Calling 911...have you ever done it?



  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    I myself have never called 911, but had it called for me twice.

    The first time I was 5 years old and had a seizure in the middle of our living room floor.

    The second time (I was 22) I was babysitting my niece and nephew and felt very faint, so my nephew (at the time 4 years old) ran upstairs to tell the neighbor, who called 911. It turned out that my oxygen level was at about 75% and my BP was 60/45...
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Twice for car accidents I was in and once for a drunk driver who was all over the road.
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    I reported a drunk driver who turned out to be a repeat offender. I was on my way to pick my daughter up at a school dance and he was heading in the same direction. He is now doing jail time.
  • cheers_b
    cheers_b Posts: 74 Member
    I was at teh golf course, warming up on the driving range and pocket dialed emergency. I had to go through quite to q & a to convince them i wasnt in danger and it was an pocket dial. By the time i got them off teh phone -- i basically had to run to the tee box to make my tee time.......:noway:
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    The paramedics, firefighters, police officers, all are our saviors! There is no way any of them would not come when called, for no matter what is happening! Even when off duty, they are always very caring people who have a great desire to help those who can't help themselves. A shout out to all of them, and yes, I have called them several times for my Dad. One time they came in very, very deep snow to help my Dad who was very sick and needed them. So yes, they ALL are awesome!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Several. My own rollover car accident, another accident I saw happen, and when I was being car chased by a crazy guy through town.
  • Leah_Brooke
    Leah_Brooke Posts: 149 Member
    Hell noooo.
  • angledge
    angledge Posts: 13 Member
    I've called for a bunch of things:

    + I was the first responder to a motorcycle accident (the motorcyclist was eventually airlifted off of Route 202).
    + I called once when my girlfriend spiked a very high fever & started wheezing (paramedics arrived, assessed her, & concluded she didn't need to go the hospital).
    + I called for the smell of gas in my apartment building (that one ended with the FDNY breaking down my neighbor's door to turn off her stove, quite scary).
    + And I called a few weeks ago when a transformer exploded near my local coffee shop while I was having breakfast. The power went out for several blocks & the top of the pole was on fire. The Houston FD came out for that one along with the utility company.

    9-1-1 is incredibly helpful in an emergency & I'm glad we have the system available.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    twice now. 1st time when ex was having a seizure and I did not know what to do. 2nd time was when car's flywheel shattered an it stopped in a very dangerous intersection when it was raining/sleeting out and I was scared to death someone was going to crash into me.
  • iceflow
    iceflow Posts: 17 Member
    wow. some ppl lead sheltered lives
    yes I've called 911
    I've been arrested and jailed
    I kissed girls
    I've done drugs, sex, rock & roll
    life is for LIVING - it's not a spectator sport

    thug lyfe
  • stop snitchin'
  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    my neighbor bought her son a go kart. The brat was flying around on the thing. I live on a block that is completely circular with an island of home in the middle. there are a lot of blind curves and young people that drive too fast. I was worried about his safety so I called 911. They didn't bother to show up. All the neighbors have been complaining to the Mom and she still won't stop him. But, I did have a police officer tell me that the kids mom will be responsible if he gets hits, because it is illegal to have a go kart on a public road because they aren't licensed.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Yeah, when me and my best friend were kids I dialed it on a pay phone just to see what would happen. Didn't realize for 911 you didn't actually have to pay.

    They called back. We cried and fled the scene.

    Now I am 911...

    Oh, and for all those people that do it as a joke or a prank, I just want you to be informed: when we're dispatched to your "joke", our ambulance/fire truck/cop car is considered "out of service." So when a child on the other side of town is not breathing, we can't respond because we're headed to your prank. Just keep that in mind the next time you think it's funny to call 911 :)
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    "9-1-1 is a joke"

    Everyone whom works 911 will remember that when you are having a true emergency and need us. We will just forget you called, if we are a joke.

