
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    Today is The history of audio: Reel to Reel tapes, LP’s, cassettes tapes, cds, digital, and back to LP’s! Visual- reel-to-reel, cartridges (vhs, beta), cd, dvd, laser disks, and now digital. This is just a short summary. Fun thing to look up today!


    RVRita in Roswell
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Heather - as I read through Shanahan's list, I immediately thought of you and how you shop getting fresh meat from a butcher shop, fresh veggies organic foods when available, and the ability to walk to these stores is icing on the cake. A low-stress and joyful environment. I'm always glad when you share this and I can mentally take part in it. <3

    Margaret - you came to mind as well. ;) As a kid, we often ate chicken liver since my parents raised so many chickens. I remember my mom cooking them in chicken broth and I thought they were a treat. I will look for them as well, maybe make a type of pate out of them. I see a lot of recipes online. :) I wish I could call Mom and ask her how she prepared pork liver. I know we ate it and liked it. We had no choice, lol. :p

    Those of us on diabetes prevention plans (Rita ;) ) have incorporated many of the guidelines as well.

    I'm off on a new tangent: Protein requirements for us older folks.
    The dietician running the diabetes prevention class I'm taking gave me a recommendation of 80 gm of protein per day. (She is familiar with my medical history.) That works out to be around 1 gm/kg of weight. I see some research supports 1.2 gm/kg or higher for seniors to preserve or grow muscle and avoid, or at least stall sarcopenia. (I normally eat between 90 and 100+ gm per day these days, since protein helps satiety and keeps the sugar monster at bay.) Some strength training is important when my joints can handle it and I have figured out work-arounds for those joints that can't. Muscle burns glucose and should keep me from getting frail. Or much frailer. ;) I gotta carry bags of chicken feed! :p

    When I had lunch with M a couple weeks ago, we discussed the Ozempic type (GLP-1) drugs. She is an insulin dependent diabetic and her physician put her on a low-dose GLP-l medication, and she experienced severe side effects. Week-long constipation for one. :# Yikes!

    We talked about taking these drugs solely for weight loss, and how some studies are showing the weight loss isn't only fat, but muscle as well since appetite and protein is restricted. M thought older folks shouldn't be on GLP-1 unless medically necessary, but concluded if younger people use them for weight loss, at least they have a chance to regain any muscle lost since they are normally more active - can go to the gym, have children to tote around, etc. That was M's opinion. Time will tell if she's right - using these drugs just for weight loss seems to be fairly new, and I'm sure there will be studies done down the road. We might not see anything definitive for 5 years or more. That's my thought.

    I wonder too about seniors who go on restrictive intermittent fasting for long periods of time. How much protein are they getting if doing OMAD (one meal a day)? Does it matter? When I was doing 2-MAD (2 meals a day) a few years ago, I was taking in only 50-60 grams of protein per day. I know I've lost strength since then. I can't do bicep curls with 10# weights, for example, like Michele mentioned, and go lighter. Did lower protein contribute? Or is it just general aging? Was it due to taking extended time off for a frozen shoulder or surgeries? Moreover, are seniors able to rebuild muscle if they have been protein deprived for a period of time from fasting? I don't have the answer. It might be an individual thing - we are all different and I'd hesitate to make generalizations such as those often found in magazine articles. I've read a lot of varying opinions. There are likely many factors in play including genetics.

    Again - I'm not dishing out protein advice. Some of us have kidney or other conditions where we have to limit protein intake. The advice I would give, however, would be to have a dietician or medical professional versed in nutrition give direction on protein intake if curious. Dr. Lisa always checks my kidney function when I get labs done, so we'll see if my increased protein intake over the past 6 months will show anything. She's aware of my dietary changes.

    In case I don't get back today, here's a reminder to everyone participating in the weekly check-in to please get info to me no later than noon tomorrow. TIA. <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,053 Member
    On the flight from Baltimore to Hartford... it is full.. and im not good at peopling.. ugh..I have my mask on and squashed in like a bug.. yikes..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,662 Member
    edited October 27
    Lanette - John loves liver. His favourite is calves liver, which isn't cheap, but you buy it in thinnish slices. Second is lambs liver, which is easily available here. The secret is to lightly dust with seasoned flour and 'just show it the pan'. :p
    We don't have it often, but sometimes it's just what you want. He often has it in restaurants.

