🌞 Just Give Me One Month - June 2024 ⛱️



  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 94 Member

    @ManifestingToday - great reminders in your post above. It certainly does take time and so easy to focus only on the number. Glad to have this group for a daily jolt of motivation and reminder that I am not the only one having struggles...
    I thought I would share a little story that helped me refocus and redouble my efforts for the week. Maybe someone else will get something out of it..

    This morning I had a moment on the scale that showed 4 lbs less than yesterday. 196.7??? WHATT?? I weighed myself twice.. same number..196.7??? My logical brain new this was very unlikely..but my emotional brain wanted this to be fact so badly.

    I quickly realized my scale was on the rug and not on the hardwood which is where it usually is when I weigh. Put it back on the hardwood.. and the number is back to where I sort of expected..

    I had NO IDEA this would change the number so drastically but there you have it..

    This whole High/Low moment almost had me in tears (slightly emotional today, must be hormones) which led me to having a chat with the hubby (who is that annoying person that can pretty much eat whatever he wants and not gain anything. He looks fit and doesn't work too hard at it)..

    but I digress...

    I was whining about the fact that this whole food tracking and being hypervigilant of what I put in my mouth, and how much exercise I need to get , and... blah, blah, blah.......is going to be the rest of my life and it kinda sucks.. I was feeling a bit defeated about the whole thing because I know the alternative is to continue my current track of continuing to gain at a level that felt uncontrolled and staying in the Obese category .. and that is NOT ok....Realty check...

    The ever supportive hubby reminded me that while maybe the scale isn't moving as fast as I want , that I now am starting to get some control of things.. (whereas it felt out of control before) He also said just the fact of being aware of choices and making better ones daily is a huge accomplishment . I am not in my thirties anymore and can't drop 20 lbs with just 6 weeks of working out harder ,that's just life... get over it...
    Now, in my late 40's get to learn all new stuff about how my body functions..(and having recovered from 3 major surgeries in the last 8 months) , learning what works and what doesn't and then being able to have that baseline to instill better habits for the long term better health and sense of self esteem. ALL TRUE.. so continue I will..and define success in smaller ways.

    Am I feeling better about myself overall since starting this in March? yes
    Are my clothes fitting better?? a little? I guess I don't feel like as big of a sausage being stuffed in some of the shirts I had...so that's good.. :)

    Small accomplishments are the focus of the week and next few months.

    This morning, I did my first 30 minute HIT workout since 4 years ago...my knee didn't complain but my lunges are UGLY! Its just a weakness that will improve over time as I get stronger

    I am hoping to start trading out 1-2 cardio days for HIT days.

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    June 19-199.8
    Jun 20-DNW
    June 21- 199.7
    June 22- 199.5
    June24 - 200.8
    June 25- 200.8
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Such a good listen for Ultra Processed foods. What they do to you and how they drive your over eating.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member

    Today has been great. I know its 3:30 but, its been great. Enjoying it.
    At work the team went out to mexican. I ordered just the grilled veggies and the pile of lettuce from the Fajita . No rice. No Beans. No cheese. No tortilla. No, no no no no.
    and it was delish. Loved it. even took 1/3rd of it home because it was filling.

    then, at work I got my Vanilla shake with some ice and sipped on that protein all afternoon so far.

    Today will be successful.

    I'm enjoying not eating processed foods.
    I'm enjoying not having meat.
    I'm enjoying the veggies.
    I'm enjoying the fruit.

    I feel focused
    I feel satiated
    I feel happy

    I've been off 95% of the addictive stuff for 4 days now - Oh my God.... that stuff is as addictive as cigarettes, alcohol, etc. Do you realize that too?

    I hope to be able to continue this type of eating. And ask myself before I eat, "How will this mess with my body chemically and hormonally?" Because a LOT of those Ultra processed foods /(hell all of them) do mess with you.

    I say HOPE because "IN THE MOMENT" the choice is SO hard.

