Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Fasting will probably put your body into shock. I wonder if it will make it MORE difficult to lose weight because it might mess up your metabolism.

    and your source is....?

    ESE and other types of intermittent fasting has been researched and proven over and over again to be an effective and safe way to lose fat. You can google it and you will find tons of sites - some are personal experiences, others are from doctors, nutritionists, etc. There is no harm in a short term fast. Especially, with ESE, you are eating every single day. The body is not going to go into shock by waiting until dinner to eat for the first time.

    I know a lot of people (my dad, my husband, etc) who do this almost every day when they are busy with work. They get up and go, never stopping to eat and finally they come home for dinner. My husband happens to be very lean, he never works out, and he eats what he wants. He eats all evening - often having two dinners, and snacks before bedtime. This is how I know it works.

    I've lost a pound in the last week and I really haven't been good. I said I would count my calories, but I haven't done so since Friday lunch...LOL I've eaten ice cream, ribs, brownies, etc...LOL mixed in w/ healthy stuff of course, but the point is, it seems to be working. You eat how you want to eat, within reason, and let the fasting days take care of the calorie deficit.

    One thing that I'm seeing in my research of intermittent fasting is that it is not just the calorie deficit that makes it work - it's the demand placed on the body to burn the excess fat. The longer you go w/ out giving your body fuel, the more it is forced to use it's stored fuel. Eating a 1200 calorie a day diet will get you there eventually, but if you are eating every few hours the body is rarely calling upon it's store fat. The point of ESE isn't just to lose pounds. It's to burn the actual fat and build lean muscle. You may see a lot more definition and not so much pound loss.

    Also, for those that think you will starve, I thought the same thing, but decided that we don't get anywhere w/ out taking risks - and what's the worst thing that could happen - I break my fast early??? So what's the harm in trying? It turned out I wasn't really all that hungry.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Fasting will probably put your body into shock. I wonder if it will make it MORE difficult to lose weight because it might mess up your metabolism.

    and your source is....?

    ESE and other types of intermittent fasting has been researched and proven over and over again to be an effective and safe way to lose fat. You can google it and you will find tons of sites - some are personal experiences, others are from doctors, nutritionists, etc. There is no harm in a short term fast. Especially, with ESE, you are eating every single day. The body is not going to go into shock by waiting until dinner to eat for the first time.

    I know a lot of people (my dad, my husband, etc) who do this almost every day when they are busy with work. They get up and go, never stopping to eat and finally they come home for dinner. My husband happens to be very lean, he never works out, and he eats what he wants. He eats all evening - often having two dinners, and snacks before bedtime. This is how I know it works.

    I've lost a pound in the last week and I really haven't been good. I said I would count my calories, but I haven't done so since Friday lunch...LOL I've eaten ice cream, ribs, brownies, etc...LOL mixed in w/ healthy stuff of course, but the point is, it seems to be working. You eat how you want to eat, within reason, and let the fasting days take care of the calorie deficit.

    One thing that I'm seeing in my research of intermittent fasting is that it is not just the calorie deficit that makes it work - it's the demand placed on the body to burn the excess fat. The longer you go w/ out giving your body fuel, the more it is forced to use it's stored fuel. Eating a 1200 calorie a day diet will get you there eventually, but if you are eating every few hours the body is rarely calling upon it's store fat. The point of ESE isn't just to lose pounds. It's to burn the actual fat and build lean muscle. You may see a lot more definition and not so much pound loss.

    Also, for those that think you will starve, I thought the same thing, but decided that we don't get anywhere w/ out taking risks - and what's the worst thing that could happen - I break my fast early??? So what's the harm in trying? It turned out I wasn't really all that hungry.

    Well said my friend! Trust me, I've got enough fat on me that I will not starve, lol! :wink:
  • manda1284
    Fasting will probably put your body into shock. I wonder if it will make it MORE difficult to lose weight because it might mess up your metabolism.

    and your source is....?

    ESE and other types of intermittent fasting has been researched and proven over and over again to be an effective and safe way to lose fat. You can google it and you will find tons of sites - some are personal experiences, others are from doctors, nutritionists, etc. There is no harm in a short term fast. Especially, with ESE, you are eating every single day. The body is not going to go into shock by waiting until dinner to eat for the first time.

    I know a lot of people (my dad, my husband, etc) who do this almost every day when they are busy with work. They get up and go, never stopping to eat and finally they come home for dinner. My husband happens to be very lean, he never works out, and he eats what he wants. He eats all evening - often having two dinners, and snacks before bedtime. This is how I know it works.

