you ever eat out for breakfast by yourself?



    SEC_RULES Posts: 63 Member
    I would rather eat lunch alone. I always get to go where I want and I don't have to entertain anyone with mindless chatter. Get a newspaper or carry tablet and chill.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
  • PamVee01
    PamVee01 Posts: 4 Member
    I love going out alone. It is my quiet time. I have four kids at home and our house is pretty loud. I escape every chance i get hahaha....

    Going out to eat alone is nice too. You dont have to make small talk with anyone and you can eat at your own pace.

    I absolutely love going to the movies by myself, i love that i can pick where i want to sit and i dont have anyone asking me "who is this character? what is happening now? why are they doing that?"
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I prefer it. I like the solitude. But then again I have a 4 year old, so any time I get alone is enjoyed no matter if I'm dining out or sitting on the grass at the park.
  • exmsde
    exmsde Posts: 85 Member
    I eat out alone all the time, less so for breakfast unless I'm traveling. I've never felt uncomfortable at breakfast, but then a newspaper (or in the last few years Tablet) was always at hand. No weirdness at lunch. It still seems a little odd at dinner if it is a really nice restaurant, but not at all odd at chains or more casual places.

    A lot of this comes from decades ago when eating out was much less common in American life. You almost always would eat at home, particularly dinner, unless it was a special occasion. Or there was some other story behind why you were there. Also, you were taking up a table for two that was going to be low revenue and low tip compared to if the seated a party of two. For a sold-out restaurant you were indeed taking money from the owner and wait-staff's pocket. And some did not exactly try to make you feel welcome. But the world is very different today. People eat out all the time and most restaurants go out of the way to court single diners.

    I find IHOP the best nationwide option for breakfast, although if there are Village Inns in the area I prefer them. VI has a few choices that are easy to fit into a calorie budget without feeling like you are dieting. Otherwise I seek out something local that is known for breakfast. If I'm in NY then it is the local diner!
  • patmat
    Absolutley...I enjoy eating breakfast out and I have no problem eating alone...
    It gives me time to enjoy my meal and sit quietly to read or prepare for the day..
    I have also gone out to dinner, movies and shop alone..sometimes a person just wants to enjoy the peace of an activity without the involvement of entertaining another person.
    Try might find that you rather like the experience...