    @HappyDonkey75 Rooting for you!!!
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 94 Member
    @SherryRueter awesome job sticking to it with all the bad choices staring at you. That took some will power!
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 264 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June sw 194 go 190

    June 1 194
    June 7 196 ugh. Zero clue there unless it’s from ovulating two days ago. I can tell I’m bloated. I need to push myself to be more active after work. So easy to make supper then sit and relax and not do much else for the day.
    June 10 196. Sucks but I’m ok with it since we did eat out Friday and Saturday (anniversary) and had a couple drinks. Now to push water and workout this week.
    June 14 196 idk even know how I climbed to this number and now it won’t go away. Ugh. Going out of town this weekend so will try and be conscious of my food (and mommy drink) choices.
    June 21 195. Sick this week. All I’ve done is go to work and sleep. Body is all achy from coughing. :(
    June 26 196 πŸ˜’ still not back to being 100% so haven’t worked out at all. Just making it through work and making supper is about all I can do. I need to do better about writing all my food as the day goes on so I can adjust at supper.
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 273 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg
    20 June – 54.3kg
    21 June – 54.4kg
    22 June – 54.9kg
    23 June – 54.9kg
    24 June – 54.8kg
    25 June – 54.7kg
    26 June – 54.4kg

    Very static day yesterday with Zoom meeting and working on website again, but after three days the wine weight is going, so there's definitely a pattern establishing. Need to get a walk in today.

  • ManifestingToday
    ManifestingToday Posts: 487 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 221 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    SW: May 211.5
    June Goals: Chair Exercises/Gentle Walking 4 Days Per Week(Injury) | End June at lower weight

    Jun 1: 211.0
    Jun 2: 209.1
    Jun 3: 209.2
    Jun 4: 209.0
    Jun 5: 209.6
    Jun 6: 209.4
    Jun 7: 209.2
    Jun 8: 209.6
    Jun 9: 210.9
    Jun 10: 210.2
    Jun 11: 212.4
    Jun 12: 212.6
    Jun 13: 212.7
    Jun 14: 212.7
    Jun 15: 211.5
    Jun 16: 212.5
    Jun 17: 213.0
    Jun 18: 212.4
    Jun 19: 212.4
    Jun 20: 212.4
    Jun 21: 211.9
    Jun 22: 213.3
    Jun 23: 213.5
    Jun 24: 213.5
    Jun 25: 212.4
    Jun 26: 212.7

    Heavy on meetings yesterday, I only managed a mile on the treadmill.

    @SherryRueter I'm impressed -- If I was at a Mexican restaurant, well, bad choices would have been made. :D You did great! Thank you for the video.

    @HappyDonkey75 100% yes. I had to come to the realization that I can't handle it like when I was 20 or 30 -- Do 15 extra minutes on the bike/treadmill/eliptical (I've had SO many over the years) for a week and eat a little less and *tada* weight comes off. It's a much longer cycle now. It's frustrating, but reality. So a) coming to terms with that, and b) recognizing all the positives that come from getting healthy at our current age, not only the lower number, will make it less frustrating. <3 You're doing great though, ugly lunges or not. :D

    @jennigerding19 I'm sorry you're still in recovery mode. I hope you get back to full power soon, and things with work get easier.

    @SofaKween Glad you're seeing that drop! Hope you get your walk in!

    This week has a lot of extra meetings, so I'm feeling a little stressed, and have been getting to sleep later. But my husband and I have next week off, so there is sleep and some downtime in my future! Just have to get through the next few days and do some prep to be off next week. Have a great Wednesday! 🌞

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited June 26
    @ManifestingToday You said chair exercises. I'm not sure WHO you follow on Youtube, but I have a few amazing people I've done when I had bunion surgery (Right and then left). If you need more ideas, LMK. hope your meetings and work went/go smoothly and at least Friday is ALMOST here!

    Weight Check in...
    (ps. I only need to lose like 4 # and I am at my goal weight.)

    Took out my scale this morning, its in the closet on the top shelf.
    Out of sight, out of mind, right?!?!?
    Went pee.
    Stepped on scale. recalibrated scale. Let it reset to blank. Took official weight.
    (okay, the first weight showed I gained 2# and I was like ... Oh hell no....
    but my scale does that. It forgets that it needs to zero itself out)

    cue Jay Trobec and Jeopardy music. 🎡 Do da do da do da dooo. Do da do da doot doo do do do do .....🎡
    Down 2# .. whaaat ?!?!? NAILED it! SOO happy (well, pleased)

    I told myself prior to weighing in that
    I have done a good job - (No "I hope I have done a good job" about it! ) the HOPE was that it ALSO shows up on the scale. I KNOW that it feels good inside of me.

