

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    Up late last night with insomnia- not sure why. Got to sleep a bit before 2AM, awake at 6 am with the cats outside fighting. Went outside and it was the neighbor's cat out again(he is an unfixed inside cat who is beyond CRAZY). He was trying to fight with my cats who were all safe in the catio. I opened the side gate to get him out of our yard and he just walked toward me, snarling and chattering. He got passed me, so I went back to close the gate and he came towards me, had me cornered for a bit- I had big sticks in my hands but that just made him come even closer to me. Finally got around him and got back in the house. The kids are afraid of their own cat and so is the dad. I tried a few times to help get him back to their house. Got my hands tore up the second time- now I let them catch them. They can borrow our trap or towels or what ever but I am not helping catch him any more. They say he doesn't act that way in the house and they know they need to get him fixed-I gave them the number to call for an appointment for the low cost clinic over 6 months ago or longer, they haven't done it yet.

    Did doze off and on until about 9 then got up, fed all the cats then went to MIL's to walk her dog.
    Wont be walking him again until next Monday- Have Ezie the next two days then two days at mom's.

    Zumba tonight followed by a baby shower/happy hour/tacos tonight
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Just texted with Tracy
    The poor kid,
    Traveling with 2 yr old to a different place,1 that is not babyproofed,and is not home and not daycare and so he is cranky and screaming and yelling and hitting and so it is not going well at all.. So they might be home early..
    I told them see if they might get a refund and come home and do some day trips..
    I just feel so bad for them ..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Ladies, since I was on last, just a couple weeks ago I can no longer see my home page with the daily updates from people on my friends list. Is this something new? Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Ladies, since I was on last, just a couple weeks ago I can no longer see my home page with the daily updates from people on my friends list. Is this something new? Meg

    😱🙀 Yes. MFP just eliminated those updates
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill then went in the water. I’ve found that I like to go to the gym early, get my cardio in, then I start doing “my” thing in the water and when the water aerobics class starts I join in and then usually leave early so I can get on with my day.

    After the gym stopped at a Dollar General to see about the distilled water, only they didn’t have any. However, I did get 3 nylon bones for christmas gifts and they had marshmallows on sale so I got some.

    Personally, I really couldn’t care that the newsfeed is gone. I also only use the community and log food.

    Called my girlfriend in Switzerland. Soon she’ll probably be in a morphine-induced haze and I wanted to tell her that she’s special and will always have a special place in my heart. I honestly didn’t want to cry but I did. The last thing I said to her was “I love you. Good bye”. It’s interesting, she said “I’ll never forget what you did at my mother’s funeral” and I thought “what did I do” She said “you were the only person who brought something to eat”. To me, isn’t this normal? For me it is, anyway. Guess it didn’t make an impression on me because to me it’s normal.

    Been HOT today – 97. The pool was 89. Well I did go in and inept me just HAD to go in the spa to clean it. Life is tough...huh?

    It’s really interesting. A few years ago, I would be concerned about how I looked – always had a little makeup on. Ever since I turned 65, Mother Nature and Gravity have ceased being my friend. Today I’m much more happy with my body, even tho it’s not as flat as I would like. Ten years ago I would have been mortified, but not today. I’m feeling more and more that I am what I am and if you don’t like it...don’t look.

    Margaret – I’m so sorry about your sister. She was so young when she passed. But you’re right, her lifestyle probably had something to do with it

    A friend of ours asked us to go to dinner with her for her hubby’s 50th birthday. This Sat (when they’re going to celebrate) I do not want to leave the mass early since it is the one for my girlfriend. The place they want to go to is about 40 minutes away. I just told her that she has to do what needs to be done, if they need to have dinner at 6, we’ll just have to pass. Not that I’d be brokenhearted, honestly, it’s at a pizza place and I’m not a fan of pizza. I’d probably have a sandwich or a salad if we go, but I could probably make the sandwich at home cheaper. Am I a cheapskate or what? But if they change their plans, we’ll go. At least if we get home late, I don’t have work the next day

    I guess one of the things I will miss about not having the newsfeed is that I’d check out people’s diary and sometimes get some good ideas. Oh well…

    barbie – I remember when I had to have the tooth removed for the bridge, I couldn’t get over how fast it was done. Before I knew it, the tooth was out. I do hope everything goes well for you.

    Michele NC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Called my girlfriend in Switzerland. Soon she’ll probably be in a morphine-induced haze and I wanted to tell her that she’s special and will always have a special place in my heart. I honestly didn’t want to cry but I did. The last thing I said to her was “I love you. Good bye”. It’s interesting, she said “I’ll never forget what you did at my mother’s funeral” and I thought “what did I do” She said “you were the only person who brought something to eat”. To me, isn’t this normal? For me it is, anyway. Guess it didn’t make an impression on me because to me it’s normal.

    Michele NC

    I am sorry you had to say good bye but I am sure it meant a lot to her that you took the time to call.
    I agree- bringing food after a funeral is the normal to us too. I guess it isn't for my MIL.
    When my father in law passed away, my parents came over and of course mom brought food.
    Instead of MIL telling my mom "thank you"- instead- her comment was " Why you bring that- You stupid"
    I am very used to her telling me I am stupid for buying things for her when I give her gifts.
    One time I told her "NO, You say Thank You!" (like I would a 3 yr old.
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,115 Member
    Good morning ladies!


