Calling 911...have you ever done it?



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Only twice.

    Once I walked into the house after school and smelled something strange. Opened a door and got smacked in the face with thick smoke.. my parent's bedroom was on fire (nobody was home). I ended up running outside with a scared cat on my shoulder, two small dogs in my hand and a german shepherd trying to find /anybody/ with a cell phone so I could call for help.

    The other time is just for a car accident, got t-boned.
  • cyoka13
    cyoka13 Posts: 288 Member

    The first time my son had a seizure in the back of the car. Besides the fact that my son had never had a seizure before, one of the scariest parts was that we were out of town and in the mountains. I had no idea where I was. There was a car behind us and I ran to them while my hubby was trying to wake my son up. I told them to call 911 and then they started to hand me their cell phone and I was like "I have no idea where I am! You call!" But then I went back to my car and called myself, anyways. Once my son came out of it and started to wake up, I was able to tell the operator which ski resort we were heading to, which gave them a good idea of our location. But they had already received the call from the car behind us.

    The second time I came home to a house fire. The crazy part about this one is that my dog was the cause of the fire. And yes, my dog, the cat and the fish all survived :) My house, though...that darn fire resulted in my family being displaced for about a year while my home was reconstructed. Thank goodness for insurance.
  • AHuffaker14
    yeah we were out riding our ATV's and I witnessed a guy going about 45 mph on a 3-wheeler and then i saw a cloud of dust, and the atv in the air and then no one got up. when i got to him he was unconsious. he had no gear of any kind. no helmet nothing. I called 911 and it took them 45 min to stabliize him enough to lifeflight him. his friend had used my phone to call the guys parents so i called that a few days later and found out he was ok just had a long road to recovery. but he was going to be ok thank god.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I have. Because my husband almost set our house on fire setting off fireworks on the 4th of July four years ago. Some very dry bushes caught fire, and they happened to be right up against the deck. Luckily, hubby also put the fire out himself before the fire department reached our house. They just checked it to make sure it was out.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    "9-1-1 is a joke"

    Everyone whom works 911 will remember that when you are having a true emergency and need us. We will just forget you called, if we are a joke.

    I've comforted a dying child in my arms. I've shaken the had of a cardiac arrest victim that survived because of us. I've delivered babies, I've hugged a perfect stranger who's husband had just passed.

    *kitten* you, sir. *kitten*. You.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    and once by accident because the area code here is 919. oops

    ....and once they made it a requirement to dial the 919 before the number a LOT of people were doing just that...several girls I know at work have done it, too...and our outside line # is a nine...9919...Surprised it hasn't happened more often. :smile:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member

    The emergencies I've been in where 911 would've helped I either had no phone/access to a phone, or I was too busy helping injured people.
  • Aetain
    I've not called 911 since... well... I'm in Australia =P

    However I have called 000 (Aussie 911) 3 times. Once when my neighbour hit his girlfriend (cops), 5 mins later when she passed out (ambulance) and I saw a guy get beaten up across the road from my apartment building one night (cops and ambulance).
  • ajlandon
    ajlandon Posts: 115 Member
    Twice for gunshots, once for a medical emergency (someone passed out on the sidewalk), and twice for other things.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member

    I don't think it would work in England :wink:
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    yesterday was my latest... sparking power line started a mulch fire...
    but i'm usually the one going on the calls, not making them.

    let me tell you, it sucks getting out of bed at 3 am for a prank or because someone has "insurance-itis".
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Once when I was a kid because my mom was screaming in pain and told me to. Turned out the inside of her kidney was basically one big kidney stone. Fun stuff.

    Other time was when some dude on the highway almost swerved into me, and when I looked at him he was downing a 40 while driving. Followed at a distance for a couple minutes, confirmed complete inebriation, got his plate number, and called the cops.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    "9-1-1 is a joke"

    Everyone whom works 911 will remember that when you are having a true emergency and need us. We will just forget you called, if we are a joke.

    I've comforted a dying child in my arms. I've shaken the had of a cardiac arrest victim that survived because of us. I've delivered babies, I've hugged a perfect stranger who's husband had just passed.

    *kitten* you, sir. *kitten*. You.

    Um. It's a song.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I've called them by accident....does that count?

    my friend did that on 9/11. we had been watching all of the chaos of that day and decided we would order a pizza. he picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1. hung up immediately after they answered. they never called back.

    only time i have called was to intervene in a possible attempted suicide.
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 510 Member
    wow. some ppl lead sheltered lives
    yes I've called 911
    I've been arrested and jailed
    I kissed girls
    I've done drugs, sex, rock & roll
    life is for LIVING - it's not a spectator sport

    I have not been arrested or jailed, done drugs or kissed a girl. I don't feel like I haven't lived life.

    (I also wouldn't be bragging about being put in jail.)

    I've never needed 911, but I HAVE kissed a girl, done drugs, sex and rock and roll. I was just too smart to be caught or hurt myself.
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Once, after I saw a rollover accident, they already knew about it though.
  • Aetain
    yesterday was my latest... sparking power line started a mulch fire...
    but i'm usually the one going on the calls, not making them.

    let me tell you, it sucks getting out of bed at 3 am for a prank or because someone has "insurance-itis".

    Dude, feels. One of my closest friends is a fire fighter in Victoria, Australia. He hates idiots that prank 000, but more he hates firebugs and many of them join the volunteer fire fighters. So many of the bad bush fires we have here that make international news are from volunteer fire fighters starting a fire because they want the adrenaline rush and to be seen as a hero -_-
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    In addition to some car accidents, I called when I was living with my sister and her husband was choking. She performed the Heimlich before the paramedics got there and he was fine.

    I called when my ex-husband had his first grand mal seizure. I also called when working at a grocery store and a customer had a seizure.

    I called at my house when we were having a party. My neighbor took a drink of his beer and then just passed out. By the time the ambulance showed he was awake and refused treatment.One second he was fine - the next he face planted on to the table.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    A few times.

    Once when a neighbor's house caught fire.

    Several times for car accidents... Scariest was when a motorcycle went down in front of me... Lots of smoke & flames. I couldn't see where the bike & rider were and I was afraid I was gonna hit the guy.