    Things I've learned from the last 4 days, (as I've been doing a veggie only week)
    1) I feel less bloated when I'm eating whole foods only
    2) I don't miss meat.
    3) I feel more confident and comfortable in my skin
    4) I feel better. I have sustained energy. I feel like I'm eating right.
    5) Boy do Ultra processed foods show their addictive qualities!

    I can SEE it, it's like my eyes are open for the first time.
    How the processing makes you crave more.
    How CRAVING MORE itself is the cue for addiction
    The chemical warfare that we put our bodies thru.

    Before reaching for the next "processed goodie" or even "slice of homemade pie" I hope I will think about how it will interact with my body and mindset.

    6) Improvements in My Bicep injury - My bicep is feeling so much better and I am enjoying the shorter less intense workouts. I think my body likes them MORE than the hammering I was doing. AND the super intense workouts, perhaps DID make me crave more crap foods. This feels good.

    What I'm contemplating: How do I go vegan/vegetarian, Do I want to? I kinda do.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    @SherryRueter awesome job sticking to it with all the bad choices staring at you. That took some will power!

    It was a choice I was debating the day prior when they decided to go out to eat.

    I thought, "I can see my plan thru, or I can go off the rails. Which one is more in line with my goal?"

    It took a little research. But Google is awesome. I googled, "Eat Vegan at a mexican restaurant"
    and BAM. A few ideas took me to being able to confidently say,
    "I will have the fajita, without...... x, y, z, a, b, c, d"
    (seriously, i removed everything from that poor dish).

    and I walked out of there feeling SO good. Its a feeling you get right after you went thru the HARD stuff.
    Euphoria in knowing, Hell, I CAN do THIS!

    Next up... vacation in Iowa, where I am almost at the mercy of my Family & IN Laws.
    I have to research HOW TO do that..... I normally try to go with the flow but, end up feeling so sick on day 2 that it ruins the rest of the vacation. I'm tired of that path. SO I will have to be a LOT more disciplined to say "no thankyou" and disciplined to bring my own food (dish to share or whatever).
  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 26
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    June1 201.6
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    June 19-199.8
    Jun 20-DNW
    June 21- 199.7
    June 22- 199.5
    June24 - 200.8
    June 25- 200.8
    June 25 -200. 9- super muscle sore today. (Post HIT workout on Tuesday) Drank a ton of water all day yesterday and no salt or sweets at all. This stall can't be related to water retention. My body likes the 200 weight... that is all.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    @happydonkey75 It will come down. You are super sore... your muscles are retaining water to help with the soreness You'll see a whoosh soon - just stay the course.
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152
    April 24: 150
    May 24: 147
    June 24: 148

    June 3: 148
    June 4: 148
    June 5: 149
    June 6: 148
    June 7: 148
    June 8: 148
    June 9: 150
    June 10: 150
    June 11: 150
    June 12: 149
    June 13: 150
    June 14: DNW but probably 150
    June 15-17: 150
    June 18: 151 😳
    June 19: 150
    June 20: 149
    June 21: 150
    June 26: 151 πŸ˜’
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 273 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg
    20 June – 54.3kg
    21 June – 54.4kg
    22 June – 54.9kg
    23 June – 54.9kg
    24 June – 54.8kg
    25 June – 54.7kg
    26 June – 54.4kg
    27 June – 54.3kg

    Got a short walk in yesterday which was better than nothing. Have climbing this morning. As usual I am not really looking forward to it but it is my feel the fear and do it anyway activity.

    Weight is back down to where it was a week ago and a fortnight ago. June has certainly been a month of ups and downs on the scales - and probably back up again if finishing on a weekend goes the usual way. Goal over the next few days is to keep under starting weight.

  • HappyDonkey75
    HappyDonkey75 Posts: 94 Member
    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    @SherryRueter; I seem to have this issue alot with what seems like overly sore muscles compared to the actual workout I did... and then ofcourse increased water retention. I keep waiting for the big whoosh...
    I guess it is just part of being that out of shape and getting that sore.. either that or I am just a real oddball ? Today is upper body strength day..

    @SofaKween - June has been the same for me.. not gaining much traction for the goal I had this month, lots of ups and downs..hoping my body is just still adjusting to the workouts and reduced calories and eventually things will start going down again..Hope you start to see a change too! All we can do is keep working on it..

