Miley Cyrus...



  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I think Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber should get married.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    I think it's ridiculous the way people are freaking out. She's not doing anything Madonna Kesha gaga ect haven't done but some how people lose their **** when she does it. Madonna simulated *kitten* on stage and made out with Britney ... Totally cool... Gaga wears a meat dress and imitates people with disabilities in one of her videos.. Totally cool. Miley tweerks and sticks her tounge out everyone freaks. It's kinda funny
    Well, I think one of the problems with Miley's act was this was not an act people paid money for, purchased tickets, and knew what they were getting into. This was for an awards show, on at prime time, when many people watch with children, and those people were sort of blindsided by the "inappropriateness" of Miley's act.

    Yes, there have been plenty of shocking acts from other musicians (arguably at least most of them had more talent, lol) but it doesn't belong on Primetime.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member

    I love crass!

    Bach took tavern tunes and made cantatas. Mozart's greatest opera is about a rapist/murderer, and it's a comedy.

    It's so damn predictable for the older generation to think of the next one as breaking all the rules and so much worse than before.


    I'm 32, dude. And Mozart was never on primetime far as I recall... but, I think a lot of the ideas just come from people who aren't exposed to a lot of that stuff....
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I think Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber should get married.

    Isn't that the first sign of the Apocalypse?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Personally, I think people are being way to judgmental and harsh towards Miley. She's an adult, she's legal, just leave her alone. Is she hurting you? No. Just shut up, you all sound like catty highschool girls the way you go on about her.

    Yes, she is an adult. But she is being self destructive by selling herself like she is. I like to call women out who encourage men to view us as objects.

    Says the woman showing plenty of skin in her pictures...

    She's not doing it to sell albums. Miley has been using her body as if it's the only thing that defines her as an artist. That's called objectifying yourself. There's a difference between showing skin and showing off your body and objectifying yourself.

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    We live in a patriarchal society. You can't exactly "not subscribe". She's making the statement that her music and her mind come second to her body. That's a statement that's easily transmitted to young girls. And that makes it dangerous. How women are represented in the media has a profound impact on how girls do in school, what goals they make for themselves, and how they choose to value themselves.

    I'm pretty sure you can "not subscribe", or at least be actively fighting your subscription by refusing to pay the bill and sending back the magazines.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    We live in a patriarchal society. Surely you are aware of that? :frown:

    Just don't forget it. :angry:

    :noway: :laugh:
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    Personally, I think people are being way to judgmental and harsh towards Miley. She's an adult, she's legal, just leave her alone. Is she hurting you? No. Just shut up, you all sound like catty highschool girls the way you go on about her.

    Yes, she is an adult. But she is being self destructive by selling herself like she is. I like to call women out who encourage men to view us as objects.

    Says the woman showing plenty of skin in her pictures...

    She's not doing it to sell albums. Miley has been using her body as if it's the only thing that defines her as an artist. That's called objectifying yourself. There's a difference between showing skin and showing off your body and objectifying yourself.

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    IMO I think class is the issue for me now. I don't mind skin, or sexuality, but I can't stand crassness...even from people/musicians I actually LIKE...

    You just dissed the entire genre of Punk. This makes me sad.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I love punk.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Personally, I think people are being way to judgmental and harsh towards Miley. She's an adult, she's legal, just leave her alone. Is she hurting you? No. Just shut up, you all sound like catty highschool girls the way you go on about her.

    Yes, she is an adult. But she is being self destructive by selling herself like she is. I like to call women out who encourage men to view us as objects.

    Says the woman showing plenty of skin in her pictures...

    She's not doing it to sell albums. Miley has been using her body as if it's the only thing that defines her as an artist. That's called objectifying yourself. There's a difference between showing skin and showing off your body and objectifying yourself.

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    We live in a patriarchal society. You can't exactly "not subscribe". She's making the statement that her music and her mind come second to her body. That's a statement that's easily transmitted to young girls. And that makes it dangerous. How women are represented in the media has a profound impact on how girls do in school, what goals they make for themselves, and how they choose to value themselves.

    I'm pretty sure you can "not subscribe", or at least be actively fighting your subscription by refusing to pay the bill and sending back the magazines.

    I think we are being trolled here. :flowerforyou:

    And BTW. Your effin' chocolate donuts are causing ME to sin in my heart. :angry:
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member

    I love crass!

    Bach took tavern tunes and made cantatas. Mozart's greatest opera is about a rapist/murderer, and it's a comedy.

    It's so damn predictable for the older generation to think of the next one as breaking all the rules and so much worse than before.


    I'm 32, dude. And Mozart was never on primetime far as I recall... but, I think a lot of the ideas just come from people who aren't exposed to a lot of that stuff....

    I'm 34.

    Hate to break it to you man, we are old.

  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    NO. Just NO.

    If she wants to stick her tongue out all the time, she should at least brush it.
    Just looks nasty.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Personally, I think people are being way to judgmental and harsh towards Miley. She's an adult, she's legal, just leave her alone. Is she hurting you? No. Just shut up, you all sound like catty highschool girls the way you go on about her.

    Yes, she is an adult. But she is being self destructive by selling herself like she is. I like to call women out who encourage men to view us as objects.

    Says the woman showing plenty of skin in her pictures...

    She's not doing it to sell albums. Miley has been using her body as if it's the only thing that defines her as an artist. That's called objectifying yourself. There's a difference between showing skin and showing off your body and objectifying yourself.

