Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • SkierElle
    I am almost 7hrs into it and I am not hungry but I am super bored so I am trying to stay distracted so I wont go nibble. LOL
    I just made my meal for after the 24hrs and its a healthy one...shrimp with veggies. Looking forward to it for sure. I wonder if I can stick with it once I make it to work in the morning because of that silly candy drawer. I can do this...I have too! :bigsmile:

    Nice idea making the meal for after already - you'll be sure it's healthy!
    I've gotten to the point where I can be fasting and people can be prepping food around me that smells really good, or eating, and I'm not at all bothered by it! It definitely helps with self control. I love it!
    I'm about 9 hours in and not hungry at all =) I'm drinking sparkling water (raspberry) with some lemon juice. 0 cals and it tastes good and seems to fill me up!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member

    I've gotten to the point where I can be fasting and people can be prepping food around me that smells really good, or eating, and I'm not at all bothered by it! It definitely helps with self control. I love it!

    I hope to be that way from this! To not eat just because someone near me is :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Ok I really want to try this too!!! I tried reading through all 16 pages and totally gave up LOL
    anyone who is doing this...can you please explain to me how its working for you and how you feel? and exactly how you do it? 6pm day one to 6pm day 2....just 2 days a week? do you feel yourself starving the day after the fast and you just want to eat everything in sight? I may try this tmrw :-) thanks for any help!

    The way I do it is I pick evenings a week (Sunday and Wednesday usually). Then after dinner I have nothing else to eat for 24 hours until the next dinner on Monday/Thursday. I make sure my fasting are on days that I am going to be moving around alot and busy. I still do my exercising on those days and actually find that I am more energized. I drink LOTS of water and even some diet soda occasionally. Think ahead and plan what your dinner will be so you don't overindulge. Keep yourself busy and determined. I set a timer countdown on my phone so that when temptation comes, I remind myself that I only have 12:25 to go (as I am fasting now). That means that I'm almost halfway there and can do the rest. Usually for me, the time between the last 4 to 6 hours get me. But I can power through. After you are successful with your first, the others get easier. Hope this explained a little more.
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I guess the big question here is after following this post is, has anyone lost any weight after following this routine for a couple of weeks? I tried it once or twice but couldnt make it past 18 hours or so.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I guess the big question here is after following this post is, has anyone lost any weight after following this routine for a couple of weeks? I tried it once or twice but couldnt make it past 18 hours or so.

    Yes, I have lost quite a bit of weight with Intermittent Fasting and eating Paleo style.

    The key to being able to Practice IF and not be hungry is to eat higher fat, moderate protein and very low carb. You will stay full, satisfied and not have any cravings. The only thing is, you will be more thirsty so you will be drinking more water and teas..........and that keeps you quite on the full side too.
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    Does anyone do the daily intermittent fasting? I like this better because you still get to eat everyday. I haven't done it in a little while but was really thinking about starting it again to loose the last few pounds
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Does anyone do the daily intermittent fasting? I like this better because you still get to eat everyday. I haven't done it in a little while but was really thinking about starting it again to loose the last few pounds

    Do you mean the leangains plan? Even with ESE, you get to eat every day. For example, you eat dinner one day, then don't eat again for 24 hours, so you pick up eating again w/ your next dinner.

    Leangains has you not eating for 16 hours, so eat lunch,snacks, dinner in an 8 hour period and stop eating until lunch the next day.

    IF really works for losing weight. It's easy to follow and as long as you stay disciplined and exercise you should see great results fairly quickly.
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    Yep that's basically what I mean like I will have a 5 or so hour period each day that I can eat they have a plan like that called fast 5 and I've also read leangains. I did this in high school not necesarilly on purpose though I never ate breakfast and then ended up taking a class in place of lunch and did fine still had plenty of energy and looked great to lol it was easy to keep it off even when I ate whatever on weekends. I really like doing the IF but don't know if I could do the 24 hour one it would be easier for me to do it everyday :)
  • fairyleo
    fairyleo Posts: 23 Member
    I started my 24 hour fast, 1st time. started at 1pm and will end tomorrow at 1pm.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Yep that's basically what I mean like I will have a 5 or so hour period each day that I can eat they have a plan like that called fast 5 and I've also read leangains. I did this in high school not necesarilly on purpose though I never ate breakfast and then ended up taking a class in place of lunch and did fine still had plenty of energy and looked great to lol it was easy to keep it off even when I ate whatever on weekends. I really like doing the IF but don't know if I could do the 24 hour one it would be easier for me to do it everyday :)

    I've been doing something along these lines for a few days now. I'm actually getting ready to go do a fasted cardio session, then break this current fast which was started last night at 10. I really like it so far. I was planning to do the leangains style thing, but I train in the mornings on the weekend, so I'll have to figure out how that will work, because I don't think I can fast through an afternoon and into the night. I ended up overeating this weekend after doing the daily fasts the last 3 days of last week, but I blame the freaking Christmas parties.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I guess the big question here is after following this post is, has anyone lost any weight after following this routine for a couple of weeks? I tried it once or twice but couldn't make it past 18 hours or so.

    This is actually what helped me to lose the last 10 lb, and then the vanity 5 lb after that. I'm in maintenance mode now, so I don't stick to it as much as I used to. But I use it occasionally now if I see the lb creeping back on or I need a "re-set".

    Someone also mentioned that anything past 16 hours is extra. If 18 is your magic number, then maybe next time go 18:15. What's another 15 minutes after 18 hours, right?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I've got 1:48 to go for my 24 hour. Working at the computer to keep my fingers and mind busy. Looking forward to a nice quiet dinner with hubby. Haven't figured it out yet because thinking about what to have for dinner will just make me hungry. Patience, patience. Two hours after completing 22 hours is nothing (she keeps repeating to herself over and over)
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    thanks for the feedback!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Ok so I'm 4 hours short on my fasting today. But because I just cooked my food.. and it would tastes better eating warm.
    I'm going to work out out in another hour and have a green with protein smoothie after my WL.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I had lunch out today and am still full!! So I figured it's a good day for a fast so I started at about 4:00, just had a fantastic workout. This one should be extra good because I didn't eat today before or after I worked out and won't until after tomorrow either. With the lunch I had I should go two days anyway, lol!! Not that I will. Good luck to those close to being done!!
  • SkierElle
    I was going to fast tomorrow but since my stomach is feeling a little funky I figure I may as well today, and I haven't had anything since 7pm last night... So I might have dinner tonight or see if I can make it till the morning. If I dont make it till the morning I might try again for a 30 hour + fast on Friday or the beginning of next week! Now I get to study all day - how exciting right?!
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
  • missdiva2000
    Started last night at 8pm, dont think I will be able to do the full 24 hours, but Im gonna do at least 18 hours. This is my first time trying the fasting method. I want to try it at least 2 days a week. As of right now I am starving, I think it is because I did not eat a healthy dinner. I had a slice of pizza. Not good I know, I got to do better, but I only have a few more hours to go!!! and I already know what Im having for dinner tonight. Baked chicken, baked potato and green beans.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I plan on starting my first fast tonight at around 8. That'll give me time to make dinner after I get home from the gym. I plan on taking the day off tomorrow from the gym. WIth being my first fast I want to see how I feel. I'm afraid I may be a little too weak. Let you know how it goes!!!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I plan on starting my first fast tonight at around 8. That'll give me time to make dinner after I get home from the gym. I plan on taking the day off tomorrow from the gym. WIth being my first fast I want to see how I feel. I'm afraid I may be a little too weak. Let you know how it goes!!!

    So I was just thinking after I posted this, that maybe it would be easier for me to start my fast today after lunch. Then not eat again until lunch tomorrow. I could definitely get away with this b/c my husband is out of town. When he is here I would definitely have to do the fast during the day b/c he wouldn't be crazy about me not eating dinner.

    Would it be counterproductive if I drank coffee in the morning during the fast? One cup of coffee is always a good appetite suppressent for me.