    I've lost a pound in the last week and I really haven't been good. I said I would count my calories, but I haven't done so since Friday lunch...LOL I've eaten ice cream, ribs, brownies, etc...LOL mixed in w/ healthy stuff of course, but the point is, it seems to be working. You eat how you want to eat, within reason, and let the fasting days take care of the calorie deficit.

    One thing that I'm seeing in my research of intermittent fasting is that it is not just the calorie deficit that makes it work - it's the demand placed on the body to burn the excess fat. The longer you go w/ out giving your body fuel, the more it is forced to use it's stored fuel. Eating a 1200 calorie a day diet will get you there eventually, but if you are eating every few hours the body is rarely calling upon it's store fat. The point of ESE isn't just to lose pounds. It's to burn the actual fat and build lean muscle. You may see a lot more definition and not so much pound loss.

    Also, for those that think you will starve, I thought the same thing, but decided that we don't get anywhere w/ out taking risks - and what's the worst thing that could happen - I break my fast early??? So what's the harm in trying? It turned out I wasn't really all that hungry.

    Well said my friend! Trust me, I've got enough fat on me that I will not starve, lol! :wink:

    It makes sense! That's why our bodies store fat, so that we can use it up later :)
  • kargreen
    I started last night around 7:30pm. I wanted to start at 6pm but didn't make it home from work early enough to have dinner. I only had a small portion of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Not too bad! So far today I have been drinking water. I don't feel too hungry. The worst part for me is that i want candy or gum. Water doesn't leave a good taste in your mouth.... It's just blah...

    I'm also on day 23 of my 30 day shred. I haven't missed one day yet!! YAY!!! My back is soar today but I am going to get through it.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    The longer you go w/ out giving your body fuel, the more it is forced to use it's stored fuel. Eating a 1200 calorie a day diet will get you there eventually, but if you are eating every few hours the body is rarely calling upon it's store fat. The point of ESE isn't just to lose pounds. It's to burn the actual fat and build lean muscle. You may see a lot more definition and not so much pound loss.

    What about the more common recommendation that if you eat more frequently (albeit smaller meals) you are keeping your metabolism going strong?
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    a lot of what I have ready has said that isn't really true. i don't have the time to go back and look for it, but just start researching it and you'll find lots of articles about it.
  • SkierElle
    Nichole: yeah, since I have started tracking my calories on non-fasting days I have lost 4.5 lbs in the last two weeks, and have been on MFP for a month now and lost 8lbs total. :) I also find that I get better workouts and have more self control over food and other things too!

    Jenjabbour, nicely put! I think that anyone who does their research on this will realize that it is not only safe but beneficial to our bodies and not just in the short term!
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    I made it the 24 hours! I wasn't even that hungry. I went shopping during lunch to get out of the office. I am proud of myself. I am eating a tuna salad wrap in one of those yummy flat out wraps now with lots of veggies. I am thinking of having some 94% fat free popcorn later as a snack, but I feel satisfied from my wrap already.
  • SkierElle
    Good job!! you may find that after fasting, you are satisfied by a small to medium sized meal and not really ravenous! that's how i usually feel anyway.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I have been failing miserably all week and it showed on the scale today. Two attempts at fasting, two failures. So I'm doing a 20 hour fast today with nothing to eat after my dinner so I don't blow it. So I'm down to 12 hours, which I am DETERMINED this time to succeed at!!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Congrats Nichole, I knew you could do it. Good job :drinker:
    You can do it lulabellewoowoo!!! I'll be starting another one tonight I think, over indulged and had two pops yesterday, I never have pop! I feel so bloated today, lots of water for me!!! :bigsmile:
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks jb_sweet. I feel good about being able to do it. Now I need to continue this and hope the weight starts to come off. I keep going up and down the same 5 lbs. I need to go down and stay down and go down some more!
  • kargreen
    I made it until 6:30pm. I have been about an hour or so off. Not too bad I guess. I had homemade sauce that I pulled out of the freezer so I made spaghetti. I am doing the fast again today... Just trying to get a jump start before Thanksgiving.. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone...

    (I will not be logging what i eat tomorrow - but I am getting up early to go for a run and to do my shred video)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm at 7 hours, and got a really good workout in. Fortunately, working now and then volunteering at my kids' school, so I should be kept pretty busy. Not hungry yet, but it will probably hit me about hour 16 to 18. Those are my hard times.

