Me who just don't care about sports (feel like the only one)



  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    I love to participate in sports. But to sit on my *kitten* watching other people exercise? depends on how much skin I have in the game. If I've got a relative or friend in the game I'll be the loudest voice in the crowd. And if I'm training a guy for a Muay Thai match I'll spend tens of hours watching tapes of their opponent.

    Most of the time, however, I don't watch much TV of any kind. That doesn't mean I can't relate to sports: I'm cool with watching a game if it is playing while I'm working out--especially if I can zap the stupid talking heads and idiotic commercials. I simply prioritize most things over sitting on my butt and eating junk.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I'm married to one, thank GOD!
  • MatthewLewis81
    MatthewLewis81 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't like sports, watch sports, take an interest in sports, or really even think sports are ethical if you get right down to it (so much money blown on...what, exactly, when there are real needs in the world?)

    And if you think there's an awkward silence when you say you don't watch sports, you should hear the silence (or sometimes noise) that follows when I tell someone all of that. :D
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    To answer a prior comment, I watch instructionals and some highlights... but only for the same reason. I only watch to see how I could do something new or better when I practice.

    Lots of motorsport fans in here, and Motorcross especially well represented. There is something absolutely amazing about being out on track (both as a driver and a corner worker), and I have definitely watched some F1, WRC, and sportscar racing. Never enough to follow drivers or teams or know what's changed from race to race though.

    I don't feel like a sad little outcast or anything, it's just something you tend to notice a lot when everyone around you is talking about it and you simply sit there silent. I also meet a lot of business owners in my job and a staple of the guy-meets-guy chit chat is to ask how their sports teams are doing. There's a very clear few seconds of silence and confusion when they have to recalibrate after I say I don't watch. I'm used to it and I play into it, it's just incredibly consistent.

    A few people are replacing don't care with don't like. We aren't anti-sport, we just care about it at the same level you likely care about the politics of Denmark. Just not on the radar.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Never got into sports. Perhaps it's blind coincidence, but the most die-hard sports fans that I know are the most out of shape. They are the ones who are more prone to not only attribute their very their identity through "their team", but also to hurl insults at others who do the same.
    Conversely, most of the dedicated athletes in my circle do not follow sports. While some cheer because their team did something great, many others would rather strive to do something great themselves.

    I used to be way bigger into college and professional sports than I am now, back when I was out of shape. When I started changing my lifestyle I realized..hey wait a minute...I need to live my own life and plan my own athletic activities instead of planning around the activities of others. Essentially be your own man.

    I hardly watch TV unless there is a game or race on. We don't have cable/sat so that's pretty rare, on the weekends mostly. I mostly listen to sports talk at the office or in my car. However, my family and physical fitness take precedent over the sports world and as such I won't plan my schedule around them. If my downtime and sports downtime meet up. By all means. But really, I'd rather be swimming or Mt biking or something.

    You're comment hit home with me, because now that I am physically active and taken my body to it's limits I feel that I'm a better sports fan because I know how the body reacts when it gets tired or hurt. I think a lot of sports fans have on their Fantasy Football Eyes and think the players are robots, and you can tell by their comments on twitter and other places.

    and to the OP, my Dad doesn't watch sports either. I got all this from my mother.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Having grown up in Portland, Or, where there has always been a dearth of professional sports teams, a lot of people here are not huge sports fans.

    When I moved to Eugene, Or, the football fever is set at a higher pitch than I've ever seen anywhere. Pretty much, if you don't get into football, there is no reason to leave you house in the fall. It's crazy! I had to at least learn some basics about the game just so that I could engage in small talk. People there don't talk about the weather, they talk about football as if it equally effects everyone just like a rain storm would.

    I'm glad to be back in Portland again. Not a fan of spectator sports. I'd rather be out there doing something active, myself.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Having grown up in Portland, Or, where there has always been a dearth of professional sports teams, a lot of people here are not huge sports fans.

    When I moved to Eugene, Or, the football fever is set at a higher pitch than I've ever seen anywhere. Pretty much, if you don't get into football, there is no reason to leave you house in the fall. It's crazy! I had to at least learn some basics about the game just so that I could engage in small talk. People there don't talk about the weather, they talk about football as if it equally effects everyone just like a rain storm would.

    I'm glad to be back in Portland again. Not a fan of spectator sports. I'd rather be out there doing something active, myself.

    Welcome back to Portland. Gotta love the Thorns, right?
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    I would uch rather be in Athletic condition/shape than worship the Athletes themselves while knocking back beers and eating wings.

    Most people don't really understand why I don't like Basketball, Football ( I don't mind soccer or baseball because I played those sports) I just feel that instead of worshipping a team and pretending to know everything about the game, I would much rather be active and in athletic condition.

    THere are a ton of men at work who know everything there is to know about players and teams and look like completel PHAT FKS!
  • flet2
    flet2 Posts: 43 Member
    I really dislike watching most sport - especially football. The noise of football fans/crowds seriously winds me up! There's something about team sports that seems to bring out the worst in some people!

    I quite enjoy rugby and will watch the Tour de France, but my big thing is motorsport; mainly two-wheeled, so BSB, WSBK, MotoGP, speedway etc. Formula 1 is good when there's nothing else on.

