Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • LoozingIt
    LoozingIt Posts: 3 Member
    Started my first fast last night at 6:00pm. I told myself I'd start with a 20 hour fast for the first one so I've only got 1.5 hours left. It's only skipping breakfast and having a late lunch, really. I can do that!

  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    I plan on starting my first fast tonight at around 8. That'll give me time to make dinner after I get home from the gym. I plan on taking the day off tomorrow from the gym. WIth being my first fast I want to see how I feel. I'm afraid I may be a little too weak. Let you know how it goes!!!

    So I was just thinking after I posted this, that maybe it would be easier for me to start my fast today after lunch. Then not eat again until lunch tomorrow. I could definitely get away with this b/c my husband is out of town. When he is here I would definitely have to do the fast during the day b/c he wouldn't be crazy about me not eating dinner.

    Would it be counterproductive if I drank coffee in the morning during the fast? One cup of coffee is always a good appetite suppressent for me.

    coffees, teas, and even diet sodas are ok during the fast if they are no calories... so you can't add cream, sugar, etc to your coffee....
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I want to try this. My daily calorie limit is set to 1200 and sometimes that just seems like too little and if I eat my exercise calories I won't lose anything. I've been very inconsistent with my diet (especially over the last month). I'm shooting to lose a pound a week. My weigh-in's are Fridays, so I'm going to start Friday and try to do this twice a week.

    My weekly maintenance calories is 10500
    My goal is a net of 7000 to lose 1 pound

    F = 1350
    Sat = 1800
    Sun = 1350
    M = 600
    Tu = 1350
    W = 1350
    Th = 600
    Total = 8400 calories - I will burn at least 1400 calories through exercise and not eat them to make my goal of 7000.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I plan on starting my first fast tonight at around 8. That'll give me time to make dinner after I get home from the gym. I plan on taking the day off tomorrow from the gym. WIth being my first fast I want to see how I feel. I'm afraid I may be a little too weak. Let you know how it goes!!!

    So I was just thinking after I posted this, that maybe it would be easier for me to start my fast today after lunch. Then not eat again until lunch tomorrow. I could definitely get away with this b/c my husband is out of town. When he is here I would definitely have to do the fast during the day b/c he wouldn't be crazy about me not eating dinner.

    Would it be counterproductive if I drank coffee in the morning during the fast? One cup of coffee is always a good appetite suppressent for me.

    coffees, teas, and even diet sodas are ok during the fast if they are no calories... so you can't add cream, sugar, etc to your coffee....

    Perfect! I only drink black coffee any way!!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I want to try this. My daily calorie limit is set to 1200 and sometimes that just seems like too little and if I eat my exercise calories I won't lose anything. I've been very inconsistent with my diet (especially over the last month). I'm shooting to lose a pound a week. My weigh-in's are Fridays, so I'm going to start Friday and try to do this twice a week.

    My weekly maintenance calories is 10500
    My goal is a net of 7000 to lose 1 pound

    F = 1350
    Sat = 1800
    Sun = 1350
    M = 600
    Tu = 1350
    W = 1350
    Th = 600
    Total = 8400 calories - I will burn at least 1400 calories through exercise and not eat them to make my goal of 7000.

    You inspired me. I never thought about actually laying out a weekly plan like this. I did my own;

    Monday (cardio)- 1200 calories
    Tuesday (cardio)- 1750
    Wednesday (weights)- 2250
    Thursday (weights)- 2250
    Friday (cardio)- 1200
    Saturday (weights)- 2500
    Sunday (weights)- 2500

    This gives me a weekly deficit of just over 3600 calories, and gives me plenty of calories on the weekends, which will be my only non-fasting days. All other days I'll be fasting 16-18 hrs, from 10pm until I get off work the next day. This means I can eat maintenance on the weekends and still lose around 1 lb a week while eating plenty right around my workouts to avoid muscle loss.

    I'm stoked about this.
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I want to try this. My daily calorie limit is set to 1200 and sometimes that just seems like too little and if I eat my exercise calories I won't lose anything. I've been very inconsistent with my diet (especially over the last month). I'm shooting to lose a pound a week. My weigh-in's are Fridays, so I'm going to start Friday and try to do this twice a week.

    My weekly maintenance calories is 10500
    My goal is a net of 7000 to lose 1 pound

    F = 1350
    Sat = 1800
    Sun = 1350
    M = 600
    Tu = 1350
    W = 1350
    Th = 600
    Total = 8400 calories - I will burn at least 1400 calories through exercise and not eat them to make my goal of 7000.

