Ages 70+



  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 334 Member
    oceanmelody...Stunning pic! Thanks for posting. Had to look up where Watkins Glen is...beautiful park. I think I'm going to see similar scenery in parts of Newfoundland. Will try to post some pics if I can.

    jonni82014...So nice that you will be able to see the grand twins. Our son lives in Ontario so only see him and family a couple of times a year but he skypes every Sunday so able to stay in touch that way.

    Off to town this morning as have to pick up prescriptions. Not sure what the rest of the day will be like as more rain in the forecast. Nice to see others are posting on here and hope we can keep in going. Miss hearing from Barb. I know she left because of the newsfeed issue. I never really used that feature so can't say I miss it. I log my food and then check out the community part as I follow a couple of other threads but have started only posting here. Nice that it is a group of ladies that are similar age and find it interesting to have a glimpse into your lives.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 334 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    Looks like a nice sunny day after a few days of rain. We were under a tornado watch yesterday in the evening. Could see the very dark clouds just south of us that looked quite ominous. We just got rain with strong winds that lasted a couple of hours. Tornado warning was lifted about 8 pm with nothing touching down thankfully. I think some areas got hail though.

    Hoping it drys enough that I can cut the lawn later this afternoon as it is getting pretty overgrown. Doing housework this morning as floors need tending to along with general cleaning. Having family over tomorrow for a bbq and looking forward to it.

    Enjoy the day.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    Let's hope this group posting continues.

    @Joy1580vb Was very happy for you that the WestJet pilots reached an agreement that would divert a strike.

    I did not use the newsfeed, either. No loss.

    Effective Monday for 9 weeks our front street is going to undergo the laying of new water and sewer pipes. Water has been transferred above ground for domestic use. Dust, dust and more dust. However it is great to see our tax dollars at work in front of our house. The infrastructure is 65years needs replacing , what I do know is other areas of the City are not getting the same attention. We think it is because the Construction crew is in the area building the Light Rail Transit system, so all neighbourhoods involved are getting an overhaul. At least we will be secure knowing that the pipes are new and we in the past have had our share of repairs.

    Catching up on housework. Grass cutting today. Trying to get my game face on as to when I am going to clean the stove. And I have my team earrings on for good luck; for a game win tonight. Nerve racking.

    Have a healthy day everyone B)

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 334 Member
    jonni82014...Yes I was happy to hear that the strike has been averted. Good that they are updating your sewer and water pipes. My daughter lives close to Capilano and a few years ago pipes burst in the alley behind her house. What a nightmare. No running water in the house for a week as they repaired. They set up a water tank in front of the house that people could use.

    Got my yard all cut so looks nice. Starting to get cloudy so may get a shower later today. Made a potato salad for tomorrow and just have to do a veggie tray along with a fresh fruit tray. Will probably leave that until tomorrow morning. Looking forward to see family tomorrow.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Visiting Watkins Glen is like being in a Middle Earth landscape. I love the gorges and waterfalls in the Finger Lakes.
    Went to Banff and Jasper years ago and it is so stunningly beautiful!
  • 1fitgal2
    1fitgal2 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies
    I am trying to get into a group as I certainly need motivation. I am 73 and put on way too much weight this last year and need to get rid of a bunch. I would love to connect with you all. Thank you. I have a question, what is your BBCode? I have no idea what that is?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    1fitgal2 wrote: »
    Hello Ladies
    I am trying to get into a group as I certainly need motivation. I am 73 and put on way too much weight this last year and need to get rid of a bunch. I would love to connect with you all. Thank you. I have a question, what is your BBCode? I have no idea what that is?

    BBCode is a more technical way to "fancy up" the text in your post if you want to do that. If you're happy just typing in plain text, or using the click-on formatting above your post (for bold, italic, etc.), then there's no need to even think about BBCode.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 334 Member
    Nice to see some posts here. Welcome to our group.

    Had a nice Father's Day bbq with family and now relaxing watching CFL with hubby. Was cool today and just had a bit of a shower. Need to get back into my garden tomorrow as I'm sure some hoeing needs to be done.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,463 Member
    Good day
    @AnnPT77 and 1fitgal2 welcome you have landed on the right page.
    We are a small but mighty bunch
    The Health and Wellness journey is our goal.
    We like to discuss, suggest and support one another; plus share a bit of our everyday lives.

    We had a very nice Father's Day meal. Chicken wings, veg and salad. The rainy weather held back just enough to get the wings done on the smoker.

    A 9 weeks water and sewage project starts on our street today. DH (Dear Husband) has gone for a walk to check it out.

    I am off to the Seniors Centre Treadmill 30minutes Stretch and Free Weights 45minutes

    Have a healthy day everyone B)
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Just checking in. Decided to try for a bike ride before the real heat sets in, but I think I was already too late. Went 22 1/2 miles which is the longest I’ve done for quite a while, but it really was too hot and the afternoon was spent on the couch recuperating.
    For exercise I mainly walk/hike with an occasional ride.
    Anybody do anything for exercise they really love?
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 334 Member
    Good evening ladies. Was a busy day for me today. Trying to get everything prepared for my trip. Watched the news tonight and they have a frost warning out which includes our area. Went out to the garden this evening and covered my tomato plants along with the cucumber row. I think everything else should be ok…hopefully. Will probably just be a touch of frost in low lying areas. Garden is quite high so shouldn’t get touched but I don’t want to take the chance.

    For exercise, I mainly walk. Betty well done on your bike ride!