doing it "right" getting nowhere



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.



  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.


    i've only been logging a week because i tend to get obsessive about it all and i generally know how much i'm eating (which has proved to me right on since i started logging) so for my mental health i didn't log intil recently when i got to the end of my rope with this.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    for those saying i jsut want to hear what i want to hear, i really think my original question is do y'all think i should eat back my exercise calories (a resounding YES! i get it! ;-)) and how long before i should see if that is working?

    If you are going to be eating back your exercise calores, you need to be honest with yourself that you are overestimating your burns.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.



    i haven't been rude to you or bashed you. is there a reson you need to be all snarky? i'm genuinely trying to solve something that's been keeping me up at night and you're being a smartbutt.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    for those saying i jsut want to hear what i want to hear, i really think my original question is do y'all think i should eat back my exercise calories (a resounding YES! i get it! ;-)) and how long before i should see if that is working?

    The honest answer is that it could take a week or it could take forever. You have so many variables with the breastfeeding, PCOS, etc., that eating back the exercise calories is only one possible solution. And what if you're really on a plateau? Some people on here, myself included, can experience a plateau for weeks (sometime months) on end.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.

    i generally know how much i'm eating

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.


    i've only been logging a week because i tend to get obsessive about it all and i generally know how much i'm eating (which has proved to me right on since i started logging) so for my mental health i didn't log intil recently when i got to the end of my rope with this.

    That's nice.

    You haven't been doing it "right" and getting nowhere. You've been "not logging" and "eating who knows what" and getting nowhere.

    That should be abundantly clear. You're not "doing it right and getting nowhere." You're "doing whatever and getting nowhere."

    Set a calorie goal, hit it every day, log food consistently and accurately over time, and THEN you can say you're doing it right.

    Want to know how to correct your lack of progress? Log your food.

    Now quit arguing with everyone.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    for those saying i jsut want to hear what i want to hear, i really think my original question is do y'all think i should eat back my exercise calories (a resounding YES! i get it! ;-)) and how long before i should see if that is working?

    If you are going to be eating back your exercise calores, you need to be honest with yourself that you are overestimating your burns.

    i understand that you think i am. i am telling you that i am not new to exercise or fitness and i know that if anything they are underestimated. i take 1-200 off every MFP calculation and even off JIllian Michaels calc.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.

    i generally know how much i'm eating


    Seriously. No you don't.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    for those saying i jsut want to hear what i want to hear, i really think my original question is do y'all think i should eat back my exercise calories (a resounding YES! i get it! ;-)) and how long before i should see if that is working?

    If you are going to be eating back your exercise calores, you need to be honest with yourself that you are overestimating your burns.

    i understand that you think i am. i am telling you that i am not new to exercise or fitness and i know that if anything they are underestimated. i take 1-200 off every MFP calculation and even off JIllian Michaels calc.

    Who cares what you calculate your intake should be when no one, including yourself, has any idea what your intake actually is?

    Come on.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    you guys are hilarious. someone comes on for support and you do nothing but try to tear them to shreds.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    other than eating more the past week my calories inhavent changed in months. i have a certtain set of meal/recipes that i;ve been eating. they have not changedexcept over the past week i've added more fats.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    i guarantee my food logging and HRM are right on.


    Open your diary. We'll see about that.

    okie! let's go!

    1.5 weeks worth of food logged.

    Log consistently.



    i haven't been rude to you or bashed you. is there a reson you need to be all snarky? i'm genuinely trying to solve something that's been keeping me up at night and you're being a smartbutt.

    Okay, I genuinely apologize for being snarky. Not everyone can handle it.

    I just find it interesting that you have been so insistent from the beginning that you have been spot on with your calories, when it is now clear that you cannot honestly say or defend that. You have not been open with your information, and therefore, it is impossible for anyone here to be able to help you.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Take out some of the cardio and throw in some resistance work with weights...your body will thank you for it ...when you do start losing you will have retained more LBM and look better.

    the Body Revolution workouts i do 4x a week are resisitance training- HIIT with body weight and hand weights and cables.
    That's a light start, but I am talking about some squatting, bench pressing, deadlifting, overhead pressing, etc...a progressive lifting program...i had NO IDEA how much better my body would that 3 days and your cardio type things on the other days(including the hand weight stuff because although its awesome it is still more of a cardio type exercise.)

    or new rules of lifting for women.

    I am forty two and have had two kids and cant believe the changes in my body...might even share some pictures if you like
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    for those saying i jsut want to hear what i want to hear, i really think my original question is do y'all think i should eat back my exercise calories (a resounding YES! i get it! ;-)) and how long before i should see if that is working?

    If you are going to be eating back your exercise calores, you need to be honest with yourself that you are overestimating your burns.

    i understand that you think i am. i am telling you that i am not new to exercise or fitness and i know that if anything they are underestimated. i take 1-200 off every MFP calculation and even off JIllian Michaels calc.

    you said you KNOW how much you are burning because of how your heart is EXPLODING out of your chest. THAT MEANS NOTHING. I wish it did because that would be magical...

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    For the record, I knock off about 60% of MFP calculations because they aren't only high for me, they are ridiculously high.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    I would say that your calorie estimates are high. HRM are still just estimations. Mine says that i burn really high also, but i KNOW i'm not burning over 600 cals/hr during Zumba. I would adjust your activity levels on MFP to ACTIVE and eat what that says regardless of how much you workout. If you want to log your exercises, put them in for 1 calorie rather than what your HRM says.

    that is gonna tell me to eat 1260-or 1760 if i add 500 for nursing. i've been doing that for months.

    i have it set to lose 2. that's nonnegotiable
    how much do you have it set for losing a week?
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    you guys are hilarious. someone comes on for support and you do nothing but try to tear them to shreds.

    That is not true.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    you guys are hilarious. someone comes on for support and you do nothing but try to tear them to shreds.
    I am serious in all my replies to you.