doing it "right" getting nowhere



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories...for 6 months.

    No, you have not. You are not doing yourself, or the rest of us, any favors by saying this. You have no idea how many calories you've been eating.

    You won't be able to change until you admit to yourself that you're doing something wrong.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    So you actually did not want any help or advice you just wanted to be coddled. Instead of taking the great advice of SUCCESSFUL people you want to throw yourself a pity party because your way is not working?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    yeah i get that but i never asked you guys to question or evaluate what i'm eating only if the theory i am trying to follow is correct. i'm not accountable to prove myself to you before asking a question am i?

    When you say you are doing everything right but you aren't losing weight, well something is obviously not right. The posters take what you say and look at your diary and make their opinions based on their knowledge of losing weight. Most of the people that have tried to help you have lost a LOT of weight so they know what they are talking about.

    Theories don't work in weight loss. You wanted advice. If you didn't really want advice or don't want people to question what you are eating (because that is the biggest part of weight loss) then don't ask for help.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    ok. eat more, log faithfully. i get that. i'll do it and pray i don't drive myself crazy. i'm so sorry i offended all of you. i really didn't mean to. i'm new to message boards clearly and take things too personally. i guess i was looking to hear if what i was trying was on the right track and didn't expect quite the passion y'all have for making sure everything is done a certain way. i'm so so sorry.

    I wouldn't say passionate. Just common sense.

    You are on a calorie counting website and the users are telling you to be consistent with the tool you are using because they aren't psychics or mind readers. They don't "just know" what you've really been eating and I'd say a large portion of people on this site that are here to lose or even gain weight don't get the food intake accurate through eyeballing...which is why they are using the calorie counting tool.

    yeah i get that but i never asked you guys to question or evaluate what i'm eating only if the theory i am trying to follow is correct. i'm not accountable to prove myself to you before asking a question am i?

    The problem is that with 9 out of 10 people on MFP who say "I'm doing it right", their diary doesn't bear this out.

    If you aren't losing weight in accordance with predictions, chances are good that you aren't "doing it right". We are trying to help you find where adjustments can be made to get the results you want. That's what you want, right?

    If we just trusted you when you said "I'm doing everything right", then we'd have no suggestions to make. So unless you only came here to hear "You are right, you are doing everything right, you are a special butterfly to whom the laws of thermodynamics do not apply", then I'm not sure what you want.

    well based on everyone in RL that i;ve talked to, who knows how i eat and work out etc, the advice was to eat more. so i was asking if y'all agreed with that and how long to see results.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Accurate logging, adherence, & consistency.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    underestimating calorie intake and overestimating calorie burn with exercise is pretty common place. This is match, plain and simple...if you're maintaining weight then you are not at a calorie deficit. I started losing immediately when I went into a calorie deficit. Make sure you're weighing and measuring everything and you should allow for some estimation error with your HRM as well.


    I see this "calorie deficit" over and over again. But I don/t know how to tell if I am at a deficit.
    Please show or explain this to me. Thank you.

    If you are losing weight over time you are at a calorie deficit.

    I suggest you start a new thread with this question, rather than hijacking/getting lost in this one.

    You have a [point. Will do...thank you.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    ok. eat more, log faithfully. i get that. i'll do it and pray i don't drive myself crazy. i'm so sorry i offended all of you. i really didn't mean to. i'm new to message boards clearly and take things too personally. i guess i was looking to hear if what i was trying was on the right track and didn't expect quite the passion y'all have for making sure everything is done a certain way. i'm so so sorry.

    You'd just be surprised how often we hear "doing everything right, still not losing". We then question and look at diaries, and discover OP is not doing everything right, and try to explain this fact to them. They then argue about it. Often against people who really have been doing everything right and have lost 100, 200 or even 300+ pounds by doing so.

    It gets people's backs up very quickly, because there's generally a constant low level of annoyance with all the other posters to begin with. So don't take it personally.

    But do listen. Because some of the people in this thread are the most knowledgeable and helpful people you are likely to meet. And they can help you if you let them.

    and that's why i came here- because i am so brokenhearted and depressed at how hard i work and how careful i've been and hoe stuck i am. i thought someone could encourage me to not lose hope because i'm just at the end of my rope.

    You're not at the end of your rope. You're barely at the beginning. Start doing the things that will actually make MFP work for you and I think you'll find some hope pretty quickly.

    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories and working out like a beast for 6 months. so it feels pretty dang depressing.

    Reading back through the thread I've discovered that you aren't logging accurately and you aren't doing it consistently.

    Therefore - you are not at the end of your rope. The end would be where you were doing everything 100% accurately and consistently and could not lose. You are not doing that. You have lots of rope left.

    No one is judging you or coming down on you. They're just telling you that you are not doing the work that will result in weight loss.
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories...for 6 months.

    No, you have not. You are not doing yourself, or the rest of us, any favors by saying this. You have no idea how many calories you've been eating.

    You won't be able to change until you admit to yourself that you're doing something wrong.

    because i haven;t been counting calories on this site it doesnt count?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    well based on everyone in RL that i;ve talked to, who knows how i eat and work out etc, the advice was to eat more. so i was asking if y'all agreed with that and how long to see results.

    More than... what?

    That's the problem. You - and we - don't know what you have actually been eating "for 6 months" so "more than some unknown quantity" isn't very helpful.

    If you don't even know how many calories you're eating, how is anyone else supposed to know?

    This is crazy.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Accurate logging, adherence, & consistency.

    It is really that 'simple'.

    Please note that simple doesn't mean easy, before anyone gets offended or feels attacked.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories and working out like a beast for 6 months. so it feels pretty dang depressing.

    On the plus side, working out like a beast has probably improved your cardiovascular health. But if weight hasn't changed, you've been eating at maintenance - weight not changing is the definition of eating at maintenance.

    Once you actually log accurately (and it may take some modification of exercise burns or a change to TDEE approach), and eat at a deficit, your weight will change.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories...for 6 months.

    No, you have not. You are not doing yourself, or the rest of us, any favors by saying this. You have no idea how many calories you've been eating.

    You won't be able to change until you admit to yourself that you're doing something wrong.

    because i haven;t been counting calories on this site it doesnt count?

    OK, I'll play along.

    Where have you been logging calories all this time? All through June, July, and August? Where did you log all those days?
  • SweetMae1
    SweetMae1 Posts: 53 Member
    ok. eat more, log faithfully. i get that. i'll do it and pray i don't drive myself crazy. i'm so sorry i offended all of you. i really didn't mean to. i'm new to message boards clearly and take things too personally. i guess i was looking to hear if what i was trying was on the right track and didn't expect quite the passion y'all have for making sure everything is done a certain way. i'm so so sorry.

    You'd just be surprised how often we hear "doing everything right, still not losing". We then question and look at diaries, and discover OP is not doing everything right, and try to explain this fact to them. They then argue about it. Often against people who really have been doing everything right and have lost 100, 200 or even 300+ pounds by doing so.

    It gets people's backs up very quickly, because there's generally a constant low level of annoyance with all the other posters to begin with. So don't take it personally.

    But do listen. Because some of the people in this thread are the most knowledgeable and helpful people you are likely to meet. And they can help you if you let them.

    and that's why i came here- because i am so brokenhearted and depressed at how hard i work and how careful i've been and hoe stuck i am. i thought someone could encourage me to not lose hope because i'm just at the end of my rope.

    You're not at the end of your rope. You're barely at the beginning. Start doing the things that will actually make MFP work for you and I think you'll find some hope pretty quickly.

    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories and working out like a beast for 6 months. so it feels pretty dang depressing.

    Reading back through the thread I've discovered that you aren't logging accurately and you aren't doing it consistently.

    Therefore - you are not at the end of your rope. The end would be where you were doing everything 100% accurately and consistently and could not lose. You are not doing that. You have lots of rope left.

    No one is judging you or coming down on you. They're just telling you that you are not doing the work that will result in weight loss.

    hate to disagree, but the WORK is the eating well and exercising. logging it into an app is the easy part.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    hate to disagree, but the WORK is the eating well and exercising. logging it into an app is the easy part.

    Interesting is that the easy part is the part you're not doing.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    ok. eat more, log faithfully. i get that. i'll do it and pray i don't drive myself crazy. i'm so sorry i offended all of you. i really didn't mean to. i'm new to message boards clearly and take things too personally. i guess i was looking to hear if what i was trying was on the right track and didn't expect quite the passion y'all have for making sure everything is done a certain way. i'm so so sorry.

    You'd just be surprised how often we hear "doing everything right, still not losing". We then question and look at diaries, and discover OP is not doing everything right, and try to explain this fact to them. They then argue about it. Often against people who really have been doing everything right and have lost 100, 200 or even 300+ pounds by doing so.

    It gets people's backs up very quickly, because there's generally a constant low level of annoyance with all the other posters to begin with. So don't take it personally.

    But do listen. Because some of the people in this thread are the most knowledgeable and helpful people you are likely to meet. And they can help you if you let them.

    and that's why i came here- because i am so brokenhearted and depressed at how hard i work and how careful i've been and hoe stuck i am. i thought someone could encourage me to not lose hope because i'm just at the end of my rope.

    You're not at the end of your rope. You're barely at the beginning. Start doing the things that will actually make MFP work for you and I think you'll find some hope pretty quickly.

    yeah but MFP is not a first resort. i've been counting calories and working out like a beast for 6 months. so it feels pretty dang depressing.

    Reading back through the thread I've discovered that you aren't logging accurately and you aren't doing it consistently.

