I have lost 20 lbs in six weeks and have never felt more alone~!

I didn't know if I wanted to cry or laugh this morning. I have lost 20 pounds in six weeks.
I am doing my thing. I signed up here but I am not sure why anymore. I can log my food and can read posts and stories, but I can't interact with anybody. Nobody answered when I introduced myself here and I have 0 friends -not sure what good friends would do here anyway if you can't communicate.

I am on a mission and I will succeed. I do this for myself, my family, my future, and most of all, my health. I am not using any weight loss drugs. It's just me relearning how to eat right. "I can't eat love or happiness" is perhaps the biggest acknowledgment. Also, my portions were out of control and so was I. I have 80 more pounds to lose.

I am writing this because I think there might be others like me here, who also feel lonely and kind of invisible at MFP. After all, we are. But you know what? I am here and I am fighting! So are you!

I don't eat low-carb or high-protein, I eat everything but in moderation. No added sugar no processed food or anything fried in oil, besides that, all is fair game.

I use smaller plates. I drink lots of water (not sodas). I eat fruits (no candy). I chia pudding (no cakes) I have a small drink (not a bottle). I pre-cook, I plan and I weigh almost everything. I am proud of myself. Who would have thought?

To all of you who might be reading this. Thank you! I am on top of this world.

20 pounds! Whoo-Hoo ****


  • You sound determined and motivated. Leave all the negative feelings away. You should be proud of yourself for this fantastic start. After all, we all have to win our inner bad self firstly. The socialization is going to be present in your real life, you don't need a forum for that. Keep it up, stay focused and you will see even more better results.
    I have lost 66 pounds (30 kg) and I am reaching my goal and then comes the more difficult task to stay there...
    You wrote sth very important. "It's just me relearning how to eat right". This is the key to success. It doesn't have to be an extreme diet , we have just to be smart and learn to do it right. And the great gift for you, your family and the ones that care about you will be the better version of you. Also, the medical exams will be the best ever, if you stay on track.
    Keep it up !!!
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 119 Member
    @Lady_Magenta congrats on your loss. 20 pounds is amazing. It looks like you have figured out your "why" and what works best for you. Making sure you have a sustainable plan is going to be the biggest thing you can do.

    I echo Surfergirl on the friends. I had a bunch when I first joined years ago, and the format was different. I have gotten some requests from guys trolling and no longer accept any requests. But use these discussion s for support.

    Good luck on your journey
  • lesdarts180
    lesdarts180 Posts: 3,014 Member
    @Lady_Magenta , congratulations on your achievement so far. You know, at the end of the day we all have to just do our thing and not rely on others. We all have different goals and different ways of getting there.
    You might benefit from joining a challenge or a group. I've been a member of the Ultimate Accountability Challenge for over 3 years and we are a very friendly, non-judgemental group.

    Unfortunately, I don't know how to post links so I shall call up the administrators and they can help you join. Or you can just look for it in the Challenges section - a new group starts every month, usually around the 26th of the previous month.

    Calling @takinitalloff and @deskjockey925 help!
  • iowalinda
    iowalinda Posts: 357 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I was able to get to my goal weight some years ago and have been maintaining since. You can do it, too. Just take it one day at a time. This is a lifestyle change - not a quick fix and then returning to old eating habits. One of the things that helped me is to never bring anything home that I don't want to eat. If it's not there, you can't eat it. No candy, no chips, no cookies, etc. Actually, very little processed food comes in my house at all. I bulk up all my meals with veggies. I have a sweet tooth, which I satisfy with fruit. Frozen bananas satisfy my craving for ice cream. I hope some of this has been of help to you. Have a great day :)
  • Sand_TIger
    Sand_TIger Posts: 1,091 Member
    Twenty pounds is fantastic! Also I love your strategies. I've done many of the same things and it really does help. I also appreciate the fact that you're not doing any specific "diet" but are still seeing success. That's especially great because it'll be easier to maintain once you've reached goal. Sounds like you are doing a great job figuring out where your obstacles are and learning new ways around them.

    That said, I agree that it can be pretty hard to feel "seen" here sometimes. You might find some interesting conversations in the forums to join, that can be helpful. It made a lot more sense to have friends and such before MFP decided to get rid of our activity feed. That was a really great way to quickly converse with friends but now that it's gone I find it a bit harder to engage.

