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  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,432 Member
    edited March 21
    Joy1580vb wrote: »
    Lisa, beautiful painting!

    Heather, hope the sports clinic is helpful.

    Annie, decided to take inspiration from you and get outside for some much needed walking. My walking trail that goes up onto one of our fields still has snow on it so doing some walking in the yard....which is huge so I really have no excuse. Most of the snow in the yard is gone so can walk in my runners instead of boots. Did 15 minutes so far this morning and took the two dogs with me. They followed for the first two rounds then stood back and watched me for a bit before joining in again. Silly things...probably wondering what I was doing. Will try to do another 15 minute walk this afternoon. Will continue with this routine for the coming week before I increase it.

    Did 22 minutes of yoga+ (added knee pushups, crunches, leg lifts, etc.) I can now stand on my left foot with my right foot up in tree pose for 30 seconds, but have only made it to 20 seconds for the other side. It's got the most damage, so it will take time. Just taking it slow, adding a few seconds at a time. Just add one or two repetitions of each when I'm able. Also added leg work with the band, as well as my first arm curls with them. Sneaking up on myself has become a habit.

    Later, y'all,
    Good morning ladies!

    And I made it down to 179.9 pounds today! Yay! Hope I can lose enough before Easter to come out of it below 180. I have two weeks.

    Annie in Delaware

    Well done all of you!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,432 Member
    edited March 21
    Well I made it to Gibb's Gardens and really enjoyed it and really enjoyed meeting new people. I learned about Sun City just south of Atlanta. And there are other Sun City's in the United States. Apparently there are 1500 homes in this Sun City and plans to build another 1500 homes there. I can't imagine. I haven't seen it. They are retirement communities.

    I also made it to a free concert at a church this afternoon. This was a featured organ player on tour throughout the United States. I almost didn't go because I didn't think I liked the organ that much. Boy...would that have been a mistake. He was wonderful! I have an entirely different impression of the organ now. This really opened my eyes! There were only about 65 people there...which is a real shame. I bet they thought they were not crazy about the organ either. This gentleman made the organ come alive!

    Rosemarie from Georgia

    I'm glad you're getting out and enjoying yourself. :)

    Poerava14 wrote: »
    Job is going well. I still work with the NBA team, Nuggets and also have some shifts covering a backstage position for the hockey team, Avalanche. I know nothing about hockey, except I can tell you the players you see punching the lights out of opponents will show up after the game all cleaned up, teeth in place, wearing a tailored suit and tie, and have a face like a Swedish supermodel. Gorgeous guys, and very soft spoken. I work concerts occasionally. I was at the foot of the stage for Ricky Martin + Pitbull which was an awesome experience. This Tuesday, I'll be present backstage for Madonna's concert. I've been listening to a biography of her and breaking up the book listening to play her albums and videos. She was such a trailblazer! Tremendously accomplished and I think I appreciate her more now knowing she is out singing and dancing at age 66. Should be interesting.

    I still make it to lots of concerts. This past Friday the symphony did a program with guest performers who put together a setlist of great songs recorded by Joni Mitchell, Mamas and the Papas, Beach Boys, Eagles and other artists who comprised the Lookout Mountain music scene on Laurel Canyon. I was going to high school on Laurel Canyon when all this was happening, so the music has a deep, emotional meaning for me.

    My special friend N continues to be a light in my life. We haven't seen each other in 132 days, but we've texted every single day and we talk frequently for hours. His birthday was last week, so I gave him tickets to see Bonnie Raitt in S. Carolina in May, so for sure we are clearing calendars to meet up there. Between now and then, who knows? Once I am done with basketball, there will be more opportunity for us to take road trips as he continues to try to golf and hear live music in all 50 states.


    Machka: Fencing! Beekeeping! Gardening! Stairclimbing! Bicycling! Coloring! Catwalking (you know I can appreciate) Working fulltime AND caregiving!!!! You amaze me.

    Colorado Foothills

    Sounds like you are having fun too!

    And thank you. :)

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,432 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    Machka-I like to be done eating by 6pm to get at least a 12 hour fast in. I wake up early enough to see the sunrise, most of the time, so I want coffee early and that breaks my fast. I also find I sleep much better if I am finished eating well before I go to sleep.