    The haggis was wonderful, if filling. :p It went beautifully with the cavallo Nero and I did some small jacket potatoes. Whisky cream sauce. I won't need to eat for a week! :o

    My Spanish is reviving now I'm back on Duolingo. I still refuse to pay for it. >:) But a lot is coming back to me. Still finding the irregular past tenses hard. Last Tuesday we spoke Spanish all the way home with Bea, who goes to a bilingual school. Her accent is perfect, but she is an actress.

    The weather in Scotland, where the family are visiting my ex, hasn't been very good at all. :| Today was glorious here. John said the beach was heaving!!!!

    I've ordered a couple of new hand towels for the downstairs toilet. I was beginning to be ashamed of my old ones for visitors. ;) Also a thin blueish/grayish sweater for me. With the cooler weather I've changed to thin sweaters and one of them is pretty tatty and needs throwing away. I have various weights and shapes of cardigans I wear on top for extra warmth, some long.

    Cleaner tomorrow.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,053 Member
    Hidee ho all
    Im back and finally got on the scale im pleased to announce I only gained 10 ounces on the trip.. not even a lb.. yipee..im a happy girl
    But the ding dongs at Southwest lost one of my bags its coming on a later flight and they will deliver it to the house..
    It was a good time,but its always nice to be home..especially when you have a very happy cat..Tom keeping Alfie one more night.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I’ve been in a funk lately. Too much on my plate, but trying to fight it. I’ve been knitting and made these fingerless gloves this week. I have enough yarn to make a matching scarf, and maybe a hat too, so will do those too. I had bought 2 skeins of this yarn somewhere on clearance. It was a great grab for me! Also, I found the yarn I used for the afghan I made last time and looked to get some to enlarge the blanket, except the price was $10 a skein at Walmart! I had bought it online at JoAnns on clearance. So, my afghan will stay smaller. It can be used as a shawl or sitting blanket.


    RVRita in Roswell

    Very purdy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    edited October 27
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 19min 5sec, 134elev, 15750steps, 2.68ap, 80ahr, 97mhr, 6.24mi= 543c
    Strava app = 757c
    Outside jogging- 9.45min, 23elev, 169spm, 163aw, 148ahr, 173mhr, 9.41 min mi, 1 mi= 103c

    Total cal 646

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,602 Member
    Rita’s MRI/PT GoFundMe has met the $150 match requirement, means she has the copay for the first MRI. Please share so more donations come in to cover the second MRI’s copay and needed PT.
    Deeply grateful to all who donated to someone they’ve never met. Generous, loving hearts, all! Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
    edited October 27
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,495 Member
    Did Denise Austin Power Zone DVD then a Yoga for Flexibility DVD. Then took a walk to Food Lion since Vince needed bananas then went to WalMart. Came home and made these rice balls only I didn’t follow the directions completely. Then we went to Lowe’s Hardware since Vince wanted more totes for the christmas decorations and then to WalMart so Vince could buy candy for Thursday. Came home and made a spinach feta to take to the ceramics birthday party Tuesday.

    Allie – so so happy for you that you had such a wonderful trip! Do they call it a gym? Where Denise is they call it the “ninja class”. To me, it reminded me of this place, International Gymnastics, when we lived in the Poconos. Actually many of the Olympic gymnasts train there (in Stroudsburg). How wonderful that you didn’t even gain a pound on your trip! Did you have someone stop in and give Siri food and water?

    We had a homeowner’s meeting yesterday. It was an absolutely gorgeous day. I even had to put on my shorts! But, unfortunately, not today. And cloudy to boot

    Rita – lovely gloves. I love those colors. How I remember those reel to reels! We have one downstairs. Remember the laser disks? We have one downstairs, too.

    Lanette – I’m thinking that my having to use lower weights is due more to age than anything else. MFP says I need 74g of protein and many days I either come real close or go over that number, yet I still need lighter weights. I guess in some respects I’m a bit afraid that if I use a heavier weight and strain myself, it’ll take so much longer to heal.

    Lisa – I think that the “support animals” is sometimes taken too far. There are some who do need the emotional support, like people who have PTSD. But then there are others who want it so that they can take it places. Jess (I admit) had her cat deemed an “emotional support cat” mainly so that she didn’t have to pay $50 a month to have the cat in her apt. at vet school.

    We want to get Christmas stockings for the cats. We have one for all the other cats. Anyway, Vince likes to get things online. I want to go to the store. I want to feel it and see it up close. Sometimes the looks online can be deceiving. For one thing, the shipping sometimes is outrageous! I found one that I liked for Ganon, it was $6.00. But the shipping was over $7! So if they have it at the store, that’d be great. If not...oh well.

    Have a great evening everyone

    Michele NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,934 Member
    Heather - I agree about a shower after the baby is born. My parents had a stillborn and Dad especially never liked a shower before.
    I think now it’s more popular to have it before because everything is so expensive and that way the parents get a bit of help.
    Both make sense to me, but I told this young lady that her babies main gift from me will be after their birth, so I just gave something small.

    Allie - I so hope you find some relief from your health woes soon. It’s been seeming like a long time of illnesses for you.
    I bet it feels good to get home.

    Terri - I am so enjoying the new job. I am frustrated about some of the systems, but the atmosphere with the staff is wonderful.

    Lisa - I need to do something to help my back. It’s been terrible again and I know that it’s from work and then crafting at home.
    I don’t know how you can manage to stay out of the contention about a pet visiting. I am thankfully not in that predicament but I would be disagreeing if it was Rodger saying that. If my kids wouldn’t stay longer because a pet couldn’t come I would be allowing the pet, even though I’m quite happy to be pet free. 😂
    I see your comment to Carol about his love for Egg and her comfort. It’s a predicament for sure.

    Carol - I noticed a web in the corner of my craft room the other day. (Well, truthfully Michaela did). I need to get at that chore too. The second weekend in December I’ll be decorating for Christmas. That will be when I really deep clean I think.

    Rita - I don’t know how you wouldn’t be in a funk with everything you’ve got going on.

    I got a lot accomplished today for my craft shows. I’ll work on everything this week after work for a couple hours too.
    I need Rodger to get some cookies designed and burned so I have something to work on.
    I fear I don’t have enough to be ready for a sale yet.

    I’m currently watching this weeks episode of Matlock but will be going to bed as soon as it’s over.

    Have a great day!
    Tracey in Edmonton

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,019 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,543 Member
    How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking Per Mile?

    When it comes to burning calories while walking, your weight and the distance you walk are the biggest factors in calculating how many calories you burn. A good rules of thumb is that 180-pound person will burn about 100 calories when walking one mile and a 120-pound person will burn about 65 calories walking one mile.

    (Read the article for more info)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,931 Member
    Had a great time with the family. The meal wasn’t much extra work as it was just our usual Sunday roast, with added potato wedges done in the air fryer.

    Younger daughter just came for coffee as she’s just back from a pool trip, and had to get ready for work today.

    Rita: 🥰 the colours of those gloves.

    This week isn’t too busy. Today I have Monday Painters after lunch. Thursday afternoon is our Monthly meeting, on Friday I have Latin and Parchment Craft.

    🤗🤗🤗 and 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for those who need them.

    🙋‍♀️ Miele failte to the newbies.

    ☘️ Terri
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 2,846 Member
    Morning, my chickens,

    I'm ouchy this morning, but not terribly bad... and I've lost three pounds since last Monday... Was at 160 last Monday, 157 this morning. We worked so hard this last couple days to paint trim and eaves that few people but me and Corey would probably even notice. We worked well together, as long as we worked separately. I painted everything low and he painted everything high. Worked out great. Still have to finish the front stoop, but not a lot left to do for this job - Have to get some paint ordered and picked up that will cover the concrete that the front porch is constructed with.

    For me, the best part was that I had no issues with vertigo and no problems with my back. Very pleased with that. I'm learning, as I've learned before, that the best possible exercise for me is not to "exercise," but to just work. My body likes functional movement. Thinking through all this again.

    Tracey - I know that raising my machines up has really helped my back tremendously. The less sitting I do, the better I feel. When I was working at home, I did the same thing with my computer - literally used boxes with a larger box under the monitor and a box that was the right level for my keyboard and mouse. I know your feet may hurt too much to do this - and my right foot and ankle feel like I'm walking on broken glass unless I've got a compression sock on, but with it, they're doing pretty well. Maybe there's something that can help your feet even if you're standing?

