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Ages 70+



  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    That must have been disappointing for you regarding your company. Lots of people getting sick in our area too.

    Finished the pierogi making this morning and froze eight dozen. Kept back a few to enjoy for supper tonight. Just have one more big job for Christmas and that's cabbage rolls. Will tackle that in a week or so.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    You are cooking so much! That’s a lot of work.
    Had a nice walk by the canal in cold and sunshine.
    Decided it was time to haul some winter things out from the back of the closet. Going to be chilly and possible snowy for the next few days. Glad we did not plan to drive the southern Great Lakes today. A big mess with interstates closed. Hopefully it won’t be bad on Thursday as there are not many alternate routes.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    I like to get an early start on Christmas prep as it is a lot to do. Read about the road conditions in the Great Lakes areas. Pretty nasty. We are just having a light snow here with maybe another inch. Cool though at minus 20 C.

    Got a nice surprise yesterday. Checked my library holds and there was a message saying skip the line offer on one of my holds. Demon Copperhead was available for one week so I borrowed it. Will be settling in for a couple of long reading days and not accomplishing much else (except for my treadmill).
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Joy, can you read on the treadmill? I have seen some with bookholders. I think it would be hard to follow the page while walking, but maybe it isn’t.

    I havent made cabbage rolls in years. My husband dearly loves them. If I wasnt too lazy to brave the cold weather, I would go get some cabbage and make him a bunch. I also need to find out where the rice is. Hub unpacked the kitchen and I dont know where anything is.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    I don't think it is really possible to read while on a treadmill. I know there is no way I could do that....would probably end up falling off while trying to turn a page. The holder on treadmills is actually for a tablet. Some people download workout apps to a tablet and then do their workouts. I watch a movie or tv series while doing my walking and it works out well. I have an ipad that fits into the slot on my treadmill.

    Enjoying my book. Cold today at minus 27 C. Quite a few birds enjoying the suet we put out along with the seeds.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    I walked my new neighborhood today. In 28 degrees and pouring snow. Made it 20 minutes. I am ashamed to be so out of shape. I was huffing and puffing over two tiny hills
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    If you keep up walking you will improve. Went out in the woods today—cold but no snow yet. Tuned in to the Buffalo football game even though I am not into football. It’s amazing to see such snow only 70 miles away.
    Glad you got your book! It is definitely not boring.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Spent all morning trying to figure out what to get 13 and 10 year old grandchildren for Christmas. Finally got everything sorted out and ordered. Being shipped to their homes as cannot ship to post office box due to strike. The 10 year old is coming here on Christmas Eve so just asked my daughter to bring it with her. The 13 year old is in eastern Canada and will be skyping.

    Going to get back to my book now....have to return it in 4 more days but I'm sure I will finish it. Such a good book!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Went swimming today. I think I might be getting a bit better.
    Just barely made it through birthday shopping, Christmas is so daunting. And we don’t even buy for many people. But the ones we do are hard to shop for.
    So glad you are enjoying the book!

  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Up a pound and a half from the last time I weighed. I am at my all time high and I am including the time I was hugely pregnant with a ten pound baby. Yikes! Time to declutter my diet!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Weight is still bouncing around for me too. Liked your term to 'declutter' diet! Think I should be seeing some result soon from my treadmill walking. Being patient.

    Giving gift cards this year to everyone except the 2 granddaughters so Christmas shopping is pretty well done. Weather has made a turnaround and we are now on the plus side of 0. Very nice day today and my little dog is enjoying being outside a bit. Was able to take her for a walk along the pathway that hubby blew out the snow. She's a poddle/terrier cross and about 18 pounds with short little legs so doesn't like pushing through snow. I let her hair grow this year so she's not as cold when outdoors.

    Back to book reading....enjoy the day.

  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    I went out to lunch with two friends today. I didnt log calories, but I did try to restrain my gluttonous self😂
    Tomorrow I will count every calorie. I am going to make a tamale pie and limit portion size. I do much better if I plan my eating in advance. With 20 degree temps, I crave hot spicy foods.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Short walk today. So much to do this time of year! Tomorrow is laundry, packing, and shopping.
    Not looking forward to the scale at the doctor’s office tomorrow. What was I thinking to accept an appt the week after Thanksgiving and hubby’s birthday?
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Finally showing decline on the scale. Down one pound and so happy about that. I'm doing 1.25 miles on the treadmill now at 2.6 mph so quite a brisk walk. Going to nudge up the miles a bit and strive for 1.5 miles within the next couple of weeks. Will keep the speed the same and haven't inclined the machine at all yet.

    Freezing rain all around us but we stayed on the cooler side and just got a bit more snow which is good. Was talking to my brother the other day (he lives in BC). He was asking about my plans for next year's travel and I told him I was thinking about Denmark/Sweden/Finland. He told me I should avoid the Nordic countries due to Putin and the uncertainty of his actions. My brother is a retired navel officer. Yesterday I read a news article that said Sweden and Finland were preparing their citizens for war with Russia. The article was outlining exactly what my brother was saying. Waiting until probably the spring before I book anything....maybe travelling closer to home.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Finished my book and enjoyed it so much. Have put a hold on a couple more of Barbara Kingsolver books.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Russia is scary! I would love to visit Denmark/Sweden/Finland. But why take a chance with the political threat? I used to love to travel, but in the last few years I have come to hate airports and the hassle of flying. I think I will be sticking to road trips from now on.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Well we are on a road trip now and let me tell you flying is sounding good. All was well til we got about 30 miles from the hotel. That last 30 miles took three hours. The main highway was shut down due to snow and accidents and we had to take miles of unplowed road in snow and ice to get to our destination. Saw cars and buses spinning their wheels. We hear the plow may come by in the morning????
    I am not fond of flying either, but theres a world left to see and I would love to see more of it. I hope there is no wider war. The ones going on now are too much. It all makes me sad. So unnecessary.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Hope your road trip conditions have improved. We are off grocery shopping this afternoon and looks like highways are all clear of the freezing rain/snow that happened a couple of days ago. We were going to wait until tomorrow but now they are predicting more snow for our area so best to do it today. Need to get my sour heads and also a few other items for our Christmas gathering that are hard to find locally. Will still have to go to our local store for fresh veggies/fruit just before Christmas but will have the bulk of it on hand.

    I'm probably one of the minority but I love flying including the chaos at airports.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Arrived at granddaughter destination safely after yesterday’s chaos. Glad I was not stuck on the highway for six hours like some folks!
    Apparently there is a shortage of plow drivers.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    We are on our winter trip, but just a five hour drive. Traffic was smooth and no snow. Tomorrow we go to the Scottish Christmas Parade, an annual tradition for us. I ate way too much in an excellent restaurant tonight. I tell myself I will walk it off tomorrow .

    Snow plow drivers are something you never want to run out of. Yikes!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Hope you both enjoy your time away. Glad we went yesterday for our grocery shopping. Got pretty much everything that I need except for last minute items that I will get locally. Weather advisory is out for our area with fog and freezing rain. Will be getting more snow tonight making road conditions treacherous.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Joy, freezing rain is so deadly. Glad you are well stocked and can ride it out. My husband and I have both
    Had bad falls on ice.

    Down a half pound this week. Aiming for another half pound this week. I overate in great restaurants for three days, but skipped desserts and walked a lot. I thought I had gained five pounds. Nice surprise when the scales went down.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    Well done, Cat! You found a nice balance with eating out by skipping desert and walking.

    Did some Christmas baking yesterday but cut way back on what I am making. Last year ended up with lots that I passed on to family that was visiting. Decided I don't really need all that work that goes into baking so just chose a couple of everyone's favorites.

    Have to tackle my cabbage rolls yet but may leave that until tomorrow. Wasn't able to get any cabbage sour heads so just purchased cabbage and will go with the rolls from that....I'm sure they will be fine.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Long drive today. Stopped for the night. Still eating too much but managed a walk.
    Home tomorrow.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Hey Joy, what are you baking that is a family favorite? Do you freeze, or does it keep til Christmas?
    Melody, prayers for safe travel. I always wonder why riding in the car all day wears you out like you’ve been working. Or is it just me?
    We have lived in the new place one month now. I am ashamed to still have unpacked boxes piled up in the basement. My mission for today. It’s rainy, so a good day to stay in.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 533 Member
    The two favorites that I baked (and froze) are butter tarts and coconut raspberry tarts. I usually make shortbread, caramel popcorn, fudge....and the list goes on. Decided it is too much with a big meal and totally not necessary. Will also be serving a cream pie that I will be making the day before. There will be a selection of nuts, chocolates and a fresh fruit tray. There will be nine people in total. Looking forward to a fun Christmas day with family.

    Cabbage roll making this morning. Got the filling done yesterday.
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Oooh coconut raspberry tarts sound so wonderful!!!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    I don't get why car trips are so tiring either. I hope my energy comes back tomorrow!
    Ive done so little for the holidays but now that there is a chance the granddaughter may visit after Christmas I have to clean and decorate a bit. How could it be so close already?
  • titus2cat
    titus2cat Posts: 497 Member
    Christmas snuck up on us this year!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 562 Member
    Yes it did!
    Managed to get a swim in but it took a lot of effort. Also trying to get back to more normal eating. That is also taking a lot of effort