    Tina in CA

    Ah, I see.

    I usually "fast" from about 8:30 pm to 11:30 am. I do drink coffee in the morning, but it's black coffee.

    skuehn48 wrote: »
    Well crazy tenant threw a temper tantrum again last night. We were out feeding horses when she came home and DD asked her why she was still here. She claims DD drew a gun on her and caĺled 911. DD also called 911 and the operator asked us to meet with officers at a school close to here so we left and went to meet them. Had a good talk. They suggested we not engage with her at all and if she begins yelling and being verbally abusive use our phones to record her. They also suggested we pursue anti- harrassment charges against her and possibly get a restraining order. We do not even own a gun so don't where she came up with that. This is maybe the 4th or 5th time now she has called the police.

    Pip - that burn looks nasty.

    Vicki - hope you feel better soon.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA

    I'd be tempted to put up a camera pointed in the direction of the place where she is living, and also in the direction of the horses, to help capture what she is up to.

    The police are right ... don't engage her, just record her. That will help you get the restraining order.

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,578 Member
    edited March 21
    Things are falling into place regarding the Easter Holidays. We are babysitting the kids on Easter Monday morning, so my son and DDIL can get out for a long bike ride. My son says he will precook a lunch that only needs heating up. :D The slight adjustment is that my cleaner is coming that afternoon, so I will have to hide the house keys somewhere she can find them and let herself in.
    DDIL keeps saying she doesn't want a present for her birthday next week, and that will be her present, but I'm going to get her some posh chocolates. I wanted to get her a voucher for a salon treatment, but she is reluctant. I have made some hand painted cards, so she can have one of those.
    We still have a Bea pick up next Tuesday! Hope to have Max for a lunch expedition, and the girls at some point. My son wants us to babysit one Friday night in April, so he can take DDIL out for dinner. All good.

    Enjoy your sleepover, Tracey. Boys on the verge of puberty! :o They do look lovely. Make the most of it.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,762 Member
    edited March 21
    Lanette - Wowsers, that's a big 'un! I love the idea of you moving close enough to someone who loves you to be able to have that kind of emotional and social support. If it's the right thing to do it will work. Love the idea, too, that you could take with you what you love. 🐔 And decluttering never hurts. :smiley: I have faith in you that you'll know if it's the right time and the right house.

    Tracey - So happy that you and Jonah can provide a place for a worried boy to enjoy that kind of fun for a bit. 😍 Hope the boys have a blast. Such a tough time in their lives--I wouldn't go back to being that young for anything. Glad Rodger's talking. Men are funny critters.

    Machka - Watching with interest to see how you go about shaping your future. You remind me of your bees, with times of extreme energy and exertion and times when the flowers have gone where you take time for yourself and Rowan. Love being part of your life here. Thank you for sharing it.

    I couldn't sleep in this morning--a very mild barometric headache behind my eyes, and was up every two hours last night. Nothing bad, just restles. That's OK, I have nowhere that I have to be, no deadlines. Lots of things I can do, just have to decide which, if any, that I want to!

    I'll check in later...
    Love from the pre-dawn dark of the Arkansas River Valley,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,432 Member
    Machka - Watching with interest to see how you go about shaping your future. You remind me of your bees, with times of extreme energy and exertion and times when the flowers have gone where you take time for yourself and Rowan. Love being part of your life here. Thank you for sharing it.

    I'll check in later...
    Love from the pre-dawn dark of the Arkansas River Valley,


    If all goes well, I'll have some news in about 3 weeks.

    M in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,214 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Ava drinking half my weight in ounces? No. I aim for the old standard eight eight ounce cups. I usually record seven, but I think I hit eight and my recording is lousy.

    Not much going on here. I have a couple emails to write. And of course Teddy needs a trim.

    Today my book says make a list of all the ways that being overweight bothers me. I think my reasons for losing weight overlap. I already listed fitting into my clothes and being pleased with my body. I have the list in front of my stationary bike. And I have a phone reminder to review them in the afternoon when I get hungry.

    I have been eating back my calories, and I'm losing a little more slowly. But slow is okay.

    Okay ladies, have a marvelous day! May you be healthy, happy, safe, and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,214 Member
    Betsy hope your sister improves.

