Morning, kiddos, from the steadily warming Arkansas River Valley,
Don't forget we're springing forward this weekend into Daylight Savings Time in most of the US. After that, I'll be 5 hours ahead of my daughter in Hawaii. They don't play DST games… Corey will be cranky Monday and maybe Tuesday, but he adjusts pretty quickly.
Machka - The dress really is so lovely. You deserve the compliments! Thanks for playing with the new format. Mostly, we'll just all go on as before, I think—there are benefits and drawbacks, like with everything.
For anyone who uses the Save Draft button - I've found that, if the little rectangle with the time tick in it doesn't show up, which is about half the time, then I wasn't successful in saving it. When you tap the button, check the bottom left of your page—it will stay visible for a couple seconds. If that message doesn't appear, press the button again until it does.
Tracey - Love the little piggy banks! They're just charming.
Mo - You've got a lovely smile and lovely skin - no makeup needed!
Rebecca - You look serene and lovely in your makeup, as well, and look beautiful without it.
Thanks to everyone who commented - I find it really interesting that I don't see the same person in the mirror that I see in the pictures. Self-deception? Dementia? I'd say "early-onset dementia," but in all honesty, not that "early." 😂😉👀 The person in the pictures and the videos is always older. Perhaps the natives were right, the camera does steal your soul. It certainly adds a couple years. If this is deception, the lie is worth keeping - the woman in the mirror looks a lot more like my Mama.
Up too early because my emotional support kitty was singing outside my bedroom door at 4 a.m…. she knew it was warmer outside and wanted to go commune with nature, I guess. I can always get a nap later.
Love y'all!
Lisa in AR5 -
Betsy in NW WA
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Machka: I hope you you aren’t in the path of that storm up the coast.
Accidentally hit spoiler and couldn’t cancel it. 😝
Machka: I hope you you aren’t in the path of that storm up the coast.3 -
WWell Here I am ,with Delia and I get a call from Yale..they have a kidney for me..so if all goes well.. I will be going down this afternoon just waiting for the call..
All sorts of emotions going through my head ..hey at least I got my haircut before this all goes down.
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Allie: That’s awesome news. You must be so excited.
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Barbie, you and Annie are navigating well together. I bet she is excellent at keeping you company. Rose is my company keeper, but she is bossy at times.
😀Mo Annie is great company but she demands attention. She grabs my hand to tell me that she wants me to sit on the couch with her and she has a strong mouth with sharp teeth.
Well Here I am ,with Delia and I get a call from Yale..they have a kidney for me..so if all goes well.. I will be going down this afternoon just waiting for the call.
😀Allie That's great news. You've been waiting a long time. It's time to take care of you.
😍Barbie in NW WA
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Good luck Allie!
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Good Friday!
Page 7. Just left ❤️ dr. Will be going on 30 day monitor hoping for a diagnosis. The week monitor did show some funky stuffs but only 3 times. I need to give my DH some peace of mind. And I really want to walk driveway not just flat surfaces.
Hugs and love!
Kylia in Ohio
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Oh Allie! I will be praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery!! ❤️
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My Grandson turned 15 yrs old today and got his learner's permit! He is a freshman in high school and has a black mustache! 🤩 He seems like a giant to me at 6ft tall and 245 lbs. He is on the Jr Varsity Baseball team at his high school. He had a full head of very curly hair and now has what they call a mullet! I don't like it but it's his time to choose! 😓
6 -
Oh my, Allie. Hope it's a quick, successful surgery and a swift and painless recovery!
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Can someone please tell me how to delete all these photos? I have no idea what I did that it actually added the same photo over and over! I don't know what I did but I went back to edit and somehow removed the extra ones that had popped up.
Carol in GA
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Allie ~ Prayers for You! Prayers that the surgery will happen quickly and that your recovery will short!
Carol in GA
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Thanks all..
If i can go through 2 heart surgeries then this should be a cake walk.but I always go in with a bit of trepidation. Will go home and pack.
Today Delia is better..
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Allie! I am so happy for you. Sending lots of prayers for your safety and for support from your family.
Carol: your grandson is so handsome! He sounds like a busy guy, too. Baseball is time consuming, but awesome. My kids never played after grade school summer leagues. I'm only slightly disappointed because I absolutely love watching baseball but never had an excuse to go to games.
Much love to all.
