goal).

    Regarding goals ... I am goal motivated. I like having walking and cycling and running goals to work toward each month and year. I like having education goals, goals for the house and garden, etc. Goals motivate me and give me the feeling of achievement I need to keep going.

    Oh and if my husband liked rhubarb, it would be growing here!

    Machka in Oz

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Betsy <3 I miss babies....

    Between grey bear telling me to get off my $$$ and Pip whispering in my ear, I hit 10k steps! Watching Barrett-Jackson with DH, so walked while watching, then fast walked around house during commercials. Need to order new fitbit. Mine only holding charge about 36 hours. So if I can finish up my water..ugh...I will hit all my targets for first time since in almost a week.

    I finished reading The Seventh Girl by Andy Maddon in about 10 days. I read Last Night by Luanne Rice in 5 days. I have been trying to read The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz for the past week. I am on page 25....struggling to get into it. May be time to switch books.

    Well, about time to head to bed.

    Love to all!

    Kylia in foggy Ohio

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,139 Member
    :)MIchele, Our Tesla allows us to get the car conditioned ahead of time so we tell it via the app to be ready to go at a certain time and not only is the battery heated and ready to go but the interior is at the temperature we choose. Yes, an EV doesn't have the range in the cold weather that it does in warmer weather, but we didn't buy it for long distance driving and we are very intentional about when we drive. We have a charger in our garage so we can keep the battery charged to 75% for normal use and higher in anticipation of a longer drive.
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Regarding goals ... I am goal motivated. I like having walking and cycling and running goals to work toward each month and year. I like having education goals, goals for the house and garden, etc. Goals motivate me and give me the feeling of achievement I need to keep going.

    Machka in Oz

    :) Goals like that make sense to me. My goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day and average 13,000 plus each month. I have goals for the chores I do and other exercises. I see these more as resolutions---things I'm going to do, rather than goals that imply a finish line.

    :) Barbie in NW WA

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,150 Member
    Thought I was doing well enough that I could skip the morning breathing treatment but I was wrong- have been feeling wheezy off and on all day- will do the evening one soon and be back on two, possible three nebulizer treatments again each day for a while. I will be sure to take the machine up to mom's Friday night. This is week 4 of this- usual winter episode lasts 5 weeks.
    Zumba tomorrow night- had class last night and even though I did the treatment an hour before class, I needed my inhaler about half way or so through class and barely made it through. Will take it a bit easier tomorrow. There were just so many good songs.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Debbie ... I, too, learned the hard way about not microwaving hard boiled eggs! Sorry you got a steam burn ...

    Rebecca ... your eldest in that Renaissance photo looks like you!

    Vicki ... I hope your co-worker will be alright. Like Ginny, I was wondering how she didn't realize she was missing a shoe. But then I remembered my husband can't feel his feet with his neuropathy ...

    Barbara ... good luck with your MOHs surgery!

    Squats ... I used to love doing them ... my knees now protest ...

    Annie ... it sounds to me like dementia is the cause of your father's behavior. I'm watching my mom say and do things that don't make sense. Also, infection can worsen the effects of dementia. After a particularly difficult few days with my mom, we now know she has a UTI and she will be starting antibiotics. I expect she'll settle back into her more "normal" self in a few days. Hugs.

    Had my 6 month visit with my primary care doctor. Blood work all good. Glucose floats around on the higher end of normal but A1C is good. Weight was the same as in July and I'm not happy with that. Of course, I've been eating a ton of cheese and crackers! At least it wasn't a gain ... I attribute that to time-restricted eating ... it could be so much worse if I ate all day.

    It is snowing near Buffalo but expected to turn into rain. I'm hoping the snow pack doesn't cause issues with the rain ...


