Ages 70+



  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    That chicken sounds tasty!
    Assorted misadventures today, but that meant I didn’t get to walk until early evening. A good breeze helped, so rather pleasant for a humid day!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Had a good visit with the youngest sister (K). She is learning to apply her new found computer skills.
    We walked through the River Valley late evening.

    It's going to be a scorching day and week. I pity the construction crew that is laying new sewage and water lines on our street. They assured me, when I gave them, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies that they take the necessary precautions in weather temperature such as this. They go home is it's too unbearable. Summer or winter. I remember a few years back the water line froze and broke in front of our house it was January and -42C/-43.6F hence the major line replacement /repair this year; the crew worked through to completion.

    Thinking of @Joy1580vb and how her Labrador Newfoundland trip is faring.

    Smoked baby back ribs and salad for dinner.

    Off to the Rec Centre Walk the track 45minutes stretch and cable weights 50minutes.

    Have a healthy day B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning, ladies. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Got back from my Newfoundland trip on Thursday and trying to catch up with garden/yard. Newfoundland is such a beautiful province and I am so glad that I took the opportunity to see it. The tour company I booked with was Atlantic Tours and Travel. Our tour director is a piper and she was amazing with her stories and treating us to piping at unexpected times. There were 21 of us on a big bus so plenty of room to spread out as we pleased. Saw so many things from stunning scenery to humpback whales, puffins and an up close view of a huge iceberg. We were near the end of the iceberg events so fortunate to view it.

    Will try to post a couple of pics a bit later as I'm still sorting through everything.

    We are in for some very hot days. Heat warning in effect for the entire province. Got my garden hoed and starting to use lettuce now which is very nice. I don't water my garden as it is too far from a water source so depend on mother nature to look after it. Have always had a very nice garden but this heat may take a toll on it. Tomato plants are just starting to show a few blooms. Need to get out this morning and prune the six San Marzano ones I have. They seem a bit short but will tie them up to the stakes and see how they do. The other six are beefsteak ones that got hit by frost but seem to be ok.

    Enjoy the day.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    @Joy1580vb good to read that you are back, safe and sound. Great to read that you had a wonderful trip full of exciting events.

    Just got in from an hour walk in the River Valley whilst it's still cool. Not a fan of the heat. Heat to last all week.

    Off to the Senior Centre Stretch and free weights 45minutes

    Tonight finish off the smoked backribs w/salad

    Have a healthy day B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Hot here already at +24C so the A/C is cutting in. So glad we put central air in a few years ago as I find it difficult to cope with heat.

    Pruned my tomatoes and tied them to the stakes. They seem short to me but the plants look healthy and are starting to bloom so will be interesting to see what I get off of them. Picked a nice bunch of leaf lettuce so will enjoy a salad with supper tonight.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    Newfoundland sounds wonderful!
    It’s been so humid here on the north coast of NY.
    Between that and weird events like car repairs I haven’t been out walking or biking. Just out in the yard long enough to pick potato bugs off plants.
    Maybe I won’t try potato plants next year!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited July 9
    Watered grass this morning whilst it was cool. Heat warning. Yes very glad for AC

    Too hot to weed; however too hot for the weeds to grow .

    Practice packing carry on luggage; 3 weeks worth of clothes etc.

    Good day to practice Spanish and Ukrainian.

    Today off to the travel agent to wrap up travel package. Counting the days.

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    jonni82014 You must be getting so excited for your trip. I know what you mean about packing. I always have a practice run before I travel.

    AC ran all night last night. I usually turn it off during the night and open windows but it was too hot last night. Prefer the fresh air but so glad to have central air. Looks like it's going to last all week with maybe a reprieve on the weekend.

    Hubby has dr appt this morning so off to that in a couple of hours. Will stop for groceries on the way back. Watered my flower baskets this morning and changed the hummingbird feeder. Not planning on doing anything outside when we get back this afternoon.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Quiet, hot day today. Got out into my garden this morning to hill my potatoes for the second and last time. Everything looks good and plants seem to be enjoying the heat. Made a nice salad for supper tonight from my garden lettuce. Not wanting to do much cooking so will enjoy a hamburger along with the salad. Have buns in the freezer and may do a bit of bacon also.

    Enjoy the day.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Today was a run around day; though it is very hot.
    Went for a walk in River Valley at 8:00am it was 24C/75.2F

    My Garmin keeps registering Abnormal Heart Rate = Heat! Heat and I do not get along. Yeah for AC.

    Went to Senior Centre 45minutes stretch and free weights. The fitness room has AC.

    Smoked chicken thighs, mash potatoes and veg. Using up all raw produce.

    Keep hydrated and cool B)

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    Finally got a walk in—before the rain and tornado warnings!
    Still doing massive basement cleanup.
    Pesto with homegrown basil today. Tomorrow must deal with first picking of purple bush beans.
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    @oceanmelody are you doing massive basement cleanup because of the rain or because of rightsizing (declutter)? I hope it is the later. I have not heard of purple bush beans until today. I looked them up on the web. I love beans; they would be my full dinner meal.

