Dear Men:



  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    In for gif wars.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Dear Customer Service Situation Person,

    Please respect that customers are in your retail environment to spend money buy purchasing various products. Whilst doing so, it is common for these aforementioned consumers, to have queries about products and/or services offered within your place of work. If you get angry because a customer has the cheek to ask a question, please count to three and remember this is a customer service situation. Shopping would really be a bit of a better experience because you did.

    We, as customers, instinctively know that you hate us, so when you get close enough to be asked a question and respond by acting unhelpfully, some customers become cross. Others of must refrain from telling you just how useless you really are.

    Since I feel some of your customer service training may have failed sink in, resulting in a failure to understand the notion of providing service to customers, I would like to say: When you get angry because a customer has presented a situation that requires you to provide customer service, take a deep breath and try to work out the association between working in customer services and providing service to customers. Customer service is not dead unless you kill it...and if you do kill it, eventually your company will go bankrupt and you'll be unemployed.

    This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

    Said the guy whom I'm willing to bet has never worked a low-level customer service job. Try it for a while, then you might understand why they hate you.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Dear Customer Service Situation Person,

    Please respect that customers are in your retail environment to spend money buy purchasing various products. Whilst doing so, it is common for these aforementioned consumers, to have queries about products and/or services offered within your place of work. If you get angry because a customer has the cheek to ask a question, please count to three and remember this is a customer service situation. Shopping would really be a bit of a better experience because you did.

    We, as customers, instinctively know that you hate us, so when you get close enough to be asked a question and respond by acting unhelpfully, some customers become cross. Others of must refrain from telling you just how useless you really are.

    Since I feel some of your customer service training may have failed sink in, resulting in a failure to understand the notion of providing service to customers, I would like to say: When you get angry because a customer has presented a situation that requires you to provide customer service, take a deep breath and try to work out the association between working in customer services and providing service to customers. Customer service is not dead unless you kill it...and if you do kill it, eventually your company will go bankrupt and you'll be unemployed.

    This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

    Said the guy whom I'm willing to bet has never worked a low-level customer service job. Try it for a while, then you might understand why they hate you.

    Table for one?

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Dear Customer Service Situation Person,

    Please respect that customers are in your retail environment to spend money buy purchasing various products. Whilst doing so, it is common for these aforementioned consumers, to have queries about products and/or services offered within your place of work. If you get angry because a customer has the cheek to ask a question, please count to three and remember this is a customer service situation. Shopping would really be a bit of a better experience because you did.

    We, as customers, instinctively know that you hate us, so when you get close enough to be asked a question and respond by acting unhelpfully, some customers become cross. Others of must refrain from telling you just how useless you really are.

    Since I feel some of your customer service training may have failed sink in, resulting in a failure to understand the notion of providing service to customers, I would like to say: When you get angry because a customer has presented a situation that requires you to provide customer service, take a deep breath and try to work out the association between working in customer services and providing service to customers. Customer service is not dead unless you kill it...and if you do kill it, eventually your company will go bankrupt and you'll be unemployed.

    This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

    Said the guy whom I'm willing to bet has never worked a low-level customer service job. Try it for a while, then you might understand why they hate you.

    Table for one?


    Aww...a whole picture just for me? But I didn't get you anything...:sad:

    In all seriousness, though, even though I stated it badly (let a bad mood get the better of me), I wish more people had an understanding of how hard customer service really is, and how unreasonable people can really be.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    Having good customer service skills IS hard.

    Not ripping off your reps head when you find your electric company charged you $288 twice is hard too.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ridiculous. As if some sort of PSA will take out the angry, aggressive, violent attitude that is my maleness. This is my nature. THIS IS SPARTA!

    What, no, you say this is a mall? Oh sorry. Yeah, I'll take the sword off and stop, yelling. Oh, loincloth is inappropriate. Ok. Sorry.

    OP sorry, you had a sh!tty day. Now please unlump us guys.
    Have a puppy.

