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  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Well, I decided to do the mature thing and buy a size bigger pair of jeans for horseback riding. Maybe that will help with the shortness of breath. It would be an easier fix than medical trouble. Discouraging but not the worst thing.

    Thank you Kylia. When I'm being rational, it's not hard. Red to red. I will get it done soon!

    Annie in Delaware

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,508 Member
    Tracey ~ Can't wait to hear how your day at the new job goes. Hope all goes well and lots of hugs.

    Annie ~ Hugs for you too! I finally had to order a larger band width bra because of my weight increase. Hope you will be happy with the new pants.

    Carol in GA
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,684 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Monday!
    Annie Trickle charger....put the positive clamp on positive post, negative clamp on negative post, then plug in the charger. I too am terrified of batteries, but we have trickle chargers on most vehicles. You've got this!

    "Love you" -My DH was not demonstrative when we met. I am. Over time, he has learned to hold my hand, kiss me just because, and several times a day we just tell each other "I love you".

    "Hunger" and "food"- I too have hypoglycemia. I am not generally hungry in the morning. I get rumbly in the tummy around 1030. If left up to me I would only eat between 1030-230. DH is breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. If we are busy, I forgot to eat which leads ti hangry, faint feelings, funky vision. When I am eating and thinking of what I am eating, I will stop when satisfied. If I have gotten past the healthy hunger, I tend to overeat. My DH is clean plater and routine. I like variety. I did ask him if I didn't feed him enough for dinner the other night as he was snacking like crazy! He said he just needed something salty. I really need to get back to planning meals. Most of my family salivate at food, I just eat because I have to most of the time. I do good if I eat, suck if I snack.

    Tracey I hope your first day is GREAT!

    Rebecca It happens to the best of us. Hugs! My DH is good for two days nursing, then expects things to go back to normal.

    Yesterday we put boards up in attic. I got to use circular saw! Covered in sawdust but proud of project. Also cleaned two bathrooms.

    So started second book on leadership from my sister and already stuck on chapter one assignment. "What is your purpose?" "What are your values?"
    I am struggling as no one has ever asked me these things. This morning I thought maybe my purpose is to help people know they are seen and heard. Sometimes it is in hug form, sometimes just listening, sometimes a compliment. I am not as eloquent as many of you, but maybe that statement is perfect. Will think on it more. I value integrity, learning, and independence. It is a start I reckon, even as simple as it is.

    Gotta get my day going!

    Love, health, and peace to all!

    Kylia in Ohio

    I tell my husband that I will be an awful patient when or if I am in any pain. I just have no tolerance for it. So there better be lots of drugs so I can safely sail past the pain. For my sake AND his.👍🏼😁
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited August 19
    With my current diet I am more even. I don't have the highs and lows that my old diet created. I know it is because the way I eat now does not create the insulin spikes. My blood pressure has dropped from 140/90 to 122/75. Unfortunately many processed foods add sugar and our cookie and cake recipes are loaded with sugar and sometimes processed oils. Starches without adequate fiber can also spike insulin. Too much insulin in the blood creates all kinds of health issues. Fatty liver is one of them...think waist over 35 inches for women being one of them.

    I have told this story before about my dad and Tang (an instant breakfast drink loaded with sugar). He worked for a company that had a doctor on site. When going to see him they took his blood pressure which was high. At that time they gave diuretics to control it. He took them and then went back and it was still high, so they wanted to up the dose. He realized that it was the drinking of his tea loaded with Tang that caused his blood pressure to be high. He was angry that they asked him nothing about his lifestyle or what he was eating. His blood pressure returned to normal once he gave up his Tang. His disgust at doctors did remain.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited August 19
    Carol I believe being mindful of what you are eating now will improve your knee.

    I have also told the story about my sister who died at 59 of cancer that tomorrow was when she would start to take care of herself. She didn't get her tomorrow! Today is the day to start! She so wanted a new body... She did not get it was her job to create that new body because you only get one! Your body is your home. How do you want to take care of it? I want to take care of mine with love! So I ask myself do these foods respect and treat my body with love or do they support someone else's agenda? Fortunately many of the foods that love me taste great!

    Protect the liver (from too much insulin) and feed the gut (with fiber).
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,508 Member
    Debbie: Is there any way y'all could move her to assisted living? You might have to sell her house to do so but at least you and husband might have some peace.

    Carol in GA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,131 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    So I am back tracking to a previous discussion… Saying I Love you….

    I grew up with my dad saying “love you” at bed time or some other times, but he was a typical guy of those times who was more likely to tell me via actions then words.

    But my mom said more but ALWAYS with a qualifier. “I’ll love you if…..” “I love you when…..” “I love you more if…..” I was loved for things that made her life easier, reflected better on her, brought honor to the family.

    I would love to hear it meant just because, and if I was around folks who said it a lot, my reaction would probably be a mixture of envy and awe.

    I tell the god kids/nephew every time I talk to them, I say it to close friends, I occasionally say it to my mom, but her response is usually I love you for…… when I saw her on Monday it was I love you for vacuuming….. some how it takes the joy and sense of caring away…

    Thinking of you all,
    Kim in N. California

    I heard it from both parents and still hear it from my mom every time I see or talk to her. The very last words from my dad(I had no idea that would be the last time I saw or heard his voice) was "I love you bunches" and we had a nice long hug.
    I have heard it twice in the last four YEARS from dh-when talking to me but I hear him say it constantly when he is talking to the cats.
    I read it in my texts from former hubby.
    I say it to my son and occasionally he will say it back- He does make sure to give me a hug when ever he is leaving the house.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member