    Heaviest Weight: 210 | END OF MONTH Goal Weight below 200 | Ultimate Goal Weight: 165
    June1 201.6
    June 2 202.6
    June 3 202.0
    June 4 202.8
    June 5- 200.7 ( weighed twice to make sure)
    June 6 203.1
    Jun 7-201.9
    June 8 DNW
    June 9 DNW- huge hike over 6 miles with hills- very challenging physically for my current fitness level
    June 10- *202.8
    June 11-200.7
    June 12- 200.1
    June 13- 200.8
    June 14- 199.6
    June 15- DNW- family in town
    June 16- DNW- family in town
    June 17- 201.1
    June 18- 200.5
    June 19-199.8
    Jun 20-DNW
    June 21- 199.7
    June 22- 199.5
    June24 - 200.8
    June 25- 200.8
    June 26 -200. 9- super muscle sore today. (Post HIT workout on Tuesday) Drank a ton of water all day yesterday and no salt or sweets at all. This stall can't be related to water retention. My body likes the 200 weight... that is all.
    June 27- 200.1

    *no actual gym time yesterday but was active all day. Still sore from Tuesday HIT workout. need to stretch today and do an upper body focused strength workout today

    The end of the month is fast approaching . My goal was to be under that 200 and (stay there) I dipped below that number a couple of times in the month but bounced back up.. Since I am sort of a data minded person I went and looked at what I did on those days and it was nothing different than what I have been doing all along.. staying at 1500 cal or below in some days..depending on my fiber intake.
    I am glad I am currently heading in the right direction again.

    Considering working with a coach but price is a bit out of budget at the moment. Anyone using any online programs they like or recommend?

    Have a great Thursday
  • Plasicage
    Plasicage Posts: 355 Member
    January 24: 158
    February 24: 157.2
    March 24: 152
    April 24: 150
    May 24: 147
    June 24: 148

    June 3: 148
    June 4: 148
    June 5: 149
    June 6: 148
    June 7: 148
    June 8: 148
    June 9: 150
    June 10: 150
    June 11: 150
    June 12: 149
    June 13: 150
    June 14: DNW but probably 150
    June 15-17: 150
    June 18: 151 😳
    June 19: 150
    June 20: 149
    June 21: 150
    June 26: 151 πŸ˜’
    June 27: 151

    Didn’t go over calories last night. Now I need a whole month of yesterdays to undo post vacation slump .
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 630 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.
    14 June 24 = 12.02 happy to still be on this number
    15 June 24 = 12.02 new goal this month any number starting with 11 stone.
    16 June 24 = 12.02 ok with this
    17 June 24 = 12.02
    18 June 24 = 12.02 trying harder today would like to see this number go down
    19 June 24 = 12.02 waiting for the number to go down again
    20 June 24 = 12.02
    21 June 24 = 12.03 !!@ could not stop snacking last night. Concerned I may end the month with not weight loss. Need a big push to the end of the month.
    22 June 24 = 12.01 at last. Need to keep here for a bit.
    23 June 24 = 12.01 just.did flash 12.02 for a second.
    24 June 24 = 12.01 still like to go under 12 stone this month.
    25 June 24 = 12.01
    27 June 24 = 12.00 yes
  • SofaKween
    SofaKween Posts: 273 Member
    Previous Months:-
    March SW – 60.5kg
    31 March EW – 58.8kg
    30 April EW – 57.0kg
    31 May EW – 55.0kg

    March Start Waist – 83cm
    31 March End Waist – 81cm
    30 April End Waist – 77.5cm
    31 May End Waist – 76.0cm

    UGW - 53kg

    Mini Goals June:
    1. Post here every day for the rest of the month.
    2. Lose 1kg in weight
    3. Lose 1cm from my waist (will measure at the end of the month)

    1 June – 55.0kg
    2 June – 54.9kg
    3 June – 55.0kg
    4 June – 55.0kg
    5 June – 55.0kg
    6 June – 54.8kg
    7 June – 54.8kg
    8 June – 54.6kg
    9 June – DNW
    10 June – 55.5kg
    11 June – 55.1kg
    12 June – 54.7kg
    13 June – 54.4kg
    14 June – 54.4kg
    15 June – 54.6kg
    16 June – 54.8kg
    17 June – 54.9kg
    18 June – 54.7kg
    19 June – 54.4kg
    20 June – 54.3kg
    21 June – 54.4kg
    22 June – 54.9kg
    23 June – 54.9kg
    24 June – 54.8kg
    25 June – 54.7kg
    26 June – 54.4kg
    27 June – 54.3kg
    28 June – 54.3kg

    Early start for me, have sourdough to bake before what will probably be a fruitless waste of time looking for some new clothes. I do not, and have never liked clothes shopping and get dispirited very quickly so tend to live in black but it's time for a bit of colour in my life! On the positive side I should get plenty of steps in.

