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How About We Don't Delete Newsfeeds



  • Darlene_Oregon
    Darlene_Oregon Posts: 186 Member
    @Betty I agree with @springlering62. Up until yesterday, I only had two MFP friends. By joining a community group, I no longer have control of whom I communicate with. Not enough time!
    Also, I was involved in a few community discussions. But I never got notifications of new content unless I actually went to the community section. It may seem petty. But I only have so much time to devote to this resource.
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    MFP has 200 million users.

    If 200,000 people used the News Feed, that's 0.1% of the total users.

    If only 20 million people actively use MFP (10%), and 200,000 of them use the News Feed, that's 1% of the total active users.

    When moderators etc. say that relatively few people use the News Feed, this is what they mean. To you, 200,000 people might seem like a lot, but when you run the math, it's not.

    And quite frankly, I'd guess it's something more like 20,000 rather than 200,000.

    Sorry. Inflated number. If remotely true, the majority are bots (Remember the Russian spam/fake friend requests? ) at least I got to decide whether to accept or not. New system. Public or completely private. No filter between.

    For 200 million people, im certain MFP would be inclined to fix this entire site. Otherwise they are more inept than believed.
  • smithsusan961
    smithsusan961 Posts: 75 Member
    save the feed
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I wouldn't know what other web page/app would have something similar to the newsfeed. I know I tried some others several years back, but between losing all my recipes, foods, and friends; I decided to stay here. The few I have checked, don't sync with fitbit in the free version, and I have no desire to pay just for that feature.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    edited May 25
    Zinka61 wrote: »
    OK, here's an issue with moving toward "private groups". They don't seem to be so private. I joined a friend's new *private* group that she made due to losing the news feed. In it, she asked if anyone knew another member. No one did, so I did a search on MFP of the member's user name. My search yielded a number of threads the member participated in or was mentioned in...and the "private" chat thread in the supposedly "private" group was one of them. This is exactly why I don't use Community. I've searched my user name and found my posts from Community on the internet. I don't want that. I want private discussions with people I've decided are safe to associate with. The newsfeed offered that, but I can't see that anything else this site offers provides that kind of privacy.

    You could see that because you were also a member of that private group, were you not? I was also concerned about this as I belong to a few private groups but most of my friends did too. I had to go out of my way to grab one of my friends who was NOT a member of at least one of them and they could only see the groups they also belonged to. (Not that I am advocating groups instead of a newsfeed. I want our freaking newsfeed.)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    For people who access MyFitnessPal via computers, the newsfeed is on our HOME PAGE. It's the first thing we see. It's not another clunky click. The only reason I ever use MFP on my cell phone is to scan a UPC.

    When I access MFP, I go straight into Community.

    I rarely look at my Home page except when I go through to log some exercise.

    Most of my access to MFP is my computer. App is for scanning bar codes as I find the app clunky.

    Most of my access to MFP is also via computer. I rarely use the app.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    NormInv wrote: »
    Please stop replying to Machka9

    Please boycott MFP on Monday, May 27 by not logging into the site or app. Please tell all your friends to do this

    Everyone's streaks will be broken.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    NormInv wrote: »
    Please stop replying to Machka9

    Please boycott MFP on Monday, May 27 by not logging into the site or app. Please tell all your friends to do this

    Everyone's streaks will be broken.

    Also, I don’t log in to keep my streak going.
    I log in to make sure that I
    1) Don’t forget to eat (yeah. It’s a thing. And it’s not actually a good thing)
    2) Keep my calories and carbs within the range needed to manage my diabetes.

    Whatever else happens with this app, I will not be boycotting Monday.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    gwhizeh wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    MFP has 200 million users.

    If 200,000 people used the News Feed, that's 0.1% of the total users.

    If only 20 million people actively use MFP (10%), and 200,000 of them use the News Feed, that's 1% of the total active users.

    When moderators etc. say that relatively few people use the News Feed, this is what they mean. To you, 200,000 people might seem like a lot, but when you run the math, it's not.

    And quite frankly, I'd guess it's something more like 20,000 rather than 200,000.

    Sorry. Inflated number. If remotely true, the majority are bots (Remember the Russian spam/fake friend requests? ) at least I got to decide whether to accept or not. New system. Public or completely private. No filter between.

    For 200 million people, im certain MFP would be inclined to fix this entire site. Otherwise they are more inept than believed.

    That's why I'm working with 10% of the published statistics (the 200 million is the published statistic) to weed out bots and people who have joined and left but still have a membership and suggesting that there might be 20 million active users. I doubt there would be more than 10% of the published 200 million who are active.

    If you're interested in the numbers, you can google MFP stats and see what you come up with. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    sunrise611 wrote: »

    And something to think about ... whatever happens with MFP is just business. It's all cost accounting.

    It's bad business, monkey business. It's a lack of technical ability that is sinking this ship. They can't afford to hire or keep good programmers so they let the functionality break and complain about maintaining legacy features. They cannot keep up with their competition and make poor decisions that piss people off. The site ran for a long time with more features that were free and now these owners can't figure out how to maintain a basic page that has worked well for so long. This is not sound business practice.

    I suspect that you work for them or are an associate. I don't see anyone else defending this decision.


    No, I agree, I just didn’t want to be shot down. And no I don’t work for MFP.

    Whatever I personally think about code / site changes, MFP is only in existence to make money. There is this weird preconception that companies “care” about their service users: we’re merely cash-cows to the majority of them. I have no idea of the accuracy of the stats being banded around in this discussion, but if reconfiguring the newsfeed costs £xxx and they are only going to lose £xx in revenue then it’s a business case to drop it 🤷‍♂️

    By the way, I won’t be boycotting the site on Monday. I need to track my macros which is why I have it. Why on earth would I pay for something then choose not to use it? Personally I’m not bothered about the newsfeed but if I was, I would just find another site which delivered what I wanted and go there

    MFP exists solely to make money. It isn’t interested in our views UNLESS it hits the bottom line.[/quote]


    If the people in this thread want to keep the Newsfeed, they might have success if they can put together a business case for it.

    (And no, I don't work for MFP. But do have education and experience in cost accounting.)