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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Join Lose It. So many peeps are there now. Search for MFP Exodus Group
  • Lenala13
    Lenala13 Posts: 155 Member
    Now that the newsfeed is gone, looks like I’ll be looking for a replacement app. MFP just isn’t worth the premium fee anymore if there are better trackers out there.

    Besides Lose It, any recommendations out there for other tracking apps that work well with iPhone/Apple Watch, which are my primary energy expenditure trackers?

    Also looking for easy calorie/meal tracking with a barcode scanning feature and ability to interact with friends/support group easily. Thanks all! Time to go do my homework…
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    edited July 1
    Well, my app store is telling me it's time for an update. 😩😭

    What an incredibly sad day.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 404 Member
    edited July 1
    Just save the newsfeed, folks.
  • Gsdluv6
    Gsdluv6 Posts: 18 Member
    edited July 1
    MY fitness “deleted pal” has to be resurrected. Email the owner corp as suggested. Unsubscribe to premium. Let them know. I depend on the private group n newsfeed n have noticed my lack of motivation n readiness to log etc since everyone is leaving to another app. These r the consequences of changing to something new vs using the newsfeed WE ALL USE! It is an intricate part of what makes mfp successful. Please restore
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    So the newsfeed still exists, but there are no more automatic updates. Do I see that correctly?
    I suppose that means we update it ourselves. Like sharing with our friends when we lost and being honest about it if/when we gained.
    I could post my daily short version of the food I eat. So altogether it's up to me if I keep it alive or if I let it go.
    Not sure if I am getting it all :-)
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,374 Member
    So the newsfeed still exists, but there are no more automatic updates. Do I see that correctly?
    I suppose that means we update it ourselves. Like sharing with our friends when we lost and being honest about it if/when we gained.
    I could post my daily short version of the food I eat. So altogether it's up to me if I keep it alive or if I let it go.
    Not sure if I am getting it all :-)

    Current situation is that for some people automatic updates have stopped, for others the newsfeed has already disappeared entirely. A phased rollout I'm guessing, depending on app version/location/who knows what other criteria.
    The newsfeed will disappear entirely in the end, for all of us.
  • ByeByeToDiabetes
    ByeByeToDiabetes Posts: 61 Member
    edited June 5

    Thanks, so the take the "M" out of MFP. In this case I won't be staying.

  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,866 Member
    edited June 5
    sunrise611 wrote: »
    NormInv wrote: »
    This morning my newsfeed button is gone on my iPhone app. It feels weird and sad

    @NormInv, what do you see in its place or as the Home Page now? Your profile?

    It’s just gone.
    Used to be 5 icons, with the newsfeed in the middle.
    Now there’s only four icons with no newsfeed.
    And the profile is just a mostly blank screen
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Yep I have the same as Margaret
  • sugagirl5
    sugagirl5 Posts: 27 Member
    edited July 1
    SAVE OUR NEWSFEED! This is awful! This app will completely fail without the newsfeed, what a dumb decision for the app developers to make! You’re cutting us off from our community! Post more ads if you need more revenue, but everyone will leave if they continue this
  • kcmcbee
    kcmcbee Posts: 179 Member
    edited July 1