    I used to feel I had to 'support' a football team when I was little - it was always one of the first things you were asked at school, so I pretended I supported Arsenal. For some reason, who you support almost seems to define people.

    Not often I see a girl list MotoGP in her "things i watch" list!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    to the people saying "i cant just sit around and watch people play sports" do you also state that you cant just sit around and listen to music other people have played or watch movies other people have made...etc...

    just seems like a weird distinction to me. i like watching the best perform. be it sports, music, movies etc...
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    You're not alone. I follow my alma mater as far as sports go, but that's about it.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    to the people saying "i cant just sit around and watch people play sports" do you also state that you cant just sit around and listen to music other people have played or watch movies other people have made...etc...

    just seems like a weird distinction to me. i like watching the best perform. be it sports, music, movies etc...

    its funny cause i enjoy some amateur movies :)
  • flet2
    flet2 Posts: 43 Member
    to the people saying "i cant just sit around and watch people play sports" do you also state that you cant just sit around and listen to music other people have played or watch movies other people have made...etc...

    just seems like a weird distinction to me. i like watching the best perform. be it sports, music, movies etc...

    Well I'm not sure it's quite the same- I've gone to some of our local baseball games just for the sake of something to do (it's live action, certainly more entertaining than watching a TV) I don't give a crap about the game or the team, but it's an excuse to leave the house. I'd say that's very similar to going to a concert to watch live action music. I've watched live shows of bands I wouldn't necessarily listen to on a CD but they put on a good show, and the live part adds a lot to the experience. Watching a sport on TV could probably be more closely attributed to watching a concert on TV, which is something I rarely do (unless it's pink floyd of course :) I also don't think there are too many people who simply sit and listen to music while doing nothing other than listening. I know music is always a background noise for me when I'm doing something, it's not the main event.
  • _liftnlove
    I don't watch much TV at all, so sports don't interest me much. Back before I had kids, my husband and I would watch boxing and tennis (weird combo I know), but now, I honestly don't have the huge blocks of TIME that are needed to sit and watch a long football game or something similar.

    I wish I had time to PLAY on a competitive team of some sort, racquetball or softball, something like that. That seems more fun than watching a bunch or strangers chase after a ball, but to each their own :)
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm from Wisconsin where football and hunting are huge and the two of them go together like beer and pizza. Problem is I'm and avid hunter but have absolutely no interest in watching or talking football. I totally feel like an outcast once football season and deer hunting starts up. I haven't ran into one hunter that wasn't completely obsessed with football, it makes for some really awkward nights out at the bars while on a hunting trip.

    I just never understood how someone can get so into something they have no part in. It especially gets me when "their" team wins and everyone starts yelling "fuk ya, we did it boys" " we did it"!! lol I don't understand it man.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • 424a57
    424a57 Posts: 140 Member
    You are not alone. I also "lettered" in HS (track), but I'm not a sports kind of person. I'm a season ticket holder for the local professional baseball team, but that is because I'm a "Sharon fan" (my wife) and *she* likes sports. I went to lacrosse and football games (and marching band competitions, for that matter) when my kids were in HS, because I love the boys, not the sports.

    I prefer old movies to televised sports -- so we TWO televisions.
  • fitmusiclifeviola
    I don't even follow the "pros" of the sports I engage in. Don't really care. I train to compete against myself, no one else.

    And as far as NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, etc. goes. I think we have a serious problem in this country when we pay grown men millions of dollars a year to play games when teachers have to pay for their own classroom supplies, soldiers returning from war have to wait months or years for proper medical care and a person working sh---ty jobs for minimum wage has to work 60-80 hours a week just to put food on the table.

    I do actually follow one sport, but there are no professionals in it. No pay outs, no endorsements (and consequently, no performance enhancing drugs - unless you count hot chocolate and brownies).


    Check out what Sarah Thomas is about to attempt.

    Check out what Craig Lenning participated in a few weeks ago.

    Can anybody contest that Diana Nyad is a badass?

    Those people are superhuman!!

    **fixed spelling error**

    Thanks for the names, fun to look them up! They're all amazing! I find playing sports to be more fun, but I like watching sports to see just what kind of amazing things people can do. As well as to appreciate how hard and deep these sports are to play, these professionals that work to be excellent still screw up, on easy shots, etc. such that it makes accepting my own 'faults' a little easier.
    I also enjoy watching/following certain sport teams, particularly the patriots to see how they run their organization. And how teams are greater than the sum of the individuals, and how to get individuals ready to be a team.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    Here's a question- for those who are incredibly passionate about a specific sport, do you currently participate or did you growing up? When i look at the sports that can follow and enjoy, they are all things that I have done, or currently do. It makes them relatable and gives you that appreciation for how awesome that move or play just was. Are there a lot of people who are crazy for something they have never really experienced for themselves?
    I made the football team as a 4th string WR (I played maybe 2 games in mop up time) and a kicker my freshman year because I weighed about 105lbs at 5'5" in highschool.
    Other than that, no real sports participation until I started putting on weight. At that time I was more involved with bodybuilding than football, but made time to watch the 49ers play every week.
    And still do to this day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition