Eat Stop it's worked for me.



  • kargreen
    Happy New Year everyone...
    I am going to start tonight! I had planned on doing it a few times over the holiday break but everytime I wanted to someone would be having dinner or drinks - something to throw it off.

    I tried to behave and I did work out over the holidays... I even got an ab pro circle that I got put together today. My husband bought a Wii so I am going to use my gift card for the Wii fit. He bought me a pedometer so I can track my calories burned.

    It's just been so hard because it's getting cold out and I have a desk job. The only time I can work out is at night now and that takes time away from my kids. My little one got a trampoline (small one) for Christmas and my older son got a punching bag - they are all down stairs so I am hoping its something we can do together...
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Has anyone just done it for 12 or 16 hours? I wonder if it has the same/similar effects.. I have read about the health benefits of resting your gi tract by going just 12 hours. I started last night at midnight and going today till midnight to start the New Year off right. The picture is from last year and I have gained about 5 lbs that I would love to get back off and be that sharp again for summer. Going in for knee surgery Tue and will be non weight bearing for up to 6 weeks so it will be a challenge.

    I don't do 24 hrs. I usually do 18 hrs, from 10 at night to 4 the next afternoon. I don't think anything less then 15 would be worth it, because for me the appetite supression really doesn't kick in until that point. Once I get to 18 hrs, I'm only eating because I know it's time. I'm hardly ever hungry by then.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I have gotten so way off track in my concentration, so I am back at it starting today (technically last night). Unfortunately, stopped eating at 10 pm, so my end time today no earlier than 4 p.m., (might be later depending on kids and dinner) which will be 18 hours. My next one will be Wednesday evening to Thursday evening, and I'll make sure I cut off by 6:30 so that I can get a full 24 hours in. I'm sitting here wanting to eat everything in sight, but I'm not actually hungry, which makes me know it's more a stress/bad habit thing. Hopefully after today, I can start to reset my thinking and view of food and get back to eating healthy and feeling more energetic. So sleepy....:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    me too! my concentration has been horrible lately. and that's probably why i've gained 5 lbs!!! ugh! i guess I could've done worse through the holidays, but really, I should've done better!

    so back to ESE it is for me because that seemed to really work out well, especially because I do not like to count calories :) i know i could and maybe i should still, but i'm going to try it w/ out counting paired up with following a slow carb diet plan :) it allows me to eat as much as i want of the RIGHT foods every day and as much as i want of any food 1 day a week. sounds like a winning plan to me :) i sure hope it works in my favor.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    Has anyone just done it for 12 or 16 hours? I wonder if it has the same/similar effects.. I have read about the health benefits of resting your gi tract by going just 12 hours. I started last night at midnight and going today till midnight to start the New Year off right. The picture is from last year and I have gained about 5 lbs that I would love to get back off and be that sharp again for summer. Going in for knee surgery Tue and will be non weight bearing for up to 6 weeks so it will be a challenge.

    I don't do 24 hrs. I usually do 18 hrs, from 10 at night to 4 the next afternoon. I don't think anything less then 15 would be worth it, because for me the appetite supression really doesn't kick in until that point. Once I get to 18 hrs, I'm only eating because I know it's time. I'm hardly ever hungry by then.

    i've read that 16+ is best. I try to get as close to 20 as possible, but really a full 24 is pretty easy for me. My hardest part is the STOP part of ESE.... LOL I have issues stopping my eating in order to start my fast.
  • glittersoul
    Hi! Saving this thread for later to read. ... Starting my fast in the AM. I did Ori Hofmekler's approach to this a long time ago and thought it was great.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, I made it to 4 p.m. yesterday. So 18 hours for me. I probably could have gone longer, but I had just made some really yummy buttery croissants and had to eat them while they were right out of the oven. Not only that, but I'm trying to stop eating so late, so I only eating til 7 p.m. But I have to say, it did help my self-control after I got back home last night after 8:30 to not eat anything. Of course, this a.m. I've already eaten 600 calories in yummy cereal and milk. But I have 2 hours at the gym today, so I'm not too worried about it. My next fast? Wednesday 6:30 pm to Thursday 6:30 pm (ending it with a kickboxing class)

