

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,961 Member
    @exermom I mainly do strength training. Beaxhbody. Presently doing some CrossFit style and cardio thru a 6 week program called the work.

    Today was a good day. Food felt like it was on plan and within calories. I hate tracking every bite all the time. Today I just went off of “am I hungry” and stopped after I was satisfied.

    Thanks for the welcome.
    Y’all post a lot. I like it!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,961 Member
    Barbie - prayers for Jake. And. At least he doesn't have to go in soon.

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,534 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Saturday: Joe telling me about Shadow responding to his call, after checking the yard and drive. He’s really becoming more patient with her, understanding her behaviors, even appreciating her devotion to guard duty.
    Friday: voted and grateful for the privilege.
    Thursday: Did balance games, knee pt yay. Got some steps in, but not enough for the “move more than yesterday” goal. [sigh] Way way way too many sweets before bed, foo.
    Barbie you and Jake did better than Joe and I with our nephews. Did you and Jake include his sons when crafting of those rules? We failed to provide nephews with united guidance, only one of our many failures.
    Tracey yours to Debbie about her DH and MIL’s opinions of her. Truth.
    Lisa ‘but being polite to your neighbors IS still a thing.’ A challenge when they’re burning stinky trash, or (as in our case) firing off “practice rounds” in the middle of the night… Big part of his charm. What a blessing it didn’t make him conceited, arrogant, a jerk, like sooo many of handsome guys. Hooray for the good BIL news!
    Heather hooray for comfort! And writing more and more words. And Finley’s safe arrival. Hip hip hooray!
    Lanette, when I left Joe, I took the dogs with me. I think initially he was more upset that I took Scooter, than that I left . . .
    Margaret, very very very well done. Agree, you can pay the grocer or pay the doctor, your choice. You inspire me to try making my own yoghurt, need some high protein breakfast, don’t like eggs. Just hope it doesn’t plug me up like cottage cheese used to.
    Allie well begun is half done! One foot in front of the other.
    Rita can you call the Dr and ask why the Jardiance? National cherry cobbler day, yum! Well done on the food research/spreadsheet.
    Tracey, before he retired, our appliance repair guy said the same thing about Samsung and LG appliances. Recommended GE or KitchenAid for stoves and Whirlpool for refrigerators. :love: the nativity! What you said about bottling things up, not wanting Joe to be upset with me was my share of our troubles. When we reached the breaking point our counselor gave us a vocabulary, series of code words, to open communication lines in a non threatening productive way. Honestly it was easier for me than quitting smoking, didn’t have to be hospitalized or on oxygen :laugh:
    Annie ((hugs)) Thankful for the kind stranger and the welfare check follow up and that you hid the key. If he asks, can tell him it’s in the shop? Hope the Dr. helps your Dad understand he can no longer drive or walk by himself. Maybe he’ll have recommendations about memory care. Hard times. ((hugs held extra long))
    Carol how frustrating and scary! How long does he have to wait to see the gastro? Could they give him the camera tablet immediately?
    Debbie it took a straw breaking the camel’s back incident for me and even then I didn’t communicate well, just said “I will NOT!” and left. As awful as it was, it got us to counseling and the last nine years have been so much better than the previous ten.
    Michele “Vince found 4 of the kittens” Sorry I must have missed that. Did a queen deliver somewhere on your property? He has a loving heart! How does Shadow do with kittens? Better to be sensitive to chlorine than to sauerkraut. . . imho :laugh:
    Barbie it’s so hard for me to understand not needing treatment yet. It was so pounded into my head that early detection and treatment were the keys to success. Now I wonder if the bean counters are hedging their bets, withholding treatment hoping we’ll “age out”? With me it’s the siren song of B&J’s NY Super Fudge Chunk. . . :devil:
    Welcome @SherryRueter Sherry in TN. Hop right in wherever. This is a wise, wonderful, supportive group.
    Machka thanks for sharing your Grandfather’s and Rowan’s experiences. “The thing is it’s not his fault. He needs protection.” Truth. Will be very hard to do, but truth.
    Terri I’d go mad to be without my phone for that many days. Hope you get help to get it fixed soon.
    Beth “hurts,” “sucks” and “heart breaking.” “Sleeps all the time?” Is hospice a consideration? ((gentle hugs held extra extra long))
    Rebecca glad you were able to simmer chicken. How soon after the floors are done will you get the rest of your kitchen back?
    Kim thank you for sharing your info. Knowledge helps to ease the anxiety, even when it’s a shocker. How do you determine which facilities are good?
    Flea “scanxiety” great word. Prayers you get a miraculous “all clear.”
    Time for balance games and pt before breakfast, then take Shadow early to dog group to work off her tendency to pull. “Leash arm” may have been one of the precursors to the tear in my shoulder.

    Later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections.

    Probably later next week.👍🏼
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    The a/c guy was here. As I returned from my walk, he told me that it was a plugged drain so he cleaned out the stoppage and it seems to be fine now. Vince was thinking that he may not be able to go see PJ (I would go) since he needed to be home for the a/c guy, but that’s not the case. He’s Mr. Pessamist whereas I’m Miss Optimist

    Barbara – the story of the kittens is that our vet was having lunch at a cemetery next to the practice. It’s just a quiet place for him to go. Anyway, while he was there these 13 kittens came up to him. So he called the office and they came and got them. 3 of them were so bad that he said that if he hadn’t found them, they probably wouldn’t have made it the night. Anyway, Vince had to take Shadow there for an ultrasound and while he was there he saw the kittens. It appears that 2 of them bonded and another 2 bonded (not all 4 together). I can tell that he really wants these kittens. We know that they’ve been well taken care of. They aren’t old enough to adopt yet, they need their shots and all. For all her life, Shadow doesn’t get along with any other cat. Dogs are no problem. She got along with Lance (Jess’ other cat who passed), but no other cat. Poor Clyde (before he passed) wanted to be friends so badly. Shadow would let Loki investigate the room she was in, but under careful scrutiny.

