Kids or no kids?



  • MatthewLewis81
    MatthewLewis81 Posts: 59 Member
    "If you're not 100% sure you want kids, then don't have them."

    I have to wonder how many people saying this are parents themselves?

    We're designed to get married, have children, and raise families. There's an element of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from so doing that you can't get in any other way, and that you can't predict or foresee. I hate to put it this way, but those who aren't parents just can't understand this. And any parent who denies it is incredibly selfish, not to mention short-sighted.

    Children are an incredible blessing and treasure to anyone who is willing to look past the momentary inconveniences, and see the beauty of the moment and the potential for the future.
  • LAnne16
    LAnne16 Posts: 272 Member
    I don't think I'll ever want kids. I love long as I can return them to their parents at the end of the day! I am selfish as well, I want to be able to get up and go out whenever I want without having to be responsible for someone else's life. Sounds pretty selfish, I know. Better to admit that than to have children and be an irresponsible parent. A lot of people tell me that I'll change my mind when I get older, but I don't really see that happening.

    If you're not sure....maybe you should keep waiting.

    This is me ^. I like SOME kids. But then I see kids acting ridiculous on the streets and hear stories about s*xually active kids and I think... Nope, i don't want to deal with that. I love my nephew to death, but I also love that he is my brother's responsibility and not mine.
    Thankfully my boyfriend doesn't want kids either. If I change my mind or it happens accidently, that's great. But as of right now, no kids for me.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Every mother tells me that children are worth everything. They are the best thing ever happened to them. However, I've never experienced the joy of having kids.

    I love my daughter and I wouldn't wish her away, but I would have had a perfectly happy, fulfilling life without her. Not every mother feels that way.

    Ditto this. I love my kids and can't imagine life without them, but I had them for the simple reason that I was getting older and I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Becoming a mother has been the most difficult adjustment of my life. I don't regret it -- I really do love my kids! But I would have had a happy and fulfilling life without them, too.
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    I have 3 kids, they didn't make me fat. I made me fat as well as my hypothyroidism. I got some stretch marks, but that's about it from the kids. I only gained 24 lbs with my 3rd who is 3 weeks old now and the baby weight is completely gone.

    Too true! It's not the babies making us fat! We do that all on our own! I am hypothyroid as well, Been battling weight my whole life!

    I love my kids, and my life would not be the same with out them! Sure there are things we could do easier with out them but doing things with them is the best part! Seeing things thru their eyes and having that unconditional love and trust is like nothing you have ever felt!

    I honestly find it harder to take the dog places when we go somewhere! lol

    OP you may need time and you may decide that kids are not for you! Either way there is no selfishness in what you do! The selfish thing would be to have kids you don't want and not be a good parent because of it!

    Take care and good luck hun!

  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    If you "don't know" and aren't 100% sure, DON'T HAVE KIDS.

    Seriously. The fact that you had to ask, just don't.

    I have to say I don't agree, my mother didn't know if she wanted kids when she got pregnant, but said after she had us she definately wanted us and is an experience she would never change, she also is/was an excellent mother and I really wouldn't trade her for any other mother on the planet. How about if you don't have a job or means to support a child, are addicted to drugs, abuse anything, or only care about and take care of yourself DONT HAVE KIDS. Just because someone isn't sure if they want kids doesn't mean they don't want kids or wouldn't be an awesome parent. It's a hell of a lot of responsibility of course some people (ESPECIALLY responsible ones that would probably make great parents) would waiver back and forth in their thought process about it, at least it shows they care about the decision and it's important to them. Life's important decisions are not black and white, and there isn't always an easy answer that you're 100% sure about.

    Glad that your mother says it worked out for her. I still stand by what I said and I completely disagree with you.

    what are your reasons for completely disagreeing? also if someone isn't 100% sure and they accidently get pregnant should they have an abortion because they aren't sure? This isn't a perfect world and people accidently get pregnant all the time so that would be a lot of abortions if you have to be 100%.

    I would agree with you but that would be in a perfect world. I wish it were that easy
  • 271lisa
    271lisa Posts: 49 Member
    Have kids but ONLY if you truly want to have children. They are a lot of work!!! They also bring a lot of joy and meaning to life. If the ONLY reason you are questioning whether or not you want children is your fear of gaining weight and not being able to lose it then DON"T let that fear stop you. I promise you that once your child is here you won't care about a few added pounds. Your fear is that you will gain weight and you may end up being thinner AFTER pregnancy. I have had 2 children and I weighed my lowest weight when my second child was a year old. They keep you sooo busy. So deciding whether or not to have a child is a huge decision that can't be taken lightly. Good luck!!!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i love having kids, i have 5! wish i had more!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    It's how you feel. I really hate how society makes women feel that not wanting to bear children makes them a freak. I'm now 42 and have never wanted to actually bear children. The thought of being pregnant gives me the chills and I'm not a big baby person but I would like a family. If you don't want to ruin all the hard work you've accomplished with your body you have every right. You can still have a family....adopt.

    You know what you want and you should stick to your guns. Too many women get bullied into having children or think it's what they are SUPPOSED to do and then are unhappy the rest of their lives over what they had to give up.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    The selfish thing would be to have kids you don't want not be a good parent because of it!

