Daily accountability and check in



  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    I have haglunds in both ankles which causes a lot of tenonitis. I've always loved running, road or treadmill, it's been my go to for cardio pretty much forever.

    I realise now that it's not practical, any sustained pace just ends up causing problems and pain.

    Does anyone have similar issues and have a cardio routine that doesn't require running, I just want a sweat on really, bike maybe?
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited May 20
    I make it day 64.

    Still around and not off the wagon completely.

    I really enjoy small motivational articles, I got the bug from trying Noom a few years ago, their plan/points whatever, isn't any different ot WW or SW but they gave a little dashboard of interesting articles every day, like some of the stuff in MFP plans but far more of it and more varied. At the time, the articles really helped me stay on track and gave me a Morning motivation boost or ideas to try.

    Ive struggled to find anything similar WW has weekly techniques which is a single article, a few years ago, you could search for old techniques or articles which meant there was a trove of stuff.

    I tried re subbing but they must have changed their app because I couldn't search old techniques, so I've cancelled.

    Here I am, back and decided I should just track and make good choices, otherwise I'll never make progress.

    If anyone has suggestions for apps or blogs that provide these kind of articles, let me know, otherwise, my plan into the weekend and next week is to meal plan to hit my macros and do more movement.

    Congratulations on Day 64!!

    MFP actually shows those types of articles, if you look at your NewsFeed on the app, instead of on the desktop. Also, I love your thread. Inspiring !

    Re: Intermittent fasting, I saw you tried 16:8, then switched to 14:10. I've been reading in the past few weeks about fasting (I was doing Dr. Valter Longo's (author of The Longevity Diet - free ebook download on his associated ProlonLife site (front page, midway down, there's a green band where you submit your email address, and they send you a free ebook via Google Play), where he sells stuff for his 5-day "Fasting Mimicking Diet" aka FMD fasting protocol). Dr. Longo is a big fan of the Circadian 12:12 method of Intermittent Fasting. There's some science that says 16:8 IF can lead to poor cardiovascular outcomes a few years down the road. He says even the 14:10 is too much stress on the body, if you sustain it over a long period of time.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    I have haglunds in both ankles which causes a lot of tenonitis. I've always loved running, road or treadmill, it's been my go to for cardio pretty much forever.

    I realise now that it's not practical, any sustained pace just ends up causing problems and pain.

    Does anyone have similar issues and have a cardio routine that doesn't require running, I just want a sweat on really, bike maybe?

    I broke a 19-mos streak of 10k/steps daily last fall, after an injury. I haven't been able to get back to it, b/c a combination of arthritis, bone spurs, and damage to the meniscus after the injury give me a painfully swollen knee almost daily. BUT, after a winter of wallowing, I've got up and started moving again about 9 weeks ago. I get a good - even better than before, with walking - workout, by swinging my arms. I sort of 'fake march' with some good arm pumping action, my heart rate gets into the 150s no problem. I do a few 10-15, or even 30-minute sessions per day, to reach my daily 'steps' goal. I've got a new streak going, 49 days now. It still feels sort of cheating, b/c they're not 'real steps', but honestly, what I'm after is cardio, and it's better cardio than walking was :). Cheers!
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    Oh, hey, here's the direct link to the MFP Blog, if you're after inspirational/informative health articles:

  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for those, I'll explore the blog thanks, the articles on the app page were a bit lean. I'll save the link as a homepage link/app.

    The fasting I've never really taken to, I have a reasonable breakfast routine so I've stuck with that, what I really struggle with is later in the day, I'm gonna try some snacks today/tomorrow to see if it staves off the more difficult choices come dinner.

    I listened to another really interesting podcast yesterday by Rangan Chatterjee (O was travelling, airport and driving) talking about brown fat and cold showers, I'm not averse to a bit of stress amd excitement, so I tried it this morning, really invigorating, really enjoyed it, I'll try it over the next few days and see how I got on.

    Just listened to another pod by Gladys McGarey 103 and still has a 10 year plan. Talks about finding purpose in your work and day, if you don't have it, find it somewhere else, you have to feel like life is moving forwards.

    Very inspirational, I'm struggling a bit at the moment work wise which doesn't help with diet etc but maybe I just need to re find my purpose.

    Anyway, I rattle on, I did track yesterday and stayed well within, I didn't follow through with my plan for dinner or gym as I was nackered but I tracked, 2 days streak. Today is a new day.