    Not planting any accent flowers not herbs (basil is my favourite) .
    For the next two weeks we are going to eat most of the perishable foods in fridge; combine with pantry and freezer foods. As were are going on vacation. Should make for some interesting meals. Hummus and vegetables for lunch. Tonight beef stew for dinner.

    Today the temperatures are suppose to cool 29C/84.2F better than the 37C/98.F

    Off to the Rec Centre Walk 45minutes stretch and cable weights 50minutes.

    Have a healthy, safe day B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    oceanmelody I hope you weren't affected by the aftermath of Beryl. I saw on the news that tornadoes touched down in western New York. Not sure how far you are from there.

    Another warmish day getting up to 28C. Going out this morning to do a bit of weed whacking around the house. I noticed yesterday that grass is growing close to the A/C unit so need to do that again for sure. I've been watching my plums growing on my new plum tree that I planted last year. There are about a dozen and I'm hoping they don't dry up due to this hot, dry weather. It's a Toka plum and I would at least like to get a taste of what they are like.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    Plums sound amazing!
    We did have tornado warning alerts but thankfully only got rain.
    We are right sizing and organizing our stuff. Then we want to add more pegboard and do some painting. Next week we are having major electrical work done in the basement and that motivated DH to organize things better.

  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Finally cooled off during the night and was nice to open windows early this morning to let some fresh air in. Was feeling a bit itchy on my arms last night and thought it was just a couple of bug bites but broke out in hives this morning so took allergy meds. Not sure what triggered it but hopefully Claritin will give me some relief.

    Off to town this morning to pick up prescriptions for hubby and dog. Forecast is for scattered showers Saturday and Sunday then back up into the 30's again. Hoping we will get some rain. Crops and garden are still doing well but if we get another week of hot/dry, we will start to see the effects.

    Enjoy the day.

  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    @oceanmelody great to read that you were not affected by a tornado. Tis the season here. We are is the contemplating mode of which books to keep, trade, donate and toss. We love our books, too much

    @joy1580vb I am a curious person. Google: Toka plums have a fruit with the scent and sweetness of bubblegum. Bees love it and it self-pollinates. Huge tree at maturity.

    Quiet day catching up on major house work projects. Waiting for a cooler day to clean oven. Dual fuel the oven is self clean however I still have to clean the top burners. DH is a great helper .

    Smoked chicken wings, rice and salad for dinner. Made some zucchini berry chocolate chips cookies this morning. Good snack from the freezer. One is enough.

    Have a healthy day. B)
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    edited July 13
    We had a wonderful thunder storm last night. Why? The temperature was just right 22C/72F ; the thunder was a rolling , quiet in the distance. The rain was steady but gentle. So serene. Not chaotic, dangerous nor angry. I hope that I am writing some sense here as the storm was hard to describe.

    Younger sister (K) is coming over today; we are going to finish preparing her case; to present to an Employment Lawyer as her Company rightsized leaving her and others unemployed. I am glad to help as I managed employees before I retired. She served 26years at the Company and was not paid Severance pay. The Employment Lawyer stated that she might have a good chance of receiving money. Monday is the appointment. Fingers crossed.

    My weight is at a plateau; annoying. Trying to keep calm and carry on.

    Just for today: Remain calm

    Have a healthy day B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning, ladies.

    We didn't get any rain yesterday but it did cool off. Have the windows open now and enjoying the breeze coming in. Doing laundry this morning as it has piled up quite a bit. Looks like there will be 4 loads in total and will be nice to have that chore done. Hubby is out on the field early this morning working on his summerfallow. A/C doesn't work on that tractor so he starts early in the morning and then quits about 2:00pm when it gets too hot. Has one more day to finish.

    I bought my Toka plum from a local nursery last year. It's labelled zone 3 (we are zone 2) but it overwintered very well even though we didn't get very much snow so I think it will be fine. Last year it helped with cross pollinating my Pembina plum that I have had for a few years with very poor fruiting. Got a handful of Pembina's last year and I see a few on that tree this year too.

    jonni82014 Hope your sister is successful with her claim. Outrageous that employers do that to their employees. Good for her in taking matters further.

    I'm sure I'm still carrying 'vacation weight' so haven't stepped on the scale since I've been back. Just practicing more mindful eating and hoping to lose some of this excess weight but not stressing about it.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 449 Member
    26 years and no pension seems criminal.
    Still humid here—did a little bike ride and watched a barge and tugboat go through the Erie Canal. It was carrying half a pedestrian bridge that is destined for Buffalo. The other half is still waiting to the east. Tomorrow the tug will go back to get it and then the two parts will be connected again. It will be one very long bridge!
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Tugboats are my favourite water vessel. Probably stems from a book I read in my youth Scruffy the Tugboat. Scruffy was and probably (for the readers) still is a hard worker and through his adventures he can do tough job :D

    No workout today, probably a walk later when the rain clears. I caught an AC cold. Tylenol and gargle Oil of Oregano.
    Practice Ukrainian and Spanish today.

    We are going to root around the fridge; finish all leftovers. Should be a creative and interesting dinner.

    Have a healthy day B)