    Therefore - you are not at the end of your rope. The end would be where you were doing everything 100% accurately and consistently and could not lose. You are not doing that. You have lots of rope left.

    No one is judging you or coming down on you. They're just telling you that you are not doing the work that will result in weight loss.

    hate to disagree, but the WORK is the eating well and exercising. logging it into an app is the easy part.

    You can "eat well" to the moon and back, it doesn't matter if you're not in a calorie deficit. That's how weight loss happens.

    I think I'm about the 50th person who has said this in this thread.

    Log every single bite you take for 6 weeks. Everything. Weigh and measure all of your food. Count every darn calorie. Eat back your breastfeeding calories AND your exercise calories. Do it right for 6 weeks and if you still haven't lost anything, then come back and complain. PM me personally and I will hold your hand through finding an answer.

    But right now, the answer is (and remains) you aren't logging so you don't know what you're eating so you're probably not in a deficit and therefore not losing weight.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    hate to disagree, but the WORK is the eating well and exercising. logging it into an app is the easy part.

    Interesting is that the easy part is the part you're not doing.

  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Weight loss is calories in vs calories out plain and simple if you do not know how many calories are going in no matter where you log it , on here or on paper, in a note book, on a mirror, on a boat, in a moat, you cannot accurately know what's going wrong!!!!!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think your username is very misleading.

    You began this thread and asked, very broadly, for thoughts.

    You've been given five pages of replies, and you deny or make excuses for every single comment.

    What do you want to hear? That you're right, you must be a genetic outlier because you can't have possibly over or underestimated ANYthing, and of course you're doing it all right.

    Except your results say you aren't.

    Carry on. You clearly don't want advice from the responses you've given, so good luck in doing everything "right."

    This is the perfect response.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    ok. eat more, log faithfully. i get that. i'll do it and pray i don't drive myself crazy. i'm so sorry i offended all of you. i really didn't mean to. i'm new to message boards clearly and take things too personally. i guess i was looking to hear if what i was trying was on the right track and didn't expect quite the passion y'all have for making sure everything is done a certain way. i'm so so sorry.

    You'd just be surprised how often we hear "doing everything right, still not losing". We then question and look at diaries, and discover OP is not doing everything right, and try to explain this fact to them. They then argue about it. Often against people who really have been doing everything right and have lost 100, 200 or even 300+ pounds by doing so.

    It gets people's backs up very quickly, because there's generally a constant low level of annoyance with all the other posters to begin with. So don't take it personally.

    But do listen. Because some of the people in this thread are the most knowledgeable and helpful people you are likely to meet. And they can help you if you let them.

    and that's why i came here- because i am so brokenhearted and depressed at how hard i work and how careful i've been and hoe stuck i am. i thought someone could encourage me to not lose hope because i'm just at the end of my rope.

    Don't lose hope. You can do this. And the plan does work. If you follow it properly, and adjust based on observed results.

    If you weigh accurately and log consistently, you can be pretty confident in your intake number.

    Then in six weeks time you can compare your actual results to the predicted results. If the actual results don't match the predicted results, then you are either under logging food, or over-logging exercise. You can discount the food, because you've been so careful in weighing it accurately. So you know you need to adjust down exercise. Calorie burns are always estimates at best, and you always have to adjust based on observed results. Personally I'd start with the spin bike burns. I know spin bike is exhausting, but even so those burns are pretty large and a likely source of error.

    Let me share an example from the summer of how this technique really works. It's real, and if you want I can show you weight loss charts and my diet/exercise diary to prove it.

    I'd lost 60 pounds pretty consistently since September 2012. Then summer time arrived, and I started swimming and taking the kids to the pool. I logged my swimming and ate back the calories. I adjust down a little due to interruptions from the kids. Then my weight loss stalled. I bounced around 160 pounds for about six weeks. Then the kids went back to school, I stopped swimming with them so much, and bam, my weight loss started up again. I could go on the forum and say "I'm doing everything right, but not losing!", or I could look at the item in my diary with the least proven track record of leading to weight loss - my swimming. Now, if I go swimming with the kids, I adjust the calories even further back to account for distractions, and now it doesn't interfere with my weight loss. I didn't mean to, but I was simply eating too much. The fact that everything else had been logged accurately and I constantly compared actual to existing results, meant I could isolate what I was doing wrong very easily, and fix it.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Good grief OP. Quit arguing with everyone and just admit that you haven't been eating as well as you claim, you haven't been logging as well as you claim and quit being so damn defensive!! If you want results, LISTEN TO ALL THE GOOD ADVICE THAT HAS BEEN OFFERED IN THIS THREAD. If you want to continue to be frustrated and disappointed, then by all means, keep whining and arguing and insisting that you are doing things right.

    It's ok to be wrong. It's not ok to be proven wrong and continue to insist that you're right.