    The sun is shining, I'm I'm a hotel next to a canal, just enjoyed avocado and poached eggs before walking up to the office.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    I have haglunds in both ankles which causes a lot of tenonitis. I've always loved running, road or treadmill, it's been my go to for cardio pretty much forever.

    I realise now that it's not practical, any sustained pace just ends up causing problems and pain.

    Does anyone have similar issues and have a cardio routine that doesn't require running, I just want a sweat on really, bike maybe?

    I love my recumbent elliptical.

    Mine is a NuStep, which is specialized for people who have a physical disability. I have a balance issue. I can get a great cardio workout, moving arms and legs, with minimal stress on joints.

    Do a quick google for “recumbent elliptical” and you’ll see a few different ones at varying price points.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    I'm not averse to a bit of stress amd excitement, so I tried it this morning, really invigorating, really enjoyed it, I'll try it over the next few days and see how I got on.

    The turn of phrase regarding the brown fat and cold showers lifted a smile to my face, lol well done ! The MFP blog is where they pull the app articles from, so that won't be what you're looking for. Both of your podcasts sound quite inspiring. I've never really gotten into podcasts, but I find myself piqued by your listening diet. Both of the pods you describe in your post sound positive and uplifting.

    I'm restarting after a winter of throwing all good habits overboard, so no judgment from me. Good for you for keeping going, and not worrying about 'breaking streaks' or what have you. Each day is a new day to shine, right? :) Enjoy the canal and the sun. I can't abide runny eggs, tho, so I'll leave that part out ;-). ha!

  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks both, today was a good day, food choices and mentally.

    The pods are Rangan Chatterjee, Feel Better, Live More, has great guests. Tends to have 1 per week an hour or so, full podcast and then a shorter bitesize where he plays highlights of a previous pod. Lots of general wellbeing, gut health, mental health etc. Interesting.
  • Greattaeda
    Greattaeda Posts: 4 Member
  • Greattaeda
    Greattaeda Posts: 4 Member
    Doing good today
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    Day 69, keeping the momentum going today.

    I've got to commute home which can be tough choice wise. I've got yesterday's salad and quiche to finish for lunch before I leave for the airport.

    I've got nuts and bananas for a bit later on before the flight. I've got water in the car for my drive back once I pick it up.

    Having a handful of nuts at c3pm yesterday helped me get through the couple of hours to dinner without feeling hungry and helped make better choices which turned out quite tasty.

    Have a great day all ✊️
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    Nuts ARE a fabulous snack, aren't they? Great job. Good luck on commute, and enjoy a lovely dinner, Mikey!
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    Day 70, did well yesterday, stayed within calories and avoided airport food. Also avoided buying new books which I'd convinced myself was a reasonable reward for not buying BK.

    Just started the new MFP fibre/gut health programme which is interesting, the podcast I listened to yesterday talked about 100g of pulses/beans and 30g of nuts/seeds so I'm going to incorporate those into my diet. I have chia seeds at the moment with pre prepped porridge, it's got quite a nice taste to it.

    I'm going to read through my nutrients following the last few days tracking and see what the gaps are and what I might change.

    Plan on listening to the latest feel better live more later during my commute home rather than music. Didn't have a chance this Morning.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited May 23
    ^5, you! I love beans/pulses, gl with your new eating program! I bet it's delicious, and I hope it has good results for you, M! Cheers! ~ mk :)
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks, it's 71 today and I feel like I'm gaining momentum. Did listen to the pod, it's was about inner truth, not sure what I took from it.

    Food wise, I'm taking yesterday as a cheat day and acknowledging it, not tracking it though 🤣

    I'm sticking with the nuts as a snack, got 30g with me today, probably the afternoon before my commute.

    Think I'm gonna check out plant based protein alternatives, I made a good choice after speaking with a colleague a few days ago and would like to explore this more.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited May 24
    I'm on Day 20 of reboot food logging. Good under day yesterday. I'm not following any plan 'per se', atm, just trying to make reasonable choices. Once I feel my groove return, I think I'll probably lean towards the goals I had before I slogged off all fall and winter: trying to have fiber = 14g per 1k cals eaten, 3 cups veggies, 2 cups fruits, and protein = 20% of calories consumed. Buuuutt, I might try to steer towards more plant-based, too, Mikey. Leaning towards investigating a Pescatarian/Mediterranean - ish style of eating. I already lean towards chicken and beans and rice as a few favorites, but I don't have enough fish in my diet, and I have too much cheese, probably. I might look to swap some chicken for more plant-based proteins, and more fish, perhaps.

