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Ages 70+



  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    @oceanmelody challenges cooking and feeding a small child.
    @joy1580vb MFP worked for me a few years ago then I strayed. Thanks for the reminder; to log my food. I too have a 1200calorie per day allotment. I do have to focus on more protein intake.

    When I booked the trip DH and I were planning; to release about 10#, so upon return we would like to release 15#. Doing so will get me back to my goal post pandemic. During the pandemic I was on Facebook. People I knew were eating themselves into a frenzy; I decided that I would do the opposite. I did release 25# at that time. Summertime is the best time to trim down. Fresh fruits/vegetables and lots of outside workouts.

    Great to be aware. Runaway trains (off of our wellness programs) are hard to stop.

    We are off tomorrow morning for an early afternoon flight.

    Enjoy your days; stay healthy and have fun B)
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    jonni82014 Enjoy your time away with family and touring! Hope you return with many happy memories.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Cool day for us this morning but still smokey/overcast. May get scattered showers today but forecast is for rain tomorrow. That may help clear out this smoke.

    Devastating news for Jasper town site. Some buildings have been destroyed. The extent of the damage is being reported yet. Such a beautiful part of our province and so sad that this has happened.

    Got my exercise in yesterday and continuing with my eating plan. Pulled out my kitchen scale from the back of the cupboard and it is now sitting on the countertop. Making sure I measure and weigh so I'm logging my food intake accurately.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Finally cooler weather! But too exhausted to exercise. And a bit down at saying goodbye to granddaughter. Such a delight to be with her. Tomorrow back on track I hope.
    So sad for Jasper, where we stayed many years ago.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Much welcomed rain overnight. Looks like we got close to an inch which will be so good for my garden/crops.

    It is so sad about the devastation in Jasper. Neighbors had booked Jasper Park Lodge for next weekend. Celebration with family for their 50th wedding anniversary. From what I'm reading, the main building is still standing but damage to some other buildings. The extent of all damage throughout the park is still unknown.

    Son and his family (from eastern Canada) are off on an Alaskan cruise for a week. They are booked on the Rocky Mountaineer on their return to Vancouver with plans to end up in Edmonton for a visit with us. I see that Via Rail has cancelled all trips through Jasper for the foreseeable future. I talked to him yesterday and they had not received any notification yet of cancellation but will just book a flight to Edmonton when they get back from the cruise. Looking forward to our visit with them.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Much needed rain is continuing and now up to 1 1/2 inches. We were under a wind warning yesterday and it was extremely windy. Will go out to the garden a bit later and see if any damage was done. We went out for supper last night and noticed some of the wheat crops are laying flat in some areas due to the wind.

    Hubby suggested going out for supper yesterday as we were going to town to pick up the mail. Not really part of my eating plan but decided to skip lunch and be careful on what I ordered. Just had a banana and a cup of tea in the afternoon and had a salmon fillet, baked potato along with a bit of steamed veggies as my restaurant meal. Hard to calculate how many calories by just guessing the portion sizes but with my calculations I was still within my 1200 calorie range. Stepped on the scale this morning and was at 186 so down 1 pound. Happy with that and now back to my normal eating.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Bike ride yesterday, walk today.brief drop in humidity.
    Trying to eat well, but want to snack!
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    oceanmelody You are doing well with your exercising. Snacking can be a tough habit to break. Are you wanting to snack because you are hungry? Maybe upping protein could help. I'm not sure if you are following any type of weight loss regime or simply cutting back.

    With my 1200 calorie per day eating, it doesn't really allow for very much snacking. I have my 3 meals....breakfast, lunch, supper....then one small snack later in the evening. Try to keep my snack to 100 to 150 calories. Usually a piece of fruit but sometimes a cookie, small dish of ice cream, pudding cup, or a bit of air popped popcorn. I know my evening snack is a habit. I'm not eating it because I'm hungry but because I have made it a part of my eating routine and it helps keep me on track.

    Was happy to see my hummingbirds at the feeder this morning. I haven't seen them since the heavy smoke covered our skies. It has finally cleared to just a bit of a haze.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Weighed myself this morning and see weight is continuing to go down so pleased with that. Continuing on my 1200 calorie per day routine and making healthy choices to fit within that limit.