Willamette Valley OR
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Tracey I would add reduce your glycemic load. More and more chronic illnesses the amount of extra glucose in your body aggravates these illnesses. One way to reduce is to watch for added sugars. Ideally you have less than 25 grams per day. Fruit unless it is overly ripe is not added to this. Fruit has fiber and that helps keep glucose in check.
Rita I would not wish what your son is going through on my worst enemy. He is using alcohol to self medicate. All you can do at this point it remind him that you love him. You could tell him you have a friend online who went with this with her son and now knows that the root to this disorder is a metabolic disease that is rooted in eating gluten and excess sugar. Lifestyle choices that cause stress and poor relationships also have an effect. I wish I knew what I knew now. He needs to do his research for himself because it will be his responsibility to make the changes he needs. It is very hard to do in the environment of our culture. All you can do is be his cheering squad and tell him how proud you are for any changes he makes for taking charge of his own health. It is a marathon not a sprint.
This being said I would not wish what you are going through on my worst enemy. Witnessing a loved one self destruct is horrible. The best you can do is give yourself the best self care you can. Setting limits on those who are abusive is necessary for your own health. Taking care of your own diet and life style choices towards health helps you weather the storm.
Love you…Here for you…Prayers that you find the right spot as you prepare for your move.
I hit draft occasionally as I type this because I lost my last post.
Friend who had lunch with yesterday was lamenting on how she a friend of thirty years. After hearing her story I told her it sound like it is not something she did rather the friend sounds like she is going through a personality change that is red flag for cognitive decline. Confronting the friend is not the answer. As someone goes through this or any type of mental decline (mental illness included) the denial mechanism is so strong you it will only make it worse. Best thing is to remind them that you love them and will be there for them within reason. It is not only okay to set limits but necessary for your own health when helping someone in mental decline. You cannot afford to let them pull you down with them. It is painful to have relationships change this way. It does help to remind oneself of the good things that happened in the relationship and accept the relationship is now different. Building a new relationship is a way to go forward if both parties choose to put in the effort.
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YAY Allie! I am so happy for you. Great News! Prayers and tight hugs to you.
Machka, AI corrected my DH. Sorry,😅 I missed that. It happens many times on my cellphone, too.
Carol, congratulations to your grandson. My DS didn't want to drive, so we sent him to driving school one summer. So, I am so excited for your grandson, who looks excited to drive.
Thank you, Lisa. You are beautiful inside and out.
Have an excellent day, tribe.
Mo in MS
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Thought for today:
Where do you go to learn how to make banana splits?
Sundae School!🍌
Wanted to post an animated Sundae, but my system is giving me fits since the power outage a little bit ago. I’ll try again.
RVRita in Roswell
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Allie Prayers 🙏
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Congratulations Allie! Good luck for a quick recovery!
@Margaretturk Thank you for the advice. I believe what you have said and have been encouraging him right along. This is his second try, I hope it sticks this time. He won’t do any research as he has always had learning and reading issues. He sometimes listens to suggestions, but I can’t tell him what to do, only back him when he does the right thing. He kept me in the loop for this treatment which I encouraged him to do. I hope he gets the help he needs and sticks with it this time.
RVRita in Roswell
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Oh Allie, we are all with you, every step of the way. 💖 Amazing news.
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
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Allie, awesome news! Hoping your recovery will be swift and complete! I can’t help but think this will really help with your constant tiredness.
Contrary to what a few people have said, I don’t think leaving Kyle alone with Delia is a good idea. If she’s as unhappy with him as she is with Allie, and taking his anger issues into consideration, I just see bad things happening. Just my unsolicited opinion.
Off to volunteer this morning, seems like a really long time since I’ve been there, should be fun.
Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to any new gals!
Evelyn, Vancouver Island4 -
Beth - are you folks going to get a "tile guy" in to do the shower work? I'm sure you'll be so glad when this is done. I would not do well with this extended disruption either. Hope your headache is subsiding for good.
Rita - sounds like a lot going on with your kids these days. Crossing fingers your motorhome plumbing issues are easily resolved.
Allie - sending hugs and prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Kylia - hope the 30 day monitor result gives the cardiologist some guidance on the next step. Will you have the adhesive patch or individual electrodes? And of course the cellphone. It all seems like magic these days.
