JUNE 2024 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @VO2Maxlet I'm surprised that you can't have a hydration vest for the marathon. I don't think I've ever heard of one that didn't allow them. I hope they have plenty of aid stations. Nice run. Sorry about the blisters. I hope they aren't too bad. Also glad you don't seem too stressed about the work situation. When you get called out at work, though, it feels a bit like getting called into the principles office at school. As for GPS, I agree. I know that the trees affect my reception sometimes, as does the position of the satellites during certain times of the day. Since you really can't do anything about either, I just go with what Garmin says, but know in the back of my mind that I was faster and went further. LOL Annie was so cute. I can see why you would love her.

    @kgirlhart Great hot run this morning. That puppy sounds cute, but will probably be a handful. I wonder how active it will be since Siberian Huskies need to run, but Great Pyrenes are pretty chill. It's an interesting mix.

  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,143 Member
    June total: 87.6/100 miles
    YTD: 475.5/1200 miles

    6/2: 4.9 miles
    6/3: 3.1 miles
    6/5: 8 miles
    6/7: 6.5 miles
    6/8: 2.8 miles
    6/10: 6.4 miles
    6/11: 3 miles
    6/12: 6.5 miles
    6/13: 3.3 miles
    6/15: 2.6 miles
    6/17: 5 miles
    6/18: 6.1 miles
    6/20: 7.9 miles
    6/22: 8 miles
    6/25: 7 miles
    6/26: 6.5 miles

    Another slog of a morning but this one felt slightly better after a full night of sleep and waking up at my normal time. I also wore the Mach’s which are lighter and springier than the 1080’s i wore yesterday, and I swear that makes a bigger difference than I would have thought.

    I had a wonderful day alone at the house yesterday! Got some chores done and did my meeting in the afternoon but mostly watched a documentary about the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders on Netflix. I grew up in east TX and my dad has always been a cowboys fan. I knew it was competitive to be on the team and in the cheer world it’s a big deal to be a DCC but that was intense! If you like documentaries, I would recommend that one even if you don’t know anything about the cowboys or football in general. It was very entertaining.
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,143 Member
    @VO2Maxlet I'm surprised that you can't have a hydration vest for the marathon. I don't think I've ever heard of one that didn't allow them. I hope they have plenty of aid stations.

    That surprises me too. Even the big races I have done like Houston marathon will allow them, at least for us mere mortals. The elites have their own set of rules to follow but they also get dedicated fueling stations, so there’s that. Some races I have done have even encouraged them as a waste reduction measure.

    If you don’t routinely run with a water bottle, also start doing that. The weight and just the action of having to carry something can get annoying and tiring, so if you can’t rely on aid stations and need that bottle, make sure you practice with it. I have one with a strap that goes on the back of my hand so I’m palming the bottle without having to really grip it. I’d definitely recommend something like that if you don’t have one.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,366 Member
    I msged with Scott over Strava and he has been crosstraining and doing really well. He has a race in the fall so will start training again in a little bit. It will be nice to see his reports again.
    Thanks, him bouncing was a loss. I'm glad he's still at it.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    Glad you had a good night's sleep and better run today @martaindale . Glad you had a good day yesterday. I saw an advertisement for that documentary and it looked like it would be good. I like dance type things. That's one thing I wish I had gotten to do as a child - take ballet and dance.

    Great job getting the run done @yirara . I hope you weren't too bad dehydrated. Use this one as a lesson learned run.

    The heat really makes a difference @Laurz9191 .

    Great run @kgirlhart ! Congrats on the fast finish and making your monthly goal already. Wow, 27 cats. That's a lot. Were they all strays, or do you know?

    @AlphaHowls Very pretty. What kind of lilies are those?
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,366 Member
    jem302 wrote: »
    Ran my 5km today! I looked on my strava and it looks like I've ran 128 km in June so far, with 15km or so planned for the rest of the month.

    5K a day is impressive.

    once you get fully back in it will you mix it up? Speed work, long distance, trails, etc?
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 793 Member
    jem302 wrote: »
    Ran my 5km today! I looked on my strava and it looks like I've ran 128 km in June so far, with 15km or so planned for the rest of the month.

    Great job @jem302! What’s your Strava name, so I can friend you?