    I did a Prolon 5-day FMD (Fast Mimicking Diet) fast last week, and plan to repeat the 5-day fast monthly, for four Rounds, total, as recommended by Dr. Longo, whose research built the FMD protocol. He's the author of The Longevity Diet, as well. He advocates a 12:12 TRE pattern of IF, and a Pescatarian Diet, along with 5-day FMD Rounds 2-4 times a year (after the initial 3-4 Rounds in 3-4 months cycle). I'm one Round in to the Protocol, and about 2 weeks in to the 12:12 pattern, but haven't adopted the Pescatarian diet on the rest of the month's eating days, yet.

    Currently, hubby and I are trying some meal kit deliveries. We do like them, but they include too many whites, no option to swap out some of the white breads or pastas for whole grains, or something else. And hubby picks too much beef for my taste :p. But, it's only fair to split up the meal choices. I'm not going to worry about it for now, like I said, working to get a solid foundation under me again. I'll return to examining diet more in a couple mos, maybe sooner. I mean, meal choices aren't terrible now, they're just not optimized/ideal, you know?

    Cheers to Mikey, and to Mikey's fellow travelers/readers! ~ mk :)
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    PS - sent you a friend request, @mikeyrowlands :)
  • mikeyrowlands
    mikeyrowlands Posts: 49 Member
    I've never heard of the fast mimicking diet, I'll have to check that out. I struggle with IF just due to the routine and I worry that if I don't eat early on, feeling hungry nudges me in the direction of poor choices.

    My wife has jumped on my breakfast bandwagon too now and has ditched microwave porridge pouches.

    50g of large/jumbo oats, dumped in a little round tupperware/pot. 30g protein powder (whatever current flavour/brand I have), 10g chia seeds and 3g creatine powder. Just boiling water over the top, perfect for prepping in advance and chucking in my bag on the way to work.

    As its Summer (almost) I'd love to be up early enough and sit in the garden with breakfast but I'm up in time to get the bus at 6.45 and that's early enough for me.

    We've used hello fresh occasionally but like you, it's hard to make healthy swaps and balance meals. We have talked about it being as cheap as buying/prepping meals each day, depending on how efficient we are.
  • mkksemail
    mkksemail Posts: 1,223 Member
    Sounds like you have a solid breakfast routine going! I'm in Maine - we had a 'taste' of summer this week, but it's back to late fall/early spring temps again. The 10-day forecast has high temps ranging from 57F/14C to 76F/24C. Today will be a high of 72F/22C. In 2 days it'll hit the 14, and in 3 days it'll hit the 24 :p. Bit of a roller coaster coming up ;-).

    Did ok yesterday - came in under goal. The FMD fast was a trip, I was pretty nervous and didn't think I could do it. Glad I did! I got a high LDL cholesterol reading in April, so I'm aiming to pull it down with the FMD 4-Round protocol. Next one is coming up on Jun 10. I had originally planned to do 1-day 'resets' weekly, in between Rounds, but the Zoom coach (there are daily Zoom coaching group support sessions, which were awesome) said no Resets the first week after a 5-day. So, next Thursday will be my first 1-day reset. I'm not sure if I'll do a 2nd one before my next 5-day, or just stick with 1 reset in between 5-day rounds. The protocol is supposed to also help improve gut biome, but I have no idea how to measure that 🤷‍♀️.

    Oh, HelloFresh is part of the group of meal kits family that we signed up for. We signed up for their 'Value' offering, b/c the promo was $1.49/meal for your first box, heh. We'd never done meal kit boxes before, so we went with one of the most affordable ones, in case we hated it. This week will be our 3rd box. You're right, that it's more economical to just do a shop. I mean, you're cooking anyway, the meals aren't pre-made. But ... for now, we're having fun trying it out. After the next box, we're going to add another meal per box, and start skipping every other week. It's really a bit overwhelming. I'm not used to cooking so much, lol. I'm interested in trying out some other kits, maybe in a couple mos. HungryRoot, BlueApron, and one my husband was interested in, but I can't think of the name of just now ... 🤔. Anyway .... heh

    Happy Saturday! Cheers ~ mk :)
  • walkintofit
    walkintofit Posts: 3,757 Member
    mikeyrowlands I use a rowing machine for cardio, my feet are very sore after work and I need more workouts.
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