    Did a bit of hoeing in the garden yesterday. Had some wind damage to some of my tomato plants with a few branches breaking off. Looks like the main plants are ok though with some nice tomatoes developing.

    Going to be a warm day today so need to get outside with my dogs for my walk in a few minutes.

    Enjoy the day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    I also try to keep to 1200 and mostly I can keep snacks to nuts, fruit and some crackers. Haven’t been gaining but can’t seem to get below the 5 pound spread I’ve been in for several years.
    Just wish that 5 pound spread was starting about 10 pounds lower!
    Nice bike ride on Sunday but workmen around and rain have messed with the exercise the past two days.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Going to be another hot day today. Making buns this morning to freeze in preparation of son and family visit next week. Looking forward to that. Will be harder to stay within my calorie range during the few days he is here but will try my best.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    oceanmelody Hope you are doing well.

    Peas are starting to fill up and will probably start picking in another week or so. Pods are small due to the hot, dry weather we have had so a bit of a disappointment.

    Starting to do a bit more prep for son and family visit next week.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    No decent exercise but painted a garage wall which had to count for something.
    Hoping for lower humidity and a chance to walk tomorrow. At some point the weather should get cooler.
    Never seems to rain quite enough here either. Also why do chipmunks take two bites out of a tomato? I hope we can get enough non-sampled ones.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Been a busy couple of days. Grocery shopping yesterday and pea picking today. Got stung by a black wasp yesterday when outside with my dogs. Very itchy and a bit swollen today so took an allergy pill and hoping that helps. Seems to be an abundance of wasps around this year. Haven't seen any actual nests but can certainly hear them buzzing around in the trees close to our house.

    oceanmelody Those small animals can be a nuisance for sure. We don't have chipmunks but do have squirrels to contend with.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Ouch about the wasp!
    Squirrels don’t bother the produce here, only the bird seed. I may not feed the birds this winter because it’s bad for my blood pressure to watch the chipmunks on the feeder. Today a young squirrel got past the baffle. But I haven’t filled it so he was out of luck.
  • voyagerLLY
    voyagerLLY Posts: 4 Member
    Upped my daily treadmill walk from 30 minutes to 45 minutes -- still at moderate 2.5 miles per hour.
    Since it is over 110 outside -- music in my ears helps me keep moving
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    voyagerLLY Well done on the treadmill walk.

    Wasp sting is still itchy. I was actually stung 5 times in the same area....just below my collar bone. Putting hydrocortisone cream on it now and getting some relief. Seemed a bit better this morning.

    Making another batch of buns for son and family's visit. Burger and hot dog buns as we will probably bbq a couple of times. They are coming here next Saturday and staying 5 days. Got some rain last night but hopefully will clear off as I need to pick the rest of my peas later this afternoon.

    Enjoy the day.
  • Joy1580vb
    Joy1580vb Posts: 404 Member
    Quiet on here the last few days.

    Talked to son yesterday and they will not be visiting as granddaughter picked up some bug on the cruise ship. They made it back to Edmonton from Vancouver by plane as the Rocky Mountaineer train trip through Jasper was cancelled due to all the wildfire destruction. Granddaughter got sick the day after arriving in Edmonton so son changed their flight back east to tomorrow. Doesn't want to take the chance of spreading illness to hubby and me so will not be seeing them.

    Gave him a call a few minutes ago and granddaughter is feeling a bit better so happy about that. Their flight back east connects through Toronto and he got an email saying there may be flight interruptions due to weather issues tomorrow. I think Toronto area is in the path of storm Debby and they may be receiving lots of rain. Flight leaves at 11:00 am so I will be checking to see how it unfolds.

    Think I may be back in my pea patch tomorrow as I checked and the first 2 rows I picked have quite a few full pods on them again.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Sorry about the visitor plan change!
    Just heard that my area southeast of Toronto and across the lake may only get .5 to an inch tomorrow. Depends on the where the line falls —just to the east it will be more.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Well we tried a walk yesterday. Unfortunately 5 minutes before getting back to the car it began raining really hard and even hailed! Soaked to the bone. Car seats still damp from our wet clothes the next day. We saw wispy clouds today and chickened out.