Why are they taking the newsfeed away?



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 855 Member
    edited July 3
    MFP removed it :(
  • pnrbor
    pnrbor Posts: 61 Member
    edited July 3
    Oh no I can't believe they took it away. Guess I will no longer be paying for premium membership.
  • VallieeeBabe
    VallieeeBabe Posts: 30 Member
    I’ve had MyFitnessPal pal for over 5 yrs now and I the newsfeed where I was able to interact with friends is what kept me going on my weightloss journey. Why have friends on here if you can’t interact with them??? BRING BACK THE NEWSFEED! I’m also a premium member. Guess I shall cancel!!!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 562 Member
    edited July 3
    I'm not sure how MFP determined that the "news feed is a rarely used feature" - but it is dead wrong. I have found some of my closest friends through the newsfeed and being able to see what they are up to and hold them accountable while they hold me accountable. It is definitely not the same place without the newsfeed. I am going to seriously consider cancelling my premium membership and using other apps to track my calories.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 855 Member
    I gather this thread has also become a mutant with the many other threads all merged into it. (to make it a less-visible topic?)
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,867 Member
    2t9nty wrote: »
    I really miss the feed. It was how I kept up with logging and diaries.

    I might get zapped for mentioning this, but I have moved my diet logging to My Net Diary.
    The subscription version has a blood glucose tracker integrated into the app. It syncs beautifully with my One Touch Vario Reflect

    There’s also a slightly better availability to track various micronutrients. And they have a certified dietitian on staff who has a dedicated chat group where you can ask questions about your diet and calorie intake.

    I’m going to continue participating in the forums here for a while longer. But for me, as a disabled diabetic person, MND fits my needs better.

  • aidinaousley
    aidinaousley Posts: 2 Member
    jerseygene wrote: »
    The same for me I can’t get it is well. I’m wondering if it’s because they want us all to go on to the payed version.

    I have the paid version and it's gone. I'm not happy
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    I hate that the newsfeed has gone! I liked to see how my friends and family were doing. I liked to see how many days I have been logging, weight loss, etc. it kind of feels lonely now. What’s the point? Shall be looking at other apps now. MFP, you’ve made a huge mistake!!
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,919 Member
    I got a friend request the other day and I thought. why?
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    I have well over a ten year streak here. Things were FINE. Now this place is a ghost town.