    @HappyDonkey75 - I have Jillian Michaels DVDs that I used to workout to for a while, but have not watched them for years. I should probably dust them off and give them a try again.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 630 Member
    starting weight 12.09 - May 24
    Starting Weight June 24 = 12.03
    Goal weight this month June 24 - 11.12
    Overall goal weight 9.10

    I am going to try to weigh every day

    02 June 24 = 12.03
    03 June 24 = 12.03 need to do better today
    04 June 24 = 12.03 I am a bit fed up with this number. Need to count the calories better today
    05 June 24 = 12 .03 need to count calories better, just been reducing food
    06 June 24 = 12.03 better day yesterday, the number need to go down though
    07 June 24 = 12.03 getting going even though I don't like this number
    10 June 24 = 12.03 The scales did not move all weekend !! going super low today with lots of water to get things moving again
    11 June 24 = 12.03 lol
    12 June 24 = 12.03 the scales are laughing at me. Same weight morning or night
    13 June 24 = 12.02 yes I gave the scales a talking to.
    14 June 24 = 12.02 happy to still be on this number
    15 June 24 = 12.02 new goal this month any number starting with 11 stone.
    16 June 24 = 12.02 ok with this
    17 June 24 = 12.02
    18 June 24 = 12.02 trying harder today would like to see this number go down
    19 June 24 = 12.02 waiting for the number to go down again
    20 June 24 = 12.02
    21 June 24 = 12.03 !!@ could not stop snacking last night. Concerned I may end the month with not weight loss. Need a big push to the end of the month.
    22 June 24 = 12.01 at last. Need to keep here for a bit.
    23 June 24 = 12.01 just.did flash 12.02 for a second.
    24 June 24 = 12.01 still like to go under 12 stone this month.
    25 June 24 = 12.01
    27 June 24 = 12.00 yes
    28 June 24 = 12.01 No. I had wine last night. Trying to do supper well for the rest of the month.
  • jennigerding19
    jennigerding19 Posts: 264 Member
    MFP SW-234 (1/2017)
    Lowest weight 156 (4/2019)
    Restart mfp 211 (1/2021) 183 Dec 2021
    Second restart 192 (4/2023)
    I do weigh ins once or twice a week.

    Jan 1, Feb 1 193 sw
    Mar 1 194
    Apr 192
    May 194
    June sw 194 go 190

    June 1 194
    June 7 196 ugh. Zero clue there unless it’s from ovulating two days ago. I can tell I’m bloated. I need to push myself to be more active after work. So easy to make supper then sit and relax and not do much else for the day.
    June 10 196. Sucks but I’m ok with it since we did eat out Friday and Saturday (anniversary) and had a couple drinks. Now to push water and workout this week.
    June 14 196 idk even know how I climbed to this number and now it won’t go away. Ugh. Going out of town this weekend so will try and be conscious of my food (and mommy drink) choices.
    June 21 195. Sick this week. All I’ve done is go to work and sleep. Body is all achy from coughing. :(
    June 26 196 πŸ˜’ still not back to being 100% so haven’t worked out at all. Just making it through work and making supper is about all I can do. I need to do better about writing all my food as the day goes on so I can adjust at supper.
    June 28 195.5. Now to be strong over the weekend lol.

    @ManifestingToday thank you for good thoughts. Work is super stressful right now. Understaffed and I’m taking vacation so I need to do my work this week and do those two weeks work by July 4th. So it’s a lot. I’m thankful it’s the weekend (after 3 anyways)
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    edited June 28
    @Jennigerding19 YES - BE STRONG over the weekend!!!!

    @kellyswimmer - Yes - Be strong for the remainder of the month. Think of it as being 3 days. Just 3 days to be vigilant.

    @SofaKween @HappyDonkey75
    I have Bob harper ones. I can't remember what series it was. They were so good back in the day.