    I need to this...How do I fugure all the calculations? I am 5'3'', 33yr F and currently 150lb if anyone would like to offer up a plan? LOL thanks!
  • SkierElle
    My typical "plan" is
    Sunday - 600
    Monday - 1400
    Tuesday - 1600
    Wednesday - 600
    Thursday - 1400
    Friday - 1400
    Saturday - 1700

    It doesnt usually pan out exactly, and this week I am doing my fast today instead. But this is my ideal plan! (including exercise calories - but I usually only dip into them 100-200 and a little more on the 1600/1700 days) Cutting out sweets and most grains has helped drastically. The higher calorie days I am trying to eat more carbs and allow myself some grains if I want them, but eventually will cut em out entirely.

    Today I am doing a 36 hour fast. I didn't really mean to, but it is working so far, and I'm not hungry. Sparkling water with lemon has helped!! I have till 7am tomorrow. which is fine since I'm going to bed soon :) I won't do this very often but it's interesting to try. I really am realizing what triggers feelings of "hunger" rather than actual hunger!! I'm thinking one 36 hour fast per month may be beneficial, but we'll see.
  • SkierElle
    I need to this...How do I fugure all the calculations? I am 5'3'', 33yr F and currently 150lb if anyone would like to offer up a plan? LOL thanks!

    My advice would be to come up with how many calories you need in a week to lose whatever weight you want per week.. then, subtract two days' worth of calories for the fasting days (maybe 400-500 for one meal) then divide the rest up between the remaining 5 days (even or not - you could have one or 2 higher cal days). It can be flexible too, ie. this week I changed my normal fast from Weds. to Tues. No big deal, it would be ideal to have 2 days between each fast though.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Today is the 1st day of my goal for the ESE. My first fasting day will be Monday.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    Tomorrow is my first fast (low calorie) day. I'm going to start off doing 18-20 hours then work my way up to 24 hours, so tomorrow, I'm going to have coffee for breakfast with a 100 calorie snack, then have a semi-big lunch (not going over 600 for the day). I'll be fasting from noon until breakfast the next day, so that should be about 20 hours.
  • SkierElle
    Good luck Stewie! I'll be fasting from tomorrow at 8am to tues. at 8am. =)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Ate dinner late last night, so this is going to be an unusually long feeling fast for me until 9 p.m., but I think it should be okay. Figuring out already a nice healthy salad with some protein for dinner. My eating habits have been HORRIBLE the past four days, so definitely needing a reset big time.

    SkierElle - Love the new pic.

    Stewie316 - You can do it!

    Check in later :)
  • wtbyerdocmd
    I'm definitely going to try this - it might be just what I need to kick start that last 5-10 lb loss
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I need to return to this. It's been hard cause hubby hasn't left town for a while and I also became obsessed with food and sugar again. This is what I need to get the sugar monkey off my back and get on track. ESE definitely works great for me, I just have to push myself into it.

    Edit: I want to do the lean gains, I have tried it a bit but I work out in the am and am not taking bcaa, plus I find it hard to be consistent with my fasting window and find myself ravenous when the fast ending time comes. Maybe after i reset my system with ESE....
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I'm fasting today, started last night at 6:30, not hungry yet, going good :bigsmile:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    To read later
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I didn't make it, once I got home I was so hungry, I just gave up. I'm going to give it another go, but I'm going to wait until the week of the 1st since I'm going to be on vacation for the rest of the year. If I quit again, then I'm just going to have 2 low calorie days, that way I can eat through the day, but it would just have to be completely healthy to not go over 600-800 calories.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I have been failing at this so badly. And the scale is reflecting it. So I am at it again. Started 10 p.m. last night. I'm actually probably going to go for 28 hours as I probably won't eat until I get up tomorrow morning at 2 a.m. But then again, I may only make it til 6 pm for dinner. So it's either a 20 hour fast or a 28 hour fast depending on how my schedule goes. Would definitely never go all day without eating usually, but hate eating late at night, which has been my biggest downfall lately. No self-control. Need to definitely reset. We will see.
  • love2sign
    lol OF course your going to lose weight when your not eating!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    lol OF course your going to lose weight when your not eating!
    Um yup. Actually not doing it so much to lose weight. Rather to reset my thinking and body and give it a break from all the junk I've been consuming. Strangely enough, it actually helps me to focus on something other than weight, food, and calorie intake for just one day, and then it leaks into the following days. But I'm definitely not one of those people who can starve themselves. I LOVE FOOD!!!!