    In any case, I hope the rest of your day goes well and here's to your continued success!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,941 Member
    There are so many that post here and your original post may have moved down the page fast. Welcome to MFP and keep up what you're doing!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 40 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lvsherri13
    lvsherri13 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning, @Lady_Magenta , and thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings! BTW, You write beautifully, too! I think that you are doing up front what anybody who is using diets or 'helper' drugs will ultimately need to do in order to maintain their hard-fought weightloss - you are making the lifestyle changes! I have always been a person who wanted to be invisible, so I've had to learn to engage with others and be more comfortable sharing in groups.
    Congratulations on your victories, and know that your writing has also inspired others (even if they still choose to remain invisible!)
    Have a great week, everyone!
  • 123juliaj123
    123juliaj123 Posts: 76 Member
    A huge congratulations to you losing 20 pounds, that is amazing!!!! Go you, your healthy future is waiting. ((((hugs))))
  • lyricrebecca
    lyricrebecca Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss. You've done an amazing job! 20 pounds is a lot! Keep up the great work!
  • anniejocoby
    anniejocoby Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats! You're doing fantastic and keep it up! You have friends here. :)
  • trulypleasant
    trulypleasant Posts: 3 Member

    I logged into MFP today to cancel my auto-renewal for the Premium plan. It cancels in March '25 so I might as well take advantage of the reports up until then. My profile says I've been a member since 2017, and I've been paying for Premium for at least 3 years. My Garmin partners with MFP and I haven't taken advantage of that.

    Congrats on the great job you are doing. I'm what they call a Lapsed Lifetimer which is a Weighwatchers member who is making their way back to goal weight.


  • Fjm2
    Fjm2 Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 20
    YOU Are a ROCK STAR!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,139 Member
    Welcome, @Lady_Magenta!

    As you're finding, you will definitely get more interaction here participating in threads than starting intro threads - I know I'm guilty of not responding to those type of threads because sooooo many of them are one and done (though now you've made me wonder how many people don't come back because they get no responses!!).

    Jump into some threads that interest you and get chatting! It's actually a sociable bunch here.

    I too miss the old newsfeed and the actual point of having friends - it feels like they axed the newsfeed and the 'friends' feature is this remnant hanging in the wind.
  • crawforda3465
    crawforda3465 Posts: 62 Member
    Great job and CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss journey!! Personally I was really disheartened when MFP took away the newsfeed. I was a member on here since 2012! I still come on here once in awhile but joined Loseit and really like it. The community on there is great and VERY similar to MFP before they did away with the newsfeed. Feel free to message me if you ever want to join ($15 a year for premium or I think it is free too!) and we can encourage each other on there. Congratulations again and best of luck to you! 💝🌺
  • Interbeing
    Interbeing Posts: 45 Member
    Congratulations on 20 lbs, it is a real accomplishment! I am coming back to MFP, not so much for weight loss, but to get my cholesterol levels down without statins. There used to be a daily feed when I was active on MFP a few years ago, it appears to have changed and I can't seem to find it. I did have a lot of online friends in the past and it was a great motivator, hopefully I can find the setting to activate it again. Best wishes! BTW, I am sending a friend request.
  • DraakR
    DraakR Posts: 2 Member
    I have posted a few times, never expected and never got a response. Tried even so much times to loose weight. And yes I'm going for it again right now. Would be nice to have some support and maybe make a friend. You lost 20 pounds, that's about 9 or 10 kg, that is simply amazing and just by moderation. Chances are with that you will keep it off and even loose a lot more. I have my fingers crossed for you.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,371 Member
    I'm sorry to see the Newfeed feature gone too. Kind of makes it pointless closing your diary now if it doesn't post to your feed and keep you more accountable. I used to like cheering other MFP friend's losses, but have to go to my Friends List now to see how they're getting on, but even then it's just their total loss.
  • jenjohn95
    jenjohn95 Posts: 1 Member
    I think MFP is a good place to see what others are doing but, like any online environment, real connections aren't likely. Your 20 pound loss is amazing! I can't imagine how good that must feel! Go you! Regarding connections, I joined a Cross Fit gym 7 weeks ago and the camaraderie is just what my soul needed, and I didn't even know it. I go to a 5:30 a.m. class and we're a small but consistent group. When I don't show up, they notice, and that feels good! It also helps to motivate me to go when I know my absence will be noticed. Have you thought about joining some type of fitness class? Being an introvert, it never occurred to me that I'd thrive off the energy of others, but here I am, really enjoying my class!
  • jrhendley
    jrhendley Posts: 8 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. This website has changed and I'm not sure if I like it or not. Before I had a daily feed where I can post things with friends. I don't get that anymore. I also was going to do it free like I use too, but I didn't see that option. I am paying, but it is not that high. I love just about everything about the app, but I would like to correspond with people more. I get several friend requests, but have not accepted any yet. It has been all guys and I don't feel safe chatting with any of them. I would welcome someone who is going through the same things that I am. I have about 45 more pounds to lose. I have lost 20.
  • Cjwaterford
    Cjwaterford Posts: 3 Member
    @Lady_Magenta Welcome to MFP.
    Sounds like you are doing great and on the right track.
    I totally understand how you are feeling. Feel free to send me a friend request if you want anyone to have accountability with. I would be happy to be their for you on your journey.
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