    Great job Nichole

    Jenn, you can do it. Don't beat yourself up about the soda. Live and learn. Good job on the water.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i can do this!!!!! we can do this!!!!

    i didn't start until midnight - because I just had to have a piece of pie, a glass of milk, and peanuts before bed last night.... otherwise, i would've started at 6 pm and i'd only have 5 more hours to go. oh well. i'll be busy this evening and i'm serving left overs for dinner tonight so I"m freed up to make thanksgiving goodies instead. so, if i make it to midnight without eating, i'll probably just go to bed and eat breakfast to break my fast... get it Break-fast??? LOL.... ok, kinda corny, but it makes sense right? i know you can do a fast for 72 hrs before it causes the body to go into starvation mode, so i'm not worried, especially since my body will be getting plenty of goodies tomorrow!

    i'm not at my thanksgiving day goal weight... still 2 lbs away :( oh well, just going to have to work harder between Tday and Christmas... was planning on killing it anyways over the next few weeks. granted, i have not been very good lately, so it's a wonder i'm losing weight at all! I'll give ESE all the credit :D

    i will take a before picture tonight or tomorrow to track my next 30 day journey - i am hoping with the help of ESE, a stricter diet, and working out daily i will show some good results of less fat and more muscle. wish me luck! anyone wanna join in?
  • SkierElle
    I just started Insanity and am doing a 1000 cal burned per day challenge this week, so I decided to opt out on the pre-thanksgiving fast. plus my friend (who I haven't seen in awhile!) asked me to go out tonight and have cocktails. soo, I am doing that. Lol. but I already got one fast this week - Sunday, and will do a post- turkey day fast. That will only be 2 this week, but that's ok. I'm thinking of alternating weeks between 2 and 3 fasts.

    I am definitely not over-indulging tomorrow, I'll have my protein shake after my insanity workout in the morning and then just some turkey, veg, and tiny bit of pie. thanksgiving has never been a favorite holiday for me.

    jenjabbour, I recently took pics of myself to compare for Insanity, so i will take them again right before Xmas after a month has gone by! very motivating thats for sure. it will be interesting to see the results of insanity + ESE. I'll post the results either here or on my profile/blog when I'm done! eek. would be cool for many ESE-ers to take pictures though, to compare definition and tone with people who eat the same calories daily to lose weight.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Started a fast last night at 5:00, feels good to get it started early. I ate crap yesterday (no not turkey I'm in Canada lol)but today is another day, but It prompted me to start a fast and it was pretty easy because that crap kept me full all night even after two workouts!!
    Good luck if anyone else is with me on this fast! :bigsmile:
  • SkierElle
    yep Jenn, I started last night too; at 6pm. going good so far, however I kinda missed my protein shake after my insanity workout! Oh well I'll be fine. had some water and tea instead. it's going fine not really hungry, I didn't have TOO much bad stuff for thanksgiving but still more than normal of course. Not usually a fan of starting the fast in the evening but some days it works best, especially since tonight I am having my cousin over and we'll make a good dinner. She is only 11 but her mom kinda makes a lot of convenience food so I am going to teach her how to make chicken and veggies the *good* way ;-)

    Good luck to all of you!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good for u Elle! I always do my workouts in the evening (I work 9-5 except holidays), so I plan my fast accordingly. I try to start the fast at 7 or 7:30 so when I get home from Kickboxing and Core Pole at 7 I can shower and eat right away then I don't find that I'm missing out, sometimes I'll slug back some milk before I hop in the shower depending on what time I started the fast. I've been super hungry today though, I've already drank 12 glasses of water lol! I'm still deciding on dinner myself, too many ideas in my brain at the moment lol. GOod job teaching her the 'good' way, hopefully she'll really enjoy it and push her mom to make her better food! Its frustrating when you eat so healthy and see kids eating crap, that's how we all got here! Hopefully your influence will help her out! :bigsmile:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Started a fast last night at 5:00, feels good to get it started early. I ate crap yesterday (no not turkey I'm in Canada lol)but today is another day, but It prompted me to start a fast and it was pretty easy because that crap kept me full all night even after two workouts!!
    Good luck if anyone else is with me on this fast! :bigsmile:

    Yea me too (ate like crap and am Canadian) wonder if its sympathy eating or something b/c of all the turkey talk here from the americans, lol!