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  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,766 Member
    Morning, my dearios,

    Tracey - That last day at home before the first day of a new job is so filled with hope that things will go well, and excitement at the thought of having the financial burden lifted, and just a little sadness at losing your time you've had for yourself. I do love new beginnings. Good thing the grands are back in school soon, so they won't miss the time with you quite so much! So many good thoughts out for Kaitlyn and Brodey. All kinds of love and hope surrounds them for the success of this try.

    Machka - One of the many reasons I love thrift stores is you never know what you're going to find! Just $7 each for the conductor stools, and I would never have paid the $45 each that Amazon wants for them. They feel nice and solid, but easy enough to get them where I need them for my now quite tall pantry! 🤣 The piece you posted on treating yourself to a day of your own - that's what my wander around the thrift store was, honestly. Corey won't go in one willingly, nor to a garage sale, but I really enjoy taking time to wander and just see what's there. No fun with him, but quite a lot of fun all by myself.

    Heather - Woot! for the reboot on the blonde hair! 😊 Being back in the swim of family and plans must be such a lovely feeling.

    Barbie - Sounds like all the medical stuff is sorted, but it's still hard to have your attention pulled that direction all the time. Hope they are all successful in their own right, and that your busy life gets back to the quiet one you love.

    More in a bit.
    Lisa in AR

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,507 Member
    Annie said: May you all be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    AMEN! :smile:

    Carol in GA

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    Good morning everyone—I’m getting back to MyFitnessPal & found your thread—not sure if it’s best to reply to last thread or start new discussion 🤷‍♀️so I hope this is right!

    Colleen -Boston MA

    :) Welcome. Just jump in and comment on anything that interests you. If you want to reply to a particular person, start the sentence with their name before your comment. We are a busy bunch with a variety of lifestyles so there is likely to be someone or several someones that you connect with more. Reading this thread while I eat breakfast inspires me to stay with my plans for the day. I hope you find the support and encouragement you are looking for.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,176 Member
    I know I mention that my back pains me whenever I work the booth and need to see a chiropractor. I keep putting it off, but again I can see the benefit of going to one very soon. Please remind to call for one tomorrow (Monday) as when my back feels ok, I forget about the Chiro!

    Dinner yesterday was roast pork with herbs (brajoilie (sp?)) potato salad with oil not mayo and left over string bean salad, with a kiwi for desert. Breakfast yesterday and today was oatmeal with almond milk 1 T craisins 1/2 banana, 1T fresh ground peanut butter, and 1T butter. Snack was my version of the Sargento snack mix I like, 1/2 apple, supper was 2/3 cup of Greek yogurt with muesli. I had the same breakfast today and will have the same snack and supper I think.


    RVRita in Roswell
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,035 Member
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,766 Member
    Colleen in Boston - Welcome! We're glad you're here. You did it just right. Don't forget to bookmark this thread at the top of the page, next to the thread title... and keep finding your way back to us. Reply to conversations you're interested in, or ask questions if you want to, and you'll do grand. As much support as you need with this wonderful group of women, and a clean slate every month to start again.

    And... I'm back. 😁

    So, I'm nearly ten pounds down from last week, purely due to the water loss from the diuretic, I assume. Well, maybe not ALL, but definitely a significant percentage. My eating has been somewhat less indulgent, but not where I need it to get to peel off weight vs. water. I'll get there.

    Experimented with the Cheddar Bay biscuits from Red Lobster, which I used to love. Tried their branded mix first. It was awful, the biscuits crumbled in your hands when you touched them, dry and horribly salty... So I tried again this morning, combining a number of recipe ingredients from various copycat recipes on the web, and it's much better. Still not quite the same as the restaurant's, but that's OK. Not going to try again - it was an experiment, not a way of life... 🤣 That said, if I did, I'd split the difference between mine and the box mix as far as cheese goes, and possibly use whole milk instead of buttermilk. Mine are good, but not great.

    Corey's brother is coming out mid-afternoon to hang out with him and then we'll grill steak for Corey, shrimp for me and steak and shrimp for his brother, who loves both. Pat's bringing asparagus, as well. One of the few veggies I actually will eat, but doubt I'll have room after my shrimp.

    So... I've got what may be an odd question. How do you know when you're hungry? Background of the question in the spoiler, but the question is for everyone:
    I'm asking because when I weighed over 300, I seriously broke my hunger signals. I was thinking about food every waking moment, without exaggeration. If that's hunger, then I was hungry all the time. As I was eating, I was thinking about when I could eat again, where, what and how much. After the gastric bypass 19 years ago, I had six months when I was never hungry at all. They call it the honeymoon period for a reason. I would literally forget to eat. For someone who had struggled with their weight and serial diets for 30 years straight, it was absolutely marvelous.

    After six months, though, I began to need food - which I interpreted as hunger, because I didn't know how hunger felt. I was thinking about it this morning, as it hasn't changed much since then. I was feeling quite nauseous, and knew that if I didn't eat something, that feeling of weakness was not going to go away and would increase.

    Is that hunger? Maybe it is, and I'm just trying to label it something else.

    Anyway, just doodling today. Ate two of the biscuits as breakfast, and there was so much cheese in them that they're packed with protein... very satisfying. Not, however, low calorie! 🤪

    Peeled the stovetop apart and everything's in the dishwasher, one chore done, now the sheets need washing, and lastly, need to figure out how to get whatever burnt out stuff is on these glass tumblers off of them. The dishwasher only took off the surface muck. So far Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is diminishing it, but not getting them completely to clean - same with the rust on the bottom.

    Off to be a domestic goddess once more!
    Which reminds me, I need to do some vacuuming, too.... bahahahah!

    Later y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,684 Member
    Facebook is being troublesome, logging in password isn't working, tried to change it but now, its telling me I need to pee in a tiny cup or some such nonsense! (not really)😂😂but geez its hard to get back in! Wondering if its even worth it? I might just get back in to shut down the Facebook part, but keep the Messenger part. I like getting messages from family, and video chatting.
    Today is roast making day. So it will be potatoes, carrots and roast beef later on. Might make the taco meat up for the next day,v since the hamburger is already in the fridge defrosted. My husband has practically eaten all his blueberry scones up. It does make me really happy to see him like things I make. The g'kids recd the box of cookies I sent. The g'kids liked the bubble wrap included in the box more. I should be getting a video daughter in law took of both them playing with it.💖
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yes, Lisa. For me the nauseated feeling, along with tummy growls and weakness lets me know I've gone too long and need to eat.

    It's different than a craving for something which might come even when I'm not hungry.

    My husband had food insecurity as a child, so he has a very difficult time regulating when and what to eat. If it's there, his instinct is to eat as much as possible. He has been to counseling, and it is getting better, but I still see it in his snacking habits.

    Willamette Valley OR