  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    Please respect the personal space and humanness of the women out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something (as in customer service situations), please keep your distance and watch your approach. The world may be a bit of better place because you did.

    We as women instinctively know that you could harm us, so when you get close to us and act aggressively, some of us become intimidated. Others of us must consciously refrain from kicking your *kitten*.

    Because I feel some of your mothers may have failed to emphasize this in your gentlemanliness training (as evidenced in my life and not these forums), I would just like to say: When you are angry and you think you are justified, Back off. Chivalry is not dead unless you kill it.

    This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.

  • RBurnham90
    RBurnham90 Posts: 202 Member
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    i feel like the op is coming from a specific event, & there's no background, so have no clue how to address whatever customer-service provider exchange happened.

    re generalizations though, since we're on them, idk, too tired to really engage but whatevs. people full stop can be crappy. the particular way men (averaged across situations, countries, etc) are crappy can be kind of immediately scary, because of their comparative physical power (which is a kind of bottom line thing; ultimately, most men could physically overpower most women), against a historical backdrop of all the other powers & the various strands of it that remain in even the most egalitarian societies; worldwide, i think it's clear men largely use the power they have. women's power depends on civic institutions and everyone kind of agreeing to be ok.

    not saying women wouldn't and don't use available power etc it's just easier to win regardless of situation if you're bigger & stronger
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Seems emotional and shrill

    *turns on TV*
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Please respect the personal space and humanness of the women out in the world. If you are angry or frustrated about something (as in customer service situations), please keep your distance and watch your approach. The world may be a bit of better place because you did.

    We as women instinctively know that you could harm us, so when you get close to us and act aggressively, some of us become intimidated. Others of us must consciously refrain from kicking your *kitten*.

    Because I feel some of your mothers may have failed to emphasize this in your gentlemanliness training (as evidenced in my life and not these forums), I would just like to say: When you are angry and you think you are justified, Back off. Chivalry is not dead unless you kill it.

    This has been a public service announcement. Thank you.


    Now,where is my sammich and cold beer?
  • mikej1978
    mikej1978 Posts: 362 Member
    What the hell is wrong with you? Is this just a troll statement to get reaction? This is the most sexist comment I have read on this forum.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I've worked customer service for almost 15 years and I've never had a man reach across the counter to grab my arm and say "Now you listen to me--" like a woman once did to me.

    Men can be asshats too but women take the cake when it comes to just being plain ridiculous and over-the-top demanding and rude.

    Someone above posted about how men at least know when they can and cannot use a coupon but a lot of women get all bent out of shape when they try to use a coupon inappropriately.....I SECOND THIS.:laugh:

    Quite frankly, I am more afraid of and intimidated by people who act crazy and inappropriate, not those who are just angry.

    **edited for grammar: it's early**
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    Men, women, babies, cats... they are all the devil when you work on customer service.

    However, you are being paid to provide them a service. Without them, you'd be out of a job.

    I used to find that if I did my utmost to be helpful, polite and friendly, I rarely got any attitude from my customers. Perhaps you weren't being efficient enough and got defensive instead of providing a solution to the issue at hand?

    Aggression, intimidation or violence should never be tolerated, however, don't be under the impression that this kind of behaviour is solely a male trait. Women can be horrendous customers too. An old woman once threw a packet of oatcakes at me when I tried to stop her stealing them. Scarred me for life......
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your bad day.

    But then, as a man, I'm sorry in an overtly threatening manner. I'm sorry, it's just my nature.
  • ShutupndMovee257
    ShutupndMovee257 Posts: 316 Member
    ha ha ha ha! I truly hope that this is a joke, otherwise it's the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. I completely agree that men need to respect women but I am NOT so ignorant to say that women are little angels. I say everyone should be respectful towards everyone because I'm not sexist like some folks. Hahaha!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Wow. The sexism is staggering. :noway:
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
This discussion has been closed.