    I strongly agree with this. Creating a life is a big deal and is a decision that should require a lot of thought. Look at all the reasons you do and don't want kids and figure out what matters most to you. Having kids or not having kids is not selfish. Just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    that drive to have kids will only get worse, it's natrual. If you want kids dont wait too long as the risks increase once you hit your mid 30's. You have to ask yourself what's more important for the future what your body will look like in 5 years or do you want to have a child in your later years.

    You arent selfish if you decide kid's arent for you. That's your choice in life.
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I totally respect a person's decision not to have children. It's not selfish, it's just a choice and a completely valid one. But keep this in mind...


    Your body is going to change someday whether you have babies or not. Just think, when you get to be seventy, will you look back and be grateful that you had ten or fifteen more years of a thin, perfect body or will you miss not having children and grandchildren around you?
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    that drive to have kids will only get worse, it's natrual. If you want kids dont wait too long as the risks increase once you hit your mid 30's. You have to ask yourself what's more important for the future what your body will look like in 5 years or do you want to have a child in your later years.

    You arent selfish if you decide kid's arent for you. That's your choice in life.

    Great minds...
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    I don't think it's selfish at all. Having children is hard, raising them is harder. I for one have always wanted to be a mommy ever since i canI remember. Being a parent is very rewarding, but it is hard work. My brother and sister in law have decided to not have kids, it does make me a little sad because I think they would be great parents, and I would love a little niece or nephew running around. But I also believe that if you don't want kids you shouldn't have them.

    Also I'm smaller now than I was before I had my daughter! So don't let that hold you back!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    If you don't want kids, for whatever reason, it's your progative. People who tell you that you need to have them, or that your lack of want for them is "selfish" can take a step back, look at the population problem and ask how on Earth not contributing is selfish.

    I don't want kids, and I despise it when people try to convince me that I should have them for whatever reason.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    I don't have any little polluters yet :drinker: that's not to say I won't in the future. We love traveling and working in different countries and exploring other cultures, I feel a child at this point in my life would be a bad idea.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    if the only reason you don't want kids some day is cause you'll get fat then adopt. Tons of children out there need parents. you can be a mother and not have to gain a single pound. But if you want your OWN children then you need to seriously think about what you want. If a fear of getting fat is your only reason then maybe you don't really want kids. Which is 100% ok but you have to be honest with yourself. I'm not sure I want kids for whole bunch of selfish reasons that may sound selfish but isn't it just as selfish to bring a child into this world if you're not sure you can give it everything it needs. In the end it's up to you and it's your body and life so don't feel guilty for not wanting kids. Not everyone has to have children.
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    If you "don't know" and aren't 100% sure, DON'T HAVE KIDS.

    Seriously. The fact that you had to ask, just don't.

    So wise!
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    Its ok to not have kids.
    I have 2 that are biologically mine and I also carry other peoples biological children for them b/c they can't for many different reason - I'm called a Gestational Surrogate -, after 4 pregnancies and now on my fifth, I can tell you that I have FINALLY reach my pre-pregnancy weight of my first born (my son) from 9 yrs ago. My stomach looks like a butt crack due to my first ever c-section (traditional incision, from belly button to pubic bone), and I have stretch marks all over my stomach - and no, they are not tiger stripes to me -. My stomach and love handles are slimmer and smaller then before, but it will never look like someone's who has never had children or multiple children with massive weight gain to go with it.

    Would I not have had children if I new the above? No, I KNEW I wanted children, but I would of waited until my late twenties instead of having my first at the age of 20. My children are the love of my life and also the bane of it. Everyday they do something so amazing I can't believe I was able to create such an amazing human being, then there's other days I feel so stressed out I contemplate a psycho ward.

    There is no rush for you to have children IF you want them, if you don't, then thoroughly enjoy all the excess $ you have and the places you can go that I could only dream of :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    If you "don't know" and aren't 100% sure, DON'T HAVE KIDS.

    Seriously. The fact that you had to ask, just don't.

    Definitely this.

    I don't have kids and at my age, I won't be having any. Some people are shocked when I tell them I don't have kids, like there is something wrong with me. Like I tell people, just because I am equipped, it doesn't mean I am obligated. Having kids is not for everyone, and if you aren't sure at this point, BE sure before you do have any.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    "If you're not 100% sure you want kids, then don't have them."

    I have to wonder how many people saying this are parents themselves?

    We're designed to get married, have children, and raise families. There's an element of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from so doing that you can't get in any other way, and that you can't predict or foresee. I hate to put it this way, but those who aren't parents just can't understand this. And any parent who denies it is incredibly selfish, not to mention short-sighted.

    Children are an incredible blessing and treasure to anyone who is willing to look past the momentary inconveniences, and see the beauty of the moment and the potential for the future.

    Who said you had to be married? Who said that every human being WANTS to have children or raise families? I have a male cousin and male friend (31-33yrs) who have said that they NEVER want to have children and are fulfilled by the many neices, nephews, and cousins they have. It is every adults choice to choose, and any adult who feels pressured into having children b/c of someone else, should phsycially or verbally put that 'someone' in their place.

    OP - Just a side note: Children are like farts, you like your own but not other peoples :)