    I did twenty minutes on my bike and fourteen minutes walking! Yay!

    I started doing a high intensity interval in the middle of my biking. Losing my breath is scary, but also feels like an accomplishment!

    Annie in Delaware
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,197 Member
    edited March 21
    M Agree with it might be rosacea. Rosecea is an autoimmune condition. I am learning more and more that many of our illnesses and the pain that goes along begins with the microbs that live in our gut. So many things throw the balance off antibiotics, pesticides, hebacides, stress...When the gut is not happy our bodies and minds suffer for it. Our bodies are smart and will shut down (illness) and give us pain and signs (rashes) until we address the underlying cause. A pill for an ill will only cover up the symptoms and will often have a side effect.

    Current book I am reading is Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza. I think a better title is Getting out of your own Way so your Automatic Nervous System can help you Heal. Your body so craves that healing. It reinforces what I have learned that in order to improve healing coming at it from a calm state is the way to go. So easy to say much harder to accomplish when your body is filled with pain and suffering. His method to find this calm is meditation.

    Some tools I am trying to apply are as I begin to meditate is to strengthen the first three chakras in my body. These are set in the tailbone...gut...then the stomach liver area. I like this because it is so tempting in meditation to go right to the head area and spiritual aspects. The first three are your roots your survival. Making sure they are strong gives you the life energy to accomplish your goals.

    The other tool I am trying to apply is letting go of the outcome (Getting out of my way)... So often it is easy for me to get caught up in I will do X,Y,Z then what I want to happen will happen. What I am starting to find is other good things are starting to happen rather than that what I asked for...Example my sinus clearing up after at least two years of being difficult to breathe on that side of my nose...A choir member out of no where complimenting me. Her compliments are rare.

    He too like some other authors I have read and many of you here remind me especially Barbie the importance of coming from a place of love and gratitude. I am finding myself saying Thank you more to the people that are helping me through all the financial pieces I have had to deal with since DH passing. It may not hurry the process in some cases but it does help me keep my perspective, my patience , and my calm. I also have shared interesting stories with those that help me.

    The banker and I talked about Drive in movie theaters (so American) and the town of Hastings where we both had connections.

    Annie I would love to hear a list of all the things that are going right and that you are doing for yourself that make you feel good about yourself...like working towards becoming a paramedic...solving problems with your dad so his life and your like goes more smoothly...the better choices you are making in your diet and if you slip you forgive yourself and continue where you left off. Envisioning yourself as healthy, having the energy to enjoy the day ahead of you finding love, laughter, gratitude in whatever happens in your day. As I write that reminds me that is what I wish for myself too and all who are here.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,171 Member
    Today is: lots to remember!
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Sue ~ You have the renter from H@#$! I feel so sorry for what you and your daughter are going through with the lady. Sounds like she has a bad mental problem.

    Tracey ~ Your great grandmother was beautiful! And, the outfit she had on looked luxurious. You are a wonderful friend to your daughter's friend and son.

    Lanette ~ So nice to have your close friend help you move on to a new adventure. I hope you like the house and that you will be able to get the financing.

    Heather ~ Your son is so lucky to have you help with the children. I know you and your husband love them and they make your life interesting. He seems to be a great father and husband.

    Machka ~ That rash looks bad. I hope you get an answer and help to get it cleared up.

    Carol in GA

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,578 Member
    John's younger daughter is coming down on Easter Sunday afternoon. She seems confident about the trains running! Actually, she is only coming from Arundel, which is justt west of here, because she will be staying with friends. She and her dad will go out walking, and come back to the house for earlyish dinner. I'm proposing slow roast shoulder of lamb, with roasted root vegetables, a green vegetable, and a Mediterranean tahini sauce.
    In Britain people often have lamb at Easter, or turkey is popular. I will buy the lamb tomorrow, from our local butcher, and freeze it.

    Carol - He is an amazing husband and father and works incredibly hard at his job. The consequence is that he is permanently knackered. He spends masses of time running the kids around in the car, from one activity to the other. I don't know where he got his work ethic from! I do worry about him.
    I've ordered DDIL'S chocolates, small box, very posh :p , and John posted her card this afternoon. It's one of my 'blobby' flowery ones!

    Ordered a Waitrose delivery for tomorrow morning.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx