Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • SkierElle
    Well the fast yesterday turned out pretty easy and was followed by a great dinner that we made! My cousin enjoyed it so much and said "it was the best dinner I ever had" and thought it was weird we were making chicken in the oven because her mom "buys the kind that is hot in the bag". Personally, my parents never fed me crap that was my own fault eating too many desserts and such in college, but I feel sympathy for the people who didn't learn to cook and eat right as children. Now my cousin knows how to make pasta, steam vegetables, and bake chicken, and I explained to her how I canned the applesauce we had!

    Not really ESE related but I thought I would share how important it is for kids to learn how to cook &eat right :)

    Heather, haha may be sympathy eating this week but next month at Christmas we'll all be in it together =)

    I usually workout in the morning , so it is best for me to have breakfast right after I work out when I break a fast. On sunday I'll fast after breakfast till Monday morn. Only got 2 in this week but planning for 3 next week :) Have a good weekend everyone!
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    back at it today! i ate way too much junk over the past few days and am afraid to jump on the scale. i am going to try to stay off of it until a couple weeks go by - hopefully i'll be pleasanty surprised!

    fasting is really hard for me this week! gotta be better.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm going for it today. I have only been fasting about 2 times a month, not much. My birthday is tomorrow so my company took me to lunch today, chinese...mmmm...but so bad. Blech. And my inlaws are taking my family to dinner tomorrow. So that leaves a good 24 hours in between, from after lunch, to a early afternoon snack before dinner tomorrow. And my hubs is busy tonight so I only have to cook dinner for the kids so I won't be so tempted to eat dinner. I can do this! :)
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I finished my first fast for the night last night, I'm debating whether or not to start my second one tonight, or tomorrow. I suppose it will all depend on if I need a snack tonight or not! :wink:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay, so as many times as I have been trying to do this for the past month, I end up somehow slipping up or not completing it. And it's showing up. I keep making excuses. Oh just a little nibble won't hurt. But today I am determined. Of course, I am stuck in the house all day, but am loaded with tons of water and tea. Kickboxing class to end the fast at 6:30, then dinner with a friend (sensible I'm hoping). I am going to do this! No excuses!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well on the downside of the fast, the last 12 hours. I even made my husband prepare the kid's lunches and breakfasts so I have no excuse to nibble. I can do this !!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Well lulabellewoowoo I hope you made it through this one!!!
    I started my fast last night at about 8:30, its going to be a hard weekend to be 'good' ahead. I have a birthday party to go to tonight, and tomorrow night is my work christmas party, I'm REALLY REALLY going to try to get up and go to 10:00 Kickboxing class tomorrow, I hope I make it!
    Anyway, have a good weekend everyone! :bigsmile:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i have really been struggling lately - like I've been rebelling against any form of diet, or self-control, for that matter....

    today i'm back on my fast and really hoping to have the will power to stick with it and then eat right once I break it and on the days between fasting, as well as doing my workouts. i am sure i've gained a couple lbs back, but i'm not even going to step on the scale to see. it's frustrating! i really like food!!!

    water water water....
  • SkierElle
    Just wanted to recognize that this is the longest time I've stuck with any sort of "diet" - about 1.5 months with ESE!!! That's about 15 fasts!!!

    I think I am going to go to 2x per week though. It will be easier, and I need more food while doing Insanity =) And I think I am taking a little break from ESE around Christmas when I am in California with my family, they will get frustrated with me if I fast when I'm there, but I'll probably end up doing a lot of the cooking so I can make great food!!!

    How's everyone doing??
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Started my fast at 12 today I hope this time around its easier.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I was FINALLY successful with a whole 24 hour fast last time around on Sunday to Monday. So I'm down to the last 12 hours of this one. I've got a massive headache due to hormone issues, so I'm going to be taking a nap today which will hopefully take a couple hours of time out. Finishing off my fast with a kickboxing workout, then dinner with the family.

    stephr2014 - I know you can make it. Keep busy.

    SkierElle - I know what you mean. The fasting actually made "dieting" easier for me. Took the pressure of what to eat/when to eat go away for two days a week.

    jenjabbour - I know you can get back to it. Although this is always a busy month for everyone, so don't be too hard on yourself.

    jb_sweet_99 - How are your successes going?
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    :bigsmile: lulabellewoowoo we've been getting dumped on with snow around here so its been hard to keep on track with everything, my Kickboxing club was closed for 3 days!! Anyway, I was back there last night and started my fast at about 8:00. I'll finish up with a Core Pole class and the last half of kickboxing. So I'll prolly only get one in this week but I figure it's better than none! I'm really trying to be good, my goal this month is to buy NO ice cream, lol....that's a big one for far so good! I only have a few months left before my cousin's wedding in Cuba so it's time to behave!
    I hope your head feels better, at the hospital they reccomend two tylenol and two advil at once, then if that doesn't work, a migraine pill. It kills it for most people I know that don't have migraines though. Good luck, feel better! :bigsmile:
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    Started again yesterday and finished today at 12. found it to be getting a little easier, Just that other people's negetive comments make it a little tougher.
  • fairyleo
    fairyleo Posts: 23 Member
    wow, this is my first time hearing about this. I'm excited to try just need to look into the details of how it works. so definitely work out on the fasting days?
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Fasting day for me. I bring my protein drink with me so I can have after yoga and step class.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I really want to try this....So how many days per week are optimal? I would read through all these postings but 16 pages are alot. heehee!!
    I am not sure if I have the will power especially at work because everyone is always bringing in treats. What exactly can I have on fasting days? Water and tea?
    And how do you deal with fasting at work? People have a tendency to comment when I am eating "diet" food.
  • ash15nicole
    Ok I really want to try this too!!! I tried reading through all 16 pages and totally gave up LOL
    anyone who is doing this...can you please explain to me how its working for you and how you feel? and exactly how you do it? 6pm day one to 6pm day 2....just 2 days a week? do you feel yourself starving the day after the fast and you just want to eat everything in sight? I may try this tmrw :-) thanks for any help!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    Ive gone back a few days and I am doing this sunday morning after breakfast to Monday morning for my 1st attempt. Ive figured that its a 24hr period with a workout near the end and a meal at the end of the 24hrs and you can do it 2-3x a week.
    Weight loss would be awesome, however I need to become mentally stronger with deciding on what I really am putting in my mouth and saying no to a whole bag of candy or pan of brownies :)
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    11:30 am start for me today. (I slept in quite a bit) heehee! Lets see how this goes! :)
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I am almost 7hrs into it and I am not hungry but I am super bored so I am trying to stay distracted so I wont go nibble. LOL
    I just made my meal for after the 24hrs and its a healthy one...shrimp with veggies. Looking forward to it for sure. I wonder if I can stick with it once I make it to work in the morning because of that silly candy drawer. I can do this...I have too! :bigsmile: