Government shutdown



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    no country can be deemed civilized without access to health care for all

    this is just wrong.

    Wait, it's wrong for people to have healthcare or it's wrong that people don't?

    Wrong to say that a country is not civilized until every citizen of that country has access to healthcare.

    Why? Taking care of everyone should be a sign of a civilized country, but maybe I'm just a dreamer....
  • jessjoye
    jessjoye Posts: 69 Member
    What kills me are the people who want to blame both sides 'equally' for this shut down. It IS the law of the land, and only one 'side' has been against it.

    What kills me is people actually think there are two sides lol

    There is only one side and they are all working for the same goal!

    I'd like to think one day people will take their blinders off but sadly it's much easier to handle it all if they don't

    IKR? Both sides of the aisle are just there for the power grab. Very few on either side actually believe the crap that comes out of their mouths.
    This is just like a relay race... when one person drops the baton both parties are equally responsible! The republicans and democrats are both idiots and equally dropped it on the ground and now it is time to act like grown ups and instead of pointing fingers find a resolution so everyone I know can get back to work and play nice!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Can someone remind me why a flat rate insurance plan doesnt work for healthcare? Why cant it be like car insurance that's affordable.

    Enhance medicaid to those who can afford the flat rate.

    Because not everyone has the same health risks as others. A person with a poor driving record will pay a higher premium. A person who is obese and smokes will pay a higher premium.

    What if all (how many Americans are there now 350 million?) Americans paid some arbitrary number $200 a month and $100 for each dependent now you spread that throughout the country would that make healthcare affordable? Of course that gets into the whole cost control thing, and do we put a cap on what a surgeon can charge or a hospital can charge for overhead? If you want the cadillac plan thats great you just have to pay more. How would that work? Now is a doctor forced to take the insurance plan or can they deny it if they arent remibursed enough? Theres gotta be a way for us Americans to have our cake and eat it too.


    -That would mean that healthy people are being forced to subsidize unhealthy people.
    -Private companies are not allowed to set their own rates.
    -Doctors/hospitals are not allowed to set their own rates.

    That is essentially just a bandaid solution.

    The underlying issues to health care are:

    -Lack of transparency in pricing, making it difficult to impossible to be a responsible consumer and shop around.
    -A litigious culture with frivolous judgements causing doctors to pay more for insurance and also perform unnecessary testing to cover their own behinds.
    -Medicare regulations requiring hospitals and private practices to hire extra staff to deal with the billing.
    -Medicare payments being notoriously low, causing doctors to try to make up the difference elsewhere.
    -Non-emergency emergency room visits.
    -Uninsured emergency room visits.

    As well as several other factors.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    no country can be deemed civilized without access to health care for all

    this is just wrong.

    Wait, it's wrong for people to have healthcare or it's wrong that people don't?

    Wrong to say that a country is not civilized until every citizen of that country has access to healthcare.

    Why? Taking care of everyone should be a sign of a civilized country, but maybe I'm just a dreamer....

    It is not my responsibility to take care of you and your loved ones.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Unfortunately those cheering the madness on fail to realize that now EITHER side can use that tactic, not just the people they agree with. Sound like a good thing now?

    This has already happened 17 other times in the last 30 years. Both sides have used this tactic before.

    You need to know more than a bare fact like that. Look into the past incidents and you'll see this time is its own beast. It is pure hostage taking.
  • michellechawner
    I won't get political, I'm just glad I got off disability THIS WEEK before the government shut down. Yesterday was my first day back. I can't imagine not getting the paycheck to help cover the bills (and even that, it's not even enough to pay my rent, as disability is I believe 60% of regular pay?)

    I won't say who is wrong or right, but can't believe we are that pigheaded to not try and reach a resolution.

    Same with Doctors making millions and teachers getting paid crap, and we wonder why things go as downhill as they do...
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    4 hours, I'm impressed.

    I need the government to stay shut until the Dow is under 14000.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    4 hours, I'm impressed.

    I need the government to stay shut until the Dow is under 14000.

  • Mobilemuscle
    Mobilemuscle Posts: 945 Member
    4 hours, I'm impressed.

    I need the government to stay shut until the Dow is under 14000.

    if anything the markets will likely break higher.... the shutdown doesnt mean the fed is going to stop monetizing debt. As long as the debt ceiling is raised(and it will be).... the bubble continues to grow
  • Canman51
    You get the government you deserve people. Simple as that.
  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    So, how bout that Miley Cyrus eh? Haha jk
    I love intelligent conversation:)..... Continue ;)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So, how bout that Miley Cyrus eh? Haha jk
    I love intelligent conversation:)..... Continue ;)

    There is precious little of that going on here. :tongue:
  • dcarr67
    dcarr67 Posts: 1,403
    Well I have to say this hasn't gotten as bad as I thought it would, however it is still off on a tangent. My ***** is that I am out of work while the morons that created the mess and refuse to work towards an agreement, are all still collecting a check.

    I would love to get into the politics of it all but that is really for another venue. I would have bet there would have been a lot more people that didn't agree with me, or someone to call me a rich idiot or something. So I must admit, I am glad I made the post.

    Thanks for letting me vent and for playing along. 4 hours strong. Nice
  • samiyan05
    samiyan05 Posts: 115 Member
    So, how bout that Miley Cyrus eh? Haha jk
    I love intelligent conversation:)..... Continue ;)

    There is precious little of that going on here. :tongue:

    Haha I try not to be deliberately insulting but I'm inclined to agree lol
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So, how bout that Miley Cyrus eh? Haha jk
    I love intelligent conversation:)..... Continue ;)

    There is precious little of that going on here. :tongue:

    Haha I try not to be deliberately insulting but I'm inclined to agree lol

    That was me trying to mask it the best I can. :laugh:
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Can doctors not accept Obamacare?

    Obamacare is a regulatory system affecting existing health insurers and Medicaid/Medicare. It's not a health care insurer. If I get insurance through the exchange I won't get an Obamacare card, it'll just be insurance through a regular provider. The difference will be that A. They can't turn me away due to a pre-existing condition, and B. They have to charge me the same premium as other people of my age and location even if I have a pre-existing condition, and C. If I made less than $45,960 as an individual I would qualify to have my insurance premiums subsidized by the government.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Can doctors not accept Obamacare?

    Obamacare is a regulatory system affecting existing health insurers and Medicaid/Medicare. It's not a health care insurer. If I get insurance through the exchange I won't get an Obamacare card, it'll just be insurance through a regular provider. The difference will be that A. They can't turn me away due to a pre-existing condition, and B. They have to charge me the same premium as other people of my age and location even if I have a pre-existing condition, and C. If I made less than $45,960 as an individual I would qualify to have my insurance premiums subsidized by the government.

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