    I've comforted a dying child in my arms. I've shaken the had of a cardiac arrest victim that survived because of us. I've delivered babies, I've hugged a perfect stranger who's husband had just passed.

    *kitten* you, sir. *kitten*. You.

    ^^^This. No one has any idea how hard of a job this is unless you do it. To provide some comfort for the loss of a person you never met, so be the first one to deal with their pain... to have the old and the young alike die while not being able to save them no matter what you try. To comfort those in car accidents, who realize they have damaged or caused the end of a life. To be covered in someone's blood, puke, and other bodily fliuds.

    Anyone who even jokes about 911 not being serious, go visit your fire department or EMS department. Ask to ride along. I don't care if you were quoting a song lyric. It's a sucky lyric that just shows ignorance.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    No - I consider 911 to be for life and death emergencies only. I have not needed it...yet, but I hope that if I ever do need it, I don't get put on hold because the line is clogged up by asshats calling for non-emergency reasons. :sick:
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Yes, I have called 911 a few times. Reporting accidents or being invloved in a couple myself. Also when my 2 year old had a hypoglycemic seizure, worst day of my life.

    I was also a 911 dispatcher for several years and have received some intense calls, from domestic abuse cases, to burglery in progress calls, to officer shootings, to a 16 yo hanging themselves in their garage for their parents to see when they came home. Some of those calls will stick with me for the rest of my life.

    Also to those people who prank call 911 I hope that someday when you have a real emergency that someone else isnt too busy making prank calls for you to get through and get help. Very sad and very childish. People do get cited for misuse of 911 and I hope you do too.
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    I am a 911 dispatcher..... It is CRAZY at the things people think is an "emergency"!!! I honestly can't believe people would actually call 911 for some of the things they call for....... There is NO shortage of stupid in this world!!!
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Twice. Once for car accident. And once from work because we found a elderly dementia patient wondering around our parking lot. He couldn't remember how to get home or where he lived. He could tell me his name and the name of his nephew, it just so happened that I knew him and could contact him at work. I was able to convince him to go by ambulance because he was having heart palpitations and dizzy spells, I picked his nephew up from work on the way and followed them to the hospital.

    ETA: I have also called twice for myself, our home was broken into two separate occasions. The first time they didn't arrive until 6 hours later. The second time, they didn't bother to come out at all. I ended up having to call the state police post and request an investigator myself because the county police didn't believe that we were telling the truth. The state police did catch the guy, and he confessed to both robberies at our home and 3 more at different locations.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I called 911 when I saw a 2 yr old kid walking on the sidewalk at 7:30 am by himself while I was dropping my kids off at the babysitter's. I brought the kid inside and after about an hour I called 911 to report the missing child.

    Needless to say I was late for work but when the cops showed up the stupid mother was like " Hey have you seen a little boy?" She was so calm, non chalant like it was an inconvenience for her to find the kid. I wanted to slap her so bad but the cop walked her back to her home that was literally 5 fives houses down. She said this was not the first time its happened. I wish I was a fly on the wall to hear what the cop told her but she looked damn scared.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    "9-1-1 is a joke"

    Everyone whom works 911 will remember that when you are having a true emergency and need us. We will just forget you called, if we are a joke.

    I've comforted a dying child in my arms. I've shaken the had of a cardiac arrest victim that survived because of us. I've delivered babies, I've hugged a perfect stranger who's husband had just passed.

    *kitten* you, sir. *kitten*. You.

    ^^^This. No one has any idea how hard of a job this is unless you do it. To provide some comfort for the loss of a person you never met, so be the first one to deal with their pain... to have the old and the young alike die while not being able to save them no matter what you try. To comfort those in car accidents, who realize they have damaged or caused the end of a life. To be covered in someone's blood, puke, and other bodily fliuds.

    Anyone who even jokes about 911 not being serious, go visit your fire department or EMS department. Ask to ride along. I don't care if you were quoting a song lyric. It's a sucky lyric that just shows ignorance.

    Thank you <3