Rita - Machka - Lisa…. thank you all for the tips on how to manage this new format. Helps a lot!😁💓
More on House Walking - I forgot to mention yesterday, the reason I started house walking after meals 1 1/2 years ago was to control insulin spikes and blood sugar. Walking 10-20 minutes right after meals has beneficial effects for most people. I decided to add weights to engage my arm muscles a little, again for the glucose burning. I'm not sure it's helping with strength and toning, though it might be. My leg muscles are definitely stronger, thighs a little thinner and weight seems easier to maintain.
AI searches - I was able to copy and paste into the spoiler. Below is a comparison of Copilot and Grok (X) search results when I asked a few questions. If interested. Topics were genes that prevent Alzheimer's, the possibility of an earthquake in Seattle and what's happening with Social Security.
AI searches - I decided to ask a few questions on Copilot and Grok (on X) and compare the results. For example, I asked if there were genes that prevented Alzheimer's. On both apps, the conclusion was the same - yes. Grok gave more detail and background and actually listed several specific "good" genes. Copilot listed one, but might have done similar if I'd asked it to go deeper.
I asked if the Seattle area was past due for an earthquake. Again, Copilot gave the short answer = that we could have one because our area is seismically unstable. It included 3 links, two of them being local TV stations. Grok said similar, and had a longer detailed version with some history and gave links to 15 websites, including the Department of Emergency Management, TV stations and engineering websites. If I had to write a term paper I'd probably go to Grok, they did the heavy lifting, lol.
I asked about the future of Social Security, and both had similar answers - it might have some problems by 2035, which is not really news, we've been hearing this for the past decade or two. The challenge now is how can this be managed? Copilot has a good explanation of actions being considered by Congress and the implications. Grok gave some history about Social Security and warned about being misled by the fear-mongering expressed by some folks on X, said to keep an eye on what Congress is doing (what Copilot mentions.)
Did not try ChatGPT or Gemini - looks like these are "paid" apps.
It was fun for me to head down these rabbit holes.
Happy Friday everyone!
SW WA State
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Good point on Kyle and Delia. It’s very sad when you are in essence a single parent because you’re too scared to leave your child alone with its father.
Okie in the TX Hill Country
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Rita-Your son has certainly been hit with the trifecta. Unfortunalty the three items can occur together. Try to focus on you-you can't help any of the others if you are not right.
Kylia -maybe if the next readings don't provide answers try one of the other cardiologists? There are quite a few good ones over your way. You know if something isn't right regardless of some of the tests
Allie-congratulations and getting the call! Hoping all goes well. Heck of a way to get a chance to rest! And I agree with Evie-if he is on muscle relaxers, etc., leaving Delia with him if there are other options would not be ideal-and I am agreeing as someone who is taking muscle relaxers for a pulled muscle in rib area!
Lunch is over-more later.
Ginny in Ohio
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Oh wowsa so exciting! I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts today and rest of the week that all will go smoothly! Big hugs!
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Good morning ladies-
Sitting here with my second cup of tea, waiting for my daycare girl to get here. No school for her today so she is here all day.
I will take her with me to take care of MIL's dog- we will walk him to the park. She can play while I walk around the play area. I have a few craft projects for her to choose from. Most days, we don't have time to do much. I feed her(she is always hungry) and then maybe do a quick project or work on one but then step grandpa picks her up. She has basketball practice some days so he picks her up even earlier- She is gone by 4:30 or so. (have her 2 hrs at most each day)Yes Machka- my birthday is before yours.
Dh , son and his girlfriend and I are going out to a new place for dinner tomorrow night.
Has anyone had Nepalese food??I have never tried any of it but looks interesting.
Hoping to work on getting some of my seeds planted. Starting with the hydroponics then getting the greenhouse set up(needs the cover replaced and cleaned out).
I told dh the other day. I just want one day to just stay home and get things done here- things are getting neglected while we do errands for his mom or just shopping because that is what he wants to do.MIL is starting to give the care home workers a hard time- doing the things dh tried to tell them she did to him. Now they see it. Going to put her on sleeping pills at night so she will sleep and not try to get up. She can't get up on her own- had her head between the railing and the mattress the other night.
Allie- that is the best news. Prayers for a quick recovery.
How long will it be after your surgery that you can start taking care of Delia? DO NOT over due it.
I know they count on you to watch her but you need time to heal!Ok- need to get a few things done before Ezie gets here.
Napa Valley,CA4 -
Looks like its just one photo of your cute tall grandson here. All is well!
Rebecca Whidbey WA
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