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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,866 Member
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    @MargaretYakoda @NormInv, try logging in from a different device. Even better, try logging in from a web browser. I know you like the app and the web isn't as fancy but you might still see the News Feed a while longer.
    I’m poor. I don’t have a computer or another device. ☹️
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,260 Member
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    @MargaretYakoda @NormInv, try logging in from a different device. Even better, try logging in from a web browser. I know you like the app and the web isn't as fancy but you might still see the News Feed a while longer.
    I’m poor. I don’t have a computer or another device. ☹️

    If you have a smart phone, use the browser there to try logging in. I gave up on the MFP app years ago because it was so glitchy, at least at the time, and I use Safari on my phone to log in. I pretty much just use the forums at this point, so not sure it would work for the dashboard, but I don't know why it wouldn't.
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 1
    Been trying Lose It this week, and it sorta sucks. I wish MFP would just keep the newsfeed instead.

    I agree....have you tried navigating Loseit on your PC? I fond it so much easier than the app...I am getting use to both.
  • iron_playground
    iron_playground Posts: 7 Member
    Very bad decision MFP. Take away the key feature that people really like. I have been using this app on and off since 2012. Seen a lot of changes but the newsfeed was the only thing that kept me here. As others have said there are better “ tracking “ apps. I am afraid that this is the beginning of the end.
  • Gsdluv6
    Gsdluv6 Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 1
    Sooo frustrated trying to navigate without the newsfeed. ! Ugh. Sooo dumb to get rid of it. Smh. Feel free to add me ( anyone) trying to rest n RICE this Achilles tendonitis crap. Always something. Here for vocal support tho n cheer section lol
  • angelas711
    angelas711 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 1
    Bring back the newsfeed!!! Seriously. Bring it back.
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 1
    ruthjac wrote: »
    I just wrote to the idiots on the board my reactions to taking away the newsfeed. Now I have no idea how my friends are doing and NOTHING to challenge myself with. This community blog doesn’t do anything and the private message access is just a path to your email.
    I would have paid more for the storage necessary for the newsfeed. I have been a subscriber for many many years and I’m sick of the changes they institute without proper notification.

    Everyone is paying anywhere from $15 to $50 at Loseit for a yearly membership and have a newsfeed. I'm sure everyone would have given MFP the $$$ to keep the newsfeed. Oh well see ya MFP
  • Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB
    Spaff_luceat_lux_vestra_BSB Posts: 289 Member
    edited July 1
    My question is what is the use of "friends" now? Unless you are planning to email them all the time? I think all those threads about 'add me' and I need more friends should all go to the junk pile where the newsfeed is now.

  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    edited July 1
    First Fitbit takes away challenges (I don't use Fitbit anymore) and now this. We can complain all we want - they won't change it. Fitbit didn't roll back and there were thousands of complaints when I last checked. This won't either. Especially if it is the free users who are complaining.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited July 1
    First Fitbit takes away challenges (I don't use Fitbit anymore) and now this. We can complain all we want - they won't change it. Fitbit didn't roll back and there were thousands of complaints when I last checked. This won't either. Especially if it is the free users who are complaining.

    I am sure they could have converted MANY of us to paid or reduced fee memberships just so we could keep it. But they chose instead to alienate a huge part of the long term customer base.

    LoseIt takes a bit of getting used to, but their web version (which is also available on the phone browser) is largely reminiscent of the MFP of days past. I finally joined there and the community aspect feels a lot more alive than it does here.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    edited July 1
    Shock is right! I don’t go into the community section very often. I have had friends on here for years (MFP for 13 plus years), and imagine my surprise when I updated the app. I’m so upset!
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    edited July 1
    Don’t be sad. Join Lose It. Don’t forget to delete your mfp account
  • 1AncientSage
    1AncientSage Posts: 1,862 Member
    edited July 1
    Save The News Feed