    Mcmillionmail – what kind of snacks do you bring on your road trips? I’m always looking for new ideas, maybe you have some

    Jess and Colby came here, got Shadow and went back. We had the rice and bean Mexican casserole and I gave the rest to them because there is no way Vince would eat it. I also bought too many bananas (I forgot that we weren’t going to be here part of next week) so I gave a few to Jess.

    Michele NC
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,022 Member
    Michele- great news with the AC guy. It is so nice when something comes out that simple.
    I too am married to a Mr. Pessimist. I am usually the optimist but sometimes it does get hard after being around him for so many years(almost 32yrs married-9/19 is our anniversary)

    I cut the bushes at MIL's house in her front yard this morning after I walked her dog. I just stayed outside as much as possible, away from her.

    Kittens are doing great- very cute and cuddly. Still haven't seen the other two. The mom has stuck around and eats on the porch each evening.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,883 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,361 Member
    edited May 19
    Heather: DH and I rarely eat out these days. We have had so many disappointing meals out that didn’t match up to our home cooking. So many places smother their dishes in rich sauces, often laden with cream which does not agree with my digestive processes. 😜 However, the lunch on Thursday at the restaurant staffed by the catering students at our local college was excellent, although the courses were rather large for a tasting menu. One has to book quite far ahead to get in there.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,961 Member
    I agree with @TerriRichardson112 eating out - while somewhat fun, I have better food at home. So hard to find a restaurant that serves dishes that done put my tummy in distress…..and equally as hard to find one that serves a green veggie ( that is not lettuce) and a fruit. Let alone if you are vegan or vegetarian. I think some people / places are starting to pop up though. I eat / try to / have one-2 meals a day that are vegetarian. Leaving one meal that has some meat in it.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,108 Member
    Good morning ladies! Thank you for all your support and kind words! This forum is my refuge.

    Lanette that's more than I thought for a car. Hmm. I was thinking of giving it away as a wedding present for my cousin's daughter but maybe not.

    Kim, my sister got a quote here for memory care starting at $6420 a month. I didn't know about the down payment. Thanks!

    Debbie Terri and Margaret, yes the adult day care is something for us to look into. There's a limited one in town here and an excellent one 45 mins south in the next county.

    Thank you to Lisa Barbara Allie Barbie Flea Ginny Heather and Mcmillonmail (sorry I missed your name) for thinking of me. You are my tribe! It's sad and yet reassuring how many of us are dealing with this.

    Flea glad you are getting the scan. More information always helps.

    Rebecca hope you get your kitchen back soon!

    Barbie I am with you on not buying extra food anymore. My mom used to buy everything they had!

    Welcome to Sherry!

    May you have a great day, and may you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did Cathe High Step Workout DVD. Also did part of her Hardcore Extreme DVD but decided that I really don’t like it, too high impact and too many fast changes of moves for me to follow. Then went for a walk around the neighborhood. Iced the cake for tomorrow, now getting yogurt ready for the IP, then I’ll probably start to get packed to go to Denise’s.

    Debbie – Vince and I have been married 47 years and, honestly, I don’t find his pessimism all that much. I just ignore it and decide that I’m not going to worry about something until there’s something to worry about. Like he was worried that he couldn’t go to PJ’s graduation. To me – let’s wait and find out. As it turns out, he can.

    Had too many desserts yesterday but plan to get back on the wagon today.

    WalMart seems to have discontinued the shirataki noodles. Boo! I’m going to try another WalMart and if they don’t have them, looks like I’ll have to take a walk to Food Lion to get them.

    Terri – when we go out to eat, I usually ask if the vegetables have butter or a sauce on them. If they do I ask them for the veges without the butter/sauce

    I’ll bet Vince wants to cut the grass today. Tomorrow is bowling and then ceramics, Tuesday we leave. And if we leave the grass for two weeks, we’ll come home to a jungle.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,949 Member
    Summer has come early here this year! We had the Topless at Bottomless jeep rally here with over 100 jeeps this year! On top of that, birthday parties and graduation parties at the beach. The temp got up to 102 as well. First triple digit day of the year. Too early! I didn’t have a chance to acclimatize to the 90 degree weather as it skipped the 90’s and jumped into the 100’s!! Allergies messing me up too. Working in the pay booth yesterday wiped me out. I’m still tired, sore, headache and coughing. I think I will beg off working the booth today. They need the help but I just don’t feel up to it. I hate how I get tired so fast these days.

    My food yesterday was Corn Flakes with Almond milk and a banana for breakfast, ham beans and mashed cauliflower (DH’s first attempt which turned out awesome!) for dinner, and avocado toast a slice of cheese and 1 slice of bacon for supper. I also had a protein no-cook oatmeal-peanut butter-honey ball for a snack. All told 450 calories over! I’ll have to review to see where I went over the most. I think ham and beans as I had 2 servings. I was starving after working the booth for 3 hours and no food for 6.

    I’ll try to do better today. Perhaps the doc is putting me on jardiance to lose weight. That is something I can’t control right now.

    RVRita is a hopefully cooler day.