Miley Cyrus...



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I think that she could have transitioned from "innocent" to "sexy" in a much better way.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    NO. Just NO.

    If she wants to stick her tongue out all the time, she should at least brush it.
    Just looks nasty.

    I hope she never trips while sticking out her tongue. That's a good way to lose a tongue, or severely mangle it.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    I don't like Miley, but I can't lie, the "We Did Stop (the government)" parody on SNL was wonderful.

    I couldn't help but keep thinking "and I bet she doesn't even know what they're talking about". It was wonderful because the writers for SNL are wonderful. Her impression of Palin was unimpressive. She's not in school and from what I can tell being a child star didn't really leave time for much of an education. It was a funny skit but it made me a little sad thinking about if Miley actually understands the concept of the GOP or what the reasoning behind the government shutdown was.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    There's no such thing as bad publicity.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But I sincerely feel a woman should not be ashamed to use her sexuality in any way she likes, including for a living.

    This is just a bunch of people whining that someone else is not fitting their expectations for how other people should act, going as far to invent reasons it is "dangerous".

    And it's also pretty damn typical, this "look at the crazy youngsters" thing. Look at what Cato had to say about Julius.

    Here's where I think you don't get it. I bartend topless. I am in favor of legalizing prostitution. I have no issue with a woman using her sexuality for profit. But there's a difference between being empowered and being objectified and there's

    If you'd like further reference, there's a wonderful film entitle Miss Representation that has lots of information (scientific, political, historical) as to why sexualization of women in the media has a negative impact on women as a whole. You have to able to see the big picture. It's not about policing her sexuality. it's about the underlying social impacts.

    And that's not the only side to feminism. Not sure why you would assume I am ignorant or trolling. I sincerely disagree, and am well informed.

    I have an opinion that is in conflict with yours. I don't see evidence for social harm here. And I also think she's playing her culture like its an instrument, and I find it interesting and thought provoking. Sort of a performance art. And I love the way she lays on themes of innocence and debauchery by reminding us all that we knew her as a child. She's an adult now, and every adult was once a child.

    I think the prudish attacks are the real danger to women.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    You have to give her props on a great figure, beyond that, If I never saw her again in my life, I would feel no loss.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    All Miley has done is show the world how immature she is, especially with her childish response to Sinead's letter. She's young and she's stupid. But then again, who hasn't been young and stupid? :laugh: Hopefully she'll grow out of this phase and focus on making good music instead. And hopefully everyone will stop focusing so much on still bothers me how much backlash Miley is getting for her actions and how little Robin Thicke is getting. As a grown man in his 30s, Robin Thicke deserves most of this negative attention from the public, not practically-still-a-child Miley. There's so much sexism in all of this that it makes me sick. :sick:

    And also: The objectification of women, whether done by others or by the woman herself, is NOT feminism or women's liberation or anything like that, it's SEXISM. Plain and simple. If you think it's liberating for women to walk around naked and portray themselves primarily as sex objects and nothing more, then you've been duped by the media. A century ago, women were expected to know their "place": they were homemakers, nothing more, and their value came primarily from satisfying men by being a good wife, mother, and homemaker. Today, women are still expected to know their "place," except that this "place" has changed a bit: today a woman's "place" is to be a sex object and her value comes primarily from satisfying men by fulfilling their sexual needs. A hundred years later and a woman's value still comes primarily from satisfying men. A woman's value doesn't come from how men feel about her...THAT'S SEXIST. And anyone who illustrates that idea, that a woman's value is based on how sexually satisfying she is to men, is encouraging sexism, NOT liberation.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But I sincerely feel a woman should not be ashamed to use her sexuality in any way she likes, including for a living.

    This is just a bunch of people whining that someone else is not fitting their expectations for how other people should act, going as far to invent reasons it is "dangerous".

    And it's also pretty damn typical, this "look at the crazy youngsters" thing. Look at what Cato had to say about Julius.

    Here's where I think you don't get it. I bartend topless. I am in favor of legalizing prostitution. I have no issue with a woman using her sexuality for profit. But there's a difference between being empowered and being objectified and there's

    If you'd like further reference, there's a wonderful film entitle Miss Representation that has lots of information (scientific, political, historical) as to why sexualization of women in the media has a negative impact on women as a whole. You have to able to see the big picture. It's not about policing her sexuality. it's about the underlying social impacts.

    And that's not the only side to feminism. Not sure why you would assume I am ignorant or trolling. I sincerely disagree, and am well informed.

    I have an opinion that is in conflict with yours. I don't see evidence for social harm here. And I also think she's playing her culture like its an instrument, and I find it interesting and thought provoking. Sort of a performance art. And I love the way she lays on themes of innocence and debauchery by reminding us all that we knew her as a child. She's an adult now, and every adult was once a child.

    I think the prudish attacks are the real danger to women.

    If you really think that her new act is "thought provoking" I do believe your looking too hard and giving a 20 year old woman-child too much credit.

    Prudish. Well that's new. It's hardly prudish to not want to see someone hump a foam finger on live television. But that's just me.

    You come off as uninformed because you have absolutely no proof that it has no negative impact. You just keep saying that. I've provided reasoning for my argument. If you would like I'd be happy to provide plenty of sources supporting my ideas. So far you have really done nothing but state your opinion.
  • _Emma_Problema_
    _Emma_Problema_ Posts: 261 Member
    All Miley has done is show the world how immature she is, especially with her childish response to Sinead's letter. She's young and she's stupid. But then again, who hasn't been young and stupid? :laugh: Hopefully she'll grow out of this phase and focus on making good music instead. And hopefully everyone will stop focusing so much on still bothers me how much backlash Miley is getting for her actions and how little Robin Thicke is getting. As a grown man in his 30s, Robin Thicke deserves most of this negative attention from the public, not practically-still-a-child Miley. There's so much sexism in all of this that it makes me sick. :sick:

    And also: The objectification of women, whether done by others or by the woman herself, is NOT feminism or women's liberation or anything like that, it's SEXISM. Plain and simple. If you think it's liberating for women to walk around naked and portray themselves primarily as sex objects and nothing more, then you've been duped by the media. A century ago, women were expected to know their "place": they were homemakers, nothing more, and their value came primarily from satisfying men by being a good wife, mother, and homemaker. Today, women are still expected to know their "place," except that this "place" has changed a bit: today a woman's "place" is to be a sex object and her value comes primarily from satisfying men by fulfilling their sexual needs. A hundred years later and a woman's value still comes primarily from satisfying men. A woman's value doesn't come from how men feel about her...THAT'S SEXIST. And anyone who illustrates that idea, that a woman's value is based on how sexually satisfying she is to men, is encouraging sexism, NOT liberation.

    All of this. :heart:
  • Pinkee33
    Pinkee33 Posts: 769 Member
    I think I'm developing a crush on Miley. Mostly because everyone is hating on her, partially because I might be attracted to damaged goods.....

    Or is her in vid, "wrecking ball!" LMAO
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    All Miley has done is show the world how immature she is, especially with her childish response to Sinead's letter. She's young and she's stupid. But then again, who hasn't been young and stupid? :laugh: Hopefully she'll grow out of this phase and focus on making good music instead. And hopefully everyone will stop focusing so much on still bothers me how much backlash Miley is getting for her actions and how little Robin Thicke is getting. As a grown man in his 30s, Robin Thicke deserves most of this negative attention from the public, not practically-still-a-child Miley. There's so much sexism in all of this that it makes me sick. :sick:

    And also: The objectification of women, whether done by others or by the woman herself, is NOT feminism or women's liberation or anything like that, it's SEXISM. Plain and simple. If you think it's liberating for women to walk around naked and portray themselves primarily as sex objects and nothing more, then you've been duped by the media. A century ago, women were expected to know their "place": they were homemakers, nothing more, and their value came primarily from satisfying men by being a good wife, mother, and homemaker. Today, women are still expected to know their "place," except that this "place" has changed a bit: today a woman's "place" is to be a sex object and her value comes primarily from satisfying men by fulfilling their sexual needs. A hundred years later and a woman's value still comes primarily from satisfying men. A woman's value doesn't come from how men feel about her...THAT'S SEXIST. And anyone who illustrates that idea, that a woman's value is based on how sexually satisfying she is to men, is encouraging sexism, NOT liberation.

    Not one word in there considering whether the woman showing herself is deriving pleasure from it. But bravo on identifying the total sexism inherent in the reaction to Miley and not robin thicke.

    If a woman finds me pleasing, and I show myself off to her, I derive pleasure from being objectified. Why is that ok, but it's not ok for a woman?

    As far as I can tell she appears to be enjoying herself. I know I would be.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    she's cool.... she just sux at the twerk.....
  • dianeb613
    dianeb613 Posts: 121 Member
    I think it's ridiculous the way people are freaking out. She's not doing anything Madonna Kesha gaga ect haven't done but some how people lose their **** when she does it. Madonna simulated *kitten* on stage and made out with Britney ... Totally cool... Gaga wears a meat dress and imitates people with disabilities in one of her videos.. Totally cool. Miley tweerks and sticks her tounge out everyone freaks. It's kinda funny

    Not everyone LOVED Madonna's act or Lady Gaga's meat dress, etc. I think Miley Cyrus is overdoing it and she did more than stick her tongue out.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member

    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But I sincerely feel a woman should not be ashamed to use her sexuality in any way she likes, including for a living.

    This is just a bunch of people whining that someone else is not fitting their expectations for how other people should act, going as far to invent reasons it is "dangerous".

    And it's also pretty damn typical, this "look at the crazy youngsters" thing. Look at what Cato had to say about Julius.

    Here's where I think you don't get it. I bartend topless. I am in favor of legalizing prostitution. I have no issue with a woman using her sexuality for profit. But there's a difference between being empowered and being objectified.

    If you'd like further reference, there's a wonderful film entitle Miss Representation that has lots of information (scientific, political, historical) as to why sexualization of women in the media has a negative impact on women as a whole. You have to able to see the big picture. It's not about policing her sexuality. it's about the underlying social impacts.

    Edit: Ooops. Forgot to finish my thought. But too tired to make an argument right now.

    So it's not okay to be objectified in the media, but it is okay to be objectified at the bar where you work? Or is it wrong to be empowered in a live performance, but okay to be empowered on a smaller scale? If she is comfortable with the image she is projecting and is feeling empowered by it, who are we to judge that?

    For the record, I see nothing wrong with you being a topless bartender and I also think prostitution should be legalized. I'm just curious where the lines are drawn and who gets to draw them. I'm a "to each there own" kind of person, myself.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member

    If you really think that her new act is "thought provoking" I do believe your looking too hard and giving a 20 year old woman-child too much credit.

    Prudish. Well that's new. It's hardly prudish to not want to see someone hump a foam finger on live television. But that's just me.

    You come off as uninformed because you have absolutely no proof that it has no negative impact. You just keep saying that. I've provided reasoning for my argument. If you would like I'd be happy to provide plenty of sources supporting my ideas. So far you have really done nothing but state your opinion.

    I have no proof there is no flying purple spaghetti moon monster either, but luckily rational people don't believe things just because they can't prove they aren't true. You've provided "reasoning" but no underlying evidence.

    I was not keen on the VMA performance because it seemed poorly rehearsed, but her publicity stunts are neat.

    And of course I'm just stating my opinion. Just like you. If that's a crime, we're both guilty.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Open letter to Miley from sinead o'connor, worth the read

    Personally, I'm getting more of a crush on Sinead O'Connor... and if she's not "damaged goods" nobody is.

    As for Miley Cyrus, people have been making "sexy Hannah Montana" jokes for years (that google search will return MFP now) and she's trying to cash in on it. I doubt there's anything more to it than that.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    All Miley has done is show the world how immature she is, especially with her childish response to Sinead's letter. She's young and she's stupid. But then again, who hasn't been young and stupid? :laugh: Hopefully she'll grow out of this phase and focus on making good music instead. And hopefully everyone will stop focusing so much on still bothers me how much backlash Miley is getting for her actions and how little Robin Thicke is getting. As a grown man in his 30s, Robin Thicke deserves most of this negative attention from the public, not practically-still-a-child Miley. There's so much sexism in all of this that it makes me sick. :sick:

    And also: The objectification of women, whether done by others or by the woman herself, is NOT feminism or women's liberation or anything like that, it's SEXISM. Plain and simple. If you think it's liberating for women to walk around naked and portray themselves primarily as sex objects and nothing more, then you've been duped by the media. A century ago, women were expected to know their "place": they were homemakers, nothing more, and their value came primarily from satisfying men by being a good wife, mother, and homemaker. Today, women are still expected to know their "place," except that this "place" has changed a bit: today a woman's "place" is to be a sex object and her value comes primarily from satisfying men by fulfilling their sexual needs. A hundred years later and a woman's value still comes primarily from satisfying men. A woman's value doesn't come from how men feel about her...THAT'S SEXIST. And anyone who illustrates that idea, that a woman's value is based on how sexually satisfying she is to men, is encouraging sexism, NOT liberation.

    Not one word in there considering whether the woman showing herself is deriving pleasure from it. But bravo on identifying the total sexism inherent in the reaction to Miley and not robin thicke.

    If a woman finds me pleasing, and I show myself off to her, I derive pleasure from being objectified. Why is that ok, but it's not ok for a woman?

    As far as I can tell she appears to be enjoying herself. I know I would be.

    In your bar example, you're probably not really being objectified, you're simply being lusted after. (And let's be honest, I think everyone enjoys being lusted after by someone they like! :wink: :laugh: )

    Maybe you're misunderstanding what objectification is? Objectification is not looking at someone sexually, fantasizing about them sexually, or wanting to have sex with them. That's just lust and objectification is far more than simple lust. Objectification is the idea of seeing a person primarily as an object, an object that essentially has no value or purpose other than to satisfy someone else's specific need, and not as a multi-faceted person. Our society is already rampant with messages telling men that women are simply things meant to please them and nothing more. When a woman portrays herself in a way that essentially announces to the world "All I'm good for is sex," she's supporting these messages and making people (especially men) perceive her as nothing but an object whose only purpose is to satisfy them sexually. Even if the woman enjoys all of this, that still doesn't change the fact that she's encouraging men to see her not as a person, but as a THING.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    if it makes you feel better I think I have a girl crush on her. I like her music and the girl can really twerk it.....just sayin'.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    It amazes me how the people who condemn, criticize, and even demonize her (and other similar celebrities) don't realize the poor image that they themselves are projecting in the process.

    "I hate her, she's awful, she's ugly, she has no talent, she is the problem... see how good of a person I am?"

    I am also surprised that anyone actually believes she is some stupid, childish, naive, bimbo, who just doesn't understand how she is being exploited and having her life ruined by all the evil horrible people around her.

    The truth is she knows exactly what she is doing, she has been planning, plotting, and preparing for this phase of her career since she was a little kid. She is a savvy business woman who knows exactly how to mirror and amplify current popular culture to maximize exposure and sales.

    Personally I have nothing but respect for the girl and hope she continues to achieve her goals, I wish her nothing but the best.

    But what can you say... haters gonna hate and convince themselves doing so makes them better than the person they are hating on. I feel bad for people who can only build themselves up by beating others down.