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    We live in a patriarchal society. You can't exactly "not subscribe". She's making the statement that her music and her mind come second to her body. That's a statement that's easily transmitted to young girls. And that makes it dangerous. How women are represented in the media has a profound impact on how girls do in school, what goals they make for themselves, and how they choose to value themselves.

    I'm pretty sure you can "not subscribe", or at least be actively fighting your subscription by refusing to pay the bill and sending back the magazines.

    I think we are being trolled here. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But I sincerely feel a woman should not be ashamed to use her sexuality in any way she likes, including for a living.

    This is just a bunch of people whining that someone else is not fitting their expectations for how other people should act, going as far to invent reasons it is "dangerous".

    And it's also pretty damn typical, this "look at the crazy youngsters" thing. Look at what Cato had to say about Julius.
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member
    Personally, I think people are being way to judgmental and harsh towards Miley. She's an adult, she's legal, just leave her alone. Is she hurting you? No. Just shut up, you all sound like catty highschool girls the way you go on about her.

    Yes, she is an adult. But she is being self destructive by selling herself like she is. I like to call women out who encourage men to view us as objects.

    Says the woman showing plenty of skin in her pictures...

    She's not doing it to sell albums. Miley has been using her body as if it's the only thing that defines her as an artist. That's called objectifying yourself. There's a difference between showing skin and showing off your body and objectifying yourself.

    Yeah. A difference.

    Just not a relevant one unless you subscribe to patriarchal mores.

    IMO I think class is the issue for me now. I don't mind skin, or sexuality, but I can't stand crassness...even from people/musicians I actually LIKE...

    You just dissed the entire genre of Punk. This makes me sad.

    Well, I've never been a HUGE punk fan, but that has more to do with music, than the actual "crassness" of it. And I AM a fan of plenty of bands who have had their crass moments (Marilyn Manson, NIN, etc)... (albeit likely not on prime television with children watching...) but, I can still like the music without liking certain behavior. I just think Miley's act was all crass with no point (or talent)
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 569 Member

    I'm 34.

    Hate to break it to you man, we are old.


    If you say so. Should I just get out my walker and Depends now? lol (It has also occurred to me the irony of feeling like I am SO tired of reading about this little B, and yet I am wasting time on a thread about her. lol)
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I think it's ridiculous the way people are freaking out. She's not doing anything Madonna Kesha gaga ect haven't done but some how people lose their **** when she does it. Madonna simulated *kitten* on stage and made out with Britney ... Totally cool... Gaga wears a meat dress and imitates people with disabilities in one of her videos.. Totally cool. Miley tweerks and sticks her tounge out everyone freaks. It's kinda funny
    Well, I think one of the problems with Miley's act was this was not an act people paid money for, purchased tickets, and knew what they were getting into. This was for an awards show, on at prime time, when many people watch with children, and those people were sort of blindsided by the "inappropriateness" of Miley's act.

    Yes, there have been plenty of shocking acts from other musicians (arguably at least most of them had more talent, lol) but it doesn't belong on Primetime.

    I have to say, as a parent I wouldn't watch music videos with my children. Most music videos are just not appropriate and they play them all day long, not just at primetime. My remote control also has a button to change the channel so that if something I don't want my kids to see comes on I can change it.

    I think people are making too big of a deal out of it. Now the next young female start will have to push the boundaries even farther to garner the amount of attention Miley is receiving.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    i don't know if this had been said yet because percocet, but in response to the comparison to Madonna...NO.
    Not even close as far as I am concerned.
    Madonna oozed sex, and IMO her videos and the way she used her sexuality cant even be touched by miley by a long shot.
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    Let me think ........ NOPE I Hate her Trashy ACT!!!!! :huh:
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    I don't like Miley, but I can't lie, the "We Did Stop (the government)" parody on SNL was wonderful.

    Personally, I think Miley comes across as irresponsible and immature, and I don't care for her music. Sure, everyone does dumb things at that age (I should know), but most of us are lucky enough to *not* be in a media spotlight. She is. The question isn't whether being provocative is "right" or "wrong"; the question is whether someone thinks that Miley's act, specifically, is worth their attention and/or support.

    I guess what I'm getting at is: I don't think she's any worse than the rest of us because she acts the way she does, but I'm just not a fan.

    However, Miley taunting Sinead O'Connor on Twitter was childish and disgusting. Mental illness isn't a joke.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But I sincerely feel a woman should not be ashamed to use her sexuality in any way she likes, including for a living.

    This is just a bunch of people whining that someone else is not fitting their expectations for how other people should act, going as far to invent reasons it is "dangerous".

    And it's also pretty damn typical, this "look at the crazy youngsters" thing. Look at what Cato had to say about Julius.

    Here's where I think you don't get it. I bartend topless. I am in favor of legalizing prostitution. I have no issue with a woman using her sexuality for profit. But there's a difference between being empowered and being objectified.

    If you'd like further reference, there's a wonderful film entitle Miss Representation that has lots of information (scientific, political, historical) as to why sexualization of women in the media has a negative impact on women as a whole. You have to able to see the big picture. It's not about policing her sexuality. it's about the underlying social impacts.

    Edit: Ooops. Forgot to finish my thought. But too tired to make an argument right now.
  • I think she should go back to being Hannah Montana, Party in the USA is my workout song for LIFE lol