    I'm doing a lot of rethinking about a number of things that I've allowed myself to get too obsessed with, and am mentally working through a lot of that.

    Later, my dears,
    Lisa in AR

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    Allie welcome back!

    Tracey so glad you like the new job, after all you went through.

    Rita hope you get some relief! And those moves are very pretty!

    Well, I'm still sick when I eat, and in the morning. I only had one egg this morning, so that should be easier on my gut than yesterday. I'm down to 500 calories a day and I've lost several pounds. Maybe six or eight. The start point is unclear. But I had hours without the cramping yesterday, so that's better. It's day six.

    Machka There would be less pain and more dizziness if I didn't eat at all, but I don't have that kind of willpower. Or supplies. But thank you for the information. Knowledge is power.

    I have a sitter coming for Dad at ten. The original plan was to get my driver's license renewed at DMV. But now that seems ambitious. I have to wait and see if my gut settles down by then.

    And I need to see a doctor again. Maybe my primary care office can tell me where to go. Or maybe the urgent care again? Maybe I should refer to my instructions from the last visit! Lol

    Well have a great day! May you be happy, healthy, safe and free!

    Annie in Delaware

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,053 Member
    Morning all.. im back down to the weight I was before I left,so Basically i didn't gain or lose. But im glad I had the experience..but that food was soo rich.. even the normal stuff..
    My tummy can't handle that.
    But going from 89 degrees to 32 degrees is quite a shock lol
    Today i have to go see the rheumatologist.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,823 Member
    Jeanne ... welcome. I find that I still have to meal plan even though both my husband and I are retired. After all of these years, it's still a challenge too. I follow a time restricted eating plan. Tried loosening that up this month to do different things with my husband and it didn't work out well for me. I need the structure to keep me from eating will-nilly. Having a meal plan helps with that as well as keeping my budget in check!

    Annie ... sorry you're dealing with diverticulitis and hope you heal soon!

    Rita ... thinking of you ...

    Lanette ...My mom is 93 and although she's dealing with dementia and instability in her legs, she is surprisingly healthy ... and I believe she is part of a generation that we will never see again. I know multiple folks in their 90s that are very sharp and physically agile and almost all of them have backgrounds that include farm/homegrown food. A less polluted planet. No pesticides or questionable farming practices. No such thing as cheese curls while growing up! I think we can get back to a lot of what these 90 year olds experienced, but some of it is gone forever.

    I am finding that I have lost muscle mass/strength since I retired. My job was physically demanding and now my days are not. I have never done well with "gym" type exercise ... no patience for it and lack commitment. Regular, functional movement has worked best and I've gotten away from that. It's an issue I need to change now.

    Vehicle is at the garage today and looks like it will be a costly fix. Of course it will be ... only one payment left on it. Not going anywhere so plan to deep clean the living room as I have company coming next week. Nothing motivates me more than expected visitors!

    Have a great day!
    Beth near Buffalo

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,237 Member

    Beth good to see you!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Rita’s MRI/PT GoFundMe has met the $150 match requirement, means she has the copay for the first MRI. Please share so more donations come in to cover the second MRI’s copay and needed PT.
    Deeply grateful to all who donated to someone they’ve never met. Generous, loving hearts, all! Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    I am so grateful for those who have donated. Most don’t even know me, others know me but never met me. I am so touched by the generosity. Thank you all! This will go a long way to help with my medical costs. I can’t say it enough, thank you.

    RVRita in Roswell
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,265 Member
    I have started a scarf with the same yarn and hope to do a cap too. This yarn is going a long way!

    Today is:



    RVRita in Roswell🛸👽
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,184 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,602 Member
    edited 4:57PM
    Monday-the incredible generosity of strangers.
    Sunday-rain eased to fog which cleared to stunning blue skies and sea by the time I got to church.
    Saturday- Joe making the effort to “be nice” to Moochie despite being occasionally annoyed.
    Friday-Our coastal library system and the special events they sponsor. Celtic harpists in Gold Beach next month. Thanks Joe for pointing it out in the newspaper!
    Thursday-Surprisingly not sore after yesterday’s BB&B, line dance and dog group. Most steps since early August!
    Wednesday-found the two missing dark socks in the pile of whites to be laundered. :laugh:

    Thank$ Kim! Thank$ Beth! Thank$ Heather!
    Donors from everywhere, mfp, friends, church, even one I have no idea who she is or how she found the GoFundMe. Reminds me of the goodness in most. Thank you all!
    Barbie ((hugs)) for you and Jake. So scary.
    Mo inspiring exercise, no wonder you fit smaller clothes now!
    Machka yay for bees!
    Tracey, yours to Annie about dementia, grief and telling Dad’s doctor about the depression.
    Margaret “. . . become your own dragon” :love: And you’re so right about paying the grocer or paying the doctor. Well done!
    Allie so sorry to hear you caught cold on you cruise. :love: the pic of you hangin’ by the pool in Aruba. Like Carol, I really appreciate being able to vicariously travel through you and the others here who share.
    Lanette local storage and keyboards, could we be sisters from another mister? Yes found way less expensive Part D for Joe. Looks like if we continue to get his $pendy eyedrops from Imprimis rX and not through Part D, his annual expenses will go way down. Details after I talk to Wellcare. It really hits those who used ‘Medicare Advantage’ plans. NONE will be offered in Curru county next year so all have to move to original Medicare, Plan B supplements and Plan D for rX. What a cluster! Rosie, Thelma and Gladys and Fairy the hens have my vote! Yes phone in pants or jacket pocket, it’s my step counter. Also keep it on silent, my friends know I won’t answer a text until I happen to look at my phone :laugh:
    Rebecca imho some Lawyer is laughing all the way to the bank about those safety warning on childrens’ meds.
    Rita which headphones do you use? Haven’t been able to tolerate any earbuds. Great walking and stretching!
    Lisa your daughter’s ring tone cracks me up!
    Vicki you are so wise, both to reduce car payment and to making yourself a schedule. That was one of my fears when I retired, I need the external discipline to get off my butt. Signing up for classes helped, so there was somewhere I had to be at a certain time so no excuses. Get up, get showered, get going. Glad you took a week off, imho you’ll need more time to decompress before you start your new schedule. ((hugs))
    Rori always love seeing you pop in!
    Decluttering challenge Day 36/30
    36 Office table -reconciled credit card bills, filed, and cleared the table AGAIN (how does stuff pile up so fast?). All gone except the last fire district binder ;{.
    Only through pg 23 but the “you’re sitting too long timer” just went off.
    More later, lighter, lovelies!
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Move more than yesterday, fuel better than yesterday, live NOW.
    Open heart and mind before mouth.
    2024: Strengthen: body, mind, heart-connections
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    Vicki - I think transferring the phones and alarms out of state is NOT a good idea. I guess they'll learn the hard way. There's a lot of benefit to having the phone answering on the premises - you and your employees know and understand how the hospital works, what calls are really important, what to do when there's a weather or other emergency, etc. Someone answering in another state has no clue, even though they may have been trained. That stuff is best learned first hand. Hang in there.

    - yes, I think diminishing strength is likely due mostly to age.

    - I agree, the way of life that kept our parents strong has changed a lot with all of the environmental stuff. I guess we need to be as active as we can without hurting ourselves and eat the best food we can find and afford.

    Barbara - interesting no Medicare Advantage plans being offered in your county. So I guess there's no medical underwriting and everyone qualifies for Part B no matter the state of their health. Yes, it will be a mess for those with Advantage plans currently with little or no monthly premiums - they'll now have to come up with some $$. I need to remember to switch my Medicare Part D this coming month.

    It's a chilly rainy day here.

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,622 Member
    edited 7:18PM
    MFP Weekly Check-In for October 28, 2024

    Rita in Roswell NM - Up .8 from last week. Not walking as much as I could or should. Not eating well either. My mood has been down in the dumps lately which isn’t helping. I will get back to it. 173.1 today. All time high since on MFP-210, high this try was 186, so still down 13 pounds. Not bad.

    Barbara on the Southern Oregon Coast - WT today down to 128.7, v. thankful. Weekly average down to 130.6, monthly average to 131.7. Sugar, CI<CO, AF, all below par. 9K+ steps Wednesday not enough to compensate for 3K and 4K days. Back to line dancing, Wednesday dog group and BB&B, not yet PT or Zumba.

    Lanette SW WA State – weight staying in range at 158.75. Gradually increasing walking with weights this past week since outside activities are grinding to a halt with the rainy weather.