    BTW, it's great all the support and posting on here. To hear everyone else's successes and even their downfalls lets me know I'm not crazy in doing this and enjoying the successes I have with it. So thank each and everyone of you for continuing to encourage the rest of us.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well, looks like I backed myself into a corner and ate all my calories and it's 5:30 in the morning. Granted I have been up since 12:30 for work, but still, I have the munchies I think because I'm tired. And no gym today. So I'm going to start my fast at 6 am (drinking my coffee still) so hopefully I can get food off the mind and concentrate on other more important things. I get up for work at 2 tomorrow morning so I will stop my fast then, but simply with fruit until my kids and I have breakfast at 7 a.m. That's the great thing about the ESE for me. It really helps me to refocus my energies and thoughts when I know that food is NOT an option for a certain period of time. So here I go...

    How is everyone else doing?
  • manda1284
    I have a hard time starting my fasts too! I usually start them around 7pm, which is prime time for snacking for me, so it's hard to knock it off! I've been trying to cut back on my carbs on my eating days, since I find that my hunger levels are not nearly as high when I do so. It's also a little more difficult figuring out what to eat, so it's a nice break when I have a fast day.... then I don't have to worry about it haha.

    I'm fasting today until 7pm today. I'm going to try to do some cardio tonight before I eat dinner. We are heading down to Florida at the end of this month, so I'd love to lose 2 more stubborn pounds by then :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Well I made it my 20 hours plus 2. Could have probably done the whole 24, but it would have been uncomfortable and distracting from work, so I had a bowl of yummy soup and blueberries. Still keeping it healthy. My next fast can't be until Sunday but after the nervous eating during Playoffs, I'll need it.
  • wtbyerdocmd
    I think eating croissants kind of negates the whole reason we are on this web site. Even after a fast I try to eat clean the same way you are supposed to always, clean. I think its too easy to allow yourself extras when you think you are allowed them because of the fast and your hard work goes out the door.

    Just food for thought
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I'm thinking I'm going to try to start a fast tonight, I haven't done one in a week.....I'm not sure what time yet, prolly 7:30...
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    yeah, i think i'm starting again tonight, too. i fasted on Tuesday and need to get in 1 more fast before the weekend, so tomorrow it is! (already friday????)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok me too, then. Will start around 10 because of a late dinner, but will be working until 11pm tomorrow so it shouldn't matter. I am gonna copy Jen with the slow carb ESE combo now that hubby will be in and out of town and I am done with vacay
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Ok guys, I started at 8:30, we can do this! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Started at 9 p.m., going for 20 hours - minus croissants. Although I eat healthy, sometimes my own homemade goodies just have to be tasted (at least I know and control exactly what's in them).

    Do well everyone!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Was reading on T-nation a variation of this diet strategy utilising 2 casein whey drinks during the day to prevent catabolism but otherwise pretty much the same as warrior diet (6hr window). Was thinking of giving that a go in a bit.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Started at 9 p.m., going for 20 hours - minus croissants. Although I eat healthy, sometimes my own homemade goodies just have to be tasted (at least I know and control exactly what's in them).

    Do well everyone!

    Ooops, got my days mixed up. Don't wanna do 3 fasts this week (or any week if I'm honest) So I'm waiting for Sunday. Wishing you all the best of successes. Catch you next week.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    k guys, i started at 10 pm last night (cutmd, wth! we really are twins!)

    not sure what time it will go to, but i plan on going for a run after work and then grocery shopping/errands, so unless i have time to run home and make a smoothie after my run, it will probably be 6 or 7.... not a full 24 hrs today, but that's ok, because i'll at least have 18 - 20 hrs under my belt. i'm happy with that.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Nice to realize you can eat when you thought you couldn't lol!
    I won't get the whole 24 hrs either I don't think...I have a massage till about 6 and will prolly eat around 7, I have to go help my cousin with her wedding registry after, so if I don't eat then I don't know when it would be..