    Hugs for Barbie, too. You are being very brave.

    I'm still waiting for this cough to go away. It's less severe this week. I still feel blah, no energy.

    Well, I didn't do much yesterday except order more books. My current favorites are Laura Griffin, Toni Anderson and Allison Brennan. They write romantic suspense with female lead characters.

    Today I need to call Easter Seals about caregiver help. I've been putting it off, but I will see the woman who recommended them this afternoon. So I need to make the call.

    Dad goes to Bible Study and I go horseback riding today.

    Have a great day! May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Thursday.
    It is hard to type with two purring kittens on your lap! They want to play with the keys and screen. I love all the new kitties on here!

    AITA- She (SIL) has been prolapsed for the past year. She finally decides to go to doctor. For framework, I try to schedule major surgeries in winter when things are slow. She seems to always schedule in summer or just before we go on vacation. My sister is graduating with her Master's degree on August 9th. It has been on the calendar for 6 months that I will be gone 8th-10th. I am not missing my sister's graduation. This is important to her! I didn't get to go to her FIL's funeral because of work. I didn't get to go to nephews' weddings because of covid and work. I am not missing this. SIL calls and says she is scheduled for surgery on August 6th. Can't drive for 2 weeks, no lifting for 4 weeks. This meant I wouldn't be able to go to sister's. AFTER a very stressful night of no sleep and anxiety night before last, I made a decision. I went over yesterday morning and asked her to change her surgery date. SHE was not happy! I am sorry that MY family isn't anyone else's priority, but this isn't something that just popped up for her either. She has waited over a year to go to doctor for it. Her comment was that she was trying to time it around our vacation.....well ....she isn't suppose to lift anyway because of neck...and if she was concerned about our vacation, then schedule it after we get back. Anyway......now DH is mad that I asked her to change the date. I am leaving his **s home as school is not important to him and he would be bored. He thinks I am being selfish as SIL needs this surgery and it is just a graduation. So I trust you all.....am I being the **S? Her new surgery date is August 20th. I have asked for another employee at work to help at counter. SIL did bring in her GD who is learning and does an okay job, but she spends too much time back in office with SIL and rarely is there when SIL isn't . This too shall pass.

    Healing thoughts!

    Lots of love,
    Kylia in Ohio

    Not the *kitten*!! I would have gone whether she changed it or not. If they can’t figure out a way to do it without you, they could close those couple of days.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    I guess one of the things I will miss about not having the newsfeed is that I’d check out people’s diary and sometimes get some good ideas. Oh well…

    Michele NC

    Fortunately we can still see people's diaries if we want. Only the newsfeed with all the auto-posts is gone. Everything else is still there.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Called my girlfriend in Switzerland. Soon she’ll probably be in a morphine-induced haze and I wanted to tell her that she’s special and will always have a special place in my heart. I honestly didn’t want to cry but I did. The last thing I said to her was “I love you. Good bye”.

    Michele NC

    I'm glad you were able to talk to her.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,814 Member
    Morning all
    Im in agonizing pain
    Either a UTI or bladder infection and im doubled over in pain..no burning but severe pain in my pelvic region and lower back.. have an appointment with the dr at 11 am
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    edited June 27

    Lunch walk: 3.4 km.
    25 flights of stairs up and 29 flights of stairs down.
    Carried a never-ending stream of boxes. OK, the stream of boxes did end, but it seemed like there were a lot of them!
    Making progress on our move.
    Made progress on my database project at work.

    Headache was giving me issues in the morning, but the walk at lunch was nice. The cool air seemed to help.
    Fell asleep on the bus on the way home, as I often do, but I missed my stop this time! Fortunately, it was by only one stop.

    On hunger ... I actually like feeling a little bit hungry, a little bit empty. It's nice not feeling stuffed with food. Most of the time, we will be OK if we feel a bit hungry for a while.

    On sleep ... in an ideal world, I would get about 9-10 hours a night. Sadly, the world is not ideal. I am often struggling to stay awake so that I can do all the things I need to do. And of course, I often fall asleep if I don't have anything to do for a little while ... like on the bus. Strong coffee helps, but I can only manage a couple cups each day now.

    On early stages of kidney disease (I'm somewhere in the stage 1-2 range), this is a good little pamphlet/brochure:

    Nutrition and early-stage kidney disease

    Among other things, it says:

    These are some general tips:
    • Eat regular meals e.g. breakfast, lunch and dinner
    • Eat a variety of foods from all the food groups - especially plant-based foods and wholegrains
    • Aim for a colourful mix of fruit (2 servings a day) and vegetables (5 servings a day)
    • Don’t eat too much protein (see further explanation in pdf link above)
    • Use herbs and spices to flavour foods instead of salt
    • Cook fresh as much as possible, and eat less unhealthy options such as ultraprocessed foods, takeaways, and soft drinks

    This is a good guide for a healthy dinner plate:

    This week I picked up gold kiwifruit, mandarins, and green nashi pears to eat for afternoon snacks. :)
    Almost every day I have steamed mixed veggies at lunch and dinner.
    I've been adding pepitas to my lunch for a little bit of extra protein. Since I eat very little protein, sometimes I think I might need a little extra.

    I don't follow my macros very closely at all, but here's mine for today.

    Machka in Oz