    All my sons look very similar. I couldn't deny them if I tried.💖🤗
    As they've gotten older they are looking more and more like Lee though.💖👍🏼
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,701 Member
    Machka, sounds very comfortable!💖
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,450 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)MIchele, Our Tesla allows us to get the car conditioned ahead of time so we tell it via the app to be ready to go at a certain time and not only is the battery heated and ready to go but the interior is at the temperature we choose. Yes, an EV doesn't have the range in the cold weather that it does in warmer weather, but we didn't buy it for long distance driving and we are very intentional about when we drive. We have a charger in our garage so we can keep the battery charged to 75% for normal use and higher in anticipation of a longer drive.
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Regarding goals ... I am goal motivated. I like having walking and cycling and running goals to work toward each month and year. I like having education goals, goals for the house and garden, etc. Goals motivate me and give me the feeling of achievement I need to keep going.

    Machka in Oz

    :) Goals like that make sense to me. My goal is to walk at least 10,000 steps a day and average 13,000 plus each month. I have goals for the chores I do and other exercises. I see these more as resolutions---things I'm going to do, rather than goals that imply a finish line.

    :) Barbie in NW WA

    To me, a resolution is something I resolve to do like "I will walk lots this month or this year" or maybe "I will walk more this year than last" (although the second one is edging into goal territory)

    A goal does have a specific finish line. "I will walk 50 km or more in February." And when I reach 50 km, I have crossed the finish line! Does that mean if I reach 50 km on Feb 23, I am going to stop walking? No, of course not. I will have accomplished my goal for the month and then some.

    My fitness goals are usually a little bit on the aggressive side ... I will have make an effort but they are also attainable.

    If I were to say, I will walk at least 1.6 km every day, that would get me to my 50 km (in a 30-day month) but it wouldn't be attainable because I don't walk every day. Some days I rest or cycle instead. Whereas 50 km/month is attainable because I can make the necessary adjustments to make it happen.

    A household resolution might be, "I resolve to keep the pantry neat" ... there's no finish line, that's an ongoing thing.

    A household goal was to rearrange and organise the pantry so that I know what is in there and so that it is easier to access. I did that earlier in January. I crossed the finish line. I will probably have to do it again at some point but given that the last time I did it was about 5 years ago, I don't think the pantry will become a goal again for a while.

    I am moving on to the next household goal.

    M in Oz
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,992 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,206 Member
    M Agree liver and kidney are the detox system in the body. You can support them with plenty of water and a healthy diet. Reducing yourself to toxins like some cleaning supplies, carpet fumes, paint fume etc. Eating bitter foods helps with bile production too. I also like to take milk thistle to support my liver. As with anything add new things slowly to your diet to make sure you have a positive reaction.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,613 Member
    edited January 24
    Tracey - Edie is ten years old. Some of you may remember the last challenge she dreamt up for herself a few years ago of swimming 1 mile. Quite a lot for a young child. It was for Alzheimers and a few of this thread contributed. Edie was delighted and thankful. :D
    She is the kind of child who gives out a light. Super sensitive, kind, but also determined as hell. She is applying at the moment to go to the same school as her brother, who has an academic scholarship. Edie is a bit dyslexic, just on the spelling side, which frustrates her no end, so she is applying for the 'All rounder' scholarship, which includes sport, music and art. :p There is also a drama element, which she hates, but the rest are good to go! Personally, John and I do not agree with private education, but we say nothing, and I think any school would be mad not to have her. She has a tutor to get her academic subjects up to scratch for the entrance exams. The scholarship is worth 40%.

    Nearly at the point of publishing my book. Final check, then polishing the blurb. I have a photo for the cover. It certainly feels weird to be at the end point after all this time. Then comes publicity, which I find difficult, but has to be done if I want to reach people. The book sums up all the learnings I have made in my personal growth over my life. My hope is, it will inspire others, and provide some pointers for the way forward. For me, the major growth point was writing and publishing my memoirs, but it's different for everyone. My aim, always, is Peace. That is my word